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1. Liza says, Give me 10 minutes to recall the name of our college professor who failed many students in our anatomy class. She is operating on her: A. Subconscious B. Conscious C. Unconscious D. Ego 2. Situation: A 30 year old male employee frequently complains of low back pain that leads to frequent absences from work. Consultation and tests reveal negative results. The client has which somatoform disorder? A. Somatization Disorder B. Hypochondriaisis C. Conversion Disorder D. Somatoform Pain Disorder 3. Situation: A nurse may encounter children with mental disorders. Her knowledge of these various disorders is vital. When planning school interventions for a child with a diagnosis of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, a guide to remember is to: A. provide as much structure as possible for the child B. ignore the childs overactivity. C. encourage the child to engage in any play activity to dissipate energy D. remove the child from the classroom when disruptive behavior occurs 4. A client is admitted with needle tracts on his arm, stuporous and with pin point pupil will likely be managed with: A. Naltrexone (Revia) B. Narcan (Naloxone) C. Disulfiram (Antabuse) D. Methadone (Dolophine) 5. She tearfully tells the nurse I cant take it when she accuses me of stealing her things. Which response by the nurse will be most therapeutic? A. Dont take it personally. Your mother does not mean it. B. Have you tried discussing this with your mother? C. This must be difficult for you and your mother. D. Next time ask your mother where her things were last seen. 6. In the management of bulimic patients, the following nursing interventions will promote a therapeutic relationship EXCEPT: A. Establish an atmosphere of trust B. Discuss their eating behavior. C. Help patients identify feelings associated with binge-purge behavior D. Teach patient about bulimia nervosa 7. The nurse develops a countertransference reaction. This is evidenced by: A. Revealing personal information to the client B. Focusing on the feelings of the client. C. Confronting the client about discrepancies in verbal or non-verbal behavior D. The client feels angry towards the nurse who resembles his mother. 8. Malingering is different from somatoform disorder because the former: A. Has evidence of an organic basis.

B. It is a deliberate effort to handle upsetting events C. Gratification from the environment are obtained. D. Stress is expressed through physical symptoms. 9. Situation: A young woman is brought to the emergency room appearing depressed. The nurse learned that her child died a year ago due to an accident. The initial nursing diagnosis is dysfunctional grieving. The statement of the woman that supports this diagnosis is:

demanding, arrogant talked fast and hyperactive. Initially the nurse should plan this for a manic client: A. set realistic limits to the clients behavior B. repeat verbal instructions as often as needed C. allow the client to get out feelings to relieve tension D. assign a staff to be with the client at all times to help maintain control 13. The nurse exemplifies awareness of the rights of a client whose anger is escalating by: A. Taking a directive role in verbalizing feelings B. Using an authoritarian, confrontational approach C. Putting the client in a seclusion room D. Applying mechanical restraints 14. Which of the following statements is true for gender identity disorder? A. It is the sexual pleasure derived from inanimate objects. B. It is the pleasure derived from being humiliated and made to suffer C. It is the pleasure of shocking the victim with exposure of the genitalia D. It is the desire to live or involve in reactions of the opposite sex 15. The client jumps up and throws a chair out of the window. He was restrained after his behavior can no longer be controlled by the staff. Which of these documentations indicates the safeguarding of the patients rights? A. There was a doctors order for restraints/seclusion B. The patients rights were explained to him. C. The staff observed confidentiality D. The staff carried out less restrictive measures but were unsuccessful.

A. I feel envious of mothers who have toddlers B. I havent been able to open the door and go into my babys room C. I watch other toddlers and think about their play activities and I cry. D. I often find myself thinking of how I could have prevented the death. 10. The client said I cant even take care of my baby. Im good for nothing. Which is the appropriate nursing diagnosis? A. Ineffective individual coping related to loss. B. Impaired verbal communication related to inadequate social skills. C. Low esteem related to failure in role performance D. Impaired social interaction related to repressed anger. 11. Which is the highest priority in the post ECT care? A. Observe for confusion B. Monitor respiratory status C. Reorient to time, place and person D. Document the clients response to the treatment 12. Situation: A 27 year old writer is admitted for the second time accompanied by his wife. He is

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