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Chapter 7: Muscular System - Arises from mesodermal cells called myoblasts

• Muscle – myo – or mys Organization of Skeletal Muscle

• Sacro – flesh, refer to muscles
1. Skeletal Muscle -organ made up of fascicle that
• Myology – study of muscles
contain muscle fibers, blood vessels and nerves
FUNCTION OF MUSCULAR SYSTEM wrapped in epimysium
• Epimysium – outer layer encircling entire muscle
1. Movement of body
• Muscle Fibers/ Cells – elongated cell which made
2. Maintenance of posture – skeletal muscle
up the skeletal muscle
contraction stabilizes joints
2. Fascicle – bundle of fibers wrapped in perimysium
3. Production of body heat – thermogenesis, heat
• Perimysium – surround muscle fibers
produce by contraction to maintain temperature
3. Muscle fiber - Long cylindrical cell covered by
4. Communication
endomysium and sarcolemma
5. Constriction of organs and vessels – allow storage
• Endomysium – wrap individual muscle fibers
and movement of substance
• Sarcolemma – plasma membrane
6. Contraction of heart – cardiac muscle contraction
• Transverse tubules – invagination action
TYPES OF MUSCLE TISSUE potential travel fast, at each fiber
• Sarcoplasm –cytoplasm of muscle fiber, has
1. Skeletal Muscle – move bones, striated due to
glycogen and myoglobin (red protein that
alternating light and dark protein bands, voluntary
release oxygen for ATP production)
or consciously controlled by neurons of ANS
4. Myofibril - Threadlike contractile elements within
2. Smooth Muscle – walls of hollow internal
sarcoplasm of muscle fiber that extend entire
structures, non striated, involuntary
length of fiber; composed of filaments, striated
3. Cardiac Muscle – most of heart wall, striated,
• Sarcoplasmic reticulum –encircle each myofibril
involuntary as it beats in rhythm (autorhythmicity)
• Terminal cisterns – end of sarcoplasmic
PROPERTIES OF MUSCLE TISSUE reticulum, store calcium ion - its trigger muscle
1. Electrical Excitability –ability to respond to stimuli
• Triad – transverse tubule and 2 terminal cistern
by producing electric signal called action potentials
5. Myofilaments - Contractile proteins within
2. Contractility – ability to contract / shorten
3. Extensibility – ability to stretch
• Thin filaments –protein actin
4. Elasticity – return to its original length after being
• Thick filaments – protein myosin
• Sarcomere – basic functional unit of myofibril,
• Z disc – separate sarcomere to other
- Contains connective tissue (epimysium, etc.)
surround them that protects them and separate it • A band – darker, entire length of thick filament
from skin • Zone of overlap – thick and thin filaments lie
- Fascia –sheet that lines, support and surround • I band – lighter, contain rest of thin filaments,
muscles where Z disk passes
- Somatic motor neurons –supply nerve and blood • H zone – center of A band, consist of thick
vessels from brain to different skeletal fibers by an filament
artery and vein. Capillary – bring in oxygen and • M line –center of H zone, middle of sarcomere
nutrient and remove heat that hold thick filaments together
• Proteins in myofibrils ▪
Myosin heads hydrolyze ATP and become
i. Contractile –generate force during contraction reoriented and energized
1. Myosin –motor protein convert ATP to ▪ Myosin heads bind to actin, forming cross-
motion, force bridges
a. Myosin tail – twisted, pointed toward ▪ Myosin cross-bridges rotate toward center of
the M line sarcomere (power stroke)
b. Myosin head –projection of myosin ▪ As myosin heads bind ATP, the cross-bridges
molecule, bind to site detach from actin
2. Actin – join to form actin filament twisted o Summary of contraction and relaxation
into helix -
a. Myosin binding site –myosin head - Neuromuscular Junction – where muscle action
attach potential arises, synapse/communication
ii. Regulatory –switch contraction process on and ▪ Nerve impulse arrives at axon terminal of motor
off neuron and triggers release of acetylcholine
1. Tropomyosin –when muscle relaxed, (Ach-neurotransmitter).
covers myosin binding sites ▪ ACh diffuses across synaptic cleft, binds to its
2. Troponin -moves tropomyosin away receptors in the motor end plate, and triggers a
allowing binding and muscle contraction muscle action potential (AP).
iii. Structural – alignment, elasticity and ▪ Acetylcholinesterase in synaptic cleft destroys
extensibility ACh so another muscle action potential does not
1. Titin - connects Z disc to M line of arise unless more ACh is released from motor
sarcomere, stabilize thick filament neuron.
position, elastic spring back unharmed - Action potential
2. A-actinin - protein of Z discs that binds to ▪ Muscle AP traveling along transverse tubule
actin molecules and to titin molecules opens Ca2+ release channels in the sarcoplasmic
3. Myosin -forms M line of sarcomere; reticulum (SR) membrane, which allows calcium
binds to titin molecules, connects ions to flood into the sarcoplasm.
adjacent thick filaments to one another. ▪ Ca2+ binds to troponin on the thin filament,
4. Nebulin - wraps around entire length of exposing the binding sites for myosin.
each thin filament; helps anchor thin fi ▪ Contraction: power strokes use ATP; myosin
laments to Z discs and regulates length heads bind to actin, swivel, and release; thin
of thin filaments during development. filaments are pulled toward center of sarcomere
5. Dystrophin -links thin filaments of ▪ Ca2+ release channels in SR close and Ca2+
sarcomere to integral membrane active transport pumps use ATP to restore low
proteins in sarcolemma, help reinforce level of Ca2+ in sarcoplasm.
sarcolemma and help transmit tension ▪ Troponin–tropomyosin complex slides back into
generated by sarcomeres to tendons. position where it blocks the myosin binding sites
on actin.
Contraction and relaxation
▪ Muscle relaxes
o Skeletal muscle shortens during contraction
Muscle Metabolism
because the thick and thin filaments slide past
one another o ATP – energy source for muscle contraction
o Sliding filament mechanism – model of process o Ways to produce ATP
o Contraction Cycle
▪ Creatine Phosphate – synthesize when relaxed, - Isotonic contraction -tension remains
first source of energy as it occurs rapidly, constant as muscle changes length
contraction of 15 seconds • Concentric – muscle shorten
▪ Anaerobic glycosis – break down of glucose • Eccentric – muscle increases length
molecule to 2 pyruvic acid then converted to - Isometric contraction - tension increases
lactic acid, when oxygen is absent 2 minutes of greatly without a change in muscle
minimal muscle activity length.
▪ Aerobic Respiration –sufficient oxygen, pyruvic
acid undergoes aerobic respiration producing SMOOTH MUSCLE TISSUE
ATP, carbon dioxide, water and heat. - Involuntary
- Glycolysis, Kreb’s Cycle, electron transport

Muscle Tension control

o Motor unit – somatic neuron with many skeletal

muscle fibers
o Muscle Twitch - contraction of all muscle fibers in a
motor unit in response to a single action potential
in its motor neuron
*Contraction depends on strength, speed and
duration of stimulus, weight of load and temperature
*All or none
▪ Stimulus
▪ Latent period –delay for 2 msec., muscle
action potential sweeps over the sarcolemma
and calcium ions are released from the
sarcoplasmic reticulum.
▪ Contraction period - 10–100 msec., Ca2 binds
to troponin, myosin-binding sites on actin are
exposed, and cross-bridges form.
▪ Relaxation period - 10–100 msec, Ca2 is
actively transported back into the
sarcoplasmic reticulum, myosin-binding sites
are covered by tropomyosin, myosin heads
detach from actin, and tension in the muscle
fiber decreases.
* Refractory period–lost excitability temporarily

o Muscle Tone – small or partial contraction of

▪ Maintain pressure on abdominal contents
▪ Help maintain Blood Pressure
▪ Aids digestion
▪ Types:

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