English Language PBL-2

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English Language PBL

Second Part
Story: High School Sweetheart [Analysis]

The story “ High School Sweetheart’ is a classic tale of teenage love and
romance. It centers around two high school students named Erik and Mia, who
have been friends since childhood. The story follows through high school as their
relationship evolves from friendship to love.
The author [me] uses effective characterization to bring the characters to life.
Erik is portrayed as a talented musician, who plays guitar in the school band,
while Mia is an artist who spends her afternoons sketching in the park. The
contrast between their interests helps to build their characters and adds depth
to their relationship.
The plot revolves around the theme of unrequited love and is portrayed
effectively through Erik’s character. The author uses the talent shoe scene to
build the climax of the story, where Erik gathers all his courage to express his
feelings through music. This is a powerful scene that helps to build tension and
emotional depth.
The story also highlights the importance of communication and honesty in
relationships. Mia was oblivious to Erik’s feelings, and it wasn’t until he
expressed himself that she realized she had feelings for him too. This is a
valuable lesson for readers and can help them understand the importance of
being open and honest with their feelings.
Overall, “High School Sweetheart” is a heartwarming tale of teenage love that is
well-written, relatable, and engaging. The characters are well-developed, and
the plot is well-structured, making it a great read for anyone who loves romance
and young adult fiction.

Rhetorical devices
● Allusion: “Once upon a time” (a reference to a fairy tale)
● Metaphor: “towering oak trees” (comparison of trees to towers). The use of
metaphor is also seen in the description of Mia as a “gifted artist” and
Erik as a “talented musician”, which helps to paint a picture of their
respective passions and talents
● Personification: “the last chord faded” (attributing human quality of
vocal fade to a non-human object)
● Hyperbole: “pouring his heart out” (exaggerating to emphasize the
intensity of emotions). Another use of hyperbole is seen in Erik’s
declaration that Mia is “the love of his life”, which exaggerates the
strength of his feelings for her.
● Anaphora: repetition of “They” at the beginning of several sentences in
the last paragraph (“They shared their dreams and supported each other’s
passions. They made plans for the future, talking about college, careers,
and a life filled with adventure and love”) helps to emphasize the
closeness and unity of Erik and Mia’s relationship.
● Imagery: The story is filled with vivid descriptions of the characters and
their surroundings, creating a rich and immersive setting for the reader.
- “warmth spreading through her chest” (a description that appeals to
the senses)
● Irony: the use of “once upon a time” at the beginning of the story, a
common phrase associated with fairy tales, juxtaposed with a modern
high school setting. Another irony in the story is the fact that Mia is
initially unaware of Erik’s feelings for her creates dramatic irony, as the
reader knows something that one of the characters does not.
● Symbolism: the guitar and the artwork as representations of Erik and
Mia’s interests and personalities. The use of symbolism is also seen in the
guitar that Erik plays, which serves as a symbol of his emotional
connection with Mia and his desire to express his love for her through
● Foreshadowing: Erik’s change in feelings towards Mia and the tension
leading up to the talent show performance hint at a possible romantic
● Alliteration: The repetition of the “s” sound is “soft and full of emotion”,
emphasizing the tenderness and vulnerability in Mia’s voice as she
confesses her feelings to Erik.

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