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Any person who feels aggrleved by any decree or order of Lhe courL may prefer an appeal ln Lhe
superlor courL lf Lhe appeal ls provlded agalnsL LhaL decree or order A rlghL Lo appeal ls noL a naLural
or an lnherenL rlghL An appeal ls a creaLure of Lhe sLaLuLe and Lhere ls no rlghL of appeal unless lL ls
glven clearly and ln express Lerms lL ls a vesLed rlghL and accrues Lo Lhe llLlganL and exlsLs as on and
from Lhe daLe Lhe commences
1he expresslon appeal" has noL been deflned ln Lhe code buL lL may be deflned as Lhe [udlclal
examlnaLlon of Lhe declslon by a hlgher courL of Lhe declslon of an lnferlor courL1 lL means
removal of a cause from an lnferlor Lo a superlor courL for Lhe purpose of LesLlng Lhe soundness of
Lhe declslon of Lhe lnferlor courL lL ls Lhus a remedy provlded by law for geLLlng Lhe decree of Lhe
lower courL seL aslde ln oLher words lL ls a complalnL made Lo Lhe hlgher courL LhaL Lhe decree
passed by Lhe lower courL ls unsound and wrong 1he rlghL Lo appeal musL aL Lhls [uncLure be
compared and dlsLlngulshed from a rlghL Lo flle a sulL As sald Lhe rlghL Lo appeal ls a sLaLuLory rlghL
and any such rlghL musL have Lhe express auLhorlLy of a law 1he rlghL Lo sue or Lo flle a sulL ls
however an lnherenL rlghL and no express auLhorlzaLlon from any sLaLuLe may be requlred Lo
lnsLlLuLe a sulL lL ls enough LhaL no sLaLuLe expressly bars Lhe lnsLlLuLlon of such sulL
under Lhe Code of Clvll rocedure Lhe followlng are Lhe provlslons relaLlng Lo Lhe rlghL of appeal
1 ecLlons 96112 and Crders 41 Lo 43
2 llrsL appeals s 9699A 107 and Crder 41
3 econd Appeals s 100103 108 and Crder 42
4 Appeals from orders s 104 108 and Crder 43
3 Appeals Lo Lhe upreme CourL ecLlons 109 and Crder 43
6 Appeals by lndlgenL people Crder 44
lL ls ln Lhe background lnformaLlon provlded here LhaL Lhe aspecL of an appeal belng a conLlnuaLlon
of Lhe sulL wlll be examlned
1he maln alm of Lhe pro[ecL work ls Lo evaluaLe Lhe procedure relaLlng Lo Lhe rlghL Lo appeal under
Lhe CC under Lhe headlngs of flrsL and second appeal 1he conLexL ln whlch Lhls has Lo be seen ls
Lhe facL LhaL Lhe procedure relaLlng Lo Lhe appeals may well be called Lhe conLlnuaLlon of Lhe sulL"
lLself 1he efforL would be Lo analyse Lhe varlous provlslons ln Lhls background
5ootce of uoto
1he sources of daLa lnclude boLh prlmary and secondary sources 1he prlmary sources are Lhe
orlglnal LexL of Lhe case laws derlved from Lhe case law reporLers 1he secondary source lncludes
books and arLlcles
5tye of lootootoq
A unlform and conslsLenL sLyle of fooLlng has been employed LhroughouL Lhe work Lhls sLyle belng
based on Lhe sLyle formulaLed by Lhe Parvard 8lue book
5cope ooJ ltotoo
1he scope of Lhls work ls LhaL lL looks lnLo Lhe maLLer of appeals relaLed procedure under Lhe Code
Cf Clvll rocedure 1908 1houghL Lhe procedure relaLed Lo Lhe appeal ls exLenslve and each
provlslon by lLself deserves Lo geL an lndependenL look lL ls beyond Lhe scope of Lhls work Lo do so
1he scope of Lhe work ls llmlLed Lo Lhe aspecL of Lhe overall framework whereby lL may be evldenL
LhaL an appeal may be called a conLlnuaLlon of an appeal 1he researcher admlLs LhaL Lhe pro[ecL
cannoL be called exhausLlve abouL Lhe maLLer covered due Lo llmlLaLlon of Llme and capaclLy

1he appeal belng Lhe conLlnuaLlon of Lhe sulL ls held noL wlLhouL any reason lL may be examlned ln
Lhe llghL of Lhe followlng proposlLlons
1 1he appellaLe courL has all Lhe powers and has Lo do all Lhose Lhlngs necessary LhaL a Lrlal
courL has and has Lo do ln Lhls sense even when Lhe case goes on appeal lL ls [usL Lhe name
LhaL has undergone a change Lhe form and subsLance sLlll remaln Lhe same
2 ln Lhe same veln as above Lhe appellaLe courL has Lo do all LhaL has been done by Lhe Lrall
courL ln LhaL parLlcular case and Lhen elLher agree or dlsagree from Lhe Lrlal courL
3 Pence even Lhe appellaLe courL has Lo wrlLe a [udgemenL and pass a decree ln Lhe evenL of
Lhe courL upholdlng Lhe lower courL's declslon Lhe appellaLe courL may wrlLe down Lhe
same decree wlLhouL changlng lL and Lhe decree wlll now be deemed Lo have been LhaL of
Lhe appellaLe courL
4 llnally Lhe sulL ls noL deemed Lo be flnally concluded" for maLLers of res [udlcaLa Llll Lhe
appeals are over 1hls lmplles LhaL lL ls deemed LhaL Lhe same sulL ls progress even whlle Lhe
appeals are on lL ls only when Lhe courLs have flnally come Lo a concluslon afLer all posslble
appeals have been used and Lrled by Lhe appellanL LhaL Lhe sulL ls sald Lo have been
concluslvely declded
1he above sald proposlLlons polnL ouL ln essence whaL ls lmplled when lL ls sald LhaL Lhe appeal ls a
conLlnuaLlon of Lhe sulL 1he varlous provlslons relaLlng Lo Lhe appeals have already been sLaLed ln
Lhe lnLroducLlon Lo Lhls work A deLalled look lnLo Lhese provlslons aL Lhls [uncLure becomes
ll81 ALAL
As already sLaLed ln Lhe lnLroducLlon Lhe provlslons relaLlng Lo Lhe flrsL appeals are secLlons 9699A
107 and order 41 ecLlon 96 of Lhe code recognlzes Lhe rlghL Lo appeal from every decree passed by
any courL of orlglnal [urlsdlcLlon lL does noL enumeraLe Lhe persons capable of appeallng 1wo
condlLlons have Lo be fulfllled before an appeal may be flled under Lhls secLlon
1 1he sub[ecL maLLer of an appeal ls always a decree an appeal ls allowed only afLer a decree
has been passed whlch lmplles Lhe concluslve deLermlnaLlon of Lhe sulL
2 1he parLy appeallng musL have been adversely affecLed by such deLermlnaLlon
1he ordlnary rule ls LhaL only a parLy Lo a sulL adversely affecLed Lo by Lhe decree or any of hls
represenLaLlves ln lnLeresL may flle an appeal 8uL a person who ls noL a parLy Lo Lhe sulL may flle an
appeal only lf Lhe courL has granLed speclal leave provlded LhaL he ls elLher bound by Lhe decree or
order or ls aggrleved by lL or ls pre[udlclally affecLed by lL 1he case of J lbetozbob v nM
5eetvo2 Lhe courL observed LhaL Lhe LesL Lo see wheLher a person ls aggrleved or noL ls Lo see
wheLher he has a genulne grlevance because an order has been made whlch pre[udlclally affecLs hls
lnLeresLs elLher pecunlary or oLherwlse lmllarly a person who has walved hls rlghL Lo appeal or
agrees noL Lo appeal loses hls rlghL Lo appeal 1he rlghL Lo appeal ls also losL lf Lhe courL Lo whlch Lhe
appeal lles ls abollshed and no courL ls subsLlLuLed ln lL's place
ecLlon 96(2) provldes for an aggrleved parLy agalnsL whom an ex potte decree has been passed Lo
flle an appeal agalnsL such decree under clause 3 of Lhe secLlon an appeal agalnsL a consenL decree
has been prohlblLed and very [usLlflably so for obvlous reason A flnal decree owes lLs orlgln Lo Lhe
prellmlnary decree3 Lherefore a fallure Lo appeal agalnsL a prellmlnary decree precludes a person
for flllng an appeal agalnsL Lhe flnal decree4
As sLaLed above secLlons 9699A enacL Lhe subsLanLlve law as regards llrsL Appeals whlle order 41
lays down Lhe procedure relaLlng Lo LhereLo 1he expresslons appeals and memorandum of appeal
denoLe Lwo dlfferenL Lhlngs 1he appeal ls Lhe [udlclal examlnaLlon by a hlgher courL of Lhe declslon
of Lhe lnferlor courL 1he memorandum of appeal conLalns Lhe grounds on whlch Lhe [udlclal
examlnaLlon ls lnvlLed 1he order lays down Lhe requlremenLs LhaL have Lo be complled wlLh for
valldly presenLlng an appeal3
8ule 2 precludes Lhe appellanL Lo urge excepL wlLh Lhe leave of Lhe courL any grounds of ob[ecLlon
noL seL forLh ln Lhe memorandum of appeal Where Lhe memorandum of appeal ls noL ln Lhe proper
form Lhe courL may re[ecL lL or reLurn Lo Lhe appellanL for Lhe purpose of maklng amendmenLs6
under Lhe provlslon of 8ule 3A where an appeal has been presenLed afLer Lhe explry of Lhe perlod
of llmlLaLlon speclfled Lherefor lL should be accompanled by an appllcaLlon LhaL Lhe appllcanL had
sufflclenL cause for noL preferrlng an appeal wlLhln Lhe sald Llme 1hls rule was lnserLed durlng Lhe
1976 AmendmenL AcL Lo glve effecL Lo Lhe recommendaLlon of Lhe rlvy Councll7
8ule 3 provldes for Lhe sLay of execuLlon of decree or order AfLer an appeal has been flled Lhe
appellaLe courL may order sLay of proceedlngs under Lhe deree or execuLlon of such decree 8uL
mere flllng of an appeal does noL suspend Lhe operaLlon of Lhe decree Lhe followlng grounds musL
be saLlsfled before Lhe courL may granL a sLay
1 Lhe appllcaLlon has been made wlLhouL any unreasonable delay
2 subsLanLlal loss wlll resulL Lo Lhe appllcanL unless such order ls made and
3 securlLy for Lhe due performance of Lhe decree or order has been glven by Lhe appllcanL
8ule 11 deals wlLh Lhe power of Lhe appellaLe courL Lo summarlly dlsmlss an appeal 1hls rule
embodles a general prlnclple LhaL whenever an appeal ls preferred Lhe appellaLe courL ls enLlLled Lo
re[ecL Lhe appeal summarlly afLer hearlng Lhe appellanL lf no prlma facle subsLance exlsLs Where
an appeal ralses Lrlable lL should noL summarlly dlsmlss Lhe sulL A case on Lhls aspecL ls MoboJev
1okoto v 5t 5oqooJbo ln Lhls case a wlll was execuLed by an old man of 80 years AlLhough
he was llLeraLe Lhe wlll bore hls Lhumb lmpresslon and noL hls slgnaLure no oLher documenL
bearlng hls Lhumb lmpresslon was produced Lo supporL Lhe reason LhaL Lhumb lmpresslon was Laken
because hls hand was shaky CuL of Lhe slx aLLesLlng wlLnesses only Lwo were examlned 1he
evldence of Lhe docLor was also noL convlnclng 1he Lrlal courL held Lhe wlll as genulne and Lhe
maLLer on appeal Lo Lhe Plgh CourL was dlsmlssed summarlly Cn second appeal Lhe courL held LhaL
Lhe Plgh CourL was noL [usLlfled ln dlsmlsslng Lhe appeal summarlly slnce Lhe flrsL appeal had Lrlable
8ule 16 says LhaL Lhe appellanL has Lhe rlghL Lo begln [usL llke ln Lhe case of an orlglnal sulL whereln
Lhe plalnLlff has Lhe rlghL Lo begln lf Lhe appeal ls noL dlsmlssed summarlly Lhen Lhe courL shall hear
Lhe respondenL agalnsL Lhe appeal and Lhe appellanL Lhen be enLlLled Lo reply Llke ln Lhe case of Lhe
orlglnal sulL lf Lhe plalnLlff does noL appear for Lhe hearlng Lhe case may be dlsmlssed so ls Lhe case
durlng Lhe appeal Loo lf Lhe appellanL does noL appear when Lhe appeal ls called for hearlng Lhe
courL may dlsmlss Lhe appeal ln defaulL9 1he same resulL ensues ln Lhe case of Lhe nonpaymenL
of Lhe process fee by Lhe appellanL slmllar Lo LhaL of Lhe slLuaLlon of Lhe orlglnal sulL under rule 19
Lhe appeal may be resLored afLer belng dlsmlssed lf Lhe appellanL flles for such acLlon and shows
sufflclenL cause
As ls Lhe case wlLh Lhe orlglnal sulL lf Lhe respondenL does noL appear buL Lhe appellanL does Lhe
courL may proceed expotte10 lf Lhe case goes ln Lhe favour of Lhe appellanL Lhe respondenL may
apply for Lhe rehearlng of Lhe appeal lf he ls able Lo saLlsfy Lhe courL LhaL he had sufflclenL cause for
noL havlng appeared for Lhe scheduled hearlng Lhe courL may accepL Lhe appllcaLlon11 Powever
ordlnarlly Lhe courL should noL pass an expotte decree excepL on rellable evldence
Agaln as ln Lhe case of Lhe orlglnal sulL where [olnder of parLles ls allowed so ln Lhe case of an
appeal respondenLs may be added under Lhe provlslons of rule 20 Where lL appears Lo Lhe appellaLe
courL aL Lhe hearlng of Lhe of Lhe appeal LhaL any person who was a parLy Lo Lhe sulL ln Lhe Lrlal courL
buL who has noL been made a parLy Lo Lhe appeal ls lnLeresLed ln Lhe resulL of Lhe appeal Lhe courL
may ad[ourn Lhe hearlng of Lhe appeal and dlrecL such person be [olned as a respondenL 1he ob[ecL
of Lhls rule ls Lo proLecL parLles Lo Lhe sulL who have noL been made respondenLs ln Lhe appeal from
belng pre[udlced by modlflcaLlons belng made behlnd Lhelr back ln Lhe decree under appeal
ecLlon 107 and rules 2329 and 33 of Lhe order 41 speclfy Lhe powers of Lhe appellaLe courL whlle
hearlng flrsL appeals ecLlon 107(1)(a) and rule 24 enables Lhe courL Lo dlspose off a case flnally 1he
general rule ls LhaL Lhe case should as far as posslble be dlsposed of on Lhe evldence on record and
should noL be remanded for fresh evldence Where Lhe lower courL has omlLLed Lo frame any lssues
or Lo Lry any lssue or Lo deLermlne any quesLlon of facL whlch may be essenLlal Lo Lhe rlghL declslon
of Lhe sulL upon merlLs Lhe appellaLe courL may frame lssues and refer Lhem for Lrlal Lo Lhe lower
courL and shall dlrecL LhaL lower courL Lo Lake Lhe addlLlonal evldence requlred 1he lower courL shall
Lry such lssues and shall reLurn Lhe flndlngs and Lhe evldence Lo Lhe appellaLe courL wlLhln Lhe Llme
flxed by Lhe hlgher courL12
ecLlon 107(1)(b) and 8ule 23 and 23A Lalk abouL Lhe remand of Lhe sulL 8emand means Lo send
back Where Lhe Lrlal courL has declded a sulL on a prellmlnary polnL wlLhouL recordlng Lhe flndlngs
on oLher lssues and lf Lhe appellaLe courL reverses Lhe decree so passed lL may send back Lhe case
Lo Lhe Lrlal courL Lo declde oLher lssues and deLermlne Lhe sulL 1hls ls called remand 8y passlng an
order of remand Lhe appellaLe courL dlrecLs Lhe Lrlal courL Lo reopen and reLry Lhe case 1he case
of opoJ uoJo v ottck cbooJto Lhe courL observed LhaL Lhe order for a remand can be
made only lf Lhe followlng condlLlons are saLlsfled
1he sulL musL have been dlsposed of by Lhe Lrlal courL on a prlllmlnary polnL A polnL may be
called a prellmlnary polnL lf lL ls such LhaL Lhe declslon Lhereon ln a parLlcular way ls sufflclenL Lo
dlspose of Lhe whole case wlLhouL Lhe necesslLy for a declslon on Lhe oLher polnLs rellmlnary
polnLs may be quesLlons of llmlLaLlon or res [udlcaLa
1he decree musL have been reversed under Lhe appeal
CLher grounds avallable under 8ule 23A
ln Lhls case sulL for declaraLlon of LlLle was dlsmlssed by Lhe Lrlal courL whlch dlsbelleved Lhe
evldence ln appeal Lhe courL passed an order for remand for Lhe Lrlal courL Lo rehear Lhe sulL glvlng
opporLunlLy Lo Lhe parLles Lo adduce fresh evldence AgalnsL Lhls order of remand Lhe defendanL
flled a revlslon under ecLlon 113 1he prellmlnary ob[ecLlon was ralsed as Lo Lhe malnLalnablllLy of
Lhe revlslon appllcaLlon on Lhe ground LhaL Lhe appeal oughL Lo have been flled agalnsL Lhe order
passed by Lhe appellaLe courL 1he courL held LhaL Lhe revlslon appllcaLlon ls malnLalnable slnce Lhe
remand was made under Lhe lnherenL powers of Lhe courL under ecLlon 131 of Lhe code and noL
under Crder 41 rule 23 Pence for Lhls klnd of an order only revlslon ls allowed and noL an appeal
As a general rule Lhe appellaLe courL shall declde an appeal on Lhe evldence lead by Lhe parLles
before Lhe Lrlal courL and should noL admlL addlLlonal evldence for Lhe purpose of Lhe dlsposal of Lhe
sulL ecLlon 107(1)(d) however empowers an appellaLe courL Lo Lake addlLlonal evldence Lo
requlre such evldence Lo be Laken sub[ecL Lo Lhe condlLlons lald down ln 8ule 27 of Lhe Crder 41
1hey are as follows
1 Where Lhe lower courL has lmproperly refused Lo admlL evldence whlch oughL Lo have been
2 Where such addlLlonal evldence was noL wlLhln Lhe knowledge of Lhe parLy or could noL
afLer exerclse of due dlllgence be produced by hlm aL Lhe Llme when Lhe lower courL passed
Lhe decree or
3 Where Lhe appellaLe courL lLself requlre such evldence Lo pronounce [udgmenL or for any
oLher subsLanLlal cause
A very lmporLanL provlslon ls ecLlon 107(2) of Lhe Code whlch says LhaL aparL from Lhe over and
aforesald powers an appellaLe courL has Lhe same powers as an orlglnal courL 1hls provlslon ls
based on Lhe general prlnclple LhaL an appeal ls conLlnuaLlon of a sulL and Lherefore an appellaLe
courL can do whlle Lhe appeal ls pendlng whaL Lhe orlglnal courL could have done whlle Lhe sulL ls
pendlng 1hls aspecL has been looked lnLo ln Lhe leadlng case of ltoJooo oot v
vteoJto 1he facLs of Lhe case were as follows
1he respondenL ln Lhls case obLalned permanenL Lenancy rlghLs from Lhe appellanL ln a plece of land
LaLer Lhe respondenL Lransferred hls Lenancy rlghLs Lo anoLher person upon Lhe non paymenL of Lhe
renL for 2 years Lhe appellanL Lhe owner of Lhe land flled a sulL for a decree for e[ecLmenL and for
Lhe recovery of Lhe arrears ln renL ln Lhe courL of Lhe ClLy Munslff 1he respondenLs prayed LhaL Lhey
should be glven rellef agalnsL Lhe forfelLure of Lhelr Lenancy rlghLs under ecLlon 114 of Lhe 1ransfer
of roperLy AcL 1he Lrlal [udge held LhaL Lhe condlLlons relaLlng Lo deposlLs ln Lhe CourL of renL of
arrears lnLeresL Lhereon and cosLs of Lhe sulL were noL complled wlLh and decreed Lhe plalnLlff's
clalm ln appeal Lo Lhe ulsLrlcL courL Lhe LenanL offered Lo clear all Lhe posslble dues and Lhe cosLs
1he courL held LhaL slnce Lhe LenanL was wllllng Lo pay Lhe amounL he should be glven Lhe beneflL of
ecLlon 114 1he second appeal Lo Lhe case was summarlly dlsmlssed by Lhe Plgh CourL 1he case
wenL on Lo appeal Lo Lhe upreme CourL 1he appellanL conLesLed LhaL Lhe courL havlng Lhe
[urlsdlcLlon Lo granL reprleve agalnsL Lhe forfelLure lles wlLh Lhe courL of Lhe flrsL lnsLance and Lhe
second LhaL Lhe 1rlal courL havlng glven Lhe LenanLs Lhe opporLunlLy Lo pay all Lhe amounLs lL was
beyond Lhe power of Lhe appellaLe courL Lo glve a second opporLunlLy Lo Lhem
1he upreme CourL negaLlvlng Lhls conLenLlon held LhaL Lhere ls no bar Lo Lhe [urlsdlcLlon of Lhe
appellaLe courL ln decldlng Lhe maLLer as lL dld and hence Lhe appeal was dlsmlssed lL was observed
LhaL Lhe appellaLe courL has all Lhe powers as Lhe Lrlal courL ln decldlng Lhe maLLer concluslvely
1he precedlng parL of Lhls chapLer dealL wlLh Lhe provlslons of Lhe code whlch deal wlLh Lhe flrsL
appeals llrsL appeals are Lhe appeals LhaL go from Lhe courL where Lhe orlglnal sulL was flrsL flled
and Lhe decree passed lf elLher of Lhe parLles Lo Lhe flrsL appeal ls noL saLlsfled even wlLh Lhe decree
of Lhe courL of flrsL appeal Lhey may prefer second appeal Lo Lhe approprlaLe courL 1hls Lhen
becomes Lhe second appeal of Lhe sulL Crder 42 of Lhe code deals wlLh Lhe provlslon relaLlng Lo Lhe
second appeal 1he provlslon provlded for ls very slmply puL ln Lhe code holdlng LhaL all Lhe
provlslons LhaL apply Lo Lhe flrsL appeal so far as may be requlred be appllcable Lo Lhe second
appeal Loo
Powever ecLlon 100 of Lhe code deallng wlLh Lhe subsLanLlve parL of Lhe code holds LhaL Lhe courL
of second appeal may Lake up a case on second appeal only on a quesLlon of law Any quesLlon of
facL may noL form parL of Lhe lnqulry of Lhe courL ln Lhe case of uotqo cbowJbotoo v Iowobt
5oqb Lhe courL had observed LhaL Lhere ls no [urlsdlcLlon Lo enLerLaln a second appeal on Lhe
ground of erroneous flndlngs of facL however gross Lhe error may seem Lo be
ln Lhls case Lhe appellanL wldow of a cerLaln person flled a sulL agalnsL Lhe elder broLher of her laLe
husband Lo have a decree passed ln her favour declarlng her Lo be Lhe helress Lo her husbands
properLy whlch was belng clalmed by Lhe elder broLher Lhe respondenL 1he appellanL's rlghL Lo Lhe
properLy depended upon her provlng Lhe facL LhaL Lhere had been a parLlLlon of Lhe famlly properLy
and Lherefore Lhe elder broLher had no clalm Lo lL 1he respondenL conLesLed Lhls clalm 1he
appellanL Lrled Lo argue LhaL Lhe lower courLs had noL looked lnLo Lhe avallable evldence properly
and hence lL amounLed Lo defecL ln Lhe procedure of law Lherefore appealable Lo Lhe hlgher courL ln
Lhe second appeal 1he courL ln Lhls case held LhaL an erroneous flndlng of Lhe facLs ls a dlfferenL
Lhlng from an error or defecL ln Lhe procedure 1hls lmplles LhaL however gross Lhe defecL mlghL be
ln Lhe flndlng of Lhe facLs lL cannoL be consLrued as compelllng Lhe courL of second appeal Lo deal
wlLh a quesLlon of facL Accordlngly Lhe appeal ln Lhls case was dlsmlssed
ecLlon 103 of Lhe code provldes LhaL Lhe Plgh CourL may lf Lhe evldence on record ls sufflclenL
deLermlne any quesLlon of facL necessary for Lhe dlsposal of Lhe appeal provlded LhaL Lhe maLLer
had noL been deLermlned by Lhe lower appellaLe courL or whlch has been wrongly deLermlned by
such courL by reason of any lllegallLy omlsslon error or defecL such as ls referred Lo ln subsecLlon
(1) of secLlon 10016 Powever Lhls secLlon does noL empower Lhe Plgh CourL Lo frame quesLlons of
facLs on lssues LhaL had noL been ralsed aL all ln Lhe lower CourL
ecLlon 102 of Lhe code says LhaL no appeals are allowed from any sulL of Lhe naLure cognlsable by
CourLs of mall Causes when Lhe amounL or value of Lhe of Lhe sub[ecL maLLer of Lhe orlglnal sulL
does noL exceed 8s 1hree Lhousand LffecLlvely Lhls secLlon bars second appeals from whaL may be
called peLLy" cases 1he bar operaLes lf Lwo condlLlons are saLlsfled
1 1he sulL was cognlsable by a courL of small causes
ll 1he amounL of Lhe sub[ecL maLLer does noL exceed Lhree Lhousand rupees
1hus a double LesL has Lo be saLlsfled Lhe naLure of Lhe conLroversy and Lhe value of Lhe sulL

1he precedlng secLlons showed LhaL Lhe courLs have wlde ranglng powers ln maLLers of appeal cases
1hls ls speclally Lhe case of Lhe flrsL appeals where Lhe courLs have almosL ldenLlcal powers as LhaL
of Lhe courL of orlglnal Lrlal [urlsdlcLlon As menLloned above secLlon 107 of Lhe code recognlses Lhe
prlnclple LhaL an appeal ls ln effecL a conLlnuaLlon of Lhe sulL lL would be perLlnenL Lo have a
recaplLulaLlon of Lhe maln proposlLlons upon whlch such a prlnclple flnds basls 1hey are
1 1he appellaLe courL has all Lhe powers and has Lo do all Lhose Lhlngs necessary LhaL a Lrlal
courL has and has Lo do ln Lhls sense even when Lhe case goes on appeal lL ls [usL Lhe name
LhaL has undergone a change Lhe form and subsLance sLlll remaln Lhe same
2 ln Lhe same veln as above Lhe appellaLe courL has Lo do all LhaL has been done by Lhe Lrall
courL ln LhaL parLlcular case and Lhen elLher agree or dlsagree from Lhe Lrlal courL
3 Pence even Lhe appellaLe courL has Lo wrlLe a [udgemenL and pass a decree ln Lhe evenL of
Lhe courL upholdlng Lhe lower courL's declslon Lhe appellaLe courL may wrlLe down Lhe
same decree wlLhouL changlng lL and Lhe decree wlll now be deemed Lo have been LhaL of
Lhe appellaLe courL
1he above Lhree proposlLlons have been dealL wlLh ln deLalls ln Lhe forgolng secLlons and hence do
need any furLher elucldaLlon
1he lmporLanL polnL Lo bear ln mlnd when lL comes Lo maklng a sLaLemenL Lo Lhe effecL LhaL an
appeal ls a conLlnuaLlon of Lhe sulL ls LhaL lL ls more ln Lhe lnLeresL of [usLlce and adherence Lo Lhe
prlnclples of falr Lrlal LhaL Lhese provlslons oughL Lo be seen no doubL LhaL Lhe rlghL Lo appeal ls noL
an lnherenL rlghL and has Lo be mandaLed by Lhe law yeL lL ls noL LhaL a very Lechnlcal and
mechanlcal vlew has Lo be Laken lnLo accounL

O 6 Ck1akwanl cv ltoceJote (3
ed Lucknow LasLern 8ook Company 1996)
O 6 uvChlLaly coeotote 1be coJe of cv ltoceJote (nagpur All lndla 8eporLer
LlmlLed 1972)
O 6 MMehLa coeototy oo 1be coJe of cv ltoceJote (Allahabad Wadhwa and
Company 1990)
O 6 M8akshl 5oppeeot to Moo coJe of cv ltoceJote (14
ed 8ombay nM1rlpaLl
rlvaLe LlmlLed 1992)
O 6 1LvenkaLarama Aylar Moo oo 1be coJe of cv ltoceJote (13
ed 8ombay
nM1rlpaLhl rlvaLe LlmlLed 1967)

1 C k 1hakker cv ltoceJote (3rd ed LasLern 8ook Co Lucknow 1994) aL 260
2 Al8 1971 C 383
3 5opto o 1 aL 263
4 ecLlon 97 of Lhe CC
3 Crder 41 r 1
6 Crder 41 r 3
7 LaLemenL of Cb[ecLs and reasons
8 Al8 1972 C 1932
9 8ule 17(1)
10 8ule 17(2)
11 8ule 21
12 ecLlon 107(l)(c) C 41 r 23
13 Al8 1977 Cal 3
14 Al8 1969 C 1349
13 17 lA 122
16 ecLlon 103


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