Vocab #1&2 For Grade 9

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Name: Faith Camille R.

Carpio Date: 04/12/24

Submitted to: Ms. Marites Salvador Section: 9-Peace
Title: Vocabulary #1&2

1. anthophilous (adj.) 9. myopia (n)

P: an-thof-uh-luhs P: mahy-oh-pee-uh
D: feeding on flowers, as certain insects D: a condition of the eye
S: An anthophilous bee stumbled upon a lily. S: In studies, they dramatically reduced the progression
of myopia.
2. bedraggle (v)
10. triptych (n)
P: bih-drag-uhl
P: trip-tik
D: to make limp and soiled, as with rain or dirt.
D: a set of three panels or compartments side by side
S: Instead of cultivating your graces you
bedraggle them with labor! S: "The Smoker," and "Mother and Daughter," a
triptych, are two of her principal pictures.
3. coulomb (n)
11. catachresis (n)
P: koo-lom
P: kat-uh-kree-sis
D: the standard unit of quantity of electricity
D: misuse or strained use of words
S: Coulomb was the maker of the first instrument
for measuring a current. S: And yet, after a vast deal of such like catachresis,
the orthodoxy of plagiarism remains still in dispute.
4. boustrophedon (n)
12. mileage (n)
P: boo-struh-feed-n
P: mahy-lij
D: an ancient method of writing in which the lines
run alternately from right to left and from left to D: length, extent, or distance in miles.
S: Our role is simply to match them with a mileage
S: The test can be read either vertically or pledge.
13. gargoyle (n)
5. novocain (adj.)
P: gahr-goil
P: noh-vuh-keyn
D: a grotesquely carved figure of a human or animal.
D: a brand of procaine.
S: The castle has a scary gargoyle found on top of the
S: Two specimens of German made Novocain pillar.
obtained from our files.
14. paralysis (n)
6. braille (n)
P: puh-ral-uh-sis
P: breyl
D: loss of voluntary movement
D: a system of writing or printing for the blind
S: Other labs are testing implanted electrodes in people
S: This is like, trying to piece together the Braille with paralysis.
like a puzzle!
15. marmalade (n)
7. louche (adj.)
P: mahr-muh-leyd
P: loosh
D: jam
D: dubious; shady; disreputable
S: Malthus devoured three whole jars of marmalade.
S: The opalescent, minty-green louche billows
under the ice water droplets. 16. premonition (n)

8. threnody (n) P: pree-muh-nish-uhn

P: thren-uh-dee D: a feeling of anticipation of or anxiety over a future

D: a poem, speech, or song of lamentation
S: He had a vague premonition of danger.
S: The ceaseless threnody of the sea seemed to
the old man a requiem over dead hopes.
37. pernicious (adj.) 45.
27. pullulate (v)(adj.)
17. P: per-nish-uhs
crampon (n) P: ih-fem-er-uhl
P: puhl-yuh-leyt
D: injurious
P: kram-pon D: short-lived
D: to breed, produce, or create rapidly.
D: aS:spiked
The pernicious lie made
iron plate worn her career fall apart.
on boots S: the
S: Rabbits aroundjoys
ephemeral the of
world pullulate every 5
S: If38. quixotic
you need (adj.) and ice crampons, choose the 28.
snowshoes kerfuffle (n)
Honey Badger. 46. droshky (n)
P: kwik-sot-ik P: ker-fuhf-uhl
18. ricochet (n) P: drosh-kee
D: impulsive D: a fuss
P: rik-uh-shey D: any of various other carriages, used mainly in
S: It may sound quixotic, but that is the reality of life. S: What is this kerfuffle about!?
D: the motion of an object in rebounding from a surface
39. sonder (n) 29. obfuscate (v) to get where I’m going.
one or more times S: I’ll need a droshky
P: son-der P:
S: Look at how my tears ricochet – Taylor Swift 47.ob·fus·cate
luau (n)
D: the feeling one has on realizing that every other D: to make obscure
19. crematoria (n) P: loo-ou
individual one sees has a life as full and real as
one’s own
P: kree-muh-tawr-ee-uhm S:
D: The
a feastreporter wantedfood
of Hawaiian to obfuscate the issue.

S: In a state of sonder, each of us is at once a hero. 30.

D: crematory S: But theepiphany (n)
luau incident gave her a sobering look at
the truth.
S: Is40. brouhaha
it evil of (n)
the crematoria or evil of a different order? P: ih-pif-uh-nee
48. flibbertigibbet (n)
20. P: broo-hah-hah
reprobate (n) D: an appearance or manifestation, especially of a deity
P: flib-er-tee-jib-it
D: hullabaloo
P: rep-ruh-beyt S: She had an epiphany that day.
D: a chattering or flighty, light-headed person.
D: aS:depraved,
The brouhaha followedordisclosures
unprincipled, wicked personof prom. 31. quintessence (n)
S: Thereupon flibbertigibbet beat upon her breast to
41. father
S: Her petrichor (n) reprobate.
is a drunken P: kwin-tes-uhns
indicate first person singular possessive.
21. P: pet-ri-kawr
extenuation (n) D: the most perfect embodiment of something.
49. festoon (n)
D: smell of rainfall
P: ik-sten-yoo-ey-shuhn S: Innocence is the quintessence of the snapshot.
P: fe-stoon
S: Iact
D: the hate
of rain but I love the petrichor!
extenuating. 32. saudade (n)
Da string or chain of flowers, foliage, ribbon, etc.,
42. disagreed
S: She ethereal (adj.)
with many "buts" as an excuse in suspended
P: soh-dahdin a curve between two points.
extenuation. S: Between the posts
P: ih-theer-ee-uhl D: (in Portuguese folk hung a festoon
culture) a deep of signallingstate of
22. shenanigan (n) flags, long pointed
melancholic longingstrips
for aof bunting
person or with
thatballs or
is absent:
D: extremely delicate or refined blue on them.
P: shuh-nan-i-guhn S: The event showed the theme of saudade in literature and
S: Jin possesses such ethereal beauty. 50.
music. pirouette (n)
D: mischief or trickery
43. loose (adj.) P: pir-oo-et
33. paradox (n)
S: Halloween shenanigans never amused the lady.
P: loos D: par-uh-doks
P: a whirling about on one foot or on the points of
23. mandible (n) the toes, as in ballet dancing.
D: free or released from fastening D: statement that seems absurd but true
P: man-duh-buhl S: A tutu clad Swift refuses to pirouette with her
S: Can you help me tie a loose end? S: “Less is more” preferring
is a paradox often repeated
D: the bone of the lower jaw. fellow ballerinas, to pelvic thrust likeinathe arts and
44. clade (n) other fields.
rebel instead.
S: The child yelped as the ant’s mandibles gaped open. 34. vicissitude (n)
P: kleyd
24. jauntily (adv.) P: vi-sis-i-tood
D: a taxonomic group of organisms classified
together on the basis of homologous features traced D: interchange or alternation
P: jawn-tuh-lee
to a common ancestor.
D: in an easy and lively manner S: Arsne Lupin was present at certain family conferences
S: Many specialist corals can’t bring clade D into when this new vicissitude was discussed.
S: She
tissues.her way jauntily down the stairs.
25. monsieur (n) 35. equanimity (n)

P: muhs-yur P: ee-kwuh-nim-i-tee

D: conventional French title of respect; Mr. or Sir D: calmness

S: “Whichever monsieur pleases,” he replied. S: We ready ourselves mentally to accept whatever outcome
with equanimity.
26. conundrum (n)
36. indubitable (adj.)
P: kuh-nuhn-druhm
P: in-doo-bi-tuh-buhl
D: anything that puzzles.
D: unquestionable
S: “Life is a conundrum of esoterica” – Violet Baudelaire
S: Some of the things which seem to be indubitable
respecting the original work are these..

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