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Foreseeable Consequences

The Conflict between Russia and Ukraine is going about 8 years, 1 month and a week starting from
20th of February 2014 but the conflict has come to a turn when Russia declared war against Ukraine.
Even though war is declared by Russia against Ukraine we can see that there is no war, that this is an
outright invasion of Ukraine.

If we take a look at the history behind the discord between the countries, we will see that in the late
18th century, much of Ukraine’s territory became part of the Russian empire under Catherine the
Great. Ukraine fought for independence in the early 20 th century but lost and became part of the
Soviet Union. Although Ukraine being a part of USSR, she was a misfit as a result of having her own
language and her own status inside the Union. Under Stalin’s Iron fist in the 1930’s, Ukrainians’
farmland and wheat were confiscated and a resulting famine killed an estimated 4 million people. In
spite of all these hardships Ukraine declared her independence after the Soviet Union collapsed in
1991. At the time, a substantial portion of the Soviet nuclear arsenal was housed within Ukraine's
borders, and she agreed to transfer those weapons to Russia. In recent years, Ukraine's
democratically elected government has grown ever closer to Western Europe, but cultural ties with
Russia, especially in the Russian-speaking eastern portion of the country, remain deep. But the real
question is after Catherine the Great and USSR what was Vladimir Putin’s Goal?

The Russian leader's initial aim was to overrun Ukraine and depose its government, ending for good
its desire to join the Western defensive alliance NATO. The reason behind Putin’s hate on NATO is
that The North Atlantic Treat Organization is created to provide collective security against the Soviet
Union and furthermore after 1997 NATO expanded its border all across Balkans and has extended to
the Borders of Russia. As a consequence of NATO’s expansion Russia wanted a neutral Ukraine to
protect its border but Ukraine opposed. Launching the invasion Putin told, that his main goal was to
“demilitarise and de-Nazify Ukraine”, to protect people subjected to what he called eight years of
bullying and genocide by Ukraine's government.” It is not our plan to occupy the Ukrainian territory.
We do not intend to impose anything go anyone by force” he insisted. The claims of Nazis and
genocide in Ukraine were completely unfounded, but it was clear Russia saw it as a pivotal
movement and the invasion have begun.
When Vladimir Putin shattered the peace across Europe by unleashing an assault on a democracy of
44 million people, his justification was that Western-Leaning Ukraine was a constant threat to Russia
and Vladimir Putin stated that “Russia could not feel safe, develop and exist.”

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