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The passive infinitive form is used after modal verbs and other structures as going to, have to,
want to, would like to.
The door must be locked at all times.
This job cannot be done.
He is going to be interviewed tomorrow.
I don't want to be disturbed.
The passive perfect infinitive form is used to talk about the past.
The corporation may have been sold last week.
We should have been told about the dangers.
The passive -ing form is used to express a continuous action.
I don't like being cheated.
He remembers being given the book.
Perfect -ing form passive form
The parcels, having been delivered, were put on the boss's table.
* for B2+ and C1 level students

Exercise 2

Passive Infinitives and Gerunds

Gap-fill exercise

Correct! Well done.

Your score is 84%.
1. I don’t like being laughed at (laugh at).
2. Sam remembers being told about (tell about) the party.
3. His greatest ambition is to be chosen (choose) to take part in the Olympics.
4. Being accepted (accept) for that course changed my life.
5. The children are looking forward to being filmed (film) for that television programme.
6. I hate being asked (ask) my age.
7. He was a difficult child, probably due to having been looked (look after) by a series of
different foster parents.
8. He doesn’t respond very well to being asked (ask) to do things.

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