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Escola secundária Noroeste 2

Employability in Mozambique



Discentes: NUMEROS

Gloria Alfane 24

Josuel Joao 26

Larisse Mario 34

Laura Silvano 35

Leticia Evelina 36

Miquelina Jojo 40

Rosalia Domingos 52



The history of employability in the world....................................................................................................4
Employability in Mozambique.....................................................................................................................4
Factors of Employability..........................................................................................................................5
Gender Inequality in Employment...........................................................................................................5
Employment in Agriculture:.....................................................................................................................5
Efforts to Improve TVET and Employment...............................................................................................5
Challenges Faced by Youth:.....................................................................................................................6
Opportunities for Youth Employment:....................................................................................................6
How to combat unemployability?...............................................................................................................6
Reference bibliography...............................................................................................................................9
Employability in Mozambique presents a complex landscape shaped by a myriad of socio-economic
dynamics. The country contends with high unemployment rates, particularly prevalent among its youth,
amidst an economy historically reliant on agriculture and natural resources. However, amidst these
challenges, opportunities emerge in sectors such as natural resources, agriculture, tourism,
infrastructure, and energy. Yet, the development of technical and professional skills remains pivotal to
enhancing employability. This necessitates tailored education and training programs to align skill sets
with market demands. Moreover, fostering entrepreneurship and supporting small and medium-sized
enterprises holds promise for job creation. Collaboration between the government, educational
institutions, and the private sector is crucial in addressing employability challenges and fostering
economic growth in Mozambique.

Well, in this present work, our main objective is to address employability in Mozambique, considering
that we will talk about "agricultural employment, youth employability and much more.
The history of employability in the world
The history of employability in the world is extensive and complex, evolving over centuries in response
to economic, social, and technological changes. In early history, work was often based on agriculture
and craftsmanship, with a system of practical apprenticeship passed down from generation to
generation. Over time, the Industrial Revolution marked a significant shift in employability as factories
and industries emerged, creating new employment opportunities and displacing workers from rural
areas to cities.

In the 20th century, the two World Wars had a significant impact on employability, with many people
entering the workforce to support war efforts. After World War II, there was a period of reconstruction
and economic growth in many countries, leading to an expansion of employability in sectors such as
manufacturing, technology, and services.

More recent globalization and technological advancements have further transformed the employability
landscape, with the emergence of new professions, task automation, and the need for digital skills.
Additionally, issues such as gender equality, workplace diversity, and sustainability have influenced
employability policies worldwide.

Throughout history, changes in employability reflect the economic, social, and cultural transformations
that shape the world of work. This evolution continues to play a fundamental role in how people seek
employment and build their careers.

Employability in Mozambique
Employability in Mozambique is a multifaceted issue influenced by various socio-economic factors that
impact the country's labor market. The nation grapples with significant challenges such as high
unemployment rates, particularly among the youth, and an economy historically reliant on agriculture
and natural resources.

However, opportunities exist in sectors such as natural resource industries, agriculture, tourism,
infrastructure, and energy. Furthermore, the development of technical and professional skills is pivotal
to enhancing employability. Education and training programs tailored to meet the demands of the job
market can better equip Mozambicans for existing opportunities.

Promoting entrepreneurship and fostering the growth of small and medium-sized enterprises can also
play a crucial role in job creation. Collaboration between the government, educational institutions, and
the private sector is essential to address employability challenges and create a more conducive
environment for economic growth and job generation in Mozambique.

In Mozambique, there are several factors that impact employability, including gender inequality, the
dominance of agriculture in the job market, efforts to improve technical and vocational education and
training (TVET), and the challenges faced by the youth in securing employment.
Factors of Employability
Several factors can influence employability, both for men and women. Some of these factors include:

1. Education and qualifications: Education and professional qualifications play a crucial role in
employability. Individuals with higher levels of education and specific skills are more likely to find

2. Professional experience: Previous experience in a specific area of work can increase employability.
Employers often value practical experience and knowledge gained over time.

3. Interpersonal skills: Communication, teamwork, leadership, and problem-solving skills are important
for employability, as they demonstrate adaptability and collaboration in the workplace.

4. Network of contacts: Having a strong professional network and connections in the industry can
positively influence employability, as many job opportunities are filled through recommendations and

5. Equal opportunities: The existence of policies and practices that promote equal opportunities in the
workplace is essential to ensure that men and women have the same chances of finding employment
and progressing in their careers.

Gender Inequality in Employment

- There is a significant gender gap in terms of the quality and intensity of employment in Mozambique.
Women are less likely than men to work, indicating a disparity in employment opportunities.

- Research has also investigated the trend in the gender employment gap in the expanding non-
subsistence sector of the economy in Mozambique [𝟐].

Employment in Agriculture:
Agriculture currently accounts for 70 percent of the total jobs in Mozambique. However, these are
mostly low-productivity activities on smallholder farms, indicating a heavy reliance on agriculture for
employment .

This dominance of agriculture in the job market is a key factor in the employment landscape of
Mozambique .

Efforts to Improve TVET and Employment

There are ongoing efforts to improve Mozambique's technical and vocational education and training
(TVET) system to better serve labor market requirements. These efforts aim to enhance the capacity of
the TVET and employment system [𝟓].
Initiatives such as a new competency-based curriculum are being implemented to transform
Mozambique's technical and vocational education, potentially impacting the future employability of the

Challenges Faced by Youth:

- Mozambique's youth face a daunting challenge in securing work, with 300,000 youths joining the labor
force every year. This presents a significant challenge in providing employment opportunities for the
youth .

- Efforts are being made to empower Mozambique's youth for the future by investing in employment
skills and job opportunities through initiatives like the Mozambique Employability Platform .

Opportunities for Youth Employment:

- Programs such as Opportunities for Youth Employment (OYE) aim to address the high unemployment
rates for youth in Mozambique, Rwanda, and Tanzania, where youth unemployment rates are 2-3 times
higher than the general unemployment rates .

In summary, employability in Mozambique is influenced by gender inequality, the dominance of

agriculture in the job market, efforts to improve TVET, and the challenges faced by the youth in securing
employment. Ongoing initiatives and programs are aimed at addressing these challenges and improving
the overall employability landscape in the country.

How to combat unemployability?

To combat the lack of employability, it is essential to adopt a comprehensive approach that involves
government policies, investment in education and professional training, as well as the promotion of
equal opportunities. Here are some measures that can be taken to combat employability:

1. Accessible education: Ensure equitable access to quality education for all, regardless of their
socioeconomic background.

2. Professional training: Offer training and capacity-building programs to develop skills relevant to the
job market.

3. Encouragement of innovation: Encourage innovation and entrepreneurship by creating an

environment conducive to the emergence of new job opportunities.

4. Gender equality policies: Implement policies that promote gender equality in the workplace, ensuring
equitable opportunities for men and women.

5. Support for small businesses: Provide support and incentives for the growth of small businesses,
which are often important sources of employment.
6. Social safety nets: Establish social safety nets to protect workers in times of economic hardship.

7. Public-private partnerships: Promote partnerships between the public and private sectors to create
programs and initiatives aimed at employability.

8. Access to credit: Facilitate access to credit for entrepreneurs and small businesses, stimulating job

9. Favorable fiscal policies: Implement fiscal policies that encourage job creation and investment in

10. Regional development: nvest in regional economic development to distribute employment

opportunities more equitably.

These are some of the measures that can be taken to combat the lack of employability. The ongoing
engagement of governments, businesses, and civil society is essential to address this complex challenge.
In conclusion, addressing the complexities of employability in Mozambique requires a multifaceted
approach. By focusing on skill development, promoting entrepreneurship, and fostering collaboration
between key stakeholders, Mozambique can work towards creating a more favorable environment for
job creation and economic growth. With a concerted effort to address these challenges, there is
potential to improve the employability landscape and unlock opportunities for the country's workforce.
It is essential for Mozambique to continue striving towards enhancing employability, thereby
contributing to the overall socio-economic development of the nation.

Mozambique faces challenges related to gender inequality in employment, a substantial reliance on

agricultural jobs, and the need to enhance youth employability and skills development. Efforts are
underway to address these issues, including initiatives to improve the TVET system and strategies
focused on creating quality jobs. It's an evolving landscape with both challenges and opportunities, and
continued efforts are essential to enhance the employability of Mozambique's workforce.
Reference bibliography
 Information of employment

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