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Traffic Conference Area 2 (TC2)

1. Europe

Albania (AL)

Algeria (DZ)

Andorra (AD)

Armenia (AM)

Austria (AT) MIE

Azerbaijan (AZ)

Belarus (BY)

Belgium (BE)

Bosnia Herzegovina (BA)

Bulgaria (BG)

Croatia (HR)

Cyprus (CY)

Czech Republic (CZ)

Denmark (DK)

Estonia (EE)

Faroe Islands (FO)

Finland (FI)

France* (FR)

Georgia (GE)

Germany (DE)

Gibraltar (GI)

Greece (GR))

Hungary (HU)

Iceland (IS)

Ireland, Rep. Of (IE)

Italy (IT)

Latvia (LV)

Liechtenstein (LI)

Lithuania (LT)

Luxembourg (LU)

Macedonia (MK)

Malta (MT)

Moldova, Rep. Of (MD)

Monaco (MC)

Morocco (MA)


Netherlands (NL)

Norway (NO)

Poland (PL)

Portugal (PT) including Azo and Madeira

Romania (RO)

Russia in Europe (RU)

Switzerland (CH)

San Marino (SM)

Serbia (CS)

Slovakia (SK)

Sweden (SE)

Tunisia (TN)

Turkey (TR)

Ukraine (UA)

Slovenia (SI)

Spain, including Balearic and Canary Islands (ES)

United Kingdom (GB)

Within Europe, you will also find other commonly used sub-groups such as:

 European Common Aviation Area (ECAA) and related states (29): Austria, Belgium,
Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary,
Iceland, Republic of Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Malta,
Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland,
United Kingdom

 European Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) (13) Austria, Belgium, Finland, France,
including French Territories and Monaco, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg,
Netherlands, Portugal, Slovenia Spain.

 Scandinavia: Denmark, Norway and Sweden

Effective January 1, 2008, Estonia and Cyprus become Members of EMU

2. Africa:

Africa is subdivided further into regions such as:

 . Eastern Africa composed of Burundi (BI), Djibouti (DJ), Eritrea (ER), Ethiopia (ET), Kenya
(KE), Rwanda (RW), Somalia (SO), Tanzania (TZ) and Uganda (UG)
 . Southern Africa composed of Botswana (BW), Lesotho (LS). Mozambique (MZ), South
Africa (ZA), Namibia (NA), Swaziland (SZ)
 Central Africa composed of Malawi (MW), Zambia (ZM), Zimbabwe (ZW)
 Libya or Libyan Arab Jamahiriya (LY)
 Indian Ocean Islands consisting of Comoros (KM),Madagascar (MG), Mauritius (MU),
Mayotte (YT), Reunion (RE), Seychelles (SC) LAD

 Western Africa consisting of Angola (AO), Benin (BJ), Burkina Faso (BF), Cameroon (CM).
Cape Verde (CV), Central African Republic (CF). Chad (TD), Congo (CG). Cote d’Ivoire
(CT),Democratic Republic of Congo (CD), Equatorial Guinea (GQ).

3. Middle East

Lebanon (LB)
Bahrain (BH)
Oman, Sultanate of (OM)
Egypt (EG)
Qatar (QA)
Iran (IR)
Saudi Arabia (SA)
Iraq (IQ)
Sudan (SD)
Israel (IL)
United Arab Emirates (AE)
Jordan (JO)
Syrian Arab Republic (SY)
Kuwait (KW)
Yemen, Republic of (YE)

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