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1lffit mm - ti 1f:m;rq Government of Indin·Ministry of Rnilways

I3~QR 13~ ~ IJAl1i ~ Resenreh Designs & Stnndards Organisation
~ - 226011 Lllcknow • 226 0 II
EPBX (0522) 2451200 DID (0522) 2450115
-~ Fax (0522) 2458500 DID (0522) 2465310

LHB/Brake Pad Date: 21 .01 ,2022

um;:r 1f&l ~ ~
1. ~~. ~ ~ cflt.rn. ~_ 400 12. \'ffiR l!UI" ~, mfk"rr m, ~C'lI~IClIG - 211
001 .
2. wi ~, ~~, QilC'l$If1t - 700 001. 13. \'ffiR qftw:r ~, ~ - 302 006
3. ~~. ~ ~, ~ ~ _ 110 001. 14. ~ qftw:r ~, ~ - 580 023
4. Gfe1uT~. ~ CT\R. ~ - 600 003 15. qftw:r l!UI" ~. ~ - 482 001
5. Gfe1uT ~ ~, ~ ~, ff;$~'<I~IG-500 16. ~ ~ l!UI" ~, 3m ~ ~ =CfJ~I~-+-Cffi-,
071. ~ - 495 004
6. Gfe1uT wi ~.
~ ~, $lC'l$ldl - 700 043 17. ~ ~ ~, ~ - 600 038
7. ~~. ~ - 273 012 18. ~ ~ ~, ~, ~~ - 144 602
8. ~~~' ~, ~-781 19. Gfi.~.~.~.. ~ CfJIA1&1Cff1, ~ ~1l11f11~1 .
011 lIRe GllCffi 'l. 7501 ~ - 560 075
9. qfup;~,~. N - 400 020 20 ~ ~ CfJI41hI1 ~.,~ ~,
10. ~ ~ ~. ~ - 844 101 ~ 'I1cI'1, "1Cfr ~ - 400 614
11 . ~~~. ~~~.~ 21 ~ ~ ~, ~ . 229206
q)1~CM. iI~~~(Sl,<g'<l. ~, ~ - 751

Sub: Burning of Brake Pad due to brake binding in LHB coaches.

Ref:(i) Railway Board letter no.2007/M(C)/137/16 Vol.VII dated 14.06.2021 .

(ii) This office of even no. dated 20.08.2020.
(iii) Railway Board letter no.2007/M(C)/137/16 Vol.VII dated 17.08.2020.
(iv)This office letter of even no. dated 09.03.2020, 14.05.2020,
08.06.2020 and 17.07.2020.
(v) M&C Directorate note no. M&C/CDC/ReportlVol-IV dated

In reference to subject above, the cases of brake pad burning due to brake
binding has been studied by RDSO after taking details from Railways. The brake
pad burning is the result of brake binding in coaches and the probable causes of
brake binding are as under-

i) Malfunction of Distributor Valve.

ii) Improper setting of brake cylinder pressure.
iii) Bending of hand brake pipe in power car.
iv) Increasing the speed of train after brake application without giving sufficient
time to release.
v) Sticky brake caliper.

Study report-

i) Quality of brake pad regarding thermal stability:-

As per Para (Thermal requirements) of UIC 541-3 and clause No. 4.7 of

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governing ROSO specification for brake pads (Spec no. ROSO/2013/CG-01)-
"The frictional requirement shall be able to withstand without worsening of its
properties the following temperatures measured on rubbing surfaces of the
brake discs for organic brake pad- 4000 C". Thus the UIC IROSO specification
norms don't envisage temperature of brake pad at a value of more than 400°C.

In order to check for compliance to above, brake pads of three different firms
have been tested at ROSO for flammability. The result exhibit that the brake
pad ignition starts only above 550 OC in static condition. In addition to it, ROSa
officials also conducted brake pad drag test at 55 KW on dynamometer in a
firm's premises increasing temperature artificially by turning the dynamometer
blower off. During trial it was noticed that heavy smoke was observed at
temperature of 646 OC. The Brake pads of MIs MASU (Now MIs Faiveley
Transport Rail Technologies India Private Limited) who is indigenous supplier,
have also been checked on dynamometer and found confirming to
requirements of ROSO specification ROSO/2013/CG-01 .

ii) Malfunction of Distributor Valve:-

A brake pad burning case reported in coach no. EC LWSCN 17505 in train no.
03201/02 on 09.03.2021. The same coach was investigated at LIT depot of
Central Railway and found that brake releasing time was 24 sec (more than
specified limit 16-20 sec) and over charging of CR found 0.4 Kg/Cm 2 in 10 sec
(specified no overcharge in CR in 10 sec as per ROSa spec C-K209), in
another coach 17237 the releasing time found 22 sec.

iii) Improper setting of brake cylinder pressure:-

The details asked from Railways vide this office letter at ref (iv), and it is noted
that some of the Railways reported 3.8 Kg/Cm 2 BC pressure (specified 3.0
Kg/Cm 2 ) in LSCN coaches:

iv) Modification in air brake pipes & fitting:-

During visit to Railways it observed that Modifications advised vide ROSO

letter MC/LHB/Brake dated 24.06.2019 in air brake pipes & fitting in LHB were
not carried out completely.

v) Over charge protection:-

It is noted during field visit that the, pressure in control reservoir was more

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than 5.0 Kg/Cm (CR Over charged), resulting BC pressure not relesed even
when BP is reached 5.0 Kg/Cm 2.

vi) Distributer Valve Overdue for over haul:-

Distributer valve overdue for schedule maintinance found in running coaches .

vii) Sticky Brake Caliper:-

Brake Caliper Jam reported by Railways.

Action to be taken:-

a) In single car test procedure, a step is to be added for test "brake applied by
reducing BP to 3.6 kg/cm 2 and wait for 30 minute and then BP raise up to 5.0
kg/Cm Brake should release.
b) CR should not over charge within 10 secs in over charge protection test, must
be checked and ensured.
c) The DV should be overhauled within specified schedule.
d) Modification in air brake pipes & fitting in LHB coaches advised vide RDSO
letter MC/LHB/Brake dated 24.06.2019 to be carried out on priority.
e) Smooth operation of Brake caliper must be ensured during trip examination.
f) Rake maintenance must be followed as per CAMTCH maintenance manual.
g) The working of WSP must be checked and ensured for their proper function
even if indicator shows 99, like in case of cross connection etc.
h) Hand brake pipes must be checked at primary depot at every round trip.
i) It must be ensured that BC pressure is set at 3.0 Kg/cm .

The above actions must be ensured by the Railways to arrest the incidents of
Brake Pad burning .

(Sudhir sinah)
Jt. Director Carriage/E&S and Brake

Copy To - DME/Coaching, Railway Board, New Delhi. For kind information

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