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Affiliated to Central Board of Secondary Education

An ISO 45001:2018 Certified Institution

Circular No. 07./P&G/2024-25 April 12, 2024

Dear Parents / Guardian,

For Parents / Guardian of the pupils of Class XI (2023 – 24)

Sub: Showing of Answer Scripts of Annual Examination

Answer Scripts of the Annual Examination (2023 – 2024) will be shown to the pupils on Monday, April
15, 2024 according to the following schedule.
Humanities & Commerce : 6:40 am – 10:05 am
Science : 11:00 am – 2:15 pm

All pupils must report to School 10 minutes prior to the time mentioned.

Please note that School Transport will not be available on the day. Parents/Guardian of all pupils are
requested to collect their wards from School at the time of dispersal. In case a parent/guardian is unable
to collect their ward a letter stating this fact must be submitted to the Class Teacher. The letter will be
signed by the Class Teacher and returned to the pupil who must mandatorily show it at the School gate.
Those pupils availing car pool will also follow the same protocol if their guardian/parents are unable to
collect them.

It is being reiterated that a pupil will not be allowed to leave the School premises unescorted
unless they have a letter to that effect.

Pupils are to leave their bags outside the Classroom and only carry a pencil (no pens) and a notebook /
exercise copy. They may keep the Annual Examination question papers with them.

The seat plan for 15.04.2024 will be as follows :


XI A 313 & 314

XI B 403
XI C 404
XI D 405
XI E 308
XI F 309
XI G 310
XI H 311
XI J 312
XI K 313
XI L 314
Thank you.

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