Victory Questionnaire

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Department of Library and Information Science

Faculty of Education,

Ambrose Alli University Ekpoma,

Edo State Nigeria.

Dear Respondent,

I am a final year student of the Department of Library and Information Science, Ambrose
Alli University Ekpoma, Edo State. I am carrying out a research on ‘awareness and utilization of
interactive technology for effective service delivery by librarians in selected university libraries
in Edo State”. I will be grateful if you fill out the attached questionnaire. All information
provided will be used with utmost confidentiality.
Thanks for your anticipated co-operation.

Yours faithfully

Onuwabhagbe Victory Oseahumen

You are expected to tick (√) in the appropriate box in section A and Section B.

1) Sex: male [ ] female [ ]

2) Age (in years): 25 – 34 [ ], 35 – 44 [ ], 45 – 54 [ ], 55 - above [ ]
3) Working Experience: 1 – 10 [ ] 11– 20 [ ] 21 and above [ ]
Section B:
Level of awareness of interactive technology among librarians in selected university libraries in
Edo State

Very High Level (VHL), High Level (HL), Low Level (LL), Very Low Level (VLL).

S/N Level of awareness VHL HL LL VLL

1 digital catalogs and databases

2 interactive whiteboards or smartboards

3 interactive polling

4 virtual reality (VR)

5 augmented reality (AR) technology

6 touchscreen kiosks or interactive displays

7 collaborative online platforms

8 online learning modules

9 audience response systems (ARS)

Section C:

Ascertain the means of awareness of interactive technology among librarians in selected

university libraries in Edo State

SCALE: Strongly Agree (SA), Agree (A), Disagree (D), Strongly Disagree (SD).

S/N means of awareness SA A D SD

1 Through professional Development Workshops and

Training Programmes
2 Through conferences and Conventions

3 Through online Resources and Webinars

4 Through professional Literature and Journals

5 Through collaboration and Networking

6 Through peer Learning and Knowledge Sharing

7 Through institutional Training Programs


Types of interactive technology used by the librarians in selected university libraries in Edo State

SCALE: Yes (Y), No (N)

S/N Types of interactive technology Y N
1 digital catalogs and databases

2 interactive whiteboards or smartboards

3 interactive polling

4 virtual reality (VR)

5 augmented reality (AR) technology

6 touchscreen kiosks or interactive displays

7 collaborative online platforms

8 online learning modules

9 audience response systems (ARS)


Purpose of use of the interactive technology by the librarians in selected university libraries in
Edo State

SCALE: Strongly Agree (SA), Agree (A), Disagree (D), Strongly Disagree (SD).

S/N Purpose of Use SA A D SD

1 I used interactive technology for enhancing library

instruction and information literacy sessions.
2 I used interactive technology for creating engaging
multimedia presentations for library events or workshops
3 I used interactive technology for facilitating virtual
reference services and online consultations with library
4 I used interactive technology for integrating into library
orientations and tours to enhance user experiences.
5 I used interactive technology for developing and delivering
online tutorials or training modules for library users.
6 I used interactive technology for creating collaborative
spaces or virtual study environments within the library.
7 I used interactive technology for collecting feedback and
assessing user satisfaction with library services.
8 I used interactive technology for promoting library
resources and services through digital signage or interactive

Extent to which interactive technology are utilized by librarians in selected university libraries in
Edo State

Very High Extent (VHE), High Extent (HE), Low Extent (LE),Very Low Extent (VLE).


1 digital catalogs and databases

2 interactive whiteboards or smartboards

3 interactive polling

4 virtual reality (VR)

5 augmented reality (AR) technology

6 touchscreen kiosks or interactive displays

7 collaborative online platforms

8 online learning modules

9 audience response systems (ARS)


Perceived benefits for using interactive technology by the librarians in selected university
libraries in Edo State

SCALE: Strongly Agree (SA), Agree (A), Disagree (D), Strongly Disagree (SD).

S/N Perceived benefits SA A D SD

1 Interactive technology helps in enhancing engagement and

active learning among library users.
2 Interactive technology promotes effective communication
and collaboration among library staff and patrons.
3 Interactive technology facilitates access to a wider range of
library resources and services.
4 Interactive technology enhances information literacy
instruction and research support provided by the library.
5 Interactive technology improves the efficiency and
effectiveness of library operations and management.
6 Interactive technology increases user satisfaction and
overall library experience.
7 Interactive technology enables personalized and tailored
services to meet the diverse needs of library users.
8 Interactive technology fosters innovation and creativity in
delivering library services and programs.


Challenges of the use of interactive technology by the librarians in selected university libraries in
Edo State

SCALE: Strongly Agree (SA), Agree (A), Disagree (D), Strongly Disagree (SD).

S/N Challenges SA A D SD

1 Inadequate or outdated technological infrastructure

2 Limited financial resources allocated to technology

acquisition and maintenance
3 Resistance to Change by librarians

4 Inadequate technical support

5 Difficulty integration with Existing Systems

6 Inadequate training and support to library users

7 Security and Privacy issues

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