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2, MARCH/APRIL 2017 855

Emerging Power Quality Challenges Due to

Integration of Renewable Energy Sources
Xiaodong Liang, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—Renewable energy becomes a key contributor to our tent. Therefore, adapting power grids to operate reliably with
modern society, but their integration to power grid poses signif- renewable energy sources can be very complicated. How to
icant technical challenges. Power quality is an important aspect increase flexibility and reliability, improve energy efficiency,
of renewable energy integration. The major power quality con-
cerns are: 1) Voltage and frequency fluctuations, which are caused and power quality for tomorrow’s smart grid are important
by noncontrollable variability of renewable energy resources. The considering the potential huge investment over next decades
intermittent nature of renewable energy resources due to ever- on maintaining and expanding power grid to accommodate
changing weather conditions leads to voltage and frequency fluc- renewable energy generation.
tuations at the interconnected power grid. 2) Harmonics, which It was recognized that grid-connected renewable power
are introduced by power electronic devices utilized in renewable
energy generation. When penetration level of renewable energy is
generation would introduce power quality issues to power grid.
high, the influence of harmonics could be significant. In this pa- From renewable energy side, renewable generation is nondis-
per, an extensive literature review is conducted on emerging power patchable and intermittent with high fluctuations due to varying
quality challenges due to renewable energy integration. This paper nature of renewable energy resources. As penetration level of
consists of two sections: 1) Power quality problem definition. Wind renewable generation increases over time, such high fluctua-
turbines and solar photovoltaic systems and their power quality
issues are summarized. 2) Existing approaches to improve power
tions create serious power quality concerns. From power grid
quality. Various methods are reviewed, and the control-technology- side, the grid-side disturbances, such as voltage sags caused by
based power quality improvement is the major focus of this paper. short-circuit faults and frequency variations due to load and gen-
The future research directions for emerging power quality chal- eration change would interact with the interconnected renewable
lenges for renewable energy integration are recommended. energy sources, which create more complicated and uncertain
Index Terms—Electric energy storage, frequency control, har- operating conditions. Power quality, among many other factors,
monics mitigation, power quality, renewable energy integration, appears to be one of the most important aspects that could affect
voltage control.
the overall stability and reliability of tomorrow’s power grid [3].
I. INTRODUCTION Many research results about different power quality chal-
lenges and solutions due to renewable energy integration have
ENEWABLE energy such as wind turbines and solar pho-
R tovoltaic (PV) systems use natural resources and provide
desirable green energy. The penetration of renewable energy is
been reported. As smart grid attracts more attention from
academia and industry, there is an urgent need to summa-
rize existing approaches and technologies in order to better
increasing worldwide. It was reported in 2014 that wind, solar,
guide future research and engineering effort in this important
and biomass power plants provided 60% electricity generation
area. This paper aims to offer an extensive literature review
in Denmark; about 30% of electricity demand in Portugal was
on emerging power quality challenges due to integration of re-
supplied by nonhydropower renewable; Spain had 29% renew-
newable energy sources into power grid. This paper focuses on
able energy generation. The advancement in renewable energy
the control-technology-based power quality improvement in-
is exciting but also creates significant technical challenges to
cluding the virtual synchronous machine (VSM) method (also
power industry [1], [2].
known as virtual synchronous generator method) and the virtual-
Our traditional power-generation system is designed with
impedance-control method. The future research directions are
large centrally controlled power plants. Renewable energy,
also recommended in this paper, which highlight major areas
however, is distributed, independently controlled, and intermit-
with significant research potential.
This paper is arranged as follows: In Section II, power qual-
Manuscript received July 2, 2016; revised October 10, 2016 and October 12, ity issues related to integration of wind power and solar PV
2016; accepted October 12, 2016. Date of publication November 8, 2016; date
of current version March 17, 2017. Paper 2016-PSEC-0698.R2, presented at
generation are reviewed. The current start-of-art techniques for
the 2016 IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, Portland, OR, improving power quality using the control-technology-based ap-
USA, Nov. 13–16, and approved for publication in the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON proaches are summarized in Sections III and IV, principles and
INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS by the Power System Engineering Committee of the
IEEE Industry Applications Society.
applications for the VSM method for voltage and frequency con-
The author is with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineer- trol, and for the virtual-impedance-control method for harmonic
ing, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St John’s, NL A1B 3X9, Canada compensation are demonstrated in these sections. In Section V,
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
the electric energy storage is particularly reviewed; their role in
at power quality enhancement is discussed. Conclusions are drawn
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIA.2016.2626253 and future research directions are recommended in Section VI.
0093-9994 © 2016 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.

Authorized licensed use limited to: INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ROORKEE. Downloaded on September 02,2023 at 15:06:24 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

Usually a wind power plant can have two types of presenta-

tions in power system modeling: 1) single turbine presentation;
2) multiturbine presentation [4], [6]. The single turbine presen-
tation is considered sufficient for power system planning studies
by Western Electricity Coordinating Council (WECC) [6]. How-
ever, further studies in [4] indicate that a large wind power plant
should be modeled by multiple wind turbines, which represent
the unique characteristics of the location, turbine types, control
setting, and line impedances. In a multiturbine presentation, a
wind power plant is divided into several groups of wind turbines,
and the wind speed is considered uniform for each group. There
are smoothing effects for power and voltage fluctuation when
multiturbine presentation is used, which more closely represents
a real wind power plant [4]. The wind power plant representation
remains to be an active research area [6].
Regarding reactive power compensation, because Type-1 and
Type-2 wind turbine generators are induction generators, capaci-
tors are added at the generator terminals to correct power factor.
Several capacitor stages can be used to maintain steady-state
power factor close to unity over the output range of generators.
However, these generators do not have the ability to control
reactive power dynamically; static synchronous compensators
(STATCOMS) or static var compensators (SVCs) are usually
needed to achieve reactive power compensation in the collec-
tor system lines, transformers, and the point of interconnection
(POI). Type-3 and Type-4 wind turbine generators can either
absorb or generate reactive power, so each generator follows
a power factor reference that can be adjusted by a plant-level
supervisory controller dynamically in order to achieve voltage
control or reactive power control at the POI. Faster-acting con-
trols local to the generator can override the power factor refer-
ence to avoid exceeding converter current and terminal voltage
Fig. 1. Wind power plant: (a) general configuration [5]; and (b) more detailed limits. Depending on individual wind power plant design, addi-
typical topology [6]. tional reactive power support equipment may be added to meet
connection reactive power control and voltage ride-through re-
quirements especially for weak interconnections [6].
B. Solar PV Power
Grid-connected solar PV power can be generated by either
A. Wind Power
solar PV power plants or residential or commercial PV sys-
Wind power is produced by wind power plants. In the begin- tems. Solar PV power plants are large-generation facilities, and
ning of wind energy development, the size of a wind power plant some of them exceeding 100 MW. These large-power plants
was small ranging from under one megawatt to tens megawatts. are connected to transmission systems. However, most PV sys-
In the past 40 years, its size has increased significantly [4]. tems are residential (up to several kilowatts) and commer-
Wind power plants around the world had an estimated in- cial scale (up to several megawatts) connected to distribution
stalled capacity of 159 GW and produced 273 TWh of electric- networks [7].
ity in 2009. This number includes both onshore and offshore Solar PV systems had 22 GW of global capacity and generated
wind. The integration challenges presented may differ between 20 TWh of electricity in 2009 [5]. It is stated in [5] that though
onshore and offshore wind power, specifically for special trans- solar PV generation capacity is much smaller than wind power
mission technologies for offshore plants. The offshore segment capacity, it is expected to grow at a faster pace than wind over
mostly located in Europe. Europe’s offshore wind capacity was the next several decades. By 2013, 138.9 GW of PV had been
4 GW at the end of 2011 [5]. installed globally, and the growth between 2009 and 2013 was
The general configuration of a wind power plant is shown in significant [8].
Fig. 1(a) [5]; a more detailed topology of a wind power plant The general configuration of a solar PV power plant is shown
is shown in Fig. 1(b) [6]. Comparing with the conventional in Fig. 2(a) [5], and a more detailed topology of a solar PV power
power plants, the wind power plants have significantly different plant is shown in Fig. 2(b) [7]. The topology for a residential
features, which are summarized in Table I [6]. solar PV system is shown in Fig. 3 [9].

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Conventional Power Plant Wind Power Plant

Topology One or a few large generating units, each unit could be rated at 40 to Typically hundreds of small generators deployed over a large area, each
1000 MW+ unit could be rated at 1 to 5 MW
Prime mover Steam, gas, hydroturbines, or combustion engines Wind turbines
Dispatch Dispatchable, maneuverable between maximum and minimum limits Nondispatchable, limited maneuverability (curtailment, ramp rate limit,
output limit)
Real power Units have speed governors and are typically capable of automatic Real power follows the wind speed variation
control generation control (AGC)
Reactive power Units are equipped with an automatic voltage regulator, typically set for Reactive power is managed at the plant level, through coordinated
control voltage control control of wind turbine control and/or plant-level reactive compensation
Location Located where convenient for fuel and transmission access Located where the wind resource is good, may be far from load centers
or strong transmission
Generator Synchronous generators Type 1—Fixed-speed, induction generator;
Type 2—Variable slip, induction generators with variable rotor
Type 3—Variable speed, doubly-fed asynchronous generators with
rotor-side converter;
Type 4—Variable speed generators with full converter interface, a
generator can be induction, synchronous, or permanent magnet generator.

Similar to wind power plants, WECC recommends a single- of wind and solar resources. A wind turbine needs wind to
generator equivalent model for PV power plants connected to generate electricity, and a solar PV system requires sunlight
transmission systems, which is considered to be adequate for to operate. When wind speeds and available sunlight vary, the
bulk-level power flow and dynamic simulations. For large num- output of wind and solar power generation varies accordingly.
ber of PV systems connected to distribution systems, the ag- The noncontrollable variability could result in voltage and fre-
gregated PV generation can be represented by an equivalent quency fluctuations on the transmission system. Such power
generator at a transmission bus, preferably behind an equiva- output fluctuation requires additional energy to balance supply
lent substation transformer and medium-voltage feeder [7]. The and demand of the power grid on an instantaneous basis and
solar PV power plant representation remains to be an active requires frequency regulation and voltage support [5].
research area [7]. The availability of wind and sunlight is partially unpre-
As shown in Fig. 2(b), large PV power plants typically have dictable. However, such unpredictability can be improved
medium-voltage radial feeders, and PV inverters are connected through improved weather and generation forecasting tech-
to these feeders via step-up transformers with several inverters nologies, which aim to predict weather and generation output
sharing one step-up transformer. Capacitors or other reactive from wind and solar resources more accurately at various
support might be present in PV power plants, and they work in timescales [5].
conjunction with the inverters to meet reactive power capability At a low penetration level, the power quality issue is at de-
and control requirements at the POI. Inverters have low short- vice and local grid level, and the solution is usually device spe-
circuit current contribution, high-bandwidth controls, and lack cific. At a high penetration level, the grid-level technologies and
of mechanical inertia; therefore, PV power plants do not have strategies are needed [3], [5]. It is vital to develop appropriate
inherent inertial or frequency response capabilities [7]. control architecture and technologies so that renewable energy
is able to take part in the regulation of future power systems in
an autonomous and responsible way.
C. Power Quality Issues
2) Power Grid Side: Another power quality issue that affects
Power quality issues for renewable energy integration re- renewable energy integration is due to power grid-side distur-
fer to: 1) voltage and frequency fluctuations, which are caused bances. The power grid-code requirements for grid-connected
by noncontrollable variability of renewable energy resources renewable power plants have experienced a continuous evolu-
and also by power grid-side disturbances, and 2) harmonics, tion in different countries to ensure a reliable power system
which are introduced by power electronic converters used in operation. According to several European grid codes, PV power
renewable energy generation. As defined by the IEEE Standard plants must be able to ride through specific disturbances without
929-2000, voltage, voltage flicker, frequency, and distortion are disconnections [11]. In 2014, thre IEEE Standard 1547a released
four major parameters used to evaluate the power quality in a new definition for the voltage sag trip settings that would al-
PV systems. Deviation from standard values for these parame- low the equipment to ride through during voltage sag. This new
ters represents out-of-bounds conditions. The inverter may be definition allows a distributed generation (DG) not to trip if the
required to ceases energizing utility lines in this case [10], [11]. duration of voltage sags is between default settings and maxi-
1) Renewable Energy Side: Wind and solar PV power gen- mum settings, and an agreement is met between the distributed
eration both experience intermittency due to a combination of resource owner and the local utility. The recommended settings
noncontrollable variability and partial unpredictability features from the IEEE Standard 1547a are shown in Table II [12].

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Fig. 2. Solar PV power plant: (a) general configuration [5]; and (b) typical topology with control systems [7].

A power quality survey for three Spanish PV power plants Table III [11]. It is found that 59% of the total recorded voltage
was carried out from 2008 to 2011 [11]. One PV power plant sags resulted in 0.8–0.9-p.u. residual voltages; another 20% led
had dual-axis trackers with 1-MW capacity, two fixed array to 0.7–0.8-p.u. residual voltage; while the rest more severe volt-
PV power plants had 4-MW and 5-MW capacities. Voltage age sags were distributed at various small percentages forming
sags were monitored using a commercial power quality ana- the total case.
lyzer, and collected at the 20-kV high-voltage side of the POI The control system for the PV inverter and energy storage
of the three PV power plants. The field measurements took system can be designed to improve voltage level during voltage
place from July 2008 to December 2011. Only PV power plants sags due to power grid-side disturbances, and, thus, improve PV
and their ancillary loads are connected to the POI during field power plants ride through capability. This can be one of promis-
measurements. The recorded 137 voltage sags are shown in ing future research directions for renewable energy integration.

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statistical features are classified by the use of three machine-

learning techniques: modular probabilistic neural network, sup-
port vector machines (SVMs), and least square SVMs [14].
The solar PV systems connected to the utility power grid do
not regulate voltage, but inject current into the power grid. The
voltage operating range for PV inverters is chosen for power
system protection that responds to abnormal utility conditions,
not for voltage regulation. When the current injection from PV
systems into the power grid has large quantity, they could im-
pact utility voltage: 1) if the PV current injection on a utility
Fig. 3. Typical topology for a residential solar PV system [8]. line remains less than the load on that line, the utility’s voltage
regulation devices will continue to operate normally; 2) if the
TABLE II PV current injection exceeds the load, the corrective action is
IEEE STANDARD1547A-2014 INTERCONNECTION SYSTEM RESPONSES TO required, because voltage regulation devices do not normally
have directional current sensing capability. The appropriate op-
erating interconnection voltage range for solar PV system can
Default Setting Maximum Settings Clearing Time: Adjustable
up to and including (s)
be set between 88% and 110% of the nominal voltage if no
Voltage range (% of Clearing Time operating voltage settings are specified by the IEEE Standard
base voltage) (s)
929-2000 [10].
V < 45 0.16 0.16 For a wind power plant power system, the IEC Standard
45 ࣘ V < 60 1 11 61400-21 recommends that the 10-min average of voltage fluc-
60 ࣘ V < 88 2 21
110 < V < 120 1 13
tuation should be within ±5% of its nominal value [15].
V ࣙ 120 0.16 0.16 1) Conventional Methods: The reactive power compensa-
tion is one effective method for voltage control. Based on ad-
vanced power electronic technologies and innovative designs,
the flexible alternating current transmission system equipment
can be applied to improve the capacity, stability, and flexibil-
ity of ac transmission, making it more capable of transmitting
Residual voltage, p.u. Duration, ms
large-capacity renewable generation. Thyristor-controlled series
0–100 100–200 200–400 400–600 > 600 Total compensators can be installed in transmission lines to reduce
electrical distance, increase damping, and mitigate system os-
0.8–0.9 36 29 5 4 7 81
0.7–0.8 4 6 6 2 10 28 cillation; a SVC, a STATCOM, or a controllable shunt reactor
0.6–0.7 2 2 0 0 3 7 can be shunt installed on substation buses to solve the reactive
0.5–0.6 0 1 6 1 1 9 power compensation and voltage control problems in renewable
0.4–0.5 0 1 0 0 3 4
0.3–0.4 0 0 3 0 0 3 energy integration [4], [5], [16], [17].
0.2–0.3 0 0 0 0 1 1 2) VSM Method: Conventional generation power plants can
0.1–0.2 0 0 0 0 1 1 maintain and regulate voltage and frequency during disturbances
< 0.1 0 0 0 0 1 1
total 42 39 20 7 29 137 because a synchronous generator stores large amount of kinetic
energy due to inertia and this kinetic energy can be released or
absorbed to compensate imbalance in electrical and mechan-
III. VOLTAGE AND FREQUENCY FLUCTUATIONS ical power of the generator [18]. In a power grid, large rota-
tional masses of synchronous generators can provide significant
In a power system, voltage variation is related to reactive
amount of inertia. When a frequency variation occurs in the
power flow, while frequency variation is determined by the
system, the inertial reserve of the power system counteracts the
rate of change in real power flow [4], [13]. The smooth-
initial frequency deviation before the primary reserve brings
ing of voltage and frequency fluctuations can, thus, be
the frequency back to a steady-state value [19], [20]. Power
achieved through the control of reactive power and real power,
electronic inverters as interface between renewable energy and
utility power grid are static without any rotational energy, which
leads to negligible inertia. Therefore, extensive usage of these
A. Voltage Control devices can reduce the equivalent rotational inertia of power
Ray et al. [14] present the classification of power quality grid. Low moment of inertia of power grid degrades frequency
disturbances caused by change in load and environmental char- stability because frequency is inversely proportional to the sys-
acteristics (such as change in solar insolation and wind speed). tem’s inertia, in this case, large frequency oscillations could
Various forms of voltage sag and swell occurrences caused by occur during severe disturbances [18], [21], [22].
such changes are considered in this study. Ten different sta- To solve this problem and enhance the power system sta-
tistical features extracted through S-transform are used in the bility, the VSM method was proposed in order to reduce volt-
classification step. The power quality disturbances based on age and frequency fluctuations and achieve renewable energy

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Fig. 5. Inertia emulation by VSM: (a) Block diagram for a VSM

implementation—Virtual inertia attained by a short-term energy storage [26],
[27]. (b) Virtual inertia attained by a swing equation of synchronous machines

Fig. 4. VSM method: (a) Fundamental concept [23]. (b) Active power and per unit power balance in the Laplace domain. A block diagram
reactive power flow due to variations on local induced renewable generation illustrating the swing equation used for implementing the VSM,
side (left) and voltage and frequency variation on the grid side (right) [23].
together with its interface to the rest of the converter control sys-
tem and to the electric power system is shown in Fig. 5(b) [28].
integration. This method was first introduced by Beck and Behaving the same as a synchronous generator, the VSM can
Hesse in 2007 as a new power electronics based approach. It handle active power and reactive power flow in both directions,
models grid-connected power-electronic-based renewable en- as shown in Fig. 4(b), it is caused either by variations from
ergy generators as an electromechanical synchronous machine. renewable generation side or by demands/ disturbances from
The fundamental concept of the VSM, real power, and reactive grid side [23].
power flow between the renewable energy source and power Chen et al. [25] show the VSM control enhances power qual-
grid through VSM is shown in Fig. 4 [23]. ity and grid stability for DG, which embodies a hysteresis con-
During the last decade, significant developments have been trolled three-phase inverter with a synchronous machine model.
made to operate power electronic converters as VSMs, which The VSM-based control is able to regulate active and reactive
offers a promising way for all distributed energy resources to power separately and bidirectionally by setting virtual torque
follow the same mechanism of conventional synchronous ma- and virtual excitation to meet the power system requirements.
chines. The principle of a VSM is based on combining advan- Furthermore, a virtual rotating mass is implemented in the VSM
tages of today’s dynamic power electronic inverter technology control in order to increase the inertia in the grid and improve
with those of static and dynamic operating properties of syn- the transient frequency stability similar to a conventional syn-
chronous machines. The goal is to control the grid-interface chronous generator. The virtual damping of the VSM control
converter of a distributed generator or an energy storage in such can reduce the frequency and power oscillation in the grid [25].
a way that it acts like a real synchronous machine [24], [25]. The combination of the reactive power compensation and the
The properties of synchronous machines are kept in this new VSM control is also investigated by researchers. A VSM-based
modeling approach, including the interaction between grid and STATCOM controller operating as a synchronous condenser is
generator, such as a remote power dispatch, reaction to tran- proposed in [24]. Virtual impedance and virtual inertia are im-
sients, and a rotating mass [23]. plemented in the proposed controller to make the STATCOM
The energy storage is connected to the renewable generation operate as a variable synchronous condenser. With virtual in-
side of the VSM in Fig. 4(a). The combination of renewable ertia, the STATCOM will naturally synchronize with the grid
energy and energy storage can change voltage, and, thus, can accurately if there is any change in the frequency without the
serve as the stator output of the VSM [23]. risk of losing synchronization. Virtual impedance can limit the
The rotational virtual inertia is a critical aspect of the VSM. harmonics produced by the converter itself and from the system,
It is recommended that the virtual inertia can be attained by where additionally negative-sequence impedance can be added
adding a short-term energy storage to any DG unit together with to enhance the response in case of unbalanced phase voltages
an intelligent control interface to the grid [26], [27]. The cor- exists in the system such as during asymmetrical faults. This
responding block diagram for a VSM implementation is shown VSM-based STATCOM controller is less sensitive to power
in Fig. 5(a). The emulation of the mechanical inertia effect can or voltage fluctuation induced by renewable energy sources
also be approximately represented by the synchronous machine or power grid with a better synchronization performance;

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Fig. 7. Frequency-droop controller for microgrids [28].

Fig. 6. Comparison of PCC voltage regulation performance between a VSM-

based STATCOM controller and a conventional cascaded dq frame STATCOM
controller when power fluctuates by 0.25 p.u. [24].

therefore, it can achieve an improved voltage regulation than

the conventional STATCOM controlled in the dq frame [24].
The comparison between a VSM-based STATCOM controller Fig. 8. Comparison of various concepts for VSM and droop controllers [28].
and a conventional cascaded dq frame STATCOM controller is
provided in [24]. The following features are demonstrated for a
VSM-based STATCOM controller. resulting from the droop controllers is given by the integral of
1) The Q–V control loop, which is used to regulate the mag- the frequency reference. The equivalence between VSM-based
nitude of the bus voltage at the point-of-common coupling and frequency-droop-based controllers is shown in Fig. 8 [28].
(PCC), has nearly 20 dB higher gain than the dq frame Miguel et al. [29] propose a self-tuning VSM method to
controller in the low-frequency range. This feature en- support dynamic frequency control in a diesel-hybrid power
sures a much better resistance against the PCC voltage system. This method controls the grid-interface converter of
variation [24]. an energy storage system to emulate the inertial response and
2) The VSM-based controller has a much smaller frequency the damping power of a synchronous generator. The self-tuning
range (about two decades) of negative impedance than algorithms are developed and used to continuously search for
the dq frame controller, it is a favorable feature which optimal parameters during the operation of the VSM control
indicates a more stable system [24]. to minimize the amplitude and rate of change of frequency
3) When the input power to the wind farm varies by 0.25 p.u., variations and the power flow through the energy storage [29].
the PCC phase–phase voltage is much better regulated Other frequency-control methods without involving the VSM
using a VSM-based controller as shown in Fig. 6 [24]. are also developed. For example, an application of supercon-
ducting magnetic energy storage (SMES) is utilized in [30] to
minimize output frequency fluctuations of a wind farm for an
B. Frequency Control
isolated power system. The SMES is a superconducting coil
The VSM method is mostly utilized for frequency control due that stores energy in the magnetic field generated by the dc
to its ability to add virtual inertia to control power-electronic current flowing through it. The SMES system can acquire a
device-based systems. rapid response to the fluctuations of the wind power by absorb-
Arco and Suul [28] demonstrate the equivalence between ing and releasing the energy. Due to this feature plus high effi-
VSM-based control and frequency-droop controllers. The ciency, high power density, and long life time, the SMES system
demonstrated equivalence links a single theoretical frame into becomes a preferable energy storage solution for wind power
these two well established concepts, which have been developed generation. The applications of SMES for wind farms include:
in separate contexts. 1) improve stability; 2) regulate the output power and voltage;
Droop-based schemes have become the preferred solution and 3) minimize the system frequency fluctuations [30].
for control of voltage-source converters (VSCs), which can en- The model of SMES unit consists of a delta-star transformer,
sure stand-alone operation and load sharing among parallel- an LC filter, a bidirectional voltage-source inverter (VSI), a
connected VSC units during steady state and transients, simi- dc-link capacitor, a two-quadrant dc–dc chopper, and a huge
larly to traditional synchronous machines. The principle of the inductor as the superconducting coil, as shown in Fig. 9. The
frequency-droop controller is demonstrated by a block diagram bidirectional VSI and two-quadrant dc–dc chopper are used to
in Fig. 7. The active power Pel measured at the grid interface transfer both active and reactive powers between wind generator
of the power electronic converter is low-pass filtered before it and superconducting coil. The capacity of SMES is determined
is used as the measurement feedback signals Pm . These fil- by the inductance and critical current of superconducting coil.
ters are necessary to stabilize the control loops. Similar to the Using the SMES system, the frequency fluctuation can be sig-
VSM method, the instantaneous voltage phase-angle reference nificantly reduced as shown in Fig. 10 [30].

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Fig. 9. Configuration of a SMES unit [30].



Local load harmonic Yes (without good Yes Yes

compensation damping)
PCC harmonic voltage Yes Yes Yes
DC-line current harmonic Yes (indirect current Yes Yes
rejection control)
Grid impendence variations Sensitive Insensitive Insensitive
Stand-alone operation with Yes Yes Yes
voltage control
Harmonics sharing Yes (requires information Yes Yes
of feeder impedance)

compensation: the current-control method (CCM), the voltage-

control method (VCM), and the hybrid-control method (HCM).
The harmonic compensation can be either for local loads or
at the PCC. A summary of different harmonic compensation
schemes is shown in Table IV [35].
The virtual-impedance-based control scheme provides an at-
Fig. 10. Response of system frequency with variable wind speed: (a) wind tractive way to shape dynamic profiles of converters. Over
speed [30]; and (b) frequency response without and with the SMES system [30]. last few years, the virtual impedance method was increas-
ingly employed for controlling VSCs and current-source con-
verters (CSC), mainly driven by the fast-growing renewable
IV. HARMONICS power generation and energy efficient loads in power grid. The
Due to application of power electronic converters/inverters, virtual-impedance-control loop can be embedded as an addi-
harmonics are produced by renewable energy generation. Vari- tional degree of freedom for active stabilization and distur-
ous harmonics mitigation and compensation methods have been bance rejection, or employed as a command reference gener-
investigated and proposed [8], [11], [31]–[35]. Active power ator for the converters to provide ancillary services. The virtual
filters form a commonly used research stream in harmonic re- impedance classifications based on their functions are summa-
duction [31], [32]. Another main research stream is to design rized in Fig. 11. The virtual-impedance-control method can be
and implement innovative-control methods for grid-interfacing used in stabilization, power flow control, fault ride through, and
converters to compensate harmonics [35], which is the main harmonic/unbalance compensation. The principle of the virtual-
focus in this section. impedance-control method in various applications is summa-
Li and He [35] provided a comprehensive review for har- rized in [36].
monic compensation using control of converters for renewable The application of virtual-impedance-control method on har-
energy-based DG. There are three control methods for harmonic monic compensation for renewable energy sources have been

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Fig. 11. Virtual impedance classification based on their functions for VSCs and CSCs [36].

Fig. 12. Voltage control and virtual impedance implementation [38].

reported in [8], [37], and [38]. The virtual impedance can be performance of DG units. An adaptive impedance concept is
placed between the interfacing converter output and main power proposed to further improve power control performances dur-
grid to improve system stability and provide proper sharing ing the transient and grid faults. During transients, the virtual
of harmonic compensation among multiple DG units accord- impedance can enhance the dynamic performance of power
ing to their available ratings [35], [38]. The optimal design controllers [36], [38]. For the second area, a robust virtual
value, robust implementation, and proper utilization of the vir- impedance implementation method is developed, which can
tual impedance for the performance enhancement for DG are key effectively mitigate voltage distortions caused by harmonic
aspects for the virtual impedance method. A virtual impedance loads [38].
design and implementation approach is proposed by considering The control block diagram for the voltage control and virtual
these key aspects in [38]. impedance implementation is shown in Fig. 12 [38]. A case
In [38], two areas of power system performance are improved study demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed virtual
by utilizing virtual impedance approach: 1) improve system impedance harmonic mitigation method: 1) without a virtual
performance during transient and grid faults; and 2) achieve impedance, a physical impedance with 0.047–p.u. reactance
harmonics mitigation. For the first area, flexible small-signal (4 mH) and 0.031–p.u. resistance (1 Ω) is connected at the
models of microgrids in different operation modes are devel- DG output, the total harmonic distortion (THD) of the PCC
oped first, the desired DG impedance range is then determined voltage is 9.21% (the corresponding waveforms, DG voltage,
considering the stability, transient response, and power flow DG current, and PCC voltage are shown in Fig. 13); 2) with a

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the problem, Zeng et al. [39] propose a comprehensive power

quality evaluation algorithm to achieve the optimal control by
an analytic hierarchy process theory.
The proposed optimal compensation strategy of MFGTIs is
based on a comprehensive power quality index model. The
harmonic and reactive current are considered to have same
weight for traditional power quality conditioners, while the pro-
posed MFGTI’s objective-oriented optimal compensation strat-
egy considers the harmonic and reactive current components in
the microgrid with different contributing weights. The proposed
method is proved to be effective through a case study: 1) before
compensation, the THD of the utility voltage is 4.05%, and the
THD of the grid-tied current at PCC is 12.97%; 2) after DG1
starts power quality compensation, the THD of the utility volt-
Fig. 13. Without a virtual impedance—Single DG unit with nonlinear load in age is 3.88%, and the THD of the grid-tied current at PCC is
islanding operation (with physical impedance X = 0.47 p.u., R = 0.031 p.u.) 6.11% [39].
It is well recognized that renewable energy sources will pro-
duce harmonics; however, field and lab measurement data are
currently needed in order to study characteristics and obtain typ-
ical harmonic spectrums generated from wind and solar power
generation. Some field measurements are presented in [33] and
[34], but they are not enough to form a clear picture of harmonic
characteristics. Future research shall be focused on collecting
more harmonic data through lab experiments and field measure-
ments for renewable energy sources.


Electrical energy storage can be utilized in power grid for the
following purpose: 1) reduce electricity costs by storing elec-
tricity obtained at off-peak hours when its price is lower, and
Fig. 14. With a virtual impedance—Single DG unit with nonlinear load in
using it at peak hours instead of using the electricity bought
islanding operation (with virtual reactance X = 0.044 p.u., physical impedance at higher prices; 2) support customers when power grid fail-
X = 0.003 p.u., R = 0.031 p.u.) [38]. ures occur to improve the reliability of the power supply; and
3) maintain and improve power quality [42].
virtual impedance, a 0.044-p.u. virtual reactance is imple- Fig. 15 shows energy storage applications for renewable en-
mented, and, thus, the feeder reactance is reduced to 0.003 ergy integration [42]. The different types of electrical energy
p.u. and the resistance remains the same, the THD of the storage can be classified according to the energy form, as shown
PCC voltage is reduced to 4.77% (the corresponding wave- in Fig. 16 [42].
forms, DG voltage, DG current, and PCC voltage are shown in A basic service requirement for power utilities is to sup-
Fig. 14) [38]. ply power to customers with the voltage and frequency within
Another harmonic compensation research effort is to use the tolerance. On the other hand, the renewable energy output is
multifunctional grid-tied inverter (MFGTI) [39]–[41], an ad- undependable because of changing weather conditions. The
vanced grid-tied inverter, which can not only interface renew- fluctuation in the renewable generation output makes system
able energy into power grid, but also enhance power quality at its frequency control difficult, and electric energy storage can pro-
grid-tied point as an auxiliary service. In general, the capacity of vide frequency control functions to achieve effective frequency
a grid-tied inverter is larger than that of the installed PV arrays control [42].
and wind turbines, so it can accommodate stochastic and inter- Although the voltage is generally controlled by transformer
mittent features of solar irradiation and wind speed. A grid-tied tap changers and reactive power with phase modifiers in power
inverter does not always operate at its nominal capacity point, grid, electric energy storage can also help with voltage adjust-
and its surplus capacity is available in most of its operation time. ment. The energy storage located at the end of a heavily loaded
Therefore, grid-tied inverters have additional capacity that can line can help us to improve voltage drops by discharging elec-
be utilized to enhance the power quality, and no extra power tricity and reduce voltage rises by charging electricity [42].
quality conditioner may be needed in an inverter-dominated mi- For a small isolated power network, such as an island, electric
crogrid. Because the apparent capacity of an MFGTI for power energy storage enables utility to supply stable power to con-
quality compensation is limited, optimal utilization of such a sumers, where diesel generators and renewable energy sources
limited capacity becomes a critical aspect of this study. To solve are usually used together [42]–[44]. Electrical energy storage

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2) The virtual impedance method is an important method for

harmonic compensation based on the converter control.
This method also shows significant future potential to
improve the system stability.
3) More efforts should be put in obtaining field measure-
ments on harmonic spectrums for wind and PV power
plants, and residential PV systems in order to investigate
their harmonic characteristics.
4) The innovative control schemes for inverters should be
developed to cope with the grid-side disturbances for im-
proving renewable energy sources ride-through capability.

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Power Electron., vol. 30, no. 12, pp. 7019–7037, Dec. 2015. and Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada.

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