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The reading and the lecture are about the prospect of human settlements on the moon. The author of the text
argues that there are three main reasons why this endeavour is still improbable, while the lecturer challenges
these arguments in order to state the opposite.

Firstly, the author of the article claims that the environment of the moon is not well suited for humans. He
elaborates this point by saying that humans would be in danger of solar radiation, and meteor impact because
of the moon’s atmosphere. The lecturer disputes this by noting that there are a few low-tech solutions that
could help preventing this. Humans could use soil from the moon to prevent solar radiation and build
underground habitats to use in the event of meteoroid impact.

Secondly, the author asserts that the moon is lacking crucial resources for sustaining human life. For
example, breathable air, or fertile soil. In contrast to the author’s opinion, the lecturer posits that all of these
issues could be overcome by extracting water on the moon. Since the moon is rich in frozen waters, the
lecturer adds that these resources can be used for generating oxygen and for agricultural purposes.

Finally, it is the author’s viewpoint that the probable psychological and social alienation, both from the loved
ones and the used environment presents a significant problem. The lecture, however, upsets his argument by
claiming that the humans inhabiting the moon could keep regular contact with their relatives via VR
technology, which would help them feel less alone. Furthermore, he thinks that residents of the moon can
create earth-like environments that would help them feel right at home.

Words 305 / diff. 227

- vezbaj pisanje bez autokorekta

Academic Discussion

I personally believe that online classes are very advantageous.

I agree with Wayne’s point, that the possibility to attend classes online makes studies more accessible.
I would like to elaborate this idea further, and add that studying at home is very beneficial for students who
work apart from their studies, as well as for those who attend classes on more than one campus. In this way,
these students do not need to rush to beat the traffic and spend hours trying to get to the university on time,
and instead, attend their seminars form the comfort of their own home.

I do believe that Sarah raised an important point that taking the lectures via digital platforms can make the
students less engaged as the personal contact is missing. However, she did not mention that these platforms
often contain various engaging options such as chat, group work, or interactive writing, which present a more
modern way in which to engage with class materials.

Overall, in my own view, online classes …. (tajmer) are very beneficial.

Pitanje - impacts, problem sa reprasing.

While there are certainly some advantages of online learning, I think its biggest impact is that it makes
people more likely to cheat on their assignments. When we study on campus, we can easily access resources
like an academic library or a science lab. We can even schedule meetings with our professors or other
experts who work on campus. That means it is easier to complete our assignments all by ourselves. In
contrast, when we study entirely at home, it can be difficult to access beneficial resources. Consequently,
some people might feel that they have no choice but to plagiarize content online, or use AI to complete their
essays. Honestly, I think people who study at home do this just to keep up with their peers on campus.

Academic discussion
Uradila Question 1 dobila score 4 (4/5)

Question 2
Dobila sam 4 od 5
Use of english that is occasionally ungramaticall, unclear, unidiomatic, or to elaborate more

Question 11

In my opinion, it is better for the university graduate to start the career at an established company. In this
sense, I agree with Kelly’s opinion that a larger company offers more advantages for career advancement for
collegue graduates. After studying, many graduates hope to find a job at a stable company that offers wast
possibilities for advancement in terms of position and pay. While I think that Andrew raised an important
point that start-ups are well suited for the young graduates, he forgot to mention that start-ups are more
appealing for high school graduates and that they often pay less then larger firms. For someone who already
spent much time studying, this could look like a set-back as graduates are usually considered well qualified
for a job that offers higher pay and possibilities to rise though the ranks. Overall, I think that applying for a
position in a larger company after graduating is a much more pragmatic descision.

To je odg

Question 3

In my opinion one of the major environmental problems that we face is polution. I strongly believe that air in
big cities is highly poluted and that cars and other transport vehicles are adding to this problem In this sense,
I agree with Paul’s statement, but I would like to expand on his contribution by saying that a solution that
would wield much influence in this case is for the city officials to ban the use of all transporting units in the
central parts of the city except for the public transportation. While the automobiles for families, public
transport and disabled people can still be used, all other would be banned. If this measure takes place, the air
in these parts will become much cleaner. Overall, I find that this would be an effective option to fight the

II 5
In my opinion, one of the major environmental problems that we face today is pollution. I strongly believe
that the air in big cities is highly polluted, and that cars, and other transport vehicles are only adding to this
issue. In this sense, I agree with Paul’s contribution, but I would like to expand on this by saying that a
potential solution is for the city officials to ban the use of all transporting units in the central parts of the city,
except for the public transportation. While the automobiles for families, or disabled people could still be
used, all other would be prohibited. If this measure takes place, the air in urban areas will become much
cleaner. Overall, I find that this would be an effective option to fight pollution.

Question 4
Score 5
In my opinion, taking a gap year is a well sounded choice for students. In this sense, I agree with Andrew’s
argument that students could use this time to earn valuable practical experiences. However, I would like to
expand on his contribution by adding that a gap year can help students build a better resume for applying for
prestigious collegues later. For example, some universities require from the applicants to list their
volunteering, or internship experiences. While I think that Claire raised important point, she forgot to
mention that students who do opt for a gap year can take more time to find a suitable scholarship that would
finance their studies. Overall, I firmly blieve that a gap year offers more pros than cons for students.

Question 5
Score 5
In my opinion, the available space in the city should be used for parks. I think that both Kelly and Claire
raised important points, but I would like to argue that this space would be put to better use by building the
park on it. Cities are often crowded by large buildings and having more green spaces where one can go to
rest from the busy life in the city can be very benefitial for mental health. Second, for families living in
cities, such places are very important. Kids of all ages love spending time in parks, and their parents can use
this time to relax from their overwhelming schedules and work loads. The same goes for people with jobs.
Taking your lunch break in a park, as opposed to staying in the gray office space, goes a long way. Overall, I
think that allocating free building space for parks in urban areas is crucial for ensuring a better quality of life
in large cities.

Question 6
Score 5
In my opinion, placing value on employee training should be a top priority for companies. In this sense, I
strongly agree with Kelly’s argument, but I would like to expand on her contribution by adding that
continous education of employees also improves the overall performance of companies. Given that today’s
market is very competitive, better trained professionals are much more valuable for increasing the chance of
one bussiness to thrive and hold the upper edge over their competitors. I believe that Andrew raised an
important point that companies should spend money elsewhere, rather than to focus on employee training,
however, I find that he failed to mention that searching for suitable employees will cost the firm more money
than simply investing in training of the ones already on board in the long run. In conclusion, I think that
educating employees should be advocated in companies because of its benefits for the long term success of
the company.

Integrated Writing 1
link 15 min pisanje 5 min provera

The text and the lecture both thematize the sudden collapse of the several civilizations in the Eastern
Mediterranean in the period of Late Bronze Age. The author of the article lays out three probable theories for
their demise, while the lecturer, in turn, points out their crucial flaws.
Firstly, the author notes that climate change, or more specifically periods of drought, famine, and
earthquakes, caused these civilizations to perish as a result of hard conditions brought upon by the climate.
However, the lecturer has a different idea about this. He highlights that there is no reliable evidence about
the possible environmental decline in that period. According to the lecture, recent findings point to a
conterary conclusion, that is that the climate of the time in question was relatively stable.

Further, the author argues that sea pirates could have contribuited to this historical occurance. The article
mentions that attacks in the form of raids or military campaigns were frequent and could have gradually
weakened these civilizations to the point of collapse. Conversely, the lecturer claims that sea pirates did not
coordinate their attacks, and that it was about small isolated groups of pirates. He emphasizes that they were
not stronger and more effective than the actuall army.

Finally, the writer of the reading suggests that the fragile political and economical system could have
eventually brought to the decline of Mediterranean civilizations. in the article, it is said that their government
was highly centralized, and in the hands of few priviledged leaders, which could have caused large
rebellions, with deadly results. On the other hand, the lecturer disputes this theory by explaining that these
types of government were frequent and typical of many civilizations of the period. While many civilizations
of the period had periods of unrest due to the political situation, this usually didn’t bring to their
destroyment. For example, the Assirians had this type of government, and they were among the most
prosperous governments in ancient history.

- better equipped
15 - 7 & 8 & 9
each approach has drowbacks that may limit theri overal effectiveness

Question 7
score 5
not saved :((((


The text and the lecture both thematize the probability that ancient Phoenicians sailed around Africa. The
author of the reading argues that there are three main reasons against this theory. On the other hand, the
lecturer lays out three points that dispute the author’s claims.

Firstly, the author argues that Phoenicians did not have adequate ships for such long and challenging
voyages. The article mentiones that they were small and made out of wood, which made it hard to sustain
long journeys. In contrast, the lecturer argues that their ships were, in fact, very sturdy, and even had metal
additions which buttressed the wooden structure. Moreover, he argues that Phoenicians knew how to
maintain their ships while sailing, rendering frequent pauses unnecessary.

Second, the author emphasizes that the geography of Africa posed too great of a challenge for the modest
equipment and navigational abilities of Phoenicians. Namely, the coast of the continent is notably hard to
navigate, especially with limited knowledge and equipment. The lecturer upsets this claim by stating that the
ancient civilization was very skilled and could have used landmarks to navigate their way. Further, they had
established trading connections along the coast, which could be useful way to garner information.

Finally, the reading notes that the historical evidence about the voyage of Phoenician sailors around the
African coast is lacking, which complicates any discussion about this issue. The author goes on to add that
there is no record or artifact in support of this theory. However, the lecturer suggests that there are a few
indirect historical sources. He specifically mentions Ancient Egyptian drawings showing Phoenician ships
sailing the coast of Africa and Ancient Greek texts about the completion of such voyages.

The article and the lecture are about whether or not the Phoenicians circumnavigated Africa. While the
author of the reading argues that the Phoenicians could have undertaken such a voyage, the lecturer believes
that they were capable of completing this journey. - moze i compound za intro
First, the author argues that the Phoenician ships were small and made of wood, and lacked navigational
equipment. The article states that they would not have been able to withstand the powerful currents and
storms of the open ocean- However, the lecturer’s counterargument is that the Phoenician ships were
suprisingly sturdy and well-equipped for long voyages. Their wooden hulls were reinforced with metal plates
that made them extremely durable, and Phoenician sailors were skilled in repairing and maintaining their
ships while at sea. point - counter point - 3-4 sentences per paragraph

Secondly, the author argues that the Cape of Good Hope, located at the southern tip of Africa, is notorious
for its strong currents and unpredictable weather, making it a challenging region for navigation. In contrast,
the lecturer argues that the Phoenicians were skilled navigators who were able to use the stars and other
natural landmarks to navigate the ocean. Additionally, since the Phoenicians set up trading posts along the
West African coast, they could have learned about the local geography and currents from residents.

Finally, the article notes that there are no surviving records or artifacts that clearly prove that the Phoenicians
ever attempted to circumnavigate Africa. However, the lecturer points to indirect historical records like
ancient Egyptian drawings that seem to depict Phoenician ships passing along the coast of North Africa. He
also mentions texts by ancient Greek historians that refer to Phoenician sailors completing a voyage around
the continent.

Question 8
opet 5 opet nisam sacuvala :(((((((((((

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