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Workbook Unit 05

Vocabulary Bank Unit 05

*have to/don't have to
La l Match the two parts of the sentences. Then match them with the pictures.
Write numbers 1-6 in the boxes.

Before our exams we a has to get a driving licence.

2 Jane can't go out now because she b have to buy some bread.

3 To send a text message, you c has to wear a uniform.

4 I want a sandwich, so I d have to study hard.

s To drive a car, he e has to tidy her room.

6 At Park School every student f have to have a mobile phone.

[ij] Put the words in order to make sentences.

my have I do school to after homework

2 at Doctors have good don't be to painting

Doctors dont have to be good at painting W Complete the sentences with have/has
to or don't/doesn't have to.
3 teacher everything A have know to doesn't
A singer ____c;/.Qg_�n:tflg_v.g_ _tQ____ know how
A teacher doesnt have to know everythig
to swim.

2 Football players ---·------------------------·-----------·-

Have to be ­
4 do after have We the to lunch washing-up
be very fit.
We have to do the washing up after the lunch
3 A Biology teacher -----Has to
be good at Science.
S You tomorrow have get up to don't early
4 When you play tennis, you
You dont have to wake up early tommorow -------------··----------·-----------------
Have to run quickly.

S A writer -------·-------------------------·---------
6 Roberto work the doesn't holidays have during to be beautiful.
Robert doesnt have to work during the holidays
6 Waiters -------------------------------------------study
at university.

fd] Read the questions, look at the pictures and write the short answers.

Does Jeremy have to work 2 Do Tom and Angela have to 3 Does Jeremy have to do
at home? get up early? the shopping?

x:��._bs;__g_Q_l?_�,--------------------------------- No they dont No he doesnt

4 Does Angela have to 5 Does Angela have to do 6 Do Jeremy's friends have to

cook breakfast? the ironing? clean the swimming pool?
No she doesnt Yes she does No they dont

[!] Look at the table. In the last line, tick (./) the things you have to do.
Then write questions with have to and short answers.

Mario � ?

A: Q_Q_l?..�_M_qrjg__b_g_y_g__tg__r;!_g__tl]g__�Q.9.kLTJ.gc_______
B: _y_��.__bg__gQ_l?_�,----------------------------------------------------------

2 Giovanna and Stefano �� ? Helena

k Do giovanni and steffano have ?
B: No they dont

3 Giovanna � ? 5 You � ?

k ? A: Qg_yg_y__b_g_y_�__tg__fig_Jfll?..__t;_Q_Q_�iogL______________
B: B: _Y.��.__Lgg__[_N_g,_l_d_gdt_,______________________________________

4 Helena and Stefano � ? 6 You � ?

A: ? k ?

B: B:

[!] Find and @ the names of 12 jobs in the F G L p I L 0 T X R F I N
puzzle(� or .J-). R u
L 0 s E p s s E N I I

fj] Write the jobs. Use ten words from the puzzle. I E A R c H I T E c T X R
G D L I L X N I B s M E s
This person works in a school. ___t?_g_t:;bJ?L
H E A K p I J s s R y F E
2 These two people work on planes.
T N w z s H c E 0 E T I L
------------------------ --------- ---------
+ -------------------------------------------

3 These two people work in hospitals.

A T y Q I J m V E T p R u
T I E L N D E R E s R E F
+ ---------------------·--------------------
-------- -- ------ - ----- - ----- ------------- --

T s R E G N A L D F D F 0
4 This person stops fires from burning.
E T u L E T c J 0 R D I s
N I K A R G H D A c B G R
5 This person works with animals.
D L y T I 0 E y H p D H M

A T L I L M R V Q s X T A
6 This person helps to make roads and bridges.
N I 0 p I D 0 c T 0 R E E
7 This person designs houses and buildings.

8 This person has to look inside people's mouths.

vocabulary banll Complete the text with the words in the box.

in a shop salary atAoFAe in an office ·wages in a fact()ry night shift earns

My dad doesn't go out to work - he

worl<c; _g_t_hqm_�- My mothe:r works .

1 ------·--· -····-·· · - ---·-·--·· : sh e sells things

for computers.

My sister's a lawyer, so she works

·----·--· . .... . .. .. .. - and her

3 ..
.... . . .. ·-··----------· is really good.
She eams £30,000 a year.

My brother works 4 .................................. .

- it makes food fl)r animals. He does a

5 -·-------- -------·---------- from ten p.m. unt1l
eight in the morning.
H is 6 --- -------- - -- - ------- ------------- aren't very good:
he only 7 ---------·-------------------- £200 a week.
So he's looking for another job.

Pronunciation l!J I)j•)lifl Listen and tick {.I) the verb
you hear: have to, has to or had to.
*have to
[!] I)j.)lirj Listen and repeat. have to has to had to

We have to leave now.

1 .I

2 They don't have to go out. 2

3 She has to do the washing. 3

4 He doesn't have to study tonight. 4

5 Do you have to cook this evening? 5

6 Does he have to drive to the shop? 6

culture in mind
[!J Put the letters in the correct order to make words. Write them in the correct places.

lephgin drleley loppee signhaw rcas hgerdvein swanppeers ogd lawnkig ta-ili�bysite

• •

1 ______Q_9.l2X-$lttlog______ 2 3 4 5

[!] Match the words and phrases

study help
in the box with the definitions.
* Vocabulary
pocket money ct:t5teffier Instead of putting new words in lists in your
to waste to save
Vocabulary notebook, you can make a spidergram.
to earn to spend
• Start with a topic word in a circle in the middle
of the page.
someone who buys something
• Write words connected to the topic word, and then
(in a shop) ____Qd_�_tg_mgL_
other words connected to those ones, until you have
2 to get money for doing a job a 'web' of related words. Your spidergram can be as
big as you like.

3 money that parents give to their • There is no 'correct' form for a spidergram -you
choose the words and the way you organise them.
chi Idren ------------------------------------
Here is a spidergram on jobs. Write words in the empty
4 to put money in a bank
circles. Then add more circles with words.

5 to use money to buy things

6 to use money in a not very

good way -----------------------------------

These people all had dreams when they were young. Life wasn't
easy for them, but they were determined and they never gave up.

Match the two parts of the sentences. Then match the sentences
Edmund Hilary
with the photos. Write the numbers 1-5 in the boxes.

Charles Dickens Claudia Schiffer Beethoven Harrison Ford

At school she wasn't popular and no one a but he became a great writer.
thought she was good-looking, b but he became a brilliant composer.
2 His sports teacher said that he wasn't very strong, c but he became the first man to climb
3 He didn't show his writing to anyone because he Mount Everest.
thought it wasn't good, d but he became a superstar of the cinema.
4 His music teacher said he wasn't good enough e but she became a famous top model.
to write music,
5 At school he was nervous and girls weren't
interested in him,


Read the paragraph about Melanie's dream, and what WRITING TIP •

she has to do to make it come true. Fill in the spaces • •

• In your writing it is useful to use •

with words from Unit 5. • •
• connectors like and, but and •
• •

I really love information technology and my dream IS to be because to link your ideas. Look at .

a <QrTJ.P..V.tfif./2'JJ.ZYi1.1JJ!T!!?L.. with a company that makes these three connectors in Exercises


6 and 7a. Then match the words •

software. I first started thinking about this three years ago. •
with the definitions. •
But it isn't going to be easy. I have to get some money to •

and a links an event with •
buy books and later to go to college. I don't get any
a reason why
1 . -................ -. from my parents, because my mother •

.. ....

• 2 but b links two ideas

hasn't got a 2 . .. .. and my father doesn't •

.. . _. __ -· · · · · · · · · ...... .

or events that are
! . ..
. .... . . . . -................. a good salary. But now I'm delivering
.. . ..
• similar
� . .. ... . . . . -....... to get some money to buy the books. •

. . ... . ... . . .. .

And at the weekend I do the 5 .. .. .. . .. .. ...... .... •

3 because c links two ideas
for our

. ... _. . . . . __

• or events that are

neighbours' small children. •
• different

L�J What is your dream? Write a paragraph about it. :

Try to use each of these connectors
Include this information: •
in your paragraph for Exercise 7b.

• • • •••••••• • •• • •••• • ••••••• • • • • •

• What is your dream?
• When did you first start thinking about this dream?
• What do you have to do to make your dream come true?

• What are you doing now to help make it come true?

Fill In the spaces
Complete the text with the words in the box.

have has player job successful doctors dentist dream hours -¥et- )
5onia's mother is a ____ y g_ t : _ ·- , her father is a 1_ ·······---········· _ and her two brothers are study i ng to be
2 ···----·- ___ ••.•• _ . But S on ia isn't interested in getting a 3 -··-···· .. ... . .... . . . in medi ci ne
. . - she -....·artts to b(-:come a
profes.s ional tennis 4 .. , and h er � is to play tenni s for her country at the Olympic
_________ ----·-····-··

Games. At the mom ent she's ir1 the girls' under-18 national team. Top tennis play er s 6_ ···- --· ·· ·--· to

be very fit, so e ve r y morning Sonia gets up at 5.30 and runs for an hour before breakfast Before and
after school, she goes to her tennis dub - she has to practise fo r three 1 -··----· -····· ·-- a day. But she a lso
8 --·------------- - to go to school and do her homework in the evening. it's very hard work, but Sonia is
determined to be 9 · · ···--·-··--------
in her sport.

Choose the correct answers

�) the correct answer: a, b or c.
1 ··-- ·--·- · · h e lp people when t hey are in hospital. 6 J ohn .. .....-..... money in the bank to buy

a � b Vets c Dentists a good computer.

2 a saves b earns c wort.s

.... ...... .... f1y plan e s
. .

a Pilot s b Lawyers c Drivers 7 You're l ucky! You ............... do the washing-up.

Computet---------··- put information i nto computers. a have to b ha� to c don t have to

3 '

a attend a nts b programme rs c players 8 A pop singer ............... have to study

at university.
4 I took my dog to the . . . . .. .. ___ b ecause he wasn't well.
a doesn't b don't c didn't
a vet b engineer c fi refighte r
9 We don't have m uch time. so we ...............
5 To be a lawyer. you have to get very good .. ... ......... .

be quick.
at school.
a have to b has to c don't have to
a exams b dreams c results ,......._

Underllo� the word that doesn't fit in each group.
cooking ironing ruo.oLog wa5hing-up 7 dentis t te acher nurse doctor
2 babysitting d og-wa lki ng part-time washing cars 8 eam spend save work
3 pocket mon�; vet engineer architect 9 office home factory shop

4 teacher pHot lawyer job

5 doctor nurse pllot vet

6 wages full-time salary pocket money

HOW did VDU do?

Very good OK @ Review Unit 5 again
Total: =:11 @ 20-25 Q -
14-19 0-13

Unit 5 jobs / times and places of work

1 (to work) at home 2 (to work) in an office 3 (to work) in a shop 4 (to work) in a factory

5 (to do) a day shift 6 (to do) a night shift 7 (to earn) wages 8 (to earn) a salary

Unit 6 food / things we use to eat and drink

1 a knife 2 a fork 3 a spoon 4 a plate

5 a glass 6 a bowl 7 a napkin 8 a cup

9 a saucer 10 a dish 11 a straw 12 chopsticks

13 a mug 14 a menu


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