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Hi there, it's me, your friendly neighborhood food blogger, The Kid Chef!

I'm only 11
years old, but I've got a lot of experience in the kitchen. Today, I'm going to share with
you some of my favorite recipes that are sure to make your taste buds sing!

On the menu today, we've got a delicious and healthy meal that's perfect for both lunch
and dinner. First up, we've got a colorful and crunchy salad made with fresh greens,
cherry tomatoes, carrots, and cucumbers. After that, we've got some grilled chicken
that's been marinated in lemon juice and garlic, and then topped with a tangy yogurt

Next, we've got some roasted sweet potatoes that are seasoned with a blend of spices,
including cinnamon, cumin, and paprika. And finally, we've got a refreshing glass of iced
tea made with fresh mint leaves and honey.

I get my ideas for my recipes from all sorts of places - sometimes I'll watch cooking
shows on TV, or look up recipes online, and sometimes I'll just experiment with different
flavors and ingredients in my own kitchen!

For the salad, you'll need some fresh mixed greens, cherry tomatoes, carrots, and
cucumbers. For the dressing, you'll need some olive oil, apple cider vinegar, honey, and
Dijon mustard.

For the grilled chicken, you'll need some boneless, skinless chicken breasts, lemon juice,
garlic, salt, pepper, and Greek yogurt. For the roasted sweet potatoes, you'll need some
sweet potatoes, olive oil, cinnamon, cumin, paprika, salt, and pepper.

I love this meal because it's both healthy and delicious! The salad is packed with
vitamins and minerals, and the chicken is a great source of lean protein. And the sweet
potatoes are a tasty and nutritious alternative to traditional potatoes.

I write a new blog post about once a week, so be sure to check back often for more
tasty recipes and cooking tips! Thanks for reading, and happy cooking!

now write te according to this : Hi ,here are the ideas for a tasty menu.First I have got
some snacks .I love nuts and taisins.After that ,I have got these fun egg salads for the
starter .It is ana idea from the ,the main course .Today it is mini pizzas with
tuna ,red pepper and olives . I love making these ,they look like faces and they taste
great.Finally ,my favourite ,dessert: There's hot fruit with ice cream . I like this because
there aren't many ingredients and it is easy to make . Just chop some fruit ,cook for ten
minutes with some sugar and serve with ice cream. MMMM! Enjoy your meal!!And join
me next month for another easy meal.
Hey there foodies! It's time for another delicious menu from yours truly. Today, I've got
some scrumptious snacks, a fun starter, a yummy main course, and a mouth-watering
dessert that will leave you wanting more!

First up, we've got some tasty snacks that are perfect for munching on throughout the
day. I love nuts and raisins because they're a great source of energy and they taste so
good together.

After that, we've got a fun and easy starter that I found on the internet - egg salad! All
you need is some hard-boiled eggs, mayo, mustard, and your favorite seasonings. Mix it
all together and serve on some lettuce leaves for a healthy and delicious start to your

Next, it's time for the main course - mini pizzas with tuna, red pepper, and olives! These
mini pizzas are so fun to make and they look like little faces. All you need is some mini
pizza crusts, tomato sauce, tuna, red pepper, olives, and cheese. Top your mini pizzas
with your favorite ingredients and bake them in the oven until they're golden brown and

Finally, we've got my all-time favorite dessert - hot fruit with ice cream. This dessert is so
easy to make and it only requires a few ingredients. Just chop up some fruit, cook it with
some sugar for ten minutes, and serve it hot with a scoop of ice cream on top. It's the
perfect sweet and refreshing ending to your meal.

I hope you enjoyed this tasty menu and don't forget to join me next month for another
easy and delicious meal. Thanks for reading and happy cooking!

no write it and change it without repeating some words from the previous blog that
example that I have sent you.
Hello everyone! I am excited to share some delicious menu ideas with you today. Let's
start with some scrumptious appetizers. I absolutely adore a good cheese platter,
especially when it's paired with some freshly baked bread.

For the first course, I have a delicious avocado salad recipe that I found on a cooking
website. The combination of ripe avocado, juicy tomatoes, and crisp lettuce is a perfect
match, and I love the tangy dressing that pulls it all together.
For the main course, I am making a mouth-watering dish of grilled shrimp skewers with
zucchini and bell pepper. This recipe is so simple yet incredibly flavorful. The shrimp is
marinated in a blend of herbs and spices, and the veggies are perfectly charred on the
grill. It's a light and healthy meal that is sure to satisfy your taste buds.

And last but not least, it's time for dessert! I have a delicious and refreshing fruit sorbet
recipe that is perfect for a warm summer day. All you need is some frozen mixed berries,
a bit of honey, and a splash of lemon juice. Blend it all together in a food processor until
it's smooth and creamy, and then serve it in a chilled glass.

I hope you enjoyed these menu ideas and that they inspire you to get creative in the
kitchen. Stay tuned for more tasty recipes and cooking tips coming soon!
The use of animals is common in many companies, due to the fact that products
can be tested on animals before humans use them. However, I believe that testing
products on animals is bad for many reasons.

In the first place, I think that the use of animals for testing is harmful to them
because they need to be locked in cages and are often injured. If animals are to be
available to scientists, they must spend their lives in the laboratory. Furthermore,
testing on animals is not always reliable. Due to the differences between humans
and animals, this process does not always guarantee that the drug or cosmetic
product tested on animals is safe for use. Finally, because there are other ways to
test products, I dont see the need for this method of testing. Other methods, such as
computer modeling and human tissue testing, have been proven to be more
accurate and much cheaper than animal testing.

In conclusion, it is my opinion that animal testing should be banned because of

animal welfare, its reliability, and the availability of alternative methods that can
provide better testing results than animal testing. If animal testing is banned, the
products will not cause harm to any animal.

Match 1–6 with a–e.

1 decade a¼
2 century b 10 years
3 quarter c 1000 metres
4 minute d 60 minutes
5 kilometre e 100 years
6 hour f 60 seconds

Complete the words.

One billion is 1000 million.
1 A m_ _ _ _t is a small measure of time.
2 Clara weighs 50 k_ _ _s.
3 Mont Blanc is a high mountain.It’s
4,810 m_ _ _ _s.
4 There are 365 days in a y_ _r.
5 May is my favourite m_ _ _h.

Write the people for the verbs

Programme programmer
1 write – w_______________
2 win – w______________
3 play – p______________
4 compose – c______________
5 invent – i______________

Simon is lazier than his brother. (lazy)

1 Usain Bolt is _________man in the world. (fast).
2 London is ___________ than Madrid. (big)
3 Lions are ____________than dogs. (dangerous)
4 What is the _____________ animal?(intelligent)
5 I am a _______ swimmer than my sister. (good)

Speak louder! I can’t / couldn’t hear you.

1 My dad is a musician. He can / could play thepiano really well.
2 I don’t go to the swimming pool because Ican’t / couldn’t swim.
3 My mum can’t / couldn’t cook when she wasyoung, but she’s a very good cook now.
4 My brother can / could read when he was two!He was very clever.
5 Rosa is good at speaking Japanese, but shecan’t / couldn’t read it very well.

Fast high long far much often

How high is Mount Everest?

8,848 metres
1 How ________ is the Amazon River?
6,000 kilometres
2 How _______ can dolphins swim?
10 kilometres an hour
3 How _______ do you play tennis?
Every day
4 How _______ chocolate do you eat?
Not a lot. I don’t like it really.
5 How _________is it from London to Edinburgh?
About 650 kilometres

The use of animals is common nowadays in many companies, due to the fact that products can
be tested on animals before humans use them. However, I believe that testing products on
animals are bad for many reasons.

In the first place, I think that the use of animals for testing is harmful to them because they
need to be locked in cages and are often injured. If animals are to be available to scientists,
they must spend their lives in the laboratory. Furthermore, testing on animals is not always
reliable. Due to the differences between humans and animals, this process does not always
guarantee that the drug or cosmetic product tested on animals is safe for use. Finally, because
there are other ways to test products, I don’t see the need for this method of testing. If
scientists stopped using animals for research, there wouldn't be any harmed animals. Other
methods, such as computer modelling and human tissue testing, have been proven to be more
accurate and much cheaper than animal testing.

In conclusion, it is my opinion that animal testing should be banned because of animal welfare,
its reliability, and the availability of alternative methods that can provide better testing results
than animal testing. If animal testing is banned, the products will not cause harm to any animal.

Istraživanje na životinjama je dugo bilo sporno pitanje. Neki bi rekli da da nije bilo istraživanja
na životinjama, neki lekovi za ljude ne bi bili pronađeni. Drugi smatraju da je to nehumano i
nepotrebno. Definitivno nisam za to.

Na prvom mestu, smatram da je upotreba životinja u naučnim istraživanjima neetička jer im

nanose bol i patnju. Štaviše, neke studije navode da 95 od svakih 100 lekova koji prođu testove
na životinjama ne uspevaju kod ljudi. Životinje imaju različite fiziološke sisteme i odgovore na
lekove od ljudi, što može dovesti do netačnih rezultata. Konačno, postoje alternative testiranju
na životinjama koje uključuju metode koje nisu na životinjama kao što su kompjuterski modeli.
Ove metode mogu dati tačne rezultate bez potrebe da se životinje podvrgavaju
eksperimentisanju. Ukoliko ne prestanemo da koristimo životinje za istraživanje, sve više
životinja će nastaviti da pati u laboratorijskim kavezima i imati osećaj straha i usamljenosti,
čekajući da budu podvrgnute različitim bolnim eksperimentima. Na kraju krajeva, naša je
odgovornost da osiguramo da se prema životinjama postupa s poštovanjem i dostojanstvom.
Kao i ljudi, i životinje imaju pravo da žive slobodno.

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