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Advanced Data Analytics Using Python

: With Architectural Patterns, Text and

Image Classification, and Optimization
Techniques 2nd Edition Sayan
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Sayan Mukhopadhyay and Pratip Samanta

Advanced Data Analytics Using Python

With Architectural Patterns, Text and Image
Classification, and Optimization Techniques
2nd ed.
Sayan Mukhopadhyay
Kolkata, West Bengal, India

Pratip Samanta
Kolkata, West Bengal, India

ISBN 978-1-4842-8004-1 e-ISBN 978-1-4842-8005-8

© Sayan Mukhopadhyay, Pratip Samanta 2018, 2023

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The reason for the success of this book is that it has original research, so I
dedicate it to the person from whom I learned how to do research: Dr.
Debnath Pal, IISc.
—Sayan Mukhopadhyay
We are living in the data science/artificial intelligence era. To thrive in
this environment, where data drives decision-making in everything
from business to government to sports and entertainment, you need
the skills to manage and analyze huge amounts of data. Together we
can use this data to make the world better for everyone. In fact, humans
have yet to find everything we can do using this data. So, let us explore!
Our objective for this book is to empower you to become a leader in
this data-transformed era. With this book you will learn the skills to
develop AI applications and make a difference in the world.
This book is intended for advanced user, because we have
incorporated some advanced analytics topics. Important machine
learning models and deep learning models are explained with coding
exercises and real-world examples.
All the source code used in this book is available for download at
Happy reading!
Any source code or other supplementary material referenced by the
author in this book is available to readers on GitHub
( For more detailed information, please visit
Thanks to Labonic Chakraborty (Ripa) and Soumili Chakraborty.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1:​A Birds Eye View to AI System
OOP in Python
Calling Other Languages in Python
Exposing the Python Model as a Microservice
High-Performance API and Concurrent Programming
Choosing the Right Database
Chapter 2:​ETL with Python
How to Install MySQLdb?​
Database Connection
INSERT Operation
READ Operation
DELETE Operation
UPDATE Operation
COMMIT Operation
ROLL-BACK Operation
Normal Forms
First Normal Form
Second Normal Form
Third Normal Form
Connection Layer API
Neo4j Python Driver
In-Memory Database
MongoDB (Python Edition)
Import Data into the Collection
Create a Connection Using pymongo
Access Database Objects
Insert Data
Update Data
Remove Data
Cloud Databases
ETL with Python (Unstructured Data)
Email Parsing
Topical Crawling
Chapter 3:​Feature Engineering and Supervised Learning
Dimensionality Reduction with Python
Correlation Analysis
Principal Component Analysis
Mutual Information
Classifications with Python
Semi-Supervised Learning
Decision Tree
Which Attribute Comes First?​
Random Forest Classifier
Naïve Bayes Classifier
Support Vector Machine
Nearest Neighbor Classifier
Sentiment Analysis
Image Recognition
Regression with Python
Least Square Estimation
Logistic Regression
Classification and Regression
Intentionally Bias the Model to Over-Fit or Under-Fit
Dealing with Categorical Data
Chapter 4:​Unsupervised Learning:​Clustering
K-Means Clustering
Choosing K:​The Elbow Method
Silhouette Analysis
Distance or Similarity Measure
General and Euclidean Distance
Squared Euclidean Distance
Distance Between String-Edit Distance
Similarity in the Context of a Document
Types of Similarity
Example of K-Means in Images
Preparing the Cluster
Time to Cluster
Revealing the Current Cluster
Hierarchical Clustering
Bottom-Up Approach
Distance Between Clusters
Top-Down Approach
Graph Theoretical Approach
How Do You Know If the Clustering Result Is Good?​
Chapter 5:​Deep Learning and Neural Networks
Backpropagation Approach
Other Algorithms
Network Architecture and Regularization Techniques
Updatable Model and Transfer Learning
Recurrent Neural Network
Reinforcement Learning
Example of Dialectic Learning
Convolution Neural Networks
Chapter 6:​Time Series
Classification of Variation
Analyzing a Series Containing a Trend
Curve Fitting
Removing Trends from a Time Series
Analyzing a Series Containing Seasonality
Removing Seasonality from a Time Series
By Filtering
By Differencing
To Stabilize the Variance
To Make the Seasonal Effect Additive
To Make the Data Distribution Normal
Stationary Time Series
Stationary Process
Autocorrelation and the Correlogram
Estimating Autocovariance and Autocorrelation Functions
Time-Series Analysis with Python
Useful Methods
Autoregressive Processes
Estimating Parameters of an AR Process
Mixed ARMA Models
Integrated ARMA Models
The Fourier Transform
An Exceptional Scenario
Missing Data
Chapter 7:​Analytics at Scale
MapReduce Programming
Partitioning Function
Combiner Function
HDFS File System
MapReduce Design Pattern
A Notes on Functional Programming
Updatable Machine Learning and Spark Memory Model
Analytics in the Cloud
Internet of Things
Essential Architectural Patterns for Data Scientists
Scenario 1:​Hot Potato Anti-Pattern
Scenario 2:​Proxy and Layering Patterns
Thank You
About the Authors
Sayan Mukhopadhyay
has more than 13 years of industry
experience and has been associated with
companies such as Credit Suisse, PayPal,
CA Technologies, CSC, and Mphasis. He
has a deep understanding of applications
for data analysis in domains such as
investment banking, online payments,
online advertising, IT infrastructure, and
retail. His area of expertise is in applying
high-performance computing in
distributed and data-driven
environments such as real-time analysis,
high-frequency trading, and so on.
He earned his engineering degree in
electronics and instrumentation from
Jadavpur University and his master’s
degree in research in computational and data science from IISc in

Pratip Samanta
is a principal AI engineer/researcher
with more than 11 years of experience.
He has worked for several software
companies and research institutions. He
has published conference papers and has
been granted patents in AI and natural
language processing. He is also
passionate about gardening and
About the Technical Reviewer
Joos Korstanje
is a data scientist with more than five
years of industry experience in
developing machine learning tools, of
which a large part is forecasting models.
He currently works at Disneyland Paris
where he develops machine learning for
a variety of tools.
© Sayan Mukhopadhyay, Pratip Samanta 2023
S. Mukhopadhyay, P. Samanta, Advanced Data Analytics Using Python

1. A Birds Eye View to AI System

Sayan Mukhopadhyay1 and Pratip Samanta1

(1) Kolkata, West Bengal, India

In this book, we assume that you are familiar with Python programming. In this introductory chapter, we
explain why a data scientist should choose Python as a programming language. Then we highlight some
situations where Python may not be the ideal choice. Finally, we describe some best practices for application
development and give some coding examples that a data scientist may need in their day-to-day job.

OOP in Python
In this section, we explain some features of object-oriented programming (OOP) in a Python context.
The most basic element of any modern application is an object. To a programmer or architect, the world
is a collection of objects. Objects consist of two types of members: attributes and methods. Members can be
private, public, or protected. Classes are data types of objects. Every object is an instance of a class. A class
can be inherited in child classes. Two classes can be associated using composition.
Python has no keywords for public, private, or protected, so encapsulation (hiding a member from the
outside world) is not implicit in Python. Like C++, it supports multilevel and multiple inheritance. Like Java,
it has an abstract keyword. Classes and methods both can be abstract.
In the following code, we are describing an object-oriented question-answering system without any
machine learning. The program’s input is a set of dialogs in input.txt, as shown here:

glob is I
prok is V
pish is X
tegj is L
glob glob Silver is 34 Credits
glob prok Gold is 57800 Credits
pish pish Iron is 3910 Credits
how much is pish tegj glob glob ?
how many Credits is glob prok Silver ?
how many Credits is glob prok Gold ?
how many Credits is glob prok Iron ?
how much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
Program has a knowledge base in config.txt.

Based on this input and the configuration program, the answer to the question is given in input.txt in
standard output, as shown here:
pish tegj glob glob is 42
glob prok Silver is 68 Credits
glob prok Gold is 57800 Credits
glob prok Iron is 782 Credits
I have no idea what you are talking about
The parsing logic is in the Observer class.

import operator

#this class verify the validity of input

class Observer(object):
#store frequecy of symbols
length = {}
#most frequent symbol
symbol = ''
#count of most frequent symbol
count = 0
#calling class
compiler = None

def __init__(self,cmpiler):
self.compiler = cmpiler

def initialize(self, arr):

for i in range(len(arr)):
self.length[arr[i]] = 0

#increase count for each occurence of symbol

def increment(self,symbol):
self.length[symbol] = self.length[symbol] + 1

#claculate most frequent symbol and it's count

def calculate(self):
self.symbol,self.count = max(self.length.items(),

#verify if wrong symbol is subtracted ie ( V, ..

def verifySubstract(self, current):
while current % 10 != 0:
current = current / 10
if current == 5:
raise Exception("Wrong Substraction")

def evaluate(self):
#check mximum repeatation is crossing the limit
if self.count > 3:
raise Exception("Repeat more than 3")
#symbol is proper or not
if self.symbol not in self.compiler.symbol_map:
raise Exception("Wrong Symbol")
#check if wrong symbol is repeated ie (V, ..
self.symbol,unit = self.compiler.evaluateSymbol(self.symbol)
while self.symbol % 10 != 0:
self.symbol = self.symbol / 10
if self.count > 1 and self.symbol == 5:
raise Exception("Wrong Symbol repeated")
#checking if input sentence is proper or not
def evaluateSentence(self, line):
if "is" not in line:
return "I have no idea what you are talking about"
The compilation logic is in the compiler class, as shown here:

import sys

from observer import Observer

class compilerTrader(object):
#store mapping of symbols with score and unit
symbol_map = {}
#store the list of valid symbol
valid_values = []

#read the config and initialize the class member

def __init__(self, config_path):
with open(config_path) as f:
for line in f:
if ',' in line :
symbol, value, type = line.strip().split(',')
self.symbol_map[symbol] = float(value), type

#evaluate the ultimate numerical score with unit for a symbol

def evaluateSymbol(self, symbol):
while symbol not in self.valid_values:
symbol,unit = self.symbol_map[symbol]
return float(symbol), unit

#compiling the info in line

def compile_super(self, line):
obs = Observer(self)
if 'is' in line:
fields = line.split(' is ')
value = fields[-1]
var = fields[0]
#if one symbol and one value
if ' ' not in var:
if value in self.symbol_map:
self.symbol_map[var] = int(self.symbol_map[value][0]) ,'rom
#logic for value with unit
if ' ' in value:
fields = value.split(' ')
user_unit = fields[-1]
if ' ' not in var:
self.symbol_map[var] = int(fields[0]), user_unit
#logic for multiple symbols in input
total = int(fields[0])
factor = 0
arr = var.split(' ')
for i in range(len(arr)):
if arr[i] in self.symbol_map and arr[i+1] in
self.symbol_map and i < len(arr) -1:
current, current_unit =
next, next_unit = self.evaluateSymbol([arr
if current >= next:
factor = factor + current
factor = factor - current
if arr[i] in self.symbol_map:
current, current_unit =
factor = factor + current
self.symbol_map[arr[i]] =
total/factor, user_unit
The answering logic is in the answer layer, which calls Observer and compiler. The answering
class inherits the compiler class.

import sys

from observer import Observer

from compiler import compilerTrader

class answeringTrader(compilerTrader):

def __init__(self, config_path):


#compiling info in line

def compile(self, line):

#answering query in line

def answer(self, line):
obs = Observer(super())
if 'is' in line:
values = line.split(' is ')[-1]
ans = 0
arr = values.split(' ')
unit = ''
for i in range(len(arr)):
if arr[i] in "?.,!;":
if i < len(arr)-2:
if arr[i] in super().symbol_map and arr[i+1]
in super().symbol_map:
current, current_unit =
next, next_unit =
if current >= next:
ans = ans + current
if next_unit == 'roman':
ans = ans - current
ans = ans + current
if arr[i] in super().symbol_map:
current,unit =
if unit != 'roman':
ans = ans * current
ans = ans + current

values = values.replace("?" , "is ")
if unit == 'roman':
unit = ''
return(values + str(ans) + ' ' + unit)
Finally, the main program calls the answering class and the observer, and then it performs the task
and does unit testing on the logic.

import sys
import unittest


from answer import answeringTrader

from observer import Observer

#client interface for the framework

class ClientTrader(object):
trader = None
def __init__(self, config_path):
self.trader = answeringTrader(config_path)

#processing an input string

def process(self, input_string):
obs = Observer(self.trader)
valid = obs.evaluateSentence(input_string)
if valid is not None:
return valid
if input_string.strip()[-1] == '?' :
return self.trader.answer(input_string)
return self.trader.compile(input_string)
#unit test cases
class TestTrader(unittest.TestCase):
trader = None

def setUp(self):

#test case for non-roman symbol unit other than roman

def test_answer_unit(self):
ans = self.trader.process("how many Credits is glob prok Silver
self.assertEqual(ans.strip(), "glob prok Silver is 68.0

#test case with only roman symbol in unit case

def test_answer_roman(self):
ans = self.trader.process("how much is pish tegj glob glob ?")
self.assertEqual(ans.strip(), "pish tegj glob glob is 42.0")

#test case if repeatation of symbol is exceed max limit (3)

def test_exception_over_repeat(self):
with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context:
ans = self.trader.process("how much is pish tegj glob glob
glob glob ?")
self.assertTrue("Repeat more than 3" in context.exception)

#test case if wrong symbol repeated ie (V ..

def test_exception_unproper_repeat(self):
with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context:
ans = self.trader.process("how much is pish tegj D D ?")
self.assertTrue("Repeat more than 3" in context.exception)

#test case if wrong symbol substracted ie (V ...

def test_wrong_substraction(self):
with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context:
ans = self.trader.process("how much is V X ?")
self.assertTrue("Wrong Substraction" in context.exception)

#test case if query is not properly formatted

def test_wrong_format_query(self):
ans = self.trader.process("how much wood could a woodchuck chuck
if a woodchuck could chuck wood ?")
self.assertEqual(ans.strip(), "I have no idea what you are
talking about")

if __name__ == '__main__':
if len(sys.argv) != 3:
print("Usage is : " + sys.argv[0] + " <intput file
path> <config file path>")
tr = ClientTrader(sys.argv[2])
f = open(sys.argv[1])
for line in f:
response = tr.process(line.strip())
if response is not None:
TestTrader.trader = tr
unittest.main(argv = [sys.argv[0]], exit = False)
You can run this program with the following command:

python input.txt config.txt

Calling Other Languages in Python

Now we will describe how to use other languages in Python. There are two examples here. The first is calling
R code from Python. R code is required for some use cases. For example, if you want a ready-made function
for the Holt-Winters method in a time series, it is difficult to perform in Python, but it is available in R. So,
you can call R code from Python using the rpy2 module, as shown here:

import rpy2.robjects as ro
ro.r('x <-HoltWinters(input data frame)')

(You can use example data given in time series chapter.)

Sometimes you need to call Java code from Python. For example, say you are working on a name-entity
recognition problem in the field of natural language processing (NLP); some text is given as input, and you
have to recognize the names in the text. Python’s NLTK package does have a name-entity recognition
function, but its accuracy is not good. Stanford NLP is a better choice here, but it is written in Java. You can
solve this problem in two ways.
You can call Java at the command line using Python code. You need to install Java with the yum/at-get
install java command before calling it.
For Windows, it is recommended that you install the JRE from You can also install the JRE from
another distribution. The installation will automatically create JAVA_HOME. If it does not, you need to set
JAVA_HOME as the system variable, and the value should be the location of Java installation folder, for
example, JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Eclipse Adoptium\jdk-8.0.345.1-hotspot\.

import subprocess['java','-

Please place foo.txt in the same folder where you run the Python code.

You can expose Stanford NLP as a web service and call it as a service. (Before running this code, you’ll
need to download the Stanford nlp JAR file available with the book’s source code.)

nlp = StanfordCoreNLP('')
output = nlp.annotate(sentence, properties={
"annotators": "tokenize,ssplit,parse,sentiment",
"outputFormat": "json",
# Only split the sentence at End Of Line. We assume that this method only
takes in one single sentence.
"ssplit.eolonly": "true",
# Setting enforceRequirements to skip some annotators and make the process
"enforceRequirements": "false"

You will see a more detailed example of Stanford NLP in Chapter 2.

Exposing the Python Model as a Microservice

You can expose the Python model as a microservice in the same way that your Python model can be used by
others to write their own code. The best way to do this is to expose your model as a web service. As an
example, the following code exposes a deep learning model using Flask:

from flask import Flask, request, g

from flask_cors import CORS
import tensorflow as tf
from sqlalchemy import *
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker
import pygeoip
from pymongo import MongoClient
import json
import datetime as dt
import ipaddress
import math
app = Flask(__name__)
def before():
db = create_engine('sqlite:///score.db')
metadata = MetaData(db)
g.scores = Table('scores', metadata, autoload=True)
Session = sessionmaker(bind=db)
g.session = Session()
client = MongoClient()
g.db = client.frequency = pygeoip.GeoIP('GeoIP.dat')
sess = tf.Session()
new_saver = tf.train.import_meta_graph('model.obj.meta')
new_saver.restore(sess, tf.train.latest_checkpoint('./'))
all_vars = tf.get_collection('vars')
g.dropped_features = str([0]))
g.b =[1])[0]
def get_hour(timestamp):
return dt.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(timestamp / 1e3).hour
def get_value(session, scores, feature_name, feature_value):
s = == feature_name) &
(scores.c.feature_value == feature_value))
rs = s.execute()
row = rs.fetchone()
if row is not None:
return float(row['score'])
return 0.0
@app.route('/predict', methods=['POST'])
def predict():
input_json = request.get_json(force=True)
features =
predicted = 0
feature_value = ''
for f in features:
if f not in g.dropped_features:
if f == 'ip':
feature_value =
feature_value = input_json.get(f)
if f == 'ip':
if 'geo' not in g.dropped_features:
geo =
predicted = predicted + get_value(g.session,
g.scores, 'geo', geo)

return str(math.exp(predicted + g.b)-1) = True, host ='')
This code exposes a deep learning model as a Flask web service. A JavaScript client will send the request
with web user parameters such as the IP address, ad size, ad position, and so on, and it will return the price
of the ad as a response. The features are categorical. You will learn how to convert them into numerical
scores in Chapter 3. These scores are stored in an in-memory database. The service fetches the score from
the database, sums the result, and replies to the client. This score will be updated real time in each iteration
of training of a deep learning model. It is using MongoDB to store the frequency of that IP address in that
site. It is an important parameter because a user coming to a site for the first time is really searching for
something, which is not true for a user where the frequency is greater than 5. The number of IP addresses is
huge, so they are stored in a distributed MongoDB database.

High-Performance API and Concurrent Programming

Flask is a good choice when you are building a general solution that is also a graphical user interface (GUI).
But if high performance is the most critical requirement of your application, then Falcon is the best choice.
The following code is an example of the same model shown previously exposed by the Falcon framework.
Another improvement we made in this code is that we implemented multithreading, so the code will be
executed in parallel. In addition to the Falcon-specific changes, you should note the major changes in
parallelizing the calling get_score function using a thread pool class.

import falcon
from falcon_cors import CORS
import json
from sqlalchemy import *
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker
import pygeoip
from pymongo import MongoClient
import json
import datetime as dt
import ipaddress
import math
from concurrent.futures import *
from sqlalchemy.engine import Engine
from sqlalchemy import event
import sqlite3
@event.listens_for(Engine, "connect")
def set_sqlite_pragma(dbapi_connection, connection_record):
cursor = dbapi_connection.cursor()
cursor.execute("PRAGMA cache_size=100000")
class Predictor(object):
def __init__(self,domain):
db1 = create_engine('sqlite:///score_' + domain + '0test.db')
metadata1 = MetaData(db1)
self.scores = Table('scores', metadata1, autoload=True)
client = MongoClient(connect=False,maxPoolSize=1)
self.db = client.frequency = pygeoip.GeoIP('GeoIP.dat')
self.high = 1.2
self.low = .8
def get_hour(self,timestamp):
return dt.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(timestamp / 1e3).hour
def get_score(self, featurename, featurevalue):
pred = 0
s = ==
featurename) & (self.scores.c.feature_value == featurevalue))
rs = s.execute()
row = rs.fetchone()
if row is not None:
pred = pred + float(row['score'])
res = self.db.frequency.find_one({"ip" : ip})
freq = 1
if res is not None:
freq = res['frequency']
pred2, prob2 = self.get_score('frequency', str(freq))
return (pred1 + pred2), (prob1 + prob2)

conn = sqlite3.connect('multiplier.db')
cursor = conn.execute("SELECT high,low from multiplier
where domain='" + value + "'")
row = cursor.fetchone()
if row is not None:
self.high = row[0]
self.low = row[1]
return self.get_score(f, value)
def on_post(self, req, resp):
input_json = json.loads(,encoding='utf-8')
input_json['ip'] = unicode(req.remote_addr)
pred = 1
prob = 1
with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=8) as pool:
future_array = {
pool.submit(self.get_value,f,input_json[f]) : f for f in input_json}
for future in as_completed(future_array):
pred1, prob1 = future.result()
pred = pred + pred1
prob = prob - prob1
resp.status = falcon.HTTP_200
res = math.exp(pred)-1
if res < 0:
res = 0
prob = math.exp(prob)
if(prob <= .1):
prob = .1
if(prob >= .9):
prob = .9
multiplier = self.low + (self.high -self.low)*prob
pred = multiplier*pred
resp.body = str(pred)
cors =
wsgi_app = api = falcon.API(middleware=[cors.middleware])
f = open('publishers1.list')
for domain in f:
domain = domain.strip()
p = Predictor(domain)
url = '/predict/' + domain
api.add_route(url, p)
Having covered design patterns in Python a bit, let’s now take a look at some essential architecture
patterns for data scientists.

Choosing the Right Database

Before we go, we’ll leave a note for manager on which database is best for which case.
A relational database (MySQL, Oracle, SQL Server) is the preferable choice when data is highly structured
and entities have a clear and strict connection. Mongo, on the other hand, is a better choice when data is
unstructured and unorganized.
Elastic Search or Solr is a better choice when data contains a lengthy textual field and you’re executing lots
of searches in a substring of the text field. With Elastic Search, you get a free data visualization tool called
Kibana as well as an ETL tool called Logstash, and full-stack data analytics solutions are fashionable.
Data must sometimes be represented as a graph. In that situation, a graph database is required. Neo4j is a
popular graph database that comes with many utility tools at a low price.
We occasionally require a quick application. In that situation, an in-memory database like SQLite can be
used. However, SQLite does not support updating your database from a remote host.
You’ll learn more about databases in Chapter 2.

In this chapter, we discussed fundamental engineering principles for data scientists, which are covered in
separate chapters. The question-answering example can help you understand how to organize your code.
The basic rule is to not put everything into one class. Divide your code into many categories and use parent-
child relationships where they exist. Then you learned how to use Python to call other languages’ code. We
provided two instances of R and Java code calls. Then we showed you how to expose your model as a REST
API and make it perform well by using concurrent programming. Following that, we covered significant
architectural patterns from data scientists.
© Sayan Mukhopadhyay, Pratip Samanta 2023
S. Mukhopadhyay, P. Samanta, Advanced Data Analytics Using Python

2. ETL with Python

Sayan Mukhopadhyay1 and Pratip Samanta1

(1) Kolkata, West Bengal, India

Every data science professional has to extract, transform, and load (ETL) data from different data
sources. In this chapter, we will discuss how to perform ETL with Python for a selection of
popular databases. For a relational database, we’ll cover MySQL. As an example of a document
database, we will cover Elasticsearch. For a graph database, we’ll cover Neo4j, and for NoSQL,
we’ll cover MongoDB. We will also discuss the Pandas framework, which was inspired by R’s data
frame concept.
ETL is based on a process in which data is extracted from multiple sources, transformed into
specific formats that involve cleaning enrichment, and finally loaded into its target destination.
The following are the details of each process:
1. Extract: During data extraction, source data is pulled from a variety of sources and moved to a
staging area, making the data available to subsequent stages in the ETL process. After that,
the data undergoes the cleaning and enrichment stage, also known as data cleansing.

2. Transform: In this stage, the source data is matched to the format of the target system. This
includes steps such as changing data types, combining fields, splitting fields, etc.

3. Load: This stage is the final ETL stage. Here, data is loaded into the data warehouse in an
automated manner and can be periodically updated. Once completed, the data is ready for
data analysis.

The previous processes are important in any data analytics work. Once the data goes through
the ETL processes, then it becomes possible to analysis the data, find insights, and so on.
We will discuss various types of ETL throughout this chapter. We discussed in Chapter 1 that
data is not an isolated thing. We need to load data from somewhere, which is a database. We need
to fetch the data from some application, which is extraction. In this chapter and the next, we will
discuss various feature engineering that transforms the data from one form to another.

MySQLdb is an API in Python developed to work on top of the MySQL C interface.

How to Install MySQLdb?

First you need to install the Python MySQLdb module on your machine. Then run the following

import MySQLdb
If you get an import error exception, that means the module was not installed properly.
The following are the instructions to install the MySQL Python module:

$ gunzip MySQL-python-1.2.2.tar.gz
$ tar -xvf MySQL-python-1.2.2.tar
$ cd MySQL-python-1.2.2
$ python build
$ python install

You can download the tar.gz file from You need to download it to
your working folder.
For Windows, please select the MySQL installer file from Once it’s downloaded, double-click
the file to install it and select MySQL Connector/Python as one of the products to install. For
details, you can visit

Database Connection
Before connecting to a MySQL database, make sure you do the following:
1. You need to access a database called TEST with the sql "use test" command.

2. In TEST you need a table named STUDENT; use the command sql "create table
student(name varchar(20), sur_name varchar(20),roll_no int");.

3. STUDENT needs three fields: NAME, SUR_NAME, and ROLL_NO.

4. There needs to be a user in TEST that has complete access to the database.

If you do not do these steps properly, you will get an exception in the next Python code.

INSERT Operation
The following code carries out the SQL INSERT statement for the purpose of creating a record in
the STUDENT table:

import MySQLdb
# Open database connection
db = MySQLdb.connect("localhost","user","passwd","TEST" )
# prepare a cursor object using cursor() method
cursor = db.cursor()
# Prepare SQL query to INSERT a record into the database.
VALUES ('Sayan', 'Mukhopadhyay', 1)"""
# Execute the SQL command
# Commit your changes in the database
# Rollback in case there is any error
# disconnect from server

READ Operation
The following code fetches data from the STUDENT table and prints it:

import MySQLdb
# Prepare SQL query to INSERT a record into the database.
# Execute the SQL command
# Fetch all the rows in a list of lists.
results = cursor.fetchall()
for row in results:
fname = row[0]
lname = row[1]
id = row[2]
# Now print fetched result
Print( "name=%s,surname=%s,id=%d" % \
(fname, lname, id ))
print "Error: unable to fecth data"

DELETE Operation
The following code deletes a row from TEST with id=1:

import MySQLdb
# Prepare SQL query to DELETE required records
# Execute the SQL command
# Commit your changes in the database
# Rollback in case there is any error

UPDATE Operation
The following code changes the lastname variable to Mukherjee, from Mukhopadhyay:
import MySQLdb
# Prepare SQL query to UPDATE required records
WHERE SUR_NAME="Mukhopadhyay"
# Execute the SQL command
# Commit your changes in the database
# Rollback in case there is any error

COMMIT Operation
The commit operation provides its assent to the database to finalize the modifications, and after
this operation, there is no way that this can be reverted.

ROLL-BACK Operation
If you are not completely convinced about any of the modifications and you want to reverse them,
then you can apply the roll-back() method.
The following is a complete example of accessing MySQL data through Python. It will give the
complete description of the data stored in a CSV file or MySQL database.
This code asks for the data source type, either MySQL or text. For example, if MySQL asks for
the IP address, credentials, and database name and shows all tables in the database, it offers its
fields once the table is selected. Similarly, a text file asks for a path, and in the files it points to, all
the columns are shown to the user.

# importing files and reading config file

import MySQLdb
import sys
out = open('Config1.txt','w')
print ("Enter the Data Source Type:")
print( "1. MySql")
print ("2. Exit")
data1 = sys.stdin.readline().strip()
if(int(data1) == 1):
out.write("source begin"+"\n"+"type=mysql\n")

# taking inputs from user

print ("Enter the ip:")

ip = sys.stdin.readline().strip()
out.write("host=" + ip + "\n")
print ("Enter the database name:")
db = sys.stdin.readline().strip()
out.write("database=" + db + "\n")
print ("Enter the user name:")
usr = sys.stdin.readline().strip()
out.write("user=" + usr + "\n")
print ("Enter the password:")
passwd = sys.stdin.readline().strip()
out.write("password=" + passwd + "\n")

# making connection to and executing query

connection = MySQLdb.connect(ip, usr, passwd, db)

cursor = connection.cursor()
query = ("show tables")
data = cursor.fetchall()
tables = []

# appending data to the table

for row in data:

for field in row:
for i in range(len(tables)):
print( i, tables[i])
tb = tables[int(sys.stdin.readline().strip())]
out.write("table=" + tb + "\n")
query = ("describe " + tb)
data = cursor.fetchall()
columns = []
for row in data:
for i in range(len(columns)):
print( columns[i])
print "Not index choose the exact column names seperated
by coma"
cols = sys.stdin.readline().strip()
out.write("columns=" + cols + "\n")
out.write("source end"+"\n")
print ("Enter the Data Source Type:")
print ("1. MySql") print ("2. Exit")
Before we go on to the topic of relational databases, let’s talk about database normalization.

Normal Forms
Database normal forms are the principles to organize your data in an optimum way.
Every table in a database can be in one of the normal forms that we’ll go over next. For the
primary key (PK) and foreign key (FK), you want to have as little repetition as possible. The rest of
the information should be taken from other tables.
First normal form (1NF)
Second normal form (2NF)
Third normal form (3NF)

First Normal Form

There are no repeating groups in the first normal form since only single values are allowed at the
intersection of each row and column.
To get to first normal form, remove the repetitive groups, and establish two new relations to
normalize a connection with a repeating group.
For unique identification, the new connection’s PK is a combination of the old relation’s PK
and a feature from the newly formed relation.
To demonstrate the procedure for 1NF, we’ll use the Student_Grade_Report table, which
comes from a School database.

Student_Grade_Report (StudentNo, StudentName, Major, CourseNo,

CourseName, InstructorNo, InstructorName, InstructorLocation, Grade)

1. The recurring group in the Student Grade Report table contains the course information. A
student can enroll in a variety of courses.

2. Get rid of the group that keeps repeating itself. That’s each student’s course information in
this situation.

3. Determine your new table’s PK.

4. The attribute value must be identified uniquely by the PK (StudentNo and CourseNo).

Student (StudentNo, StudentName, Major)

StudentCourse (StudentNo, CourseNo, CourseName, InstructorNo,
InstructorName, InstructorLocation, Grade)

Second Normal Form

The relation must first be in 1NF for the second normal form. If and only if the PK contains a single
feature, the relationship is automatically in 2NF.
If the connection contains a composite PK, then each nonkey property must be completely
reliant on the entire PK, not just a portion of it (i.e., there can’t be any partial augmentation or
A table must first be in 1NF before moving to 2NF.
1. As it has a single-column PK, the Student table is already in 2NF.

2. When looking at the Student Course table, you can observe that not all of the characteristics,
especially the course details, are completely dependent on the PK. The grade is the sole
attribute that is entirely reliant on xxx.

3. Locate the new table containing the course details.

4. Determine the new table’s PK.

The three new tables are as follows:
Student (StudentNo, StudentName, Major)
CourseGrade (StudentNo, CourseNo, Grade)
CourseInstructor (CourseNo, CourseName, InstructorNo,
InstructorName, InstructorLocation)

Third Normal Form

The connection must be in second normal form to be in third normal form. All transitive
dependencies must be eliminated as well; a nonkey attribute cannot be functionally reliant on
another nonkey attribute.
This is the process for achieving 3NF:
1. From each table with a transitive relationship, remove all dependent characteristics in a
transitive relationship.

2. Make a new table with the dependence eliminated.

3. Inspect new and updated tables to ensure that each table has a determinant and that no
tables have improper dependencies.

Take a look at the four new tables:

Student (StudentNo, StudentName, Major)

CourseGrade (StudentNo, CourseNo, Grade)
Course (CourseNo, CourseName, InstructorNo)
Instructor (InstructorNo, InstructorName, InstructorLocation)

There should be no abnormalities in the third normal form at this point. For this example,
consider the dependency diagram in Figure 2-1. As previously said, the first step is to eliminate
repeated groupings.

Student (StudentNo, StudentName, Major)

StudentCourse (StudentNo, CourseNo, CourseName, InstructorNo,
InstructorName, InstructorLocation, Grade)

Figure 2-1 Dependency diagram

Review the dependencies in Figure 2-1, which summarizes the normalization procedure for
the School database.
The following are the abbreviations used in Figure 2-1:
PD stands for partially dependent.
TD stands for transitive dependence.
FD stands for full dependency. (FD stands for functional dependence in most cases. Figure 2-1
is the only place where FD is used as an abbreviated form for full dependence.)
A relational database is valuable when structured data and a strict relationship between the
fields are maintained. But what if you do not have structured data in which a strict relationship
between fields has been maintained? That’s where Elasticsearch comes in.

You’ll find that data is often unstructured. Meaning, you may end up with a mix of image data,
sensor data, and other forms of data. To analyze this data, we first need to store it. MySQL or SQL-
based databases are not good at storing unstructured data. So here we introduce a different kind
of storage, which is mainly used to handle unstructured textual data.
Elasticsearch is a Lucene-based database, which makes it is easy to store and search text data.
Its query interface is a REST API endpoint. The Elasticsearch (ES) low-level client gives a direct
mapping from Python to ES REST endpoints. One of the big advantages of Elasticsearch is that it
provides a full-stack solution for data analysis in one place. Elasticsearch is the database. It has a
configurable front end called Kibana, a data collection tool called Logstash, and an enterprise
security feature called Shield.
This example has features called cat, cluster, indices, ingest, nodes, snapshot, and tasks that
translate to instances of CatClient, ClusterClient, IndicesClient, CatClient,
ClusterClient, IndicesClient, IngestClient, NodesClient, SnapshotClient,
NodesClient, SnapshotClient, and TasksClient, respectively. These instances are the
only supported way to get access to these classes and their methods.
You can specify your own connection class, which can be used by providing the
connection_class parameter.

# create connection to local host using the ThriftConnection


Installation commands for Elastic Search are given here:

curl -fsSL | sudo

apt-key add -
echo "deb stable main"
| sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/elastic-7.x.list
sudo apt update
sudo apt install elasticsearch

You can start Elasticsearch in Ubuntu with these commands:

service elasticsearch start

service elasticsearch stop

You can check the status with these commands:

service elasticsearch status

# create connection that will automatically inspect the cluster to
# the list of active nodes. Start with nodes running on 'esnode1' and
# 'esnode2'
['esnode1', 'esnode2'],
# sniff before doing anything
# refresh nodes after a node fails to respond
# and also every 30 seconds

Different hosts can have different parameters (hostname, port number, SSL option); you can
use one dictionary per node to specify them.

# connect to localhost directly and

another node using SSL on port 443
# and an url_prefix. Note that ``port`` needs to be an int.

SSL client authentication is also supported (see Urllib3HttpConnection for a detailed

description of the options); an example is given here:

# turn on SSL
# make sure we verify SSL certificates (off by default)
# provide a path to CA certs on disk
ca_certs='path to CA_certs',
# PEM formatted SSL client certificate
client_cert='path to clientcert.pem',
# PEM formatted SSL client key
client_key='path to clientkey.pem'

Connection Layer API

Many classes are responsible for dealing with the Elasticsearch cluster. Here, the default
subclasses being utilized can be disregarded by handing over parameters to the
Elasticsearch class. Every argument belonging to the client will be added onto Transport,
ConnectionPool, and Connection.
As an example, if you want to use your own personal utilization of the
ConnectionSelector class, you just need to pass in the selector_class parameter.
The entire API wraps the raw REST API with a high level of accuracy, which includes the
differentiation between the required and optional arguments to the calls. This implies that the
code makes a differentiation between positional and keyword arguments; I advise you to use
keyword arguments for all calls to be consistent and safe. An API call becomes successful (and will
return a response) if Elasticsearch returns a 2XX response. Otherwise, an instance of
TransportError (or a more specific subclass) will be raised. You can see other exceptions and
error states in exceptions. If you do not want an exception to be raised, you can always pass in an
ignore parameter with either a single status code that should be ignored or a list of them.

from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch

# ignore 400 cause by IndexAlreadyExistsException when creating an
# ignore 404 and 400

Neo4j Python Driver

There are a variety of systems, such as network topology and social networks. However, when
difficulties are shown as a graph, they are quickly resolved. Neo4j is a database that stores data in
the form of a graph and executes queries through a graphical interface. The Neo4j Python driver is
supported by Neo4j and connects with the database through the binary protocol. It tries to remain
minimalistic but at the same time be idiomatic to Python.

pip install neo4j-driver

from neo4j.v1 import GraphDatabase, basic_auth
driver11 = GraphDatabase.driver("bolt://localhost",
auth=basic_auth("neo4j", "neo4j"))
session11 = driver11.session()"CREATE (a:Person {name:'Sayan',
result 11="MATCH (a:Person) WHERE = 'Sayan'
RETURN AS name, a.title AS title")
for recordi n resul11t:
print("%s %s"% (record["title"], record["name"]))

The main objective of neo4j-rest-client is to make sure that the Python programmers already
using Neo4j locally through python-embedded are also able to access the Neo4j REST server. So,
the structure of the neo4j-rest-client API is completely in sync with python-embedded. But, a new
structure is brought in so as to arrive at a more Pythonic style and to augment the API with the
new features being introduced by the Neo4j team.

In-Memory Database
Another important class of databases is an in-memory database. This type stores and processes
the data in RAM. So, operations on the database are fast, and the data is volatile. SQLite is a
popular example of an in-memory database. In Python you need to use the sqlalchemy library to
operate on SQLite. In Chapter 1’s Flask and Falcon example, I showed you how to select data from
SQLite. Here I will show how to store a Pandas data frame in SQLite:

from sqlalchemy import create_engine

import sqlite3
conn = sqlite3.connect('multiplier.db')
conn.execute('''CREATE TABLE if not exists multiplier
(domain CHAR(50),
low REAL,
high REAL);''')
db_name = "your db name ""
disk_engine = create_engine(db_name)
df.to_sql('scores', disk_engine, if_exists='replace')

MongoDB (Python Edition)

MongoDB is an open-source document database designed for superior performance, easy
availability, and automatic scaling. MongoDB makes sure that object-relational mapping (ORM) is
not required to facilitate development. A document that contains a data structure made up of field
and value pairs is referred to as a record in MongoDB. These records are akin to JSON objects. The
values of fields may be comprised of other documents, arrays, and arrays of documents.

"address": {
"street":"Siraj Mondal Lane",
"coord": [ -24.97, 48.68 ]

Import Data into the Collection

mongoimport can be used to place the documents into a collection in a database, within the
system shell or a command prompt. If the collection already exists in the database, the operation
will discard the original collection first.

mongoimport --DB test --collection restaurants --drop --file


The mongoimport command is joined to a MongoDB instance running on localhost on port

27017. The --file option provides a way to import the data; here it’s
To import data into a MongoDB instance running on a different host or port, the hostname or
port needs to be mentioned specifically in the mongoimport command by including the --host
or --port option.
There is a similar load command in MySQL.

Create a Connection Using pymongo

To create a connection, do the following:

import MongoClient from pymongo.

Client11 = MongoClient()

If no argument is mentioned to MongoClient, then it will default to the MongoDB instance

running on the localhost interface on port 27017.
A complete MongoDB URL may be designated to define the connection, which includes the
host and port number. Let’s take a look at an example.
First, install Mongo using this command: yum/apt install mongo.
Then, launch MongoDB using this command: service mongo start.
The following code makes a connection to a MongoDB instance that runs on and port 27017:

Client11 = MongoClient("mongodb://myhostname:27017")

Access Database Objects

To assign the database named primer to the local variable DB, you can use either of the following

Db11 = client11.primer
db11 = client11['primer']

Collection objects can be accessed directly by using the dictionary style or the attribute access
from a database object, as shown in the following two examples:

Coll11 = db11.dataset
coll = db11['dataset']

Insert Data
You can place a document into a collection that doesn’t exist, and the following operation will
create the collection:

result=db.addrss.insert_one({<<your json >>)

Update Data
Here is how to update data:

{"building": "129",
{"$set": {"address.street": "MG Road"}}

Remove Data
To expunge all documents from a collection, use this:


Cloud Databases
Even though the cloud has its own chapter, we’d like to provide you with an overview of cloud
databases, particularly databases for large data. People prefer cloud databases when they want
their systems to scale automatically. Google Big Query is the greatest tool for searching your data.
Azure Synapsys has a similar feature; however, it is significantly more expensive. You can store
data on S3, but if you want to run a query, you’ll need Athena, which is expensive. So, in modern
practice, data is stored as a blob in S3, and everything is done in a Python application. If there is
an error in data finding, this method takes a long time. Amazon Redish can also handle a
considerable quantity of large data and comes with a built-in BI tool.

The goal of this section is to show some examples to enable you to begin using Pandas. These
illustrations have been taken from real-world data, along with any bugs and weirdness that are
inherent. Pandas is a framework inspired by the R data frame concept.
Please find the CSV file at the following link:

To read data from a CSV file, use this:

import pandas as pd

To look at the first three rows, use this:


To select a column, use this:

broken_df[' MSSubClass ']

To plot a column, use this:

broken_df[' MSSubClass’ '].plot()

To get a maximum value in the data set, use this:

MaxValue= broken_df[' MSSubClass’].max() where MSSubClass is the

column header

There are many other methods such as sort, groupby, and orderby in Pandas that are
useful when playing with structured data. Also, Pandas has a ready-made adapter for popular
databases such as MongoDB, Google Big Query, and so on.
One complex example with Pandas is shown next. In the X data frame for each distinct column
value, find the average value of the floor grouping by the root column.

for col in X.columns:

if col != 'root':
avgs =
for i,row in avgs.iterrows():
k = row[col]
v = row['floor']
r = row['root']
X.loc[(X[col] == k) &
(X['root'] == r), col] = v2.
You can do any experiment in the Pandas framework with the data given for classification and
regression problems.

ETL with Python (Unstructured Data)

Dealing with unstructured data is an important task in modern data analysis. In this section, I will
cover how to parse emails, and I’ll introduce an advanced research topic called topical crawling.

Email Parsing
See Chapter 1 for a complete example of web crawling using Python.
Like Beautiful Soup, Python has a library for email parsing. The following is the example code
to parse email data stored on a mail server. The inputs in the configuration are the username and
number of mails to parse for the user.
In this code, you have to mention the email user, email folder, and index of the mail-in config;
code will write from the address to handle the subject and the date of the email in the CSV file.

from email.parser import Parser

import os
import sys
conf = open(sys.argv[1])

# parsing the config file

for line in conf:

if ("," in line):
fields = line.split(",")
key = fields[0].strip().split("=")[1].strip()
val = fields[1].strip().split("=")[1].strip()
users[key] = val
if ("=" in line):
words = line.strip().split('=')
config[words[0].strip()] = words[1].strip()

# extracting information from user email

for usr in users.keys():

path = config["path"]+"/"+usr+"/"+config["folder"]
files = os.listdir(path)
for f in sorted(files):
if(int(f) > int(users[usr])):
users[usr] = f
path1 = path + "/" + f
data = ""
with open (path1) as myfile:
if data != "" :
parser = Parser()
email = parser.parsestr(data)
out = ""
out = out + str(email.get('From')) + "," +
str(email.get('To')) + "," + str(email.get('Subject')) + "," +
str(email.get('Date')).replace(","," ")
if email.is_multipart():
for part in email.get_payload():
out = out + "," +
str(part.get_payload()).replace("\n"," ").replace(","," ")
out = out + "," +
str(email.get_payload()).replace("\n"," ").replace(","," ")
print out,"\n"

#updating the output file

conf = open(sys.argv[1],'w')
conf.write("path=" + config["path"] + "\n")
conf.write("folder=" + config["folder"] + "\n")
for usr in users.keys():
conf.write("name="+ usr +",value=" + users[usr] + "\n")

Sample config file for above code.


Topical Crawling
Topical crawlers are intelligent crawlers that retrieve information from anywhere on the Web.
They start with a URL and then find links present in the pages under it; then they look at new
URLs, bypassing the scalability limitations of universal search engines. This is done by
distributing the crawling process across users, queries, and even client computers. Crawlers can
use the context available to infinitely loop through the links with a goal of systematically locating
a highly relevant, focused page.
Web searching is a complicated task. A large chunk of machine learning work is being applied
to find the similarity between pages, such as the maximum number of URLs fetched or visited.

Crawling Algorithms
Figure 2-2 describes how the topical crawling algorithm works with its major components.
Figure 2-2 Topical crawling described
The starting URL of a topical crawler is known as the seed URL. There is another set of URLs
known as the target URLs, which are examples of desired output.
Another intriguing application of crawling is for a startup that wants to uncover crucial
keywords for every IP address. In the HTTP packet header, they acquire the user’s browsing
history from the Internet service provider. After crawling the URL visited by that IP, they classify
the words in the text using name-entity recognition (Stanford NLP), which is easily
implementable by the RNN explained in Chapter 5. All name entities and their types, such as
names of people, locations, and organizations, are recommended for the user.

import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import nltk
from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize
from nltk.corpus import stopwords
from nltk.tag import StanfordNERTagger
import re
import json
import os
import socket
import struct

def ip2int(addr):
return struct.unpack("!I", socket.inet_aton(addr))[0]
def int2ip(addr):
return socket.inet_ntoa(struct.pack("!I", addr))
java_path = '/usr/bin/java'
os.environ['JAVAHOME'] = java_path
os.environ['STANFORD_MODELS'] = '/home/ec2-user/stanford-ner.jar'

f = open("/home/ec2-user/data.csv")

res = []

stop_words = set(stopwords.words('english'))

for line in f:
fields = line.strip().split(",")
url = fields[1]
ip = fields[-1]
tags_del = None
if True:
ip = ip2int(ip)
tagged = None
code = requests.get(url)
plain = code.text
s = BeautifulSoup(plain)
tags_del = s.get_text()
if tags_del is None:
no_html = re.sub('<[^>]*>', '', tags_del)
st = StanfordNERTagger('/home/ec2-
tokenized = word_tokenize(no_html)
tagged = st.tag(tokenized)
if tagged is None:
for t in tagged:
t = list(t)
t[0] = t[0].replace(' ', '')
t[-1] = t[-1].replace(' ', '')
if t[0] in stop_words:
unit = {}
unit["ip"] = ip
unit["word"] = t[0]
unit["name_entity"] = t[-1]
res_final = {}
res_final["result"] = res

# pass
# pass

with open('result.json', 'w') as fp:

json.dump(res, fp)

In this chapter, we discussed different kind of databases and their use cases, and we discussed
collecting text data from the Web and extracting information from different types of unstructured
data like email and web pages.
Another random document with
no related content on Scribd:
On the 26th, about half an hour after sunset, arrived at Ghraat;
and were soon visited by a number of Hateeta’s relations, one of
whom was his sister. Some were much affected, and wept at the
sufferings that had detained him so long from them. A number of his
male relations soon came, and many of the inhabitants of the town.
The ladies were a free and lively set. They were not a little pleased
with the grave manner we uttered the various complimentary
expressions. Hateeta was not well pleased with something that he
had heard. He told us not to be afraid; for he had numerous
relations. We said that fear never entered our breasts, and begged
him not to be uneasy on our account.
Saturday, July 27. Early in the morning numerous visitors paid
their respects to Hateeta, and were introduced in due form to us. We
felt the length of time spent in salutations quite fatiguing, and so
absurd in our eyes, that we could scarcely at times retain our gravity.
Our visitors were mostly residents of the city, and all were decorated
in their best. There was a sedateness and gravity in the appearance
of all, which the dress tended greatly to augment. There were three
natives of Gadames, one of whom knew us through our worthy friend
Mahomet D’Ghies; another we had seen in the house of Dr. Dickson;
and the third was well acquainted with European manners, having
been over at Leghorn.
In the afternoon we visited the sultan. Mats had been spread in
the castle, in a small ante-chamber. The old man was seated, but
rose up to receive us and welcome us to his city. He apologized for
not waiting on us; but said he was sick, and had been very little out
for some time. He had guinea-worm, and a cataract was forming in
his eyes. He was dressed in a nearly worn out tobe, and trowsers of
the same colour; and round his head was wrapped an old piece of
yellow coarse cloth for a turban. Notwithstanding the meanness of
the dress, there was something pleasing and prepossessing in his
countenance, and such a freeness as made us soon quite as much
at home as if in our tents. We presented him with a sword, with
which he was highly pleased. Hateeta wished it had been a
bornouse; but we had none with us we considered sufficiently good.
We were led away by the title, sultan. We had no idea the Tuaricks
were so vain; for they used to be filling us with high notions of the
wealth and greatness of the people here.
Our interview was highly interesting; and every one seemed much
pleased with us. The old sultan showed us every kindness; and we
had every reason to believe him sincere in his good wishes. After our
visit we called at the house of Lameens, son of the kadi. He is a
young man of excellent character, and universally respected. His
father is now in Ghadames, arranging with some of the other
principal inhabitants the affairs of the community. He had left
directions with his son to show us every attention. His house was
neatly fitted up, and carpets spread on a high bed, on which we
seated ourselves. Several of the people who were in the castle came
along with us, and by the assistance of those that could speak
Arabic, we were able to keep up a tolerably good conversation. On
inquiring about the Tuarick letters, we found the same sounds given
them as we had before heard from others. We were here at the
fountain head, but were disappointed in not being able to find a book
in the Tuarick language; they told us there was not one. Some only
of the Tuaricks speak the Arabic. We were the more astonished to
find this, when we considered the great intercourse between them
and nations that speak Arabic only.
It was near sunset before we returned to our tents, which were
now tolerably clear of visitors. All had retired to pray and eat. Stewed
meat, bread, and soup, were again sent us by the sultan.
In the evening Hateeta’s kinswomen returned. They were greatly
amused, and laughed heartily at our blundering out a few Tuarick
words. It may be well supposed we were very unfit companions for
the ladies, as they could speak no other language than their own,
and we knew very little of it. Still, however, we got on well, and were
mutually pleased. I could scarcely refrain laughing several times at
the grave manner Clapperton assumed. He had been tutored by
Hateeta, and fully acted up to his instructions; no Tuarick could have
done better. Our friend Hateeta was anxious we should shine, and
read a number of lectures to Clapperton. He is naturally lively, and
full of humour. He was directed not to laugh or sing, but look as
grave as possible, which Hateeta said would be sure to please the
grave Tuaricks. As for myself, I had a natural sedateness, which
Hateeta thought would do. The liveliness of the women, their
freeness with the men, and the marked attention the latter paid them,
formed a striking contrast with other Mahommedan states. Thus the
day passed over well, and we had every reason to be pleased with
the demeanour of the people, and the attention they paid us.
Violent gale from the northward, which almost smothered us with
About four we went to visit the spring we had heard so much
about, and to make a circuit round the town. The water is contained
in a large reservoir, surrounded with palm trees; and the banks are
covered with rushes, except when the people go to draw water.
There is not that bubbling up we saw in the spring of Shiati and
Ludinat, but apparently an oozing from a large surface, as in those of
Traghan. The water is clear, well tasted, and in abundance: a large
extent of soil is supplied by it, through channels cut in the ground;
and all the town is supplied from this place. Good water and plenty of
it is a great blessing in every quarter of the globe, but much more in
a hot climate. The people are sensible of it; for you hear this place
and that praised for the abundance of this water, and the healthiness
of its quality; and you often hear them say that it does not engender
bile, as the waters of such a place. Some small spots here are really
beautiful, from the diversity of scenery in a small compass. Here and
there patches of grass and beds of water melons, in the edge of the
water channels, fine palms loaded with ripe fruit, small squares of
gufolly and cassoub, and beautiful vines clinging to the trees; in the
brakes, the town and black tinted low hills. We observed platforms,
of palm leaves, raised about five feet from the ground, for the
purpose of sleeping, and defending the person from scorpions,
which are very common.
We now came in sight of the town, and were well pleased with the
appearance. The houses neat and clean; and the mosque, finer than
any thing of the kind in Fezzan. All was neat and simple. It is built at
the foot of a low hill, on the summit of which the former town stood;
but it, as we were told, was destroyed, and the greater part of the
inhabitants, by the giving way of the portion of hill on which it was
erected. The hills, composed as those about here, are very apt to fall
down in large masses. Indeed, none of the hills appear of their
original height. It was not long since a large portion of a neighbouring
mountain gave way, and the noise of its fall was heard at a great
distance. When the melancholy event of the destruction of the town
took place, we could not learn.
The town is surrounded with walls, in good repair, formed of sand
and whitish clay, that gives a clean and lively appearance to the
whole. There is only one gate opening to the east; formerly there
were more, that are now blocked up. The houses are built of the
same substance as the walls, and the external form and internal
arrangement the same as those of Mourzuk and other Mahommedan
towns. The town appears to be about the size of Oubari, and
perhaps contains about 1000 inhabitants. The burying-ground is
outside the town; it is divided into two departments, one for those
arrived at maturity, the other for children,—a distinction not
observable in Fezzan.
In our walk we fell in with a number of females, who had come out
to see us. All were free and lively, and not at all deterred by the
presence of the men. Several had fine features; but only one or two
could be called beautiful. Many of the natives came out of their
houses as we passed along, and cordially welcomed us to their
town. It was done in such a manner, that we could not but feel
pleased and highly flattered.
In the evening we heard a numerous band of females singing at a
distance, which was continued till near midnight. The women were
principally those of the country. This custom is very common among
the people, and is one of the principal amusements in the mountain
recesses. Hateeta said they go out when their work is finished in the
evening, and remain till near midnight in singing and telling stories,
return home, take supper, and go to bed.
The language of the Tuaricks is harsh and guttural; but it has
great strength, and is evidently expressive. That at least is the
opinion we were led to form, with our imperfect knowledge. The want
of books, and the little attention paid to cultivating a language, must
tend to keep it in a very imperfect state. The sedate character of the
Tuarick seems to be a firm barrier against the muses. The males
seldom sing; it is considered an amusement fit only for females.
Their songs were described to us as sweet. We never heard one
repeating any poetical lines. The people have good sound sense,
and give more distinct accounts of what they have seen than I have
received from the Moorish merchants. They would be a shining
people, were they placed in more favourable situations. On almost
every stone in places they frequent, the Tuarick characters are hewn
out. It matters nothing whether the letters are written from the right to
the left, or vice versa, or written horizontally.


Yet. Yuz.

Yuk. Iz.

Yow Yew.

A. Yid.

Yib. Yir.
Yes. Yei.

Yim. Yigh.

Yish. Yin.

These characters will be sufficient to enable the learned to trace

the connexion of the language with others that are now extinct. Here
we have no opportunity of making inquiries into this important
Note. The rest of the Journal, describing their return to Mourzuk, is wholly
uninteresting, and is therefore omitted.



On the evening of the 29th of November we left Mourzuk,

accompanied by nearly all those of the town, who could muster a
horse: the camels had moved early in the day, and at Zezow we
found the tents pitched—there are here merely a few huts. From
Zezow to Traghan there is a good high road, with frequent
incrustations of salt, and we arrived there before noon. It is a clean
walled town, one of the best of one hundred and nine, of which
Fezzan is said to boast. Traghan was formerly as rich as Mourzuk,
and was the capital and residence of a sultan, who governed the
eastern part of Fezzan, whose castle, in ruins, may still be seen.
A maraboot, of great sanctity, is the principal person in Traghan,
as his father was before him. During the reign of the present
bashaw’s father, when the Arab troops appeared before the town,
the then maraboot and chief went out to meet them; and, from his
own stores, paid sixty thousand dollars to prevent the property of his
townspeople from being plundered. They make carpets here equal to
those of Constantinople. There are some springs of good water in
the gardens near the town, the only ones in Fezzan, it is said, except
the tepid one at Hammam, near Sockna.
After being crammed, as it were, by the hospitality of the
maraboot, we left Traghan for Maefen, an assemblage of date huts,
with but one house. The road to this place lies over a mixture of sand
and salt, having a curious and uncommon appearance: the surface
is full of cracks, and in many places it has the effect of a new
ploughed field: the clods are so hard, that it is with great difficulty
they can be broken. The path by which all the animals move for
some miles is a narrow space, or stripe, worn smooth, bearing a
resemblance, both in hardness and appearance, to ice: near
Maefen, it assumes a new and more beautiful shape, the cracks are
larger, and from the sides of cavities several feet deep hang beautiful
crystals, from beds of frost of the purest white[9]. I broke off a large
mass, but the interior was as brittle as the exterior was difficult to
break; the frost work was fine salt, and fell away in flakes on being
lightly shaken. It extends more than twenty miles, east and west. The
water of Maefen, though strongly tinctured with soda, is not
disagreeable to the taste, or unwholesome.
Quitting Maefen, we quickly entered on a desert plain; and, after a
dreary fourteen hours march for camels, we arrived at Mestoola, a
maten, or resting place, where the camels find some little grazing
from a plant called Ahgul. Starting at sun-rise, we had another
fatiguing day over the same kind of desert, without, I think, seeing
one living thing that did not belong to our kafila—not a bird, or even
an insect: the sand is beautifully fine, round, and red. We now
arrived at Gatrone. The Arabs watch for a sight of the high date
trees, which surround this town, as sailors look for land; and after
discovering these landmarks, they shape their course accordingly.
I here joined my companions, whom I found in a state of health
but ill calculated for undertaking a long and tedious journey. During
my stay at Mourzuk, I had suffered from a severe attack of fever,
which had kept me for ten days in my bed; and although
considerably debilitated, yet was I strong in comparison with my
associates. Doctor Oudney was suffering much from his cough, and
still complaining of his chest. Mr. Clapperton’s ague had not left him,
and Hillman had been twice attacked so violently as to be given over
by the doctor. We all, however, looked forward anxiously to
proceeding, and fancied that change of scene and warmer weather
would bring us all round. Gatrone is not unpleasingly situated: it is
surrounded by sandhills, and mounds of earth covered with a small
tree, called athali. Huts are built all round the town for the Tibboos.
Though encamped on the south side of the town, we had cold
north and north-east winds, and the thermometer in the tent was
from 43 to 45 in the mornings. The person of the greatest importance
at Gatrone is one Hagi-el-Raschid, a large proprietor and a
maraboot. He is a man of very clear understanding and amiable
manners, and as he uses the superstition of the people as the
means of making them happy and turning them from vicious
pursuits, one becomes almost reconciled to an impostor.
Much necessary arrangement had been made here by laying in a
stock of dates, &c. for our long journey: and at eleven A.M. we left
Gatrone. The maraboot accompanied Boo-Khaloom outside the
town, and having drawn, not a magic circle, but a parallelogram, on
the sand, with his wand he wrote in it certain words of great import
from the Koran; the crowd looking on in silent astonishment, while he
assumed a manner both graceful and imposing, so as to make it
impossible for any one to feel at all inclined to ridicule his motions.
When he had finished repeating the fatah aloud, he invited us singly
to ride through the spot he had consecrated, and, having obeyed
him, we silently proceeded on our journey, without even repeating an
We passed a small nest of huts on the road, prettily situated,
called El-Bahhi, from whence the women of the place followed us
with songs for several miles. Having halted at Medroosa, we moved
on the next morning, and leaving an Arab castle to the south-east,
and some table-top hills, bearing south and by east, we arrived at
Kasrowa by three in the afternoon.
Kasrowa has tumuli of some height all round the town, covered
with the plant athali, and there is a well of good water: a road from
hence branches off to the south-east, which goes to Kanem and
Waday. It is also said to be the shortest road to Bornou, but there is
a great scarcity of water.
On the 9th, we were to arrive at Tegerhy; and the Arabs
commenced skirmishing as soon as we came within sight of it, and
kept it up in front of the town for half an hour after our arrival.
We were here to halt for a day or two, for the purpose of taking in
the remainder of our dates and provisions, and never was halt more
acceptable. Hillman, our carpenter, and two of our servants, were
really too ill to be moved; two of them had fevers, and one the ague.
Hillman had been so weakened by previous attacks, as to be lifted
on and off his mule: indeed we were all sickly. Doctor Oudney’s
complaint in his chest, and his cough, had gradually become worse;
and going only a few hundred yards to see a dome date tree so
fatigued him that, after lying down, he was obliged to return,
supported by Mr. Clapperton. As our servants were all ill, one of the
negro women made us a mess of kouscasou, with some preserved
fat, which had been prepared in Mourzuk: it was a sorry meal, for the
fat was rancid; and although tired, and not very strong, I could not
refuse an invitation, about nine at night, after I had lain down to
sleep, to eat camel’s heart with Boo-Khaloom: it was wofully hard
and tough, and I suffered the next morning from indulging too much
at the feast.
Drawn by Major Denham. Engraved by E. Finden.


Published by John Murray, London. Feb. 1826.

The Tibboos and Arabs kept us awake half the night with their
singing and dancing, in consequence of the bousafer, or feast, on
entering the Tibboo country. Boo-Khaloom gave two camels, and we
gave one. Our sick seemed to gain a little strength; and as we had
succeeded in purchasing a sheep, a little soup seemed to revive
them much; but we feared that Hillman and one of the servants must
be left behind. However distressing would such an event have been,
it was impossible for men who could not sit upright on a mule to
commence a journey of fifteen days over a desert, during which
travellers are obliged to march from sunrise until dark.
The 12th December was a beautifully mild morning, the
thermometer at eight being at 56. After breakfast, all seemed
revived; but it was with pain I observed the exceeding weakness of
Doctor Oudney and Hillman. I managed to get a sketch of the castle
of Tegerhy from the south side of a salt pool close to the town; the
entrance to which is small, low, and arched, something resembling a
sally-port: within a second wall and gateway, there are loop-holes
which would render the entrance by the narrow passage before
mentioned extremely difficult: above the second gateway, there is
also an opening from whence missiles and firebrands, of which the
Arabs formerly made great use, might be poured on the assailants.
Wells of water are within the walls, and tolerably good; and with
supplies, when in a state of repair, I have no doubt Tegerhy might
make a very good defence.
The sultans of Fezzan probably think that the only means of
keeping these people in order is by keeping them poor. Their only
produce is dates, but those are of excellent quality. No vegetables
are raised here, and we could not even procure an onion. Almost
every town in Africa has its charm or wonder, and Tegerhy is not
without one. There is a well just outside the castle gates, the water of
which, we were told most gravely, “always rose when a kafila was
coming near the town! that the inhabitants always prepared what
they had to sell on seeing this water increase in bulk, for it never
deceived them!”—In proof of this assertion, they pointed out to me
how much higher the water had been previous to our arrival than it
was at the moment we were standing on the brink. This I could have
explained by the number of camels that had drank at it, but I saw it
was better policy to believe what every body allowed to be true: even
Boo-Khaloom exclaimed, “Allah! God is great, powerful, and wise!
How wonderful! Oh!” Over the inner gate of the castle there is a large
hole through to the gateway underneath, and they tell a story of a
woman dropping from thence a stone on the head of some leader
who had gained the outer wall, giving him, by that means, the death
of Abimelech in sacred history.
The situation of Tegerhy is rather pleasing than otherwise: it is
surrounded by date trees, and the water is excellent; a range of low
hills extends to the eastward; and snipes, wild-ducks, and geese,
frequent the salt-pools, which are near the town. The natives are
quite black, but have not the negro face: the men are slim, very
plain, with high cheek bones, the negro nose, large mouth, teeth
much stained by the quantity of tobacco and trona (or muriate of
soda) which they eat; and even snuff, when given to them, goes
directly into their mouths.
The young girls are most of them pretty, but less so than those of
Gatrone. The men always carry two daggers, one about eighteen
inches, and the other six inches, the latter of which is attached to a
ring and worn on the arm or wrist. A Tibboo once told me, pointing to
the long one, “this is my gun; and this,” showing the smaller of the
two, “is my pistol.” The women make baskets and drinking-bowls of
palm leaves with great neatness.
On the 13th, we left Tegerhy, and proceeded on the desert: it was
scattered with mounds of earth and sand, covered with athila (a plant
the camels eat with avidity), and other shrubs. After travelling six
miles we arrived at a well called Omah, where our tents were
pitched, and here we halted three days. On the 16th, after clearing
the palm trees, by which Omah is surrounded, we proceeded on the
desert. About nine we had a slight shower of rain. At three in the
afternoon, we came to a halt at Ghad, after travelling ten miles. Near
the wells of Omah, numbers of human skeletons, or parts of
skeletons, lay scattered on the sands. Hillman, who had suffered
dreadfully since leaving Tegerhy, was greatly shocked at these
whitened skulls, and unhallowed remains; so much so, as to want all
the encouragement I could administer to him.
Dec. 17.—We continued our course over a stony plain, without
the least appearance of vegetation. Coarse opal and sand-stone[10]
strewed the path. We saw Alowere-Seghrir, a ridge of hills, bearing
east by south; Alowere-El-Kebir, a still higher ridge, lies more to the
east, but was not visible. These, by the accounts of the natives, are
the highest mountains in the Tibboo country, with the exception of
Ercherdat Erner. More to the south, the inhabitants are called
Tibboo-Irchad (the Tibboos of the rocks). Through passes in both
these mountains, the road lies to Kanem. About sunset, we halted
near a well, within a half mile of Meshroo. Round this spot were lying
more than one hundred skeletons, some of them with the skin still
remaining attached to the bones—not even a little sand thrown over
them. The Arabs laughed heartily at my expression of horror, and
said, “they were only blacks, nam boo!” (damn their fathers!) and
began knocking about the limbs with the butt end of their firelocks,
saying, “This was a woman! This was a youngster!” and such like
unfeeling expressions. The greater part of the unhappy people, of
whom these were the remains, had formed the spoils of the sultan of
Fezzan the year before. I was assured that they had left Bornou with
not above a quarter’s allowance for each; and that more died from
want than fatigue: they were marched off with chains round their
necks and legs: the most robust only arrived in Fezzan in a very
debilitated state, and were there fattened for the Tripoli slave market.
Our camels did not come up until it was quite dark, and we
bivouacked in the midst of these unearthed remains of the victims of
persecution and avarice, after a long day’s journey of twenty-six
miles, in the course of which, one of our party counted 107 of these
Dec. 19[11].—Moved round a winding pass to the west, and after
an ascent of three hundred feet descended a sandy steep to the
east. This was rather a picturesque spot, looking back upon Thenea.
Our road lay over a long plain with a slight ridge. A fine naga (she-
camel) lay down on the road this day, as I thought from fatigue. The
Arabs crowded round, and commenced unloading her, when, upon
inquiry, I found that she was suddenly taken in labour: about five
minutes completed the operation,—a very fine little animal was
literally dragged into light. It was then thrown across another camel;
and the mother, after being reloaded, followed quietly after her
offspring. One of the skeletons we passed to-day had a very fresh
appearance; the beard was still hanging to the skin of the face, and
the features were still discernible. A merchant, travelling with the
kafila, suddenly exclaimed, “That was my slave! I left him behind four
months ago, near this spot.”—“Make haste! take him to the fsug”
(market), said an Arab wag, “for fear any body else should claim
him.” We had no water, and a most fatiguing day.
Dec. 20 was also a dreary day of most uninteresting country; and
it was 5. 30. when we arrived at the Hormut-el-Wahr. These were the
highest hills we had seen since leaving Fezzan: the highest peak
might be five or six hundred feet. They had a bold black appearance,
and were a relief to the eye, after the long level we had quitted. We
entered the pass, which is nearly two miles in width, and wound
round some high hills to the south: the path was rugged and irregular
in the extreme, and bordered by bold conical and table-topped
detached hills. We blundered and stumbled on until ten at night,
when we found the resting-place, after a toilsome and most
distressing day. We were several times foiled in our attempt to find a
path into the wadey, under these hills, by which the camels might
move, and where the water was. Hillman was exceedingly ill this
night, and Dr. Oudney too fatigued to render him any assistance. El-
Wahr is a wadey of loose gravel, and has a well of good water. This
was the eighth day since our camels had tasted water: they were
weak and sore-footed, from the stony nature of the passes in these
hills of El-Wahr. At night it blew a hurricane.
It is three miles from where we halted to the end of the wadey;
where, to the west, there is a high hill called El-Baab. These hills
extend away to the east, and form part of the range which are found
near Tibesty, where they become higher and bolder. We had now a
stony plain, with low hills of sand and gravel, till we reached El-
Garha, which is a detached conical hill to the west, close to our road;
and here we halted for the night[12].
Dec. 22.—We moved before daylight, passing some rough sand
hills, mixed with red stone, to the west, over a plain of fine gravel,
and halted at the maten, called El-Hammar, close under a bluff head,
which had been in view since quitting our encampment in the
morning. Strict orders had been given this day for the camels to keep
close up, and for the Arabs not to straggle—the Tibboo Arabs having
been seen on the look out. During the last two days, we had passed
on an average from sixty to eighty or ninety skeletons each day; but
the numbers that lay about the wells at El-Hammar were countless:
those of two women, whose perfect and regular teeth bespoke them
young, were particularly shocking; their arms still remained clasped
round each other as they had expired; although the flesh had long
since perished by being exposed to the burning rays of the sun, and
the blackened bones only left: the nails of the fingers, and some of
the sinews of the hand, also remained; and part of the tongue of one
of them still appeared through the teeth. We had now passed six
days of desert without the slightest appearance of vegetation, and a
little branch of the souak was brought me here as a comfort and
curiosity. On the following day we had alternately plains of sand and
loose gravel, and had a distant view of some hills to the west. While I
was dozing on my horse about noon, overcome by the heat of the
sun, which at that time of the day always shone with great power, I
was suddenly awakened by a crashing under his feet, which startled
me excessively. I found that my steed had, without any sensation of
shame or alarm, stepped upon the perfect skeletons of two human
beings, cracking their brittle bones under his feet, and, by one trip of
his foot, separating a skull from the trunk, which rolled on like a ball
before him. This event gave me a sensation which it took some time
to remove. My horse was for many days not looked upon with the
same regard as formerly.
Dec. 24.—When the rains fall, which they do here in torrents in
the season, a sort of grass quickly springs up many feet high. In
passing the desert, a few remaining roots of this dried grass, which
had been blown by the winds from Bodemam, were eagerly seized
on by the Arabs, with cries of joy, for their hungry camels. The plain
was this day covered with slight irregularities, and strewed with
various coloured stones—thick beds of gypsum, stones resembling
topazes, and pieces of calcareous spar, which, reflecting the rays of
the setting-sun, displayed a most beautiful variety of tints. An
incrustation of fine whiting lay in patches, at no great distance from
the well: and soon after the sun had retired behind the hills to the
west, we descended into a wadey, where about a dozen stunted
bushes (not trees) of palm marked the spot where the water was to
be found. Even these miserable bushes were a great relief to the
eye, after the dreary sameness of the preceding days; and at day-
break in the morning, I could not help smiling at seeing Hillman
gazing at them with pleasure in his look, while he declared they
reminded him of a valley near his own home in the West of England.
The wells are situated under a ridge of low white hills of sandstone,
called Mafrasben-Kasarettsa, where there are also beds and hills of
limestone. The wells were so choked up with sand, that several cart-
loads of it were removed previous to finding sufficient water; and
even then the animals could not drink until near ten at night.
One of our nagas had this day her accouchement on the road;
and we all looked forward to the milk which the Arabs assured us
she had in abundance, and envied us not a little our morning
draughts, which we were already quaffing in imagination. However,
one of the “many slips between the cup and the lip” was to befall us.
The poor thing suddenly fell, and as suddenly died: the exclamations
of the Arabs were dreadful.—“The evil eye! the evil eye!” they all
exclaimed—“She was sure to die, I knew it.”—“Well! if she had been
mine, I would rather have lost a child, or three slaves!”—“God be
praised! God is great, powerful, and wise! those looks of the people
are always fatal.”
Dec. 25.—This was a beautiful mild morning: the thermometer 54.
at 6. 30. Our skins were here filled with water which was not
disagreeable, although strongly impregnated with sulphur. The
camels moved at eight. The head of a range of high hills bore west-
south-west, called Tiggerindumma: they resemble in shape and
structure those we had passed nearer: they extend to the west, as
far as the Arooda, five days hence, where there is a well; and ten
days beyond which is Ghraat. At the distance of four miles from
Mafras, we came to a small wadey, where we saw the first dome
date trees: they were full of fruit, though green. We continued
winding amongst a nest of hills,—crossed two water-courses, in
which were tulloh and dry grass (ashub), until seven. These hills are
bold and picturesque, composed of black and coloured sandstone.
No water.
Dec. 26[13].—We emerged from the hills, and broke into a plain,
extending to the east as far as the eye could reach; to the west,
Tiggerindumma sweeps off, and forming nearly a semi-circle,
appears again to the south, a very handsome range, though not
exceeding six hundred feet at any part in height. After passing
between two low ridges of dark hills, we opened on a plain bounded
with flat-topped and conical hills, called La Gaba. We found pieces of
iron ore this day, kidney-shaped, and of various other forms. We
travelled till nine at night, when some of us were nearly falling from
our horses with fatigue. After a narrow stony pass, we came to a halt
in a wadey called Izhya.
Here we had a gale of wind from the north-east for three days.
Our tents were nearly buried in sand, and we were obliged to roll
ourselves up in blankets nearly the whole time.
Dec. 30.—Izhya is called by the Tibboos Yaat. There are here four
wells, which resemble troughs cut in the sand, two or three feet
deep; and it is said, that by thus digging, water may be found in any
part of the wadey. We were encamped nearly west of the wells,
about one hundred yards between them and a raas, or head, which
had been in sight for some time. This head is a land-mark to kafilas,
coming in all directions, who wish to make the wadey. We passed
Ametradumma about four hours; from which, to the north-west, is a
wadey of palms, called Seggedem, with sweet water: here is
generally a tribe of plundering Tibboos, who are always on the look
out for small kafilas. No water.
Dec. 31.—A cold shivering morning. At 7. 30. thermometer 49.,
and we had a long day’s march over a plain, varying but little from
Izhya. The Arabs had no knowledge of the road; and the Tibboo
guide was all we had to rely on. We kept on until late, when the
Tibboo acknowledged he had lost the road, that the well was not far
off, but where he knew not; we therefore halted under some low
brown sandstone hills, and determined on waiting for the daylight.
We lost a camel this day from fatigue.


On the 1st January, after six miles’ travelling, we came to the

wadey Ikbar, and rested on the 2d. The Arabs here caught an hyæna
(dhubba), and brought it to us: we, however, had no wish beyond
looking at it. They then tied it to a tree, and shot at it until the poor
animal was literally knocked to pieces. This was the most refreshing
spot we had seen for many days; there were dome trees loaded with
fruit, though not ripe, which lay in clusters, and grass in abundance;
and I could have stayed here a week with pleasure, so reviving is the
least appearance of cultivation, or rather a sprinkling of Nature’s
beauty, after the parching wilds of the long dreary desert we had
Jan. 3.—Looking back with regret at leaving the few green
branches in Ikbar, with nothing before us but the dark hills and sandy
desert, we ascended slightly from the wadey, and leaving the hills of
Ikbar, proceeded towards a prominent head in a low range to the
east of our course, called Tummeraskumma, meaning “you’ll soon
drink water;” and about two miles in advance, we halted just under a
ridge of the same hills, after making twenty-four miles. Four camels
knocked up during this day’s march: on such occasions the Arabs
wait, in savage impatience, in the rear, with their knives in their
hands, ready, on the signal of the owner, to plunge them into the
poor animal, and tear off a portion of the flesh for their evening meal.
We were obliged to kill two of them on the spot; the other two, it was
hoped, would come up in the night. I attended the slaughter of one;
and despatch being the order of the day, a knife is struck in the
camel’s heart while his head is turned to the east, and he dies
almost in an instant; but before that instant expires, a dozen knives
are thrust into different parts of the carcass, in order to carry off the
choicest part of the flesh. The heart, considered as the greatest
delicacy, is torn out, the skin stripped from the breast and haunches,
part of the meat cut, or rather torn, from the bones, and thrust into
bags, which they carry for the purpose; and the remainder of the
carcass is left for the crows, vultures, and hyænas, while the Arabs
quickly follow the kafila.

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