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Digital Assessment

Course: Artificial Intelligence

Code: BCSE306L
Slot: B2 + TB2
Submission Deadline: 18th April 2024 11:59 PM

Please upload the answers to the questions given for DA in VTOP [Mandatory] and Moodle [optional]. The
division of marks for each question is also provided in the page itself.

The deadline for submission is 18th April 2024. If you miss the deadline, you will be given chance to
upload the assignment by 19th April 2024 in Moodle Assignment, but a delay submission penalty of 2
marks will be imposed on the secured marks.

So strictly follow the deadline and upload the assignment in VTOP on time. Your assignment will not
be evaluated post 19th April 2024 and you will be awarded with Zero (0) mark for DA. No other form
of assignment submission is acceptable.

The assignment must be written using digital mode. Scanned copy of the handwritten assignment is
not acceptable under any circumstances.
[1 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 4]

1. Illustrate about any two examples of expert task and mundane task in the domain of artificial
intelligence. What are the key differences between these two task domains? Explain any TWO latest
technological introductions into the domain of AI?

2. Generate a tiny real world problem that can be solved by min-max strategy. Solve it using the same.
Present an improved algorithm over min-max strategy (game playing) with explanatory steps and
apply on the same/similar real-world problem.

3. Translate the following into FOPL:

i) No one sleeps
ii) Everyone hates everyone except herself
iii) Everyone except Joe eats
iv) Every person who loves God is happy
v) Someone hates everyone

4. Convert the following into clausal form (write down steps):

∃x∃ y ∀w (∃z P(f(x, w), y, z) -> (∃u Q(x, u) & ∃vR(y, v)).

5. Which of the following are true and which are false? Give brief explanations.
a) In a fully observable, turn-taking, zero-sum game between two perfectly rational players, it
does not help the first player to know what strategy the second player is using - that is, what
move the second player will make, given the first player’s move.
b) In a partially observable, turn-taking, zero-sum game between two perfectly rational players,
it does not help the first player to know what move the second player will make, given the
first player’s move.
c) A perfectly rational backgammon agent never loses.

AI Assignment Winter Semester 2023-24 Page 1

Digital Assessment

6. Consider any one of the following domains and identify a sub-domain. Construct a Bayesian Belief
Network with a minimum of 7 nodes (random variables of Boolean type). Identify the dependent
variables, independent variables and conditionally independent variables. Explain your answer with a
worked-out example and its corresponding network diagram.
 Disease Diagnosis
 Education
 Defence
 Web Search
 Business
 Entertainment
 Real Estate
 Agriculture
 Reservation system
 Space Research

Relevance – 1.5 marks

Explanation – 1.5 marks
Creativity – 1 marks

AI Assignment Winter Semester 2023-24 Page 2

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