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Once Upon a Time in a Whale Sanctuary

ed two stories that changed his life forever. At ten

years of age, Watson was living in a fishing village
Once Upon a Time in a called St. Andrews in Canada, a place known for

Whale Sanctuary its beavers. Sadly one day, he understood that all
the beavers had disappeared; the excess hunting
of trappers made him angry, and he decided to do

something. His first eco-adventures started when
istening to Paul Watson is a beautiful expe- he decided to free animals from the traps and de-
rience in life. It’s easy to be captivated by an stroy these ambushes. At Greenpeace, by the first
old gray-haired man telling a story about years of the organization in 1975, Watson was 24
the oceans and how he and his non-governmen- years old when one of the most memorable mo-
tal organization, the Sea Shepherd Conservation ments of his life occurred. He was with Bob Hunt-
Society, are trying to combat the power of evil by er, another co-founder, in the coast of Eureka,
saving whales. During a skype conversation at California, when they decided to ride a small boat
TEDxNoosa, he never breaks the flow showing in front of a 150-foot Soviet harpoon vessel. Their
confidence and knowledge about everything that purpose was to impede the hunting action by put-
intensifies his cause. His speech is a constant call ting themselves between the harpoon and a group
to action with the intent to have more people in- of whales. Unfortunately, the captain from the big
volved in this heroic ideal. Some of his phrases boat paid no importance to their actions and gave
are powerful thoughts expressing the importance orders to shoot. That moment could have been
for what he called “laws of ecology” and these the last day of their lives; they were in a critical
are: diversity, interdependence and biological re- position when the harpoon was shot and it nearly
sources. He goes deep in this reality by saying that hit them before reaching one of the whales. Wat-
“we are simply eating the oceans alive” referring son explains “She screamed and rolled over in a
to the use of 40% of fish taken from the seas to fountain of blood. [...] As I looked into that eye, I
feed chickens and satisfy the meat industry. To saw something which really changed my life. [...]
Brita Belli in the discontinued E-Magazine, Paul (the whale) could have killed us but she chose not
refers that plastic pollution, heavy metal pollu- do so, so I feel personally indebted to that whale.
tion or acidification are other big threats to the That’s one of the reasons I’ve dedicated my life to
ecosystem; but meanwhile his biggest concern is protecting whales” (Shapiro 51-52).

the fight from Sea Shepherd against Japan, the
n fact, all of this uncompromising compassion
country where eating whale meat maintains a tra-
shown by Paul Watson is the keystone habit
dition even if these species are close to extinction.
necessary to provoke changes in others patterns.
Nevertheless, everything that characterizes Sea
Keystone habits are explained by Charles Duhigg
Shepherd reflects principles imposed from him,
in the book the Power of Habit as the skill to “relies
highlighted by an uncompromising compassion;
on identifying a few key priorities and fashioning
making them so effective establishing important
them into powerful levers” (101). In the book, Paul
positive habits to the conservation of this planet.
O’Neill is the man behind this keystone habits

P aul Franklin Walter, a 65 year old Canadian,

was born to make the difference with his in-
terventionist methods targeted to change the na-
and the change of the perspective inside the Al-
coa company. In this corporation, workers dealt
with heavy metal material problems, and when
ture of the fishing industry. The events of his life O’Neill turned a CEO, he understood sooner that
showed how particular he was; and in a conver- by establishing a strong safety habit, he could
sation with the author Michael Shapiro for the boosted the efficiency he was looking for to take
Earth Island Journal back in 2010, Watson narrat- the company to the success (98-101). In the Sea I
Once Upon a Time in a Whale Sanctuary

Shepherd, safety is a smaller concern compared feels the obligation to do this job. At TEDxNoosa
to the keystone habits promoted by Watson since Watson claims, “we have to protect our oceans. If
his early days. Those habits are characterized by the oceans die, we die. We don’t live on this plan-
an evident compassion that helped Paul Watson et with a dead ocean” concluding “we’re doing
to establish Greenpeace, Sea Shepherd, and gen- this for the benefit of all future generations and
erate ideological change around his heroic ideal. all species, and if we don’t win, everybody loses”.

W atson co-founded Greenpeace in 1970, with These actions are not only instruments to meet
the objective to fight against nuclear test- pragmatic needs, they are expressive and essen-
ing in U.S.-Canadian border (Belli 22), but quick- tial to create social and political change; and for
ly they saw themselves in other missions around Watson, whales are the most important species in
the globe. The excessive passion from Watson in our oceans (Stuart, Thomas, Donaghue, 753).
interventionist actions set him in a confrontation
position inside the organization (Belli 22) and in
1977, in a mission by his hand, after they sank a
T he Institute for Cetacean Research (ICR) is a
Japanese organization created with the sup-
port of Japan government. Claimed as a “unique”
whaling ship in Iceland, he was considered an group, “specializing in biological and social sci-
embarrassment to the organization for being ences related to whales”, they argue that part of
“reprehensible and irresponsible” (Shapiro 52). As their activities serve to examine the consumption
a consequence, Watson left Greenpeace and since of fish by whales, with the romantic goal to im-
then they’ve been collecting insults from one prove the maritime resources management of all
side to another. Greenpeace says that Paul Wat- living species (Overview). Using the article VII
son is violent and an eco-terrorist. He responds from the International Convention for the Regu-
by saying that the “bear witness” that character- lation of Whaling as a defense backup, they claim
izes Greenpeace in fact is cowardice, a contrast that “whale research programs are processed and
to the bravery characterized by Watson. For him, sold within Japan under guidance of the Japanese
Greenpeace is a submissive organization while government and the proceeds of the sale are used
Sea Shepherd is an interventionist organization. to cover a portion of the research costs” (Over-
He does what he does for whales and other crea- view). Although, it’s strange that from 2005 this
tures of the sea calling them his clients (Shapiro country has published only two scientific journals
53). Although, both are against Japan and illegal related to whales. The fishing tradition is big and
industries. for some Japanese citizens, ending this tradition

W ith the uncompromising compassion al- is killing the culture; for some reason, the truth
ways present in his personality, Watson is revealed when facts tells that Japanese govern-
didn’t took too much time, and founded Sea ment subsidizes with around $10M per year, as
Shepherd in 1977. His main mission to combat shown in data from the International Fund for
Japanese whaling vessels in the Antarctic Whale Animal Welfare (Hinckley).
Sanctuary (Stuart, Thomas, Donaghue, Russell
753), and quickly this organization turned into the
number one world’s enemy to Japan. They argue
T here’s an international discussion about this
topic and in 2014 the advance was meaning-
ful when Australia (with a later support from New
that Japan is violating international laws from the Zealand) took Japan to the International Court of
International Whaling Commission (IWC) by go- Justice (ICJ). Later, ICJ found that Japan had vi-
ing in the sanctuary and killing hundreds of this olated three provisions of the International Con-
species every year. Japan says that all of the hunt- vention of the Regulation of Whaling (ICRW):
ing is for scientific purposes, and because almost “the moratorium on commercial whaling, the ban
any country is opposed to Japan, Sea Shepherd on factory ships, and the prohibition on whal- II
Once Upon a Time in a Whale Sanctuary

ing in the Southern Ocean Sanctuary” but Japan the helicopter blade movement, sounds from the
refused the decision and continues arguing the sea, the waves and the wind, or radio communi-
Article VII “for purposes of scientific research” cations. Besides that, in the organization main
(Plant 40-41). All this short success was gained website there’s a merchandising of clothes and
with the perseverance from Sea Shepherd and different types of accessories; there’s a blog with
how this movement created an alarm discussion updates about their missions; and also very im-
worldwide; and well-adjusted to their effective portant, social media is always an active tool with
success is the propaganda promoted by the TV new events and it’s a place where the fans can give
show, Whale Wars, on the Animal Planet channel. a close support; Paul Watson also has books about

W hale Wars is probably the biggest growest him and the organization.
contributor for the movement created by
Sea Shepherd; being the representation for all W hale Wars shows what international gov-
ernments apparently can’t see. During
the actions established by this organization in the many years several governments joined to plan
whale sanctuary. This TV show pretends to doc- different regulations, and defend places in the
ument the interventions of this organization in world that are not in the territory of a single coun-
the Antarctic Sea by showing how they fight the try. Most of these places are oceans. The pretext
Japanese whaling vessels. It follows Shepherd’s was to work for the conservation, as well as es-
missions, winnings and failures. By watching to tablish rules for those who navigate, especially
the series it’s easy to forget that everything it’s real. to regulate safety and fishing activities. Some of
Whales are an important member in the cast but this regulations are present in the United Nations
all the drama happens between humans (Robé Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), the
96). Japanese elements are the villains who play Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts
a mysterious unseen character because they are Against the Safety of Maritime Navigation (SUA),
filmed just from a zoom lenses, just from the Sea the Convention of the International Regulations
Shepherd’s ship. In the Shepherd’s cast different for Preventing Collisions at Sea (COLREGS) or
actors could represent different actions, but Paul the International Convention for the Regulation
Watson is the one who plays the main role. He’s of Whaling (ICRW); but for Sea Shepherd, all of
the patriarch who assumes the command of the these regulations are harmless sentences because
structure (Robé 100). He’s the wise old man that almost any country can effectively prevent other
it’s always ready to fight, despite being always countries to fulfilling the law. For different occa-
calm advising his pupils. sions, Watson affirms that when politicians get to-

E verything started in 2007 when Animal Planet gether, they don’t decide or improvise anything in
was looking for a new series with human-in- the benefit of this planet. He argues systematical-
terest stories to raise the station viewers. In 2008, ly, that political and economical interests are big-
the actually series was in air to the public eye and ger, and the multiple questions about the conser-
in twelve months, the audience from the channel vation of the oceans stays always in a second plan.
increased fifteen percent and it turn this the most- That’s why many single activists and non-govern-
watched show on internet (Robé 94). Whale Wars mental groups introduce this issues into the mass
series on TV rolls an important detail that gave to media discussion and allow the general popula-
Sea Shepherd almost all the influence they have tion to understand and contest their governmen-
today. But there’s more. In 2013, they launched an tal elite. If this happens in a bigger scale, they are
unique interactive website called “Blood and Wa- automatically changing the habits from govern-
ter” where the viewer can feel all the environment ments and how they look to this green causes.
created on the series; there’s ambient sound from III
Once Upon a Time in a Whale Sanctuary

I n the consequence of the extreme actions from

Sea Shepherd, ICR accused them from pira-
cy, one of the oldest crimes in the international
of this illegal fishing tool. Driftnets were famous
for being effective for the industry in terms of the
quantity of fish taken in the nets. Although, this
criminal law (Honniball 1), and taking them to technique showed completely destructive for the
the Ninth Circuit, a Federal Court with appellate oceans and in 1992 the UN banned and turned it
jurisdiction over district courts. Piracy is defined illegal (Operation Driftnet). Many vessels still use
by UNCLOS as the “illegal acts of violence or de- this technique, especially in a time where in the
tention, or any act of depredation, committed for oceans there’s less fish quantity, and the necessi-
private ends by the crew or the passenger of a pri- ty to make money is bigger than the preservation
vate ship [...] against another ship, or against per- concerning.

sons or property” (Alien). Although, as in many his is the negative cycle that Sea Shepherd
discussions in universal jurisdiction, many laws are pledging to change. Today the movement
still undefined and unclear. Like the understand- created by Paul Watson is bigger enough to live in-
ing of what is “private ends” in the international dependently under the command of his captains.
crime and how many countries can interpreted it To add to that, Sea Shepherd is supported by a
in a different way. For one side, could be advocate mass movement where just on Facebook, they
that “private ends” means a political direction and collect almost one million followers. Spreading
motivation. For another, there’s a different view his bravery shown by his uncompromised com-
saying that “private ends” stands for public goals. passion principles, Paul Watson always knew that
However, countries struggle to define “public” to change ecological habits he needs to surround
and all this discussions winding up in a conver- Sea Shepherd with public support because that’s
sation without end (Honniball 3-4). For US Court the only way they can face the governments and
of Appeals, acts of piracy done for private ends the industry turning their business an economic
are “public” and could not be considered “taken failure, leading this hunting traditions to the real
on behalf of a state”, but for Sea Shepherd “the extinction.
(supreme) court ignored a wealth of authority
that indicates its interpretation of ‘private ends’ is
erroneous--and [...] is not ‘universally’ accepted”
(Honniball 4-5). The judgement ended in a par-
adox and the Court recommended the case to be
assigned to a different judge.

E verything looks complex and bureaucratic in

the politicians world, but for Sea Shepherd
and Paul Watson everything is simple. Simple as
motivate a group of people to enter into a ship
and go travel around the world, make themselves
look as heroines who fight the bad guys. Nowa-
days, Sea Shepherd has campaigns to prevent
bluefin tuna in Mediterranean Sea, campaigns to
protect dolphins in Japan and Solomon Islands,
and dozens of campaigns around the world to
protect seals, sea lions, turtles, sharks, reefs, etc.
One of their most recent campaigns it’s called
“Operation Driftnet” where in the South Indian
Ocean they are trying to expose the consequences IV
Once Upon a Time in a Whale Sanctuary

TEDx Talks. “If our oceans die, we die | Captain Paul Watson
| TEDxNoosa” Online video clip. Youtube, 25 Jun. 2015. Web.
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Belli, Brita. “Defender Of The Seas.” E: The Environmental
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Blair, Gavin. “Japan’s ‘scientific’ whaling season delayed, Sea
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Rutherford, Stephanie. “Captain Paul Watson: Interview
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Shapiro, Michael. “Paul Watson.” Earth Island Journal 25.3
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Stuart, Avelie, Emma Thomas, Ngaire Donaghue and Adam
Russell. “’We May Be Pirates, But We Are Not Protesters’:
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Monitor Dec. 2015: N.PAG. Academic Search Premier. Web.
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The Necessity of Legal Clarity in Relation to Violent Politi-
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“Campaigns”. Sea Shepherd Conservation Society. Sea
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