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Chapter 28 Catabolic Pathways:

Specific Catabolic Pathways 1- It is a process where complex molecules are broken down into simpler
Carbohydrates, Lipid, and Protein Metabolism compounds to provide the energy needed for the cell.
2- It is called (Catabolic pathway).
1- The food we eat serves two purposes: 3- Each type of compound uses a different pathway for each type of compound.
A) Fulfills our energy we need also for maintaining the body temperature. 4- Most catabolic pathways occur in the mitochondria.
B) It provides the raw materials to build the compounds our body need.
2- The body efficiently achieves energy through these food materials. Catabolic Pathways:
Metabolism: Catabolism can be divided into four stages:
1- Catabolic reaction pathways usually releases energy. A) Bulk food is digested in the stomach and small intestine to yield small
2- Anabolic reaction pathways usually absorbs energy. molecules.
3- Nearly all the reactions in living organisms are catalyzed by enzymes. B) Small molecules: Sugar, Fat acids and Amino acids are degraded into cells to
Food ( C , H ) + O2 CO2 + H2O + Energy yield Acetyl-CoA , ( CH3CO-SCoA).= Acetyl Coenzyme A
C) Acetyl-CoA is oxidized in the citric acid cycle to yield CO2 and energy.
Catabolic Pathways: D) The energy produced in stage (C) is used by
Energy Energy
the respiratory chain to make ATP.
– Carbohydrate Catabolic Pathway released releasrd
– Lipid (Fat) Catabolic Pathway Glucose 2 Pyruvate 2 lactate Glycolysis:
– Protein Catabolic Pathway
It is a series of 10 enzyme-catalyzed reactions that break down glucose into
Anabolic Pathways: Glucose 2 Pyruvate 2 Lactates two equivalents of pyruvate , CH3COCOO-
– Carbohydrate Anabolic pathway.
– Lipid (Fat) Anabolic pathway. Energy Energy
consumed consumed
– Protein Anabolic pathway.
28.1 28.2

Catabolic Pathways: Carbohydrates: Carbohydrates

There are three pathways by which the body gains energy. 1- The body preferentially uses glucose as
A) Protein catabolism. B) Carbohydrate C) Triglyceride (fat) pathway. an energy supply.
1- Carbohydrates are broken 2- When there is plenty of sugar in the body,
down into monosaccharides Stage 1 Proteins Carbohydrates Triglyceride the oxidation of fatty acids is stopped
by enzymes and stomach (inhibited), and the fatty acids are stored Glycolysis
acid. in the form of fat ( lipids).
Amino acids Monosaccharides Fatty acids
2- Lipids are hydrolyzed to smaller 3- During fasting or starvation (when glucose
units (fatty acids & glycerol) supply dwindles the citric acid cycle will Pyruvates
used to obtain energy. slow down.
3- Proteins are hydrolyzed 4- If there is no glucose there will be no glycolysis .
into amino acids by 5- As a result of that, Acetyl CoA builds up Acetyl CoA
hydrochloric acid Stage 2 Acetyl CoA
in the body. Acetyl CoA ( CH3 -CO-SCoA )
(in stomach) and by stomach
6- Here the liver will intervene and condenses
digestive enzymes (pepsin),
and intestine enzymes Citric two acetyl-CoA molecules together. Citric
Tricarboxylic acid CO2 7- When these two condensed molecules are
(trypsin, chymotrypsin Stage 3 acid
Acid cycle cycle
and carboxypeptidases) hydrolyzed they produce two ketone cycle
into amino acids. bodies acetone and acetoacetate.
½ O2 8- During low glucose level the liver sends
The amino acids are used Oxidative phosphorylation
as fuel for energy. Stage 4
(electron transfer chain)
H2O these two compounds to the bloodstream Oxidative phosphorylation
4- The energy produced is used where the brain can use them as a source (electron transfer chain)
also for heating the body. of energy. In diabetes mellitus patients,
5-This energy is produced in if the diabetic is not treated the conc. of
mitochondaria. 28.3 ketones will increase and show up in the urine ATP 28.4
1- Fats and oils are hydrolyzed in
the stomach and small intestine Lipids Glycerol Glycolysis
to yield glycerol and fatty acids. Proteins
2- Glycerol is then oxidized to
glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate and Pyruvates
enters the carbohydrate pathways. Pyruvates Ketogenic amino acids Glycogenic amino acids
3- Fatty acids are oxidized and then
Fatty acids β-Oxidation Acetyl CoA
enters four stages ending with
the cleavage of two carbon from the
end of the fatty acid. Acetyl CoA
4- During starvation or fasting (when glucose supply Citric Oxidative deamination
dwindles the citric acid cycle will slow down. acid
5- If there is no glucose there will be no glycolysis . cycle
6- As a result of that, fatty acids will be converted into Citric
(CH3 -CO-SCoA) Acetyl CoA which builds up in the body. acid Ammonia
7- The liver will condense two acetyl CoA molecules cycle
together. Oxidative phosphorylation
8- When these two condensed molecules are (electron transfer chain)
hydrolyzed they produce two ketonebodies
Oxidative phosphorylation cycle
(acetoacetate and β–hydroxybutyrate) and acetone. (electron transfer chain)
9- During low glucose level the liver sends these two
ketone bodies to the bloodstream where the brain
can use them as a source of energy.
10- In diabetes mellitus patients, if the diabetic is not treated ATP Urea
the conc.of ketones will increase and show up in the urine 28.5 28.6

Proteins Carbohydrates Triglyceride
Stage 1

Amino acids Monosaccharides Fatty acids

Stage 2

Acetyl CoA

Stage 3 Citric
Tricarboxylic acid CO2
Acid cycle cycle

Oxidative phosphorylation ½ O2
Stage 4 (electron transfer chain)


28.7 28.8
Lactate accumulation: Carbohydrates Gluconeogenesis/Glycolysis:
1- Many athletes suffer muscle cramps
when they do heavy exercises.
2- This problem results from a shift Monosaccharides
from normal glucose catabolism
to lactate production.
Glucose catabolism =
glycolysis, Pyruvate, acetyl choline,
citric acid cycle, Pyruvates Lactate
oxidative phosphorylation and ATP.
3- This is because during exercise Acetyl CoA
the body uses up oxygen rapidly which
slows down the catabolic pathway.
4- Therefore, not all the pyruvate
produced in glycolysis can inter Citric
the citric acid cycle. The excess acid
pyruvate ends up as lactate. cycle
This causes muscle painful
contraction. The reactant has three carbons, and the product has six carbons,
Oxidative phosphorylation
so one of the steps must be an aldol addition.
(electron transfer chain)

ATP 28.9 28.10

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