Bench-Scale Studies To Recover Alumina From Clay by A Hydrochloric Acid Process

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Ind. Eng. Chem. Prod. Res. Dev.

1983, 22, 105-110 105

parameters. An extension of the foregoing work to en- Lindstrom, T.; Shemark, C. Das Papier 1975, 29(12), 519.
Nardin, M.; Papirer, E.; Schukz, J. J . C o / M Interface Sci. 1982, 88(1), 204.
compass dynamic filtration could perhaps be of use in Papirer, E.; Dovergne, G.; Siffert, E.; Leroy, P. Clays Clay Miner. 1976. 24,
industrial applications. 101.
Robinson, M.; Pask, J. A.; Fuerstenau, D. W. J. Am. Ceram. SOC.1984, 47,
Acknowledgment 516.
Schultz, J.; Papirer, E.; Nardin, M. Ind. Eng. Chem. Prod. Res. D e v . 1983a.
We acknowledge with thanks the support of this project Part 1 in this issue.
by both Saint-Gobain Recherche and Everitube and the Schukz, J.; Papirer, E.; Nardin, M. Ind. Eng. Chem. Prod. Res. D e v . l983b.
Pari 2 in this issue.
cooperation and advice of Drs. J. J. Massol, F. Naudin, and Schuitz, J.; Papirer, E.; Nardin, M. Ind. Eng. Chem. Prod. Res. D e v . 1 9 8 3 ~ .
A. Sabouraud. Part 3 in this issue.
Touray, J. C.; Thomassin, J. H.; Baiiiif, P.; Scherrer, S.;Champomier. F.;
Registry No. A1C13, 7446-70-0; Ca(OH)2,1305-62-0. Naudin, F. J . Non-Cryst. Solids 1980 38, 643.
Literature Cited
Daimon, M.; Roy, D. M. Cem. Concr. Res. 1978, 8(6),753. Received for review February 19, 1982
Daimon, M.; Roy, D. M. Cem. Concr. Res. 1979, 9(1), 103. Accepted August 23, 1982

Bench-Scale Studies To Recover Alumina from Clay by a

Hydrochloric Acid Process

J. A. Elsele," D. J. Bauer, and D. E. Shanks

Reno Research Center, Bureau of Mines, U.S. Department of the Interior, Reno, Nevada 89572

As part of its goal of producing cellgrade alumina from clay, the Bureau of Mines, US. Department of the Interior,
conducted bench-scale cyclic tests of the Bureau's proposed clay-HCI leaching-HCI sparging process and in-
vestigated in detail the crystallization of aluminum chloride hexahydrate. The composition of recycled leaching
liquor was determined for two HCI sparging crystallization conditions: 36% HCI and 26% HCI. Crystallization
research showed that cell-grade alumina could not be produced without a recrystallization step.

Introduction Table I. Composition of Calcined Clay

Alumina feed for electrolytic cells in the production of compd or compd or
aluminum metal is obtained from bauxite by the Bayer element 9i element 9i
process. The United States has very little bauxite and is 43.0 cy203 0.014
dependent on imports. As part of its goal of decreasing 3.27 ZnO 0.012
dependence on foreign resources, the Bureau of Mines 1.26 NiO 0.0079
implemented a program for producing cell-grade alumina 0.087 MnO 0.0037
from domestic aluminous material. 0.087 CUO <0.005
The United States has more than 3 billion tons of 0.063 so4 0.18
0.034 F 0.025
high-grade kaolinitic clay that cannot be treated by the 0.032 SiO, 51.8
Bayer process because of high SiOz content (Bureau of
Mines, 1967). Extensive research has been conducted to
had defined this parameter, a bench-scale test program was
devise an acid process to recover alumina (Peters and
undertaken to obtain this information. Process liquor was
Johnson, 1974). The most promising process is HCl
recycled until the impurity level approached steady state,
leaching of the clay and crystallization of A1C13.6Hz0
which allowed an accurate projection to be made of the
(ACH) by sparging with HC1 gas (Bengtson et al., 1978). impurity content of the liquor when varying size bleeds-
The Bureau of Mines performed bench-scale and mi-
treams are taken in the process.
niplant-scale research to provide essential information for
Since less than 10% of the impurities were removed
design of a 25-ton-per-day HC1 process pilot plant from the liquor by cocrystallization with ACH, the com-
(Bengtson et al., 1980; Eisele, 1980; Maysilles et al., 1981;
Poppleton and Sawyer, 1977; Shanks et al., 1981). In this position of the recycle liquors was not greatly affected by
the mode of crystallization. A crude crystallization step
process, calcined clay is leached with 26% HC1 and the
was made during each cycle and provided a mother liquor
clarified liquor is treated by solvent extraction to remove
iron. The purified pregnant liquor is evaporated to in- for recycling to leaching. The mode of crystallization
greatly influenced crystal growth and purity. After im-
crease the A1Cl3concentration, and ACH is crystallized by purity concentrations were determined in the liquors, more
injecting HC1 gas. The crystals are calcined to alumina, exacting crystallization tests were performed on simulated
and HCl is recovered from the offgases. liquors to determine the quantity of impurities in the ACH
An important parameter is the purity of the product crystals for a given liquor composition.
alumina. Data on the purity of alumina produced by a
continuous process can bnly be obtained by knowledge of Materials, Equipment, and Procedures
the concentration of impurity elements in the feed stream 1. Leaching-Recycling Tests. Unit operations used
going to crystallization. Since none of the previous work in the leaching-recycling tests are shown in Figure 1 and
This article not subject to US. Copyright. Published 1983 by the American Chemical Society
106 Ind. Eng. Chem. Prod. Res. Dev., Vol. 22, No. 1, 1983

Minus IO-mesh
calcined clay
oxidized by injecting chlorine gas into the solution until
the solution EMF was 650 mV; at this point the Fez+was
<5 ppm.
I h a t 105 "C (e) Solvent Extraction. Iron was extracted from the
oxidized liquor with an organic phase containing 15 vol %
Tailing Alamine 336 (a tertiary amine), 10 vol % decyl alcohol, and
75 vol '70 kerosine. (Reference to specific trade names or
companies is for identification only and does not imply
Evaporate t o
2 5 % AIC13 endorsement by the Bureau of Mines.) Solvent extraction
at I O 8 OC was performed in separatory funnels. The feed liquor was
extracted at a phase ratio of 41, aqueous-to-organic(A/O).
The organic phase was stripped with 0.1 N HC1 at a
phase ratio of 4:3, O/A. The stripped organic phase was
stored until the next cycle. The pregnant liquor was
poured through a column of activated carbon to remove
traces of organic material.
(f) Evaporation to 30% AlCl,. The purified pregnant
Iron Evaporate t o liquor was evaporated to increase the concentration of
3 0 % AICI3
at 113 OC
AlCI, to 30%. The concentrated liquor was the sparger

z Samples
feed from which ACH was crystallized. Sparger feed was
analyzed by atomic absorption spectrophotometry for
Fez03,NazO, K,O, CaO, MgO, MnO, CuO, NiO, PbO, and
Crz03. AlCl,, Sod2-, and Pz05were analyzed by wet-
chemical methods, and F was analyzed with a specific ion
' Volume and
acid adjustment
F i l t e r and wash
36% H C I
(g) Sparging with HCl Gas. Although AlC13 is very
soluble in solutions containing negligible amounts of free

Q Calcination
5 h at 1,100 " C

A l 2 O 3 product

Figure 1. Flowsheet of operations for bench-scale clay-HC1 leach-

ing-HC1 sparging process.
HC1, solubility decreases when HC1 concentration increases
(Brown et al., 1979). According to equilibrium solubility
data, at 26% HC1 approximately 85% of the contained
AlCl, is crystallized from 30% AlCl, solution, and more
than 99% is crystallized a t 36% HCl.
Bench-scale sparging with HCl gas to 26% resulted in
about 70% crystallization of AlCl,. Sparging to 36% HC1
will be described in detail below. resulted in about 90% crystallization. Since 85% crys-
(a) Leaching. Kaolinitic clay obtained from the Thiele tallization with 26% HCl in the mother liquor was not
Kaolin Co., Sandersville,GA, was calcined at 750 "C before achieved, two sets of runs were made. In one run of 20
sizing to -10 mesh. Analysis of the calcined clay is given cycles, the feed was sparged to 36% HC1. In the second
in Table I. run of 10 cycles, the feed was sparged to 26% HC1. The
The clay was leached with 105% of the stoichiometric results were compared, and the effect of acid strength on
requirement of 26% HCI in a 4-L glass reaction vessel ACH crystal purity was determined.
fitted with a condenser. For the first cycle, reagent grade Sparging was done in a 4-L glass vessel surrounded by
36% HC1 was diluted to 26%. For subsequent cycles, the a water-cooled jacket. HC1 gas was introduced through
combined mother liquor and acid wash liquors were ad- a glass tube at the bottom of the vessel while the contents
justed to the required acid concentration and volume for were gently agitated. The total crystallization time was
leaching. 3 h, and the temperature averaged 50 OC.
To start the first cycle, 800 g of clay and 3 L of HC1 were (h) Filtering and Washing the ACH Crystals. The
used. For each subsequent cycle, the amount of clay was ACH crystals were separated from the mother liquor by
decreased by a factor that represented the loss of liquor vacuum filtering. The objective was to wash the crystals
that resulted from sampling. The only exiting materials as clean as possible, rather than to minimize wash volume.
were the ACH crystals and the small amount of liquor not Each batch of crystals was washed three times with 36%
washed out of the clay tailing, which contained less than HC1. About 99% of the mother liquor was removed, and
2 % of the soluble components. no significant amounts of aluminum were dissolved. The
(b) Filtering and Washing. The residue was separated crystals were vacuum-dried on the filter, transferred to
from the pregnant liquor and washed in a centrifuge. The glass pans, and dried at 95 "C for 12 to 24 h. The dried
residue was washed three times with 0.1% HC1. Total crystals were weighed, and a portion was removed for
wash volume was approximately 3 L. The wash volume calcining.
is greater than would be used in a pilot plant, but it en- (i) Calcination. Two-hundred-fifty grams of the ACH
sured that 98% of the solubilized aluminum was recovered crystals was slowly heated to expel most of the HC1. The
from the residue. The pregnant solution and washes were temperature was raised to 1100 OC and maintained for 5
clarified by filtration. h. Fifty grams of Alz03was produced. Alumina samples
(c) Evaporation to 25% AlCl,. Because a large volume were analyzed by X-ray fluorescence for Fez03, NazO,CaO,
of washing solution was used, the combined filtrate was SO,, NiO, TiOz, V205,CuO, MnO, ZnO, C1, and Pz05.
concentrated by evaporation to 25% AlCl, and had a Although X-ray fluorescence is not an accurate method for
volume between 1.5 and 2.5 L. determining low levels of P,06, it was adequate for the
(d) Oxidation. Although most of the iron in the levels encountered. Cr203and SiOz were analyzed spec-
leaching liquor was in the ferric form, a small amount of trographically, and MgO was analyzed by atomic absorp-
nonextractable ferrous iron was present. The Fez+was tion analysis after dissolution of the sample.
Ind. Eng. Chem. Prod. Res. Dev., Vol. 22, No. 1, 1983 107

Table 11. The Composition of Sparger Feed from 20 Cycles, 36% HCl in Mother Liquor, %a

cycle Na,O K,O CaO MgO P,O, SO, F MnO CuO NiO PbO Cr,O,
1 0.006 0.013 0.008 0.015 0.020 0.002 0.004 <0.0001 0.0030 0.001 0.003
5 0.032 0.062 0.043 0.077 0.061 0.11 0.007 0.015 0.0004 0.0094 0.004 0.012
10 0.047 0.087 0.083 0.13 0.084 0.22 0.011 0.016 0.0013 0.015 0.006 0.017
15 0.072 0.14 0.106 0.18 0.115 0.29 0.005 0.021 0.0019 0.020 0.010 0.026
20 0.078 0.15 0.117 0.22 0.120 0.35 0.005 0.023 0.0032 0.021 0.009 0.026
The chemical compositions of the impurities were not determined, but in most cases they are probably chlorides. They
are reported as oxides to conform t o industry practice. All cycles contained 30% AlCl, and 40.002% Fe,O,.

Table 111. The Composition of Sparger Feed From 10 Cycles, 26% HC1 in Mother Liquor, %a

cycle Na,O K,O CaO MgO P,O, SO, F MnO CuO NiO PbO Cr,O,
1 0.006 0.014 0.011 0.021 0.018 0.03 0.001 0.001 0.0004 0.002 0.001 0.003
5 0.020 0.043 0.032 0.055 0.048 0.11 0.002 0.004 0.0008 0.006 0.004 0.010
10 0.042 0.074 0.057 0.10 0.077 0.18 0.03 0.006 0.0006 0.009 0.005 0.017
a The chemical compositions of the impurities were not determined, but in most cases they are probably chlorides. They
are reported as oxides to conform to industry practice. All cycles contained 30% AlCl, and 90.002% Fe,O,.

(j) Acid Adjustment. The combined mother liquor and

HC1 washes after crystallization were adjusted to give the I KEY
correct amount of HC1 for leaching calcined clay in the
next cycle. The amounts of clay and acid needed for each -0- 25 oc
....0 .... 45 oc
succeeding leaching cycle were calculated on the decrease
in weight of sparger feed due to sample removal. Even -A-

though the volume decrease was small for each cycle by

the 20th cycle, only 438 g of clay was leached, compared
with 800 g for the first cycle.
2. Draft-Tube Crystallization Tests. Hydrogen
chloride sparging crystallization of ACH is based on the
low AlCl, solubility in concentrated HC1. Figure 2 shows
the effects of HCl concentration and temperature on the
solubility of AlC1, (Brown et al., 1979).
A bench-scale, draft-tube crystallizer was designed and
constructed to study the behavior of impurities during
crystallization. Top and side views are illustrated in Figure
Aluminum chloride solutions were crystallized in a J

400-gal continuous crystallizer in the Boulder City Engi- HCI CONCENTRATION, percent
neering Laboratory (BCEL) miniplant and in the bench- Figure 2. The effects of HC1 concentration and temperature on the
scale crystallizer. Two feeds were sparged to 26% HC1 in solubility of AlCl,.
each crystallizer. One sparger feed was a one-cycle preg-
nant liquor. The other sparger feed was made by dis- and two reslurry washes of 36% HC1. After washing, the
solving ACH crystallized from the first sparger feed in ACH crystals were dried under infrared heat lamps. The
deionized water. There was little difference between crystals were screened through US. Standard stainless
crystals produced by the two types of crystallizers. This steel screens to determine crystal size distribution.
indicated that a batch, bench-scale crystallizer can be used The liquid samples and redissolved ACH crystals were
to predict the purity of crystals produced in larger scale analyzed for FezO3, Na20, K 2 0 , CaO, MgO, MnO, CuO,
equipment. NiO, PbO, and Cr203by atomic absorption spectroscopy,
Aluminum chloride liquors were prepared to match the and for AlCl,, P205,Sod2-, and F- by wet-chemical meth-
compositions of selected cycles of the leaching-recycle ods.
study. Commercial ACH crystals were dissolved in dis- Results and Discussion: Leaching-Recycling
tilled water, and the impurity levels were adjusted to the (1) 36% HCl Sparging Test. During the 20-cycle run,
composition of the appropriate cycle. an average of 95% of the aluminum was leached. Ap-
In each crystallization experiment, the crystallizer vessel proximately 92% of the AlCl, was crystallized from the
was charged with 2.0 L of 30% aluminum chloride liquor. mother liquor by sparging to 36% HC1.
Nitrogen and hydrogen chloride gases were mixed in a Table I1 gives the analyses of sparger feeds for selected
packed column and injected at 1 / 2 in. above the propeller cycles. The impurity concentrations, except for iron, in-
blades into the aluminum chloride liquor. Sparging with creased with each cycle, but not at constant rates and not
HC1 continued until the HC1 concentration in the mother at the same rates. At 20 cycles, the concentration of MgO
liquor was 26%. was increasing at the greatest rate, whereas the concen-
The ACH crystals were separated from the mother li- tration of NazO had almost reached a constant value.
quor by vacuum filtration through a coarse fritted glass (2) 26% HCl Sparging Test. During the 10-cycle run,
disk. Entrained mother liquor was removed from the an average of 95% of the aluminum was leached. An
crystals by a displacement wash with 1.0 L of 26% HC1 average of 76% of the contained AlCl, was crystallized
saturated with AlCl,, followed by one displacement wash from the mother liquor by sparging to 26% HC1.
108 Ind. Eng. Chem. Prod. Res. Dev.. Vol. 22. No. 1. 1983

Table N. Analyses of Alumina Produced in Recycling Tests,

cycle Fe,O, K,O CaO MgO P,O, NiO TiO, CrA CUO SiO,
1, 36%HCI 0.007 0.023 0.003 0,010 0.014 0.001
0.001 0.012 0.02
1, 26%HCI 0.004 0.008 0.001 0.006 0.007 0.001
0.001 0.009 0.004
5, 36%HCI 0,009 0.042 0.004 0.023 0.035 0.003
0.003 0.012 0.03
5, 26%HCI 0.003 0,011 0,002 0.027 0.030 0.002
0.001 0.008 0.01
10,36%HC1 0.003 0.042 0.003 0.053 0.037 0.003
0.001 0.012 0.02
10, 26%HCI 0.003 0.014 0,002 0.038 0.025 0.002
0.001 0.006 0.02
15, 36% HCI 0.004 0.032 0.004 0,080 0.064 0.002
0.005 0.014 0.03
20, 36%HCl 0.004 0.024 0.005 0.066 0.047 0.005
0.001 0.013 0.03
Bayer 0.02 0.003 0.016 0.003 <0.005 <0.005
0.004 0.012 ND
specifications 0.03 0.005 0.06 0.002 0.001 0.005
0.005 0.01 0.002
Alumina from all cycles contained <0.003% ZnO, <0.001% V,O,, 60.002% MnO,, <0.03% Na,O, <0.009% SO,, and
<0.02% CI.

~ ~~~

.20 "C
40 ' C
085- 60 T
a" Cmd,f,onr



Figure 4. The effect of temperature and phosphorus concentration

in sparger feed on phosphorus content of ACH.
sparging was cleaner than that from 36% HCI sparging.
Subsequent crystallization studies showed that slowing the
crystallization rate decreased the potassium and chromium
content to acceptable levels. Since phosphorus and mag-
nesium always exceeded the specified maximum concen-
trations, the crystallization step was studied to determine
if crystals of adequate purity could he produced, or if a
recrystallization step was necessary (Shanks et al., 1981).
(4)Crystallizer Configuration and Gas Flow Rate.
In initial studies, the spacing and dimensions of the
crystallizer draft tube and propeller were not major factors.
Pockets of high HCI concentration were prevented from
Figure 3. Bench-scale ACH crystallizer forming by mixing the HC1 with an inert carrier gas.
Doubling the HC1 flow rate from 1.3 to 2.6 L/min doubled
Table 111gives the analyses of sparger feed for selected the phosphorus and magnesium concentration in the ACH
cycles. In 10 cycles, the "leveling off" of impurity disso- crystals. Decreasing the flow rate helow 1.3 L/min had
lution was not apparent. Impurity concentration for a no effect on crystal purity. One and three-tenths liters per
given cycle w&slegs for the 26% HC1 test than for the 36% minute was used in subsequent tests.
HC1 test The greater mass of the sparger feed in the 26% (5) Effects of Sparger Feed Phosphorus and Mag-
HC1 test produced a dilution effect. The increased feed nesium Concentrations on Purity of ACH Crystals.
mass resulted from circulation of 24% of the AICI, in the The effect of phosphorus and magnesium concentration
26% HC1 test, compared with 8% circulation in the 36% in sparger feed on the concentration of phosphorus and
HC1 test. magnesium in ACH crystals is plotted in Figures 4 and 5
(3) Alumina Purity. Table IV gives the analyses of for temperatures of 20.40, and 60 "C. The advantage of
alumina produced from liquors of selected cycles from both operating a t 60 "C rather than 20 or 40 "C is shown. A t
26% and 36% HC1 sparging.. The analysis for alumina sparger feed concentrations greater than 0.12% Pz05and
produced by the Bayer process and the specifications for temperatures of 40 and 60 "C, the amount of phosphorus
cell-grade alumina, as defined by several major aluminum incorporated into the ACH crystals is not linearly pro-
producers, are also shown. The S O z analyses are erratic, portional to the amount in the sparger feed. This fact is
hut the alumina produced by an HC1 process is nominally significant for a process utilizing a recrystallization step.
acceptable with regard to SiOa content. Four impurities The first crystallization can he made from impure liquor
exceed the specifications, even in the first cycle: KzO, without significantly increasing the Pz06content of the
MgO, Pz05,and Crz03. Alumina produced from 26%, HC1 ACH going to the recrystallization step.
Ind. Eng. Chem. Prod. Res. Dev., Vol. 22, No. 1, 1983 109

KEY Conditions

20 oc

4 0 OC
p Ooo8-
AIC13 feed concenlralion
Final HCI concentration

60 "C a

AIC13 f e e d concentration;
- Final HCI concentration:
2 6 '10

0 005 0 010 0015 0020 0025

Figure 7. The effect of magnesium concentration in sparger feed

on magnesium content of ACH at 60 'C.

AICIs feed concentration 30%
Temperature 60 OC
Final HCI concentration

- B /. 0

-.- KEY
--C 1st stage
2d stage
Single stage
1 .

M A G N E S0.08
0 16 F E E D , percent
0.24 MgO

Figure 5. The effect of temperature and magnesium concentration

in sparger feed on magnesium content of ACH.

I Conditions I

Figure 8. Phosphorus content of ACH from two-stage crystalliza-

tion compared to single-stage crystallization.
0 oc
e 0004
AlCl3 feed concentration 30%
Temperature 60 C'
Final HCI concentra1ion
p OC
1st stage 15% / -

2d stage 2 6 %
+ /'

-.- /.
0 0 005 0 010 0015 0020 0025 KEY /'
PHOSPHORUS IN SPARGER FEED, percent P2O5 Is1 stage /'
Figure 6. The effect of phosphorus concentration in sparger feed :: 00 .......2dSinglestagestage /' -
on phosphorus content of ACH at 60 OC. I I

When ACH is decomposed to alumina, there is a 4.73- z
fold increase in concentration of impurities. To produce P
alumina that meets specifications of 0.001% P205and = 00

0.002% MgO, the P205and MgO content of ACH cannot

exceed 0.00021% and 0.00042%, respectively. The chem-
ical compositions of the impurities in the ACH were not
determined but are reported as oxides to conform to alu-
mina industry practice. The maximum allowable con- MAGNESIUM IN SPARGER FEED, percent MgO
centration of phosphorus and magnesium in sparger feed Figure 9. Magnesium content of ACH from two-stage crystalliza-
can be determined graphically. Figures 6 and 7 are en- tion compared to single-stage crystallization.
largements of the low-concentration portions of Figures
4 and 5 and show the intersection of phosphorus and simulate the proposed Kaiser pilot-plant flowsheet
magnesium specification with the 60 "C curves. The (Bengtson et al., 1980). In the two stage tests (Figures 8
maximum permissible concentrations in sparger feed are and 9), the ACH crystals were removed in two batches, the
0.003% P205and 0.01% MgO. Since the concentration first batch when HC1 concentration was 15%, and the
of P205and MgO in cycle 1 liquor was about 0.02%, a second batch when HC1 concentration was 26%. The
recrystallization step was necessary. results for single-stage crystallization are shown for com-
(6) Crystal Growth and Aluminum Chloride Con- parison.
centration. Most crystallization tests were performed in The crystals produced in the first and second stages are
a single stage, but some were performed in two stages to more contaminated than the crystals obtained in a single
110 Ind. Eng. Chem. Prod. Res. Dev., Vol. 22, No. 1, 1983

0 Oler I I
P205and 0.22% MgO were added. The ACH contained
Temperature 60 OC
one-third of the phosphorus and one-half of the magne-
sium usually incorporated into crystals sparged from liquor
of this composition. Seeding with pure ACH to provide
KEY clean nuclei for crystal growth may produce significantly
bo5 cleaner crystals from contaminated liquors.
-2- MgO
Bench-scale leaching and recycling tests determined the
composition of aluminum chloride liquors in the clay-HC1
leaching-HC1 sparging process. Specifications for all im-
purities except P2O5 and MgO can be met by crystallizing
from a liquor that simulates 20 cycles. Specifications for
P205and MgO were not met even by crystallizing from a
first-cycle liquor, corresponding to discarding all the
mother liquor from crystallization as a bleedstream. A
recrystallization step must be included in the process
flowsheet. Significantly cleaner crystals may possibly be
- 200
IO 20 produced by a seeding technique.
AICI, CONCENTRATION OF SPARGER FEED, percent Registry No. AlCl,, 7446-70-0; A1,0,, 1344-28-1.
Figure 10. The effect of AlC1, concentration on phosphorus and Literature Cited
magnesium content of ACH. Bengtson, K. 6.; Chaberka, P.; Malm, L. E.; McLaughlin, A. E.; Nunn, R. F.;
Stein, D. L. "Alumina Process Feaslbillty Study and Preliminary Pilot Plant
stage of sparging. The impurity content of the single-stage Deslgn. Task 1 Report: Comparlson of Six Processes"; BuMines Open
Flle Rept. Pb-286 638, Sept. 1977; 267 pp. [Available for consultation at
crystals would be expected to be the average of the im- the Bureau of Mines libraries in Tuscaloosa, AL, Avondale, MD, Twin Cit-
purity contents of the first- and second-stage crystals. A ies, MN, Rolla, MO, Boulder Cky and Reno, NV, Albany, OR, and Salt Lake
City, UT, at the National Library of Natural Resources, U.S. Department of
possible explanation is that the major portion of the the Interior, Washington, D C and from National Technical Information
phosphorus and magnesium is incorporated in the crystals Service, SpringfieM, VA; PB 286 6381AS.l
during the early stage of crystal growth, and relatively little Bengtson, K. 6.; Chaberka, P.; Nunn, R. F.; Sen Jose, A. V.; Manarolis, G.
M.; Malm, L. E. "Alumina Process Feasibility Study and Preliminary Pilot
is incorporated during the subsequent, slower, crystal Piant Design. Task 3 Report: Preliminary Design of 25 Ton Per Day Pilot
growth stage. If the process is interrupted by removing Plant, vol. 1, Process Technology and Costs"; BuMines Open File Rept.
PB81-125031, Nov 1979; 231 pp. [Available as In preceding reference,
all the crystals (at 15% HCl), nucleation must occur again except PB8 1- 125031.]
for the crystals produced during sparging from 15% to Brown, R. R.; Daut, G. E.; Mrazek, R. V.; Gokcen, N. A. "Solubility and Activ-
26% HC1. Both sets of crystals will contain more im- ity of Aluminum Chloride in Aqueous Hydrochloric Acid Solutions"; Bu-
Mines R I 8379, 1979, 17 pp.
purities than if crystal growth had proceeded without in- Bureau of Mines "Potential Sources of Aluminum": BuMines I C 8335, 1967;
terruption in a single stage. The second-stage ACH 148 pp.
Eisele, J. A. "Producing Alumina From Clay by the Hydrochloric Acid Process,
crystals contained significantly more phosphorus than A Bench-Scale Study"; BuMlnes R I 8476, 1980; 20 pp.
either first-stage or single-stage ACH crystals. The most Maysilles, J. H.; Traut, D. E.; Sawyer, D. L., Jr. "Aluminum Chloride Hexa-
obvious differences in conditions were that second-stage hydrate Crystallization by HCI Gas Sparging, Alumina Recovery by the
Clay/Hydrochloric Acid Process"; BuMines R 1 8590, 1981; 20 pp.
crystallization began in a solution containing 15% AlCl, Peters, F. A.; Johnson, P. W. "Revised and Updated Cost Estimates for Pro-
and that the total weight of crystals recovered was less. ducing Alumina From Domestic Raw Materials"; BuMlnes I C 8648, 1974;
To define the effect of AlC1, concentration on crystal 51 PP.
Poppleton, H. 0.;Sawyer, D. L. "Hydrochloric Acid Leaching of Calcined
purity, a series of tests was made in which the phosphorus Kaolin to Produce Alumina"; Light Metals, TMS Light Metals Committee,
and magnesium concentrations were constant a,nd the published by the Metallurgical Society of AIME, P.O. Box 430, Warren-
dale, PA, Vol. 2, 1977; pp 103-1 14.
AlCl, concentration was varied. Figure 10 shows that AlCl, Shanks, D. E.; Eisele, J. A.; Bauer, D. J. "Hydrogen Chloride Sparging Crys-
concentration is an important parameter and should be tallization of Aluminum Chloride Hexahydrate"; BuMines R I 8593, 1981;
30% at the start of crystallization so that the amount and 15 PP.
purity of ACH recovered from solution is maximized. Received for review March 24, 1982
In another test, MC13feed containing no impurities was Revised manuscript received August 2, 1982
sparged, and as soon as crystallization was observed, 0.12% Accepted August 15, 1982

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