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Africa in the World:

Historical Perspectives



Paragraph writing


• This assessment is designed to assess your ability to read, interpret, analyse

and synthesise information from historical sources into a paragraph.

• You must choose and answer TWO paragraph questions.

• Each paragraph should be one coherent paragraph consisting of 15-20 lines.

This means there should be no skipped lines within the same paragraph, as
this would constitute an essay.

• Pay close attention to the structure of your paragraph; the first sentence
should outline your main idea or argument.
Then, explain or elaborate on the main idea or argument in a few sentences.
Use specific names of places, people, dates and events as examples to
support your main idea.
And finally, your last sentence should re-emphasise the main idea.

• A well-written paragraph should be clear and easily understandable, with

good grammar, spelling and punctuation. It should also answer the questions
‘who’, ‘what’, ‘when’ and ‘how’, and show the cause and effect of a historical
event or concept.

• Consult your HSY1511 Study guide (Learning Units 1, 2 & 3) and other
relevant sources to answer the questions. Ensure that you acknowledge the
sources by providing at least one in-text reference per paragraph. Please
consult TUT301 for further guidelines on referencing.

• Number your answers according to the numbering system in this question

paper and submit your answer file in pdf format.

• Please read the questions carefully and pay attention to mark allocation.

• Plagiarism will not be tolerated. Your paragraph must be paraphrased (in

your own words) and not plagiarised.

• Please complete a bibliography at the end of your assessment and complete

the plagiarism declaration, which you can find in Tutorial letter 301.

• Marks for this assessment will be allocated as follows:


Ability to focus on the core aspects of the question 1

Ability to formulate an opinion and present your own argument 1

Ability to select relevant information from the documents and 2

express it in your own words

Ability to interpret and synthesise content from various sources 6

to support the argument.
Note: This aspect is crucial. It carries more marks than all
other aspects of this assessment.

Total 10

Paragraph questions.

Answer any two of the following questions in 15-20 lines each (maximum of 250
words per paragraph)

1. Discuss how Sarah Baartman became a symbol of ideas of race held by

Europeans in the 19th century and how this promoted racial and gender
2. Define the term Ubuntu and discuss its role in European exploration in the
19th century.

3. Discuss how Archaeology has enriched history writing in Africa with reference
to Great Zimbabwe as an example. 10

4. Analyse how ideas of the Enlightenment in the 19th century led to the
abolition of slavery. 10


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