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SD Bintang Mulia

JL. Raden Rangga Kencana no.1 – Mekar Wangi

English Worksheet I/4
Simple Present Tense (to be): Reading and Writing

Name :
Class :
Date :

A. Read and fill in the blank

Read the text below and fill the blank spaces using verb to be (is, am, are) correctly. Number one
has been done for you as an example.

My Family

Hi, everyone! I (1) _______ Abby and I want to tell you about my family. My mother’s name is Alisson.
She (2) _______ a housewife and she (3) _______ 35 years old. She usually wakes up at 5 o’clock every
morning and prepares breakfast for us. After that, she usually goes outside to water the plants and feed our
dog. She (4) _______ the best mom ever.
My dad’s name is Peter. He (5) _______ 38 years old and he (6) _______ a doctor. He wakes up at 6
o’clock every morning then he goes to work. He works from morning until night. My dad’s favorite sport is
football. Sometimes after work, we usually watch it together before we go to bed. I also love my dad because
he (7) _______ the best dad ever.
I have got two sisters. They (8) _______ Elle and Candice. Elle is my older sister and she (9) _______
very intelligent. She studies 5 hours a day. She can speak three languages. Candice is my younger sister and
her age is 4 years old. She likes to eat something sweet like candy and chocolate. Sometimes she cries when
my mom doesn’t let her eat those sweets. They (10) _______ the best sisters ever.
Lastly, I have got a dog. Its name is Molly and it (11) _______ a two-year-old dog. Molly used to be a
homeless dog but my dad decided to bring it home one night. We love Molly so much. It (12) _______ a good
dog. It doesn’t bark too much. Molly’s favorite toy is a rubber bone. He likes to chew it all day long.

B. Read again and write.

Read the text again and answer all the questions using Yes, … is/are OR No, … is not/are not.
1. Is Abby’s mother a doctor? __________________________________________
2. Is Abby’s father a doctor? __________________________________________
3. Is Elle Abby’s younger sister? __________________________________________
4. Are they a family? __________________________________________
5. Is Molly a dog? __________________________________________

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