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Below you will find some examples of linking words and how to use them.

This is not a comprehensive

list. You may want to add your own linking words and phrases.
♦Note : If linking words start a sentence, they are followed by a comma.

Linking Words Example of use

To…….. I'm going to Bnimelal to visit my family.
….So as to… I'm going to Bnimelal in order to visit my family.
Purpose In order to… I'm going to Bnimelal so as to visit my family.
So that…. I'm going to Bnimelal so that I can see my family.
I am saving money so that I can buy a new car.
…too / as well. Negeria is an African country. Morocco is an African
In addition country as well / too.
Additionally The trip is too expensive. Besides, I don't really like
Addition Besides hot weather.
Furthermore She always arrives on time; furthermore, her work is
In addition always excellent.
Moreover You haven't paid the rent yet. In addition, you owe
me money.
He is cleaver. Moreover, he is handsome.
……..but……  Northern European countries had a great weather in
While summer. On the contrary/in contrast, African
Contrast ……whrease….. countries had poor weather.
 Laptops are useful; on the other hand, they can be
On the other hand,… expensive.
 Ali is rich, whereas Brahim is poor.
In contrast,…  Ali is rich; in contrast Jack is poor.
On the ontrary,…  I like living in the city, while / whereas my wife
prefers the countryside.
 There many smart students in my class. On the other
hand, some of them are lazy.
 Although/even though/though Ahmed is rich, he
lives in a small house.
(In spite of the fact that he is rich, he lives in a small
Although/though/even though house.)
Yet  In spite of/despite the rain, she walked to the station
Concession However/nonetheless/Nevertheless in spite of/despite being blind, he walked to the
Despite / in spite of station.
(without being affected by the rain or by being blind.
 It was raining. However / Nonetheless / Nevertheles
we went to the school.
Cause and Because / because of  I stayed at home because it was raining.
Effect Due to  Because it was raining, I stayed at home. (use a
Thanks to… comma between the first and second sentences)
So,…  It was raining, so I stayed at home. (use a comma
Consequently,… before “so”)
Hence,….  I stayed at home due to the rain.
Thus,….  Because of the rain, I stayed at home.
 I like fish. Thus / hence, I always buy it.
Examples For instance  There are several problems to consider. For instance
For example For example, there is a lack of school transport.
Namely  I study a lot of school subjects at school, such as
Such as Arabic, Maths and English.
Summarizing As a result / to sum up / briefly / in  To sum up/briefly/all in all, our team is now one of
conclusion / to conclude / all in all / to the best in the world.
summarize / ….
I. Choose ‘however’, ‘although’ or ‘despite’:
1. ___________ the rain, we still went to the park.
2. ___________ it was raining, we still went to the park.
3. It was raining. ___________, we still went to the park.
4. John bought the watch, ___________ the fact that it was expensive.
5. John bough the watch. ___________, it was expensive.
6. ___________ it was expensive, John bought the watch.
7. I finished the homework. It, ___________, wasn’t easy.
8. I finished the homework, ___________ it wasn’t easy.
9. ___________ the fact that it wasn’t easy, I finished the homework.

II. Complete the sentences using the following linking words:

Although / because / but / as well / because of /however /on the other hand /moreover /for example / so as to

1. I bought a car ……………… I need it for my job.

2. I like dancing ………………I don’t like singing.

3. …………………. We didn’t have a lot of money, we decided to go to a holiday.

4. The restaurant has a good reputation. ………………….., the food was terrible.

5. I didn’t go to school……………………….my sickness.

6. I like eating fish for lunch. I like eating it for dinner…………………... .

7. I can play a few musical instruments. ………………….., the flute, the guitar, and the piano."

8. I study hard……………………….to pass my exams successfully.

9. It would be great getting married and having children; …………………………, taking care of a family is

a very big responsibility.

10. Reading is a good way to learn new vocabulary words; ……………………, it can improve your ability to

spell words correctly.

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