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Count in fractions; fractions of amounts

Number, Fractions and Money Unit 2

Whole Class Teaching Input DAY 3

Objectives By the end of the lesson, the learners will find 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, 3/4 of amounts using sharing and number facts.
(What will be

Resources Bananas or ‘Go bananas’ sheets (see resources)

‘Finding fractions of amounts’ sheet (see resources), counters
Numeracy Learner’s book
Key Vocabulary · Share
· Half, third, quarter, three quarters
· 1
/2, 1/3, 1/4, 3/4
Teaching (How students will achieve the objectives?) Time Activity Type
Starter Count in halves and quarters (pre-requisite skills) 2 min Individual
Using a teaching clock or ITP clock, begin at 12, move the hands half an hour at a time while children
✘ Group
count: 12 o’clock, half past twelve, one o’clock, half past one, etc. Repeat, this time moving the hands
a quarter of an hour at a time while children count: twelve o’clock, quarter past 12, half past twelve, Whole class
quarter to one, one o’clock, etc

🌟The children will become ENGAGED by counting in halves and quarters.

Teaching Classroom engagement: Individual
 Tell children: Last time we used fractions to count in small steps along the number line. Today we Pair
are going to use them for something a bit different – to help share out amounts of objects. Tell Group
them not to worry about this – they’ll soon get the hang of this! 15 ✘ Whole class
© Original plan copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users. teach-activs_dec-frac_5443
 Show 12 bananas (real or sheet 1, see resources). Explain that you are going to give half to your mins
TA and keep the other half for yourself.
Look how the fraction tells us what to do with the amount: 1/2… The 2 tells us to share the whole
amount between two; the 1 tells us that we just want to know what is in one of those groups.
That’s really helpful!
 Choose two children to come up to share the bananas. Explain that we can also use number facts
to split them as we know that half of 12 is 6 (because double 6 is 12). Write 1/2 of 12 = 6 on the
board; read together.
 How we could find 1/4 of the bananas? Write 1/4 of 12 = ? on the board. Agree that we could halve
each half (like folding our paper rectangles in half and half again). Model doing this with the Individual
actual bananas, reminding children that half of 6 is 3. Demonstrate that 1/4 of 12 is 3 and ✘ Pair
complete the number sentence: 1/4 of 12 = 3 Group
 Write 3/4 of 12 = ? What shall we do? Let’s see what the fraction tells us to do… Whole class
/4… The 4 tells us to share the whole amount between four; the 3 tells us that we want to know
what is in three of those groups. Together agree that 3 quarters is 3 lots of 3 bananas, which is 9
(recall counting in 3s a few days ago to help with this).
 Complete a number sentence: 3/4 of 12 = 9.
 Finally write 1/3 of 12 = ? Point out that this says one third, and explain that a third tells us that we
share the whole lot of bananas three ways.
 Demonstrate this, making three sets of 4 bananas.
 Complete the sentence: 1/3 of 12 = 4.

🚦 Take a poll of students – green light/yellow light/red light.

🚦 Explain instructions for the group activity to all students – tell green light/yellow light Individual
students to move on to group activity. ✘ Pair

© Original plan copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users. teach-activs_dec-frac_5443
🚦 Once that starts, go through the example below with red-light students. Whole class

🌟 During the activity, the children will be ENGAGED in finding halves and quarters and the teacher will
check the students’ work and provide feedback.
🌟 After the activity, the children will REFLECT on their learning so far. ✘ Pair
✘ Group
🌟 After the activity, the children will be CONFIDENT in finding halves and quarters. The teacher will
Whole class
explain any misconceptions if needed.

Differentiated Instructions:
Task 1 - Pairs – independent Working at ARE
 Support children as they complete the ‘Finding fractions of amounts’ sheet (see resources),
✘ Individual
finding 1/2, 1/4, 3/4 and 1/3 of the given amounts.
✘ Pair
 Encourage them to try to use number facts and then check with counters.
 Discuss strategies for finding the fractions (number facts, repeated addition, sharing). Group
Whole class
Working towards ARE
Children find one quarter and one third of 12 and 24. They then find one third of 18 and one quarter
of 16. Ask children if they can also find 3/4 of 12 and 24.
Children can use counters to model sharing, if needed.

Greater Depth: 3
Children complete the table (see resources) independently. mins

© Original plan copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users. teach-activs_dec-frac_5443
🌟 The learners will be ENGAGED AND RESPONSIBLE while working as group/pair.
🌟 The children will discuss in pairs / groups their answers and REFLECT on their learning by filling the mins
rubric / success criteria.

Task 2 - Independent task:

Answer Exercise 2.3 on Learner’s Book nos. 1-6 on pages 47-48. If time allows, all learning abilities will
answer sheet 1 as specified below.

LA: Complete Set A.

MA: Complete up to Set B.
HA: Complete all sets.

Plenary Fraction Freeze: Mixed-Ability Group/s of 12 5 ✘ Individual

(5 minutes) mins Pair
Play some music and have the children dance around. When the music stops, call out a fraction (like
"1/3" or "2/3"), and the children have to quickly group themselves into sets representing that ✘ Whole class
fraction. For example, if you call out "1/3," they have to form groups with one-third of the total
number of children.

AFL Class activity, Worksheet

Homework Workbook - Complete Exercise 2.3 nos. 1-4 on pages 45-48.

© Original plan copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users. teach-activs_dec-frac_5443
© Original plan copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users. teach-activs_dec-frac_5443

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