HSSRPTR - Plus One Phy Short Notes

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Fay. - | 4. ‘The basre fevers in nature — Qrovitahonal fora, Weak fore elechromag neh. fora, ond strony nudsay fore. The wealees pre - Gravitsbonal fore Me _shonges fra — Nudsay fora 2 Parallacc. method — Gus mdbed is Unite _ of bath 3) € D 1s used & Measure very Large. distanus| Laynt yor aeee im shan = 10m ‘ = ee ute 1496 X10 + uate par second = 2-08 x10°m Por suond ts dae largo ‘awe oF Janay te « Fg Ae pow urrem iy dL [Up Area Ae Tr? nussuvemw— of bra ff Femv | FA. xiole= AAT x10! v Y A b B DE sole = 4” xtovh + AAV xlooke + A® xoole | ¥ ™ - a Paineypl of homogeneity of dimentvons — To's prinuple ts used b& check da conedness of an eyuthon. Ty an aquahion fo be. wrred di dimensions on both sides must be same. | The Woof Wanificant dywres o-oso [200 128™ 23 a2 j b-oos00 = 2 | 12200m 23 4 123-00 = 57 }123000 mm =3 Using lou velouty we. graph davive. de equadrous of = mobion by wanroeest. Soaklondieg,_saeines Ovelouly dive rdakion [© Posilton-hnae selakon acl divplaawat | abe v= usa Ssubt+tbokt Volouby: v ” | vt_urs2as | Divplaunwat = Av-velou' re 4d -@NCs) s S= Vue Drsplaunwk—— Area op 0 +Area of A S aut +L(v-wt | Sve Bub (v-u) sab e Few Seut++ att | Za slope= AB Siz Z }[ vue. *e Geae a=V-us, HSS REPORTER VW aot urat] ‘wr hesrepoter om a7 %) 4) ©) “Ties og Bagh CD Man'mum Herp (H) Po - 2 Average velouly Tastantanumus velou'hy Ay lou'hy = sual Ore vow of a pattds aba mee wes Dimes va anstoud nay tt vasieeaba nines ¥ vel [v= = ly de Ut Dt—>o avery velouly buonus equal ins tombe weows velouly The slope. of porihon tina. graph gins velou'y . Th slope. of vay = din. graph gives accdavahion . Te area undey hy - brn. yeh gives dep loam . Perallelogrere leur _of vechy additions. | we vedhes ave tapresuated by dia. adjacent wvdis of a parallelogram , clo dia resaltat is givin by fla dagonal oF panalldeg row « Prajukls. Moken ye Oe Path of projet. %s ao parabola Wovigonkal tovaponsut Of— ga TiN vba ly eos is tah Ae Vurkical cenyponad UR

poi it~ beions ero Hoviqonkal Range (R) Ss ub ttat? iieut =a a8 Ru Henjoekl wou O= aepeTLiT -uwgnto = a x Tae R= uwsex 2usine ubinw sine Ts 137 utente = = 29H c eon Ra [*~se20) US e206, we) In Praja mohen ae song ts ~ woxtmam =] O=4Ss° 6) Th. * ts sarm. fy omgts of proyedan GO amd Qo- -c) © stig Guupormt of vdouly — Ucosa VtKeal comport of vdodh awn . (4) AR de beeghh hig hes - pow hov! zontal componmh = ucoser verked wmponmh = O Cusbyipeel_acdarebon (0%) Quo actdardkon eaperimdced by a body moving in uray path alo dowards dul cone of cid long. Ha. radius vs cde cuuripdal antlorahen - 12) Ruabon wrung lance) wale on ov ny hy : v= Sy velouly z te O a Ong = OY rodins, ao = Ay RK d7= R40 —sa® stlashhikvy ( in @ ® a Ros. when AE—S0 13) Newly Laws of Melon _ , Fh lem (Law of Tnka) !— Evy body ankinus io its, state OF wst— or uwhim — mole along a S beou'g We lw , unless compe [led by an extyrnsl unbodlanad foru . Stond Law Ou rate of haw. of rnomuthum of a body fs diredly Poprhowal t dhe applied foe. ome dtu of momentum dukes lau. in dia. divehron of hy Fede Tornd_ Lae = gee eng adkien bh IS an egal ael . J opponle veackon . 14) Even though adyen aud *eachon are. equal amd opporife_ Cau dx vot Scand each offer because dts achon ack on mney amd Yeathen op amothy body is) Dertve Fama | Law ob Lensaaitn ot | Trapulse — rromudurn Fade iWioy Mom m vinuple oe | Pande — x%_d mv = 4er a: Fx m qe | Yrdb ade FX ma | Tmpuls = aang FEMS.) than Gta onbvinal dre. oe og ema mabhory (5) on pli pn , mronuulum —Yunatns Sata i Faget voad banked axwed 16) Cav moving on a bd Car _ravving om a Pane —4 senatemek | iy a above. hn . N shyly Owe, ts callod banking gw yaduces frretion, Wweay oad bear he ™y N=wq- do. mv>_so re Bak f. = HsN =pamg subsk tuk) mn O seg = mv y Rosa = + sno +™4 Vaps 79 Rwse — f wre = *3 —2O =Jpsvg Reine +f uso = mv> —3s@ S wo lve 73 (Aetna. HSS REPORTER =F Fo . Ser ly peeo te. Tum fe ne birch 1) Wovk ~ ene: Goren ’ Oa ak da bo Oa ne = Loma = 2asx Ke, — KE, = mas At_poink ft xim ya Em fs equal fo dtu chan ge of. kane OKE = Fas One Ww WATE = deatgi fo RC Law of ab anergy a daly felling body ~ i of conservehion of oMengy fyy a daly felling bool Pes nagh Ak poiwke & Ab poi & PE=0 —> PE= mg (h-%) fee mae? 8 =O Pea my = mg —3O ya, = Pe+kKe Ke=—tmvo veo | LS est 2a Ke = mg 2 >® TE = mgh - mg rc mng 2c TE = mh — 2m ye wg Pays -s 19) Derive. Me rdlabten eannath Torque. amd omgatay ruanenhey Law of conseyvalion © f- angular ze dh Paoraaabawy — = ——_ iE gad ular momentum Jn yap oe te | tm ae dpe di = da xp + THAP Lawn it er as Wlun extemal torque. aching 09 a = Veme + xe q a a system 1s gevo , the a momentum -yaraiVs comatrouy— : dL =O 4+ 4KF Who 2a = Torque =, velo of dha ° Zao, rw ont angular momentum | whan I moreases ren sao - | = _—____ Parallel anes theorems | Perpuabwlor oma | Momeuk of Tmevba fs » | Haorum | He rotational analoy | _* | of mass + CLP | | Moment of Inevha Tem] | ) min *[Radts of gyralin Cy) | | D=To+Ma | , Tame? 21) Toh KE oF a body rolling wr Howl slipping 4 Ke = Trmslabional KE + Rotebonal KE Ke =tmv + tre uF i+ feo Bub T=mk*- % % keeper Lie aa vytmk v2 Kea gmt mk a 22) Umvwsal Low of Grovitehin |F>= Anima v2 23) Kepler!s_dink law ie oan tee Keplews_ thivd, ving planuk- ruvolvy CHa Ph NAS” at Gla square. of pevied growkd tet sun im an) OW. Line. joining walls of tevolubon Oa ellypheal oxbi- wth du © way ae ae plane ts proporkenal sun ab om of the foci uals oF ie to cube of semi ~ of orbits) Aread velowk, oq planet Mer Sets Claw See wend welch, oe Bi at © 24) Aacelarako av 4) Aacelavabion 9" thy He ely ley on ee onpevienud body du to ae gravitabional pull of earth fs calls —accelaraljon du gravity Fa mg yng = Meo FeQMm RE RE 25) Variebin of g with Huykh | Vonrabron of og with dupt } a= cas —> 0 go MoM og | A M=-p ref (e+) | Ge axtemeey @ 4 2 Re | 3 ° 3 (Rehy | Re 3 }— 2h daSrRIG —7O hm SLL 2] | hee rE-DIa —® of decreas ho] OVdur OF F Sere io 84 = tr (RADSG @ValuL of g damensn prdle a “greta ou Bd = Rad @F 1 rasan at du surfac ob de whe Ot OF F, Yo nib y= 8 i wy Me oie. core (ot i aye aC garth R > ue: 26) Onbital vdou hy Ty ee TN ch | Qu. volowky with wld a satellie ie pisea velo uly ae which yuve! tks ob: fs ody fs be px 30 obit sul stath ol escapes ford! grav itahonal mv = GN fidd of earth is called escape Re vdauly She GMm a , [J 30 cm yh Pty = , ye 2p Ralabon = Scape eau hy om md aud at welnhy es 29 Penrod of a sobellie_ - v= 207 Jae Pursd @ T= Crum tar voce of abs b orbr hal vow 2) Genstahionary satellite Polar _sokel(ite— » Peviod of aeveluboa = 24 bes 2 ese ny SE mang D tk volves in west - east debe) a) Revolves in” north-south direction 3) Hayit of c peestabion eng salell te 3) Hut 00 — Fookm (3éxto™m) — 36000 km lu) Used fer Temole. Stnong 4) Used fbx mmuwahon 1 envivonmental studies - L y shuss - shrain prph ay) Hodkkels Law y as Withee wade. bvwit 2 er yiht p | 7 dur shus ts divecth proportional b> Sheate | whe SNeSs — wns shain cavstouh Is Modulus of slash eth. iW) - | © Meer anual st eabon — Hydvoulre bgt 3) Posed 's law | Qu. pressure epplred Fy _, Be on dosed fatd ly 4--= fs tromsmrHed tndimint = ~t--| Fata & woy pordyon of da tuck dad fy He walls a aap to FR) 32) Equahioo of tonbwuthy p> avi =o2ve oY Shoals _frirguka —> pee ea ee ra 25) Terminal _velouly : Ow. content= masynurm vilowhy acquired Dy Nseous flutd « a. body ee toe, Brough a Vv emMav = “ref 4 | v= Gas Bernoulli’s prinuple_- Ow. sum of pressure ony, kimbo vagy poteval —oxingy per unt volume of o Ireland is steady. Flow Tumors cwatmnk ee doniwa (Pi-Ps)V —>O change in KE, Awe = Lm (uit) fn Pe, OPe = mg (hi-hi) ® We DRE+4PE (PP) v= Lem(vatvit) +9 (ha-hy) (ft) = EPO + £3 Chehi) PR rEoyra fghi= Bab sueeSohs ai SE E a 3 $gh= a P+ +h > 3) Torricellt's law — spud of effluc + 3) ») 9 Ou velouly of efflux. of a Liqurd thvough a vee. synall hole. fs cot da velouly abtornad by a” fel galling ty a Surtawtanyon =a tupen fs dk properly of Tywd duc t whith it ads like shetchead membrane with a tudancy te vedua. dhe suvfau ated. =e sutfaw unin, S Exuss_ prusure. inode a | sph it dr re | Po Oy: Fore. Fa Oxtess pressure x ‘Ave | F = (Pp - Pel) at Werkdon, Wa FRAY wsa Dwe(h-r)4mkay—s@ —Pi-P = 2s lise >) 0 = yon Wovk daw = Sungate: Sancta n ag OO PioPo htg —s® DW SxeTy Ay —3@ hig = 2Susa Sxeny dr = (ti -f) GR Ar ¥ e+ k= a Exuss pressure ‘nods a bubble Conversion bom celsius t Kcelvin Conversion from cdasius b> Sohrunlwt Couhtruuh of weay wpomsion os Al a Methnds oy hat TAT fewde a Couftiuimrot aren panrion , o> AA _ ca Le convechon Radiabs 0 Coypiutu 8 volume apes, oy : Qe } 48) Newtoo'’s Law of Cag de. ati” of cooly is di-retly 4a 4s) propertoval fo tu. dafferumu. in Aumpuroture.behus4o due body omd its surrounds Oh “s wp dee kD Fivst- law op Thnrnody namics =| Zenoth Law ak Gunraody samires On Neat supped to a aphe SaaS ot fs Used {5 inuvense weet totth a dnd inkval onurgy amd ajith sepriailg y are. in Han equitbriur Suen Law of Hiedgramnes | Claweus woh Kelvin - Plank drotennuk— No prouss ts poswbl. whose No process 1's prstible. whose gol veoull ts da Nenstor sole. result 1s dw. abyorphor OF Weak from a colder Obyak~ of hak drm a reservoir oad | to a hotter objed— compli” wonvernen of heat — | nD” work | | Fao Guar af “Tuaperdhre_| Worle, Process tadgtaut— PUStont bagi ie) | Fite a ail wubaly Q=0 wes e re Soe NSPE a Cos SEEM at Peunstnh wn wee BUY Tebarre. Prrssuve— ne tie Ta prouss (ovo bot — (V2-v) at te Taochoric Voluvn— _ ~ . Tr, a prous wonoto w-0 auinal ony Wwovkdon is move muro a ‘an ddiabahic. | process | ee 8) ee Workdas mo an _veothernl | | Worbdow 19 an advabae prow s prowss 2 — | dw = PAV dw = Pav | We SP pay saat _Jpav—=O | “ pve cons faut te PY = PRT | ye Pek pa pet | we kt y "av vere. substi bubs in@ | fay we - 3 | 4 poral, a ||" ow (OD trirnal onpan con @ Advah abe. eapanc'od | © Teothanvd — compress09 eve (@ Adtabsbre, wovpresinon Ps, V5,Te) Tey tin Compression 48) Kinde theory Of gasee (ese Poshiabus > GRE BAS Ys @ colluhon OF Longs. Wo- of rmolwulsr , de malults one“ pertutly dash - 2. Oh gas moliules ave. always in Yowdom moh & During thur mobin dw roku collide with at ead other oud toi dhs. tons of containing vessel | + Ore, We. Of role fs yi ble. ad tp tho 4 atone putas mead Oo compan | s- Qs KE of wolukts %s proporkond bo obrlwe sponsors 4s an tdesh 44) Pressure of an Tass’ jas Prncon, tape | --->* Fnu. vdlouly lus S vo. componmt= only ax oh Onamys. of wrorauiurn of Ont mae tllrde in Ow mol = omy, ——sO Ou tt) woof rwolrwles | Pa -Lpmy | tollresag, wall = sk Av © 7 Total rwormntunn = 2mVoex 1a Aust) [Pa | Q= NMVoe AL | 2 Bru end = nmvzA Presite. Pa = OmVoe A 4a a 7 Pog. —1\ se) Dy ot Fudon Law ot ogparbhive ot Eun Duyrw of diudom os dhe Qu. bled KE of colt ts equally dividid ormong de daftvron dugras oh fedoe - wumbuy of indupunduvk- ws by whith q rwolule can pistes KE of- tromslaken , vetahen and vibyasoo - 3) Mono athonvic Drove ts - hu Pp aa ra OT Te TRL Owrrage. dtstome— i= Cys SR | trawelled by Hee moll Cpe SR eo | bdwun two succestive. 2 Ce = R| collisons T= dramdy ro 2 oy make | = fp a | Aa lo pment ek- c 3 d= Sez on™ |" Seen. Ss | er ur [_ es i = Peers s2) Ke of ges moll: Spud of dosh gas — rms ped posy parser nnnnemesate eestor py =k mv Ke =_2RT | 2 as > a _ t Pye g xiv dmv s_3_ RT Py = eS vrs SRT ™ = ne T ea oy [E =_2 ve = = a = * tf Ke XT w i. 7 p< v Pp < 0 Wo > w ; Srp be Mamwowic Moon — Duynken Ub fs a poxodic. momen 19 wd Ske vetting duu ts , wal to dypls ont als in Hw ddredly. proprste ¥p eel a dinates opposte. tr Abot— ot Deep uuha oguaken of SHIM [Bates] [Weak oy seme OJaa-gu) Realarao = — wry Ke = gmat ey] Pe= ma 4 re = emd* a) Page 12 Penind op. osuellaiton of ill co) Pend Ee oe ag pondakur) ye me | Fo -Kx 0 50 | Bua F ma 56) of = mas kx oe | Te mate + kx =0 cs dye Sema e | dhe y kb aw =O | qt ow | | Comapary wi th | a + wre = 0 | weak [oO | “™m / = at[m | : er = ud evens Partodtc osullabws of dumeaning =) Danped ssullesons duet or tne o4 inviaase 1p arplihde whe the x » Phursmumen ) Rewonsm ae . Se ce abel Fiequny of dud osu'llamn busmes 24 Arequon ot osallaloy - - Dajerwus beowe Tronswse wave and lowgihdnal voave Tromsmase. wave. Lea vay dwal oan 9 Parkes oF Ha medium vibrates 1) Parh Of de nudsum vibrate Prpudialay t= da druhen of — parallel fo Ho dinwhen of} pre ag ahon pre payaboo : 9 havds mm the form of vests Uk hand fo Me bm of. ond oe ie uondmsahens amd Yaretachins . ) u on polarised 2) LE Gamnoh be palarsed gee Light wowe, rodso wave) ays Sound wine ebvabns | mine wove L of tung Ark voaw os x- t+ Eapusicen bt _Progueswive. wow . ms owcll Wave. ale - yay a BN Ve. tye tans —» dentd = aw Nowe ow olong sve Baws —9 |Your) = a in (kxvate+$) whan k= a od [w= 20} oy Vo Voom 13° ped op ie hue wane y Newho!s pra Po pressure Nuwloo’s ~ Jopau. formula |v “Vr p ‘| a Fe hers, Sdomding, wowe. ov Slahonary vw auer Wokw two Waves Of Sarne. avaplihde amd — haguenuy, Avowelling, ‘nop orite. divecbon palluin vs call superimpose , da res uldamot— Slowed wane Aabnod G1 sawn (kx 0b) 1 2 : Yo aan (kx+dt) B= ey Ye " , Y = arin (kaw) +4 tin(katidb) [Y= 2am ks wsdl] heda- (wo is dee equakin det dowdy woe. Condibyoa ~ te Nyda tale bo phe Se Prplrhudi = reasuvon - ¥ Stn m WH ko = 0 see DQawsinko = mam ka = OT ae mkx = | kx = (+) T NON) WF--¥ imam VL VyEVy 1821 2

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