fLabourLaw IIApril202380

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4015/5067/6027/7027 Il Semester 3 Year LL.B/VI Semester 5 Year B.A.LL.B. (Maj-Min.-System)/B.B.A.LL.B/B.Com.LL. Examination, March/April 2023 (Dec. 2022) LABOUR LAW -I Duration : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 20, Instructions: 1. Answer all five Units. Q.No. 1. Q.No. 1 Q.No. 1. Q.No. 1. ») ») 2. One Essay type question and short note/problems Is ‘compulsory from each Unit. 3. Answer should be written either in English or Kannada completely. UNIT=1 Explain the salient features of Sexual Harassment of ‘women at workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013. Marks : 10 Seid ayo, sbuwadort gone ached (de, dakeg abe ‘mpdim) soy, 20130 gab rbreesrorivet, AON, ORIeg Discuss the salient provisions of Inter-State Migration of, Workers Act, 1979. Marks : 10 woxdong, slot moored mol, 1979 5 aos, erostaociridey, tra, Bonded labour. Marks : 6 eed move’. ORMeg Vishaka V State of Rajasthan. Marks :6 Bm V mI oH, Pr0. 4015/5067/6027/7027 2 jt UNIT=1 Q.No. 2. a) Explain the salient features of Payment of Gratuity Q.No.2. a) Q.No.2. b) Q.No.2. b) Act, 1972, Marks : 10 MAhY romeb epdads, 19720 Jao rorooggaridsy, aio, OR egise Explain the concept of Bonus. How it can be calculated 2. Marks : 10 Hora oh skit, aoxo, ack alet adrovenrbys 7 Ram aged 13 year is working in glass factory. He was made to work for more than 6 hours without intervalby his employer. He was also made to work between 7 p.m. to ‘8.a1m. to complete the work. The boy was not ented for weekly holiday. Examine the liability of the employer. crab cow sOhedse cabag med met mamedtobd, fost ncbych eat anoedd aimee mbqosd Sonabous edb roti’ me Sdoed dent stnarbepd aba ons, aerarttoenen oct 7 dott wt 8 rotate fox change merit mmed cdots, ataochd eantadayoy, ahead dorimotana O8ak OR/eg Mr. Ram was working in company due to certain reasons he was retrenched. He claimed his gratuty on retrenchment as itis termination of service. Can he claim 2 ‘aad coud orb domioabe, dew simebgch, tony sedtarieccan wad Aectobet, Reditoeng mp ues Decdleeon doechaget coabort 7m akyes akdcbtodys ay ssetobe? Marks : 6 Marks : 6 Q.No.3, Q.No.3. Q.No. 3. Q.No.4, Q.No. 4. a) a) ») a) a) ey 4015/5067/6027/7027 UNIT =I Elucidate the objectives of the Child Labour (Prohibition land Regulation) Act, 1986. Marks : 10 mmominrd (furcd abe Daboyes) epradad, 19860 worgeerivel, BeDed000. OR/egse Explain the development of child labour abolition and regulation legislation in india. Marks : 10 ULE, momiord qs dabared abey Dadgorly amaria early ewiseirtobety aston Reasons for child labour in India Marks : 6 weed, momar’ ada moc, OReRs Write a note on regulation of concitions of work of children Marks : 6 ogi, tem Dodaersbad sideyrly (sions) Dadegeog Fowophded tales wdonso, UNIT-IV Discuss the mode of recovery of money due from the Employer under EPF Act, 1962. Marks : 10 APES GOR 8D eORads, 19620 waabd, RReetood emt ache wrdah, Been ataden abst Appatidah, duran, OPegem Define contribution. Examine the aw relating to Contribution by the employer and employees undo" Employees Provident Fund Act, 1952. Marks : 10 Hottaneh, myRDA, 1952d Goa, OH eBohadacdy, Bnoeed marke weaIrvOed sos wwf adbss mesa, worea 4015/5067/6027/7027 4 Q.No. 4. b) Q.No.4. b) Q.No.5. a) Q.No.6. a) Q.No.5. b) Q.No.5. b) Maternity Benefit Act, 1961. Marks : 6 aot Pox, mol, 1961. OReni= Maternity leave. Marks : 6 aon ok uNIT-Vv Explain the registration procedure and authorities: under Kamataka Shops and Commercial Establishments Act, 1961 Marks : 10 seorted woriarivy mk apedogrid mE mols, 1961 dace, Aetodes god se mOMUTINE, 2080. OR/em=s Define ‘unorganised worker and discuss the administrative mechanism, its composition and powers under the Unorganised Workers Social Security Act, 2008. Marks : 10 ‘emcaness denimd ati ayn toyed mart mooinetd Gog rmoly, 2008 dacbd, ecked Sai, exit Hooton Shay epmdsy ook. Objectives of Special Economic Zones Act, 2005. diel wpre Ream OBOE, 2005 o ev One Write a note on hours of work and annual leave with wages under Kamnataka Shops and Commercial Establishments Act, 1961. Marks :6 tered eoriarkd abd meine mt mot, 1961 cacnog tex ep mrke spare sidadiocond Clord soeach Helps exotoo. Marks 6

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