Army List

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Space M arine Sergeant Space M arine WS B S 5 4 4 4 S 4 4 T 4 4 W 1 1 I 4 4 A 2 1 Ld 9 8 Sv 3+ 3+

Space M arine Sergeant Space M arine WS B S 5 4 4 4 S 4 4 T 4 4 W 1 1 I 4 4 A 2 1 Ld 9 8 Sv 3+ 3+

And They Shall Know No Fear, Combat Squads Combat Tactics* Suitably epic named skill: any single member of the squad may fire at a separate target to the rest of the squad. Bolter Drill: If the squad hasnt moved they may reroll to hit with their boltguns in the shooting phase *As long as the sergeant is alive squads have access to certain abilities listed in their codex entries that may be used if he passes a leadership test.. This will replace the current combat tactics

And They Shall Know No Fear, Combat Squads Combat Tactics* Angels of Death: the squad may reroll 1s to hit in close combat during the game turn this skill is used *A Chainsword in this version is +1 strength

Power Armour Frag & Krak grenades Jump Packs Bolt Pistol Chainsword 110 points Unit Composition: 1 Space Marine Sergeant 4 Space Marines Options:

Power Armour Frag & Krak grenades Boltgun Bolt Pistol Combat Blade 90 points Unit Composition: 1 Space Marine Sergeant 4 Space Marines Options: May include up to five additional Space Marines.. +16 pts per model. One Space Marine may replace his boltgun with one of the following: - a - a meltagun..+5 pts - a plasma gun+10 pts If the squad numbers ten models, one Space Marine may replace his boltgun and combat blade with one of the following - a heavy bolter, multimelta or missile - a plasma cannon or heavy flamer...+5 pts - a lascannon..+10 pts The Space Marine Sergeant may replace his boltgun and/or combat blade with: - a chainsword...+2 points? - a combi weapon..+5 points - a storm bolter...+3 points - a power weapon....+10 points - a lightning claw..+15 points - a powerfist..+20 points - a thunder hammer.+25 points The Space Marine Sergeant may replace his bolt pistol with: - a plasma pistol+10 points The Space Marine Sergeant may take: - melta bombs.+5 pts - teleport homer..+15 pts - locator beacon..+25 pts

May include up to five additional Space Marines.. +20 pts

per model.

For every five models in the squad one Space Marine may

replace his bolt pistol with one of the following: - a flamer.....+10 pts - a meltagun+15 pts - a plasma gun+20 pts

The Space Marine Sergeant may replace his bolt pistol

and/or chainsword with: - a power weapon or plasma pistol......+10 points - a lightning claw..+15 points - a powerfist..+20 points - a thunder hammer or storm shield.+25 points The Space Marine Sergeant may take: - melta bombs.+5 pts - combat shield+5 pts

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