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Video-Based Physical Education Performance Strategy: Enhancing Performance Based

Competency of Grade 8 Students on Physical Education.

Chapter I


The integration of video-based strategies in Physical Education (PE) aligns with the

evolving landscape of technology in education globally. Research emphasizes the potential

benefits of incorporating digital technologies, such as video resources, to enhance the learning

process in PE (Goslin, 2020) and (Wintle, 2019). Scholars emphasizes the potential of

integrating digital technology in physical education, highlighting the TPACK framework's role in

effective teaching. It provides examples of digital technology integration, such as video

feedback and assessment apps, to enhance teaching and learning. The book critically examines

the impact of technology on teaching practice and student progress, encouraging a continuous

professional development mindset and a supportive school culture. It also discusses the use of

technology in pre-service physical education programs, including virtual reality simulations and

e-mentoring. (Wintle, 2019).

Moreover, the digital approach reflects a shift towards innovative teaching methods that

leverage technology to improve student engagement and academic performance. Embracing

digital tools like videos in PE not only enriches the learning experience but also contributes to

the development of new paradigms in education, essential for adapting to the Fourth Industrial

Revolution and ensuring the relevance of PE in school. (Ko et al., 2021). These experiences

also influenced their teaching practices, suggesting that international collaborations can impact

future physical education teachers' approaches to teaching with a more global and inclusive


In the Philippines, video production serves as a transformative strategy for developing

21st-century skills in Philippine tertiary students, focusing on communication, collaboration, and

critical thinking throughout the production stages (Galdo, 2022). Moreover, (Cutajars, 2022)
made use of video-based presentations and he found that significantly improved the learning

performance of Bachelor of Physical Education (BPED) students, indicating that video-based

learning can enhance future physical educators' knowledge and skills. This highlights the

importance of continuous professional development and innovative teaching methods for

teachers. Sad to note however, most of the study was widely used in the context of tertiary

education. Grin, (2023), opined that there is a significant gap in understanding psychomotor

competencies essential for physical education specialists, emphasizing the importance of motor

skills and specialized perceptions in professional training.

At New Tupi Integrated School, the Grade 8 curriculum spotlights physical education as

a pivotal component, aiming to nurture not only physical prowess but also holistic competency in

students. However, recent assessments have unveiled a pressing challenge: a notable

deficiency in task-based activities, particularly in the domain of psychomotor skills. In response

to this critical juncture, the imperative for strategic intervention becomes apparent. Traditional

pedagogical approaches may fall short in meeting the nuanced demands of enhancing students'

performance-based competency. Thus, there emerges a compelling call for an intervention that

not only addresses these deficiencies but also harnesses contemporary tools to engage and

empower students effectively.

While video-based instruction has emerged as a transformative force in various

academic disciplines, its potential in the realm of physical education remains largely untapped

within the Philippine educational landscape. Amidst the backdrop of the global pandemic, where

remote learning became the norm, video-based strategies flourished in subjects such as

language arts and science. However, a dearth of literature exists regarding its utilization to

bolster performance-based competencies in physical education among secondary school

However, a dearth of literature exists regarding its utilization to bolster performance-

based competencies in physical education among secondary school students. Recognizing this

gap, the researcher embarked on a journey to explore the transformative potential of video-

based physical education performance strategies. This study seeks to illuminate pathways

towards bridging the existing scholastic gaps, fostering a paradigm shift in pedagogical

approaches, and ultimately elevating the proficiency of Grade 8 students in physical education.

Through this inquiry, the researcher endeavors not only to address the immediate challenges

faced by New Tupi Integrated School but also to contribute valuable insights to the broader

educational discourse.

Conceptual Framework of the Study


Use of Video -
based performance
Pretest-posttest Enhanced
strategy in task
performance based Performance
based activities in
assessment; Based Competency
of Grade 8
Level of efficiency
Students on
on the use of the

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework of the study

The study investigates the effectiveness of video-based performance strategies on

Grade 8 students' performance in Physical Education (PE) activities. The conceptual framework

is divided into three components: Input, Process, and Output. Input involves the introduction of

video-based strategies to enhance students' engagement, understanding, and performance in

PE activities. Process involves evaluating students' performance before and after the

intervention, assessing their engagement, comprehension, skill acquisition, and overall

satisfaction with the instructional approach. Output reflects the outcomes and impacts of the
implementation of video-based performance strategies, demonstrating the enhancement of

Grade 8 students' performance-based competency in PE. The framework outlines the logical

connections between these components, indicating how video-based strategies influence

students' learning experiences and outcomes in PE. It serves as a guiding structure for the

study, informing re-examination and improvement of the video-based strategies.

Statement of the problem

Generally, this study aims to determine the Video-Based Physical Education

Performance Strategy as basis for Performance Based Competency of Grade 8 Students on

Physical Education.

More specifically, this will seek to answer the following questions:

1. What is the mean performance of Grade 8 students in physical education activities

before and after the implementation of video-based performance strategies at New

Tupi Integrated School?

2. Is there a difference in the mean performance of Grade 8 students in physical

education activities before and after the implementation of video-based performance

strategies at New Tupi Integrated School?

3. What is the level of efficiency as perceived by students after employing the video-

based performance strategy?

Scope and limitation of the study

This study evaluates the effectiveness of video-based physical education strategies in

enhancing the performance-based competency of Grade 8 students at New Tupi Integrated

School. It includes quantitative analysis of performance metrics and quantitative exploration of

students' perceptions. The findings may be constrained by factors like sample size, intervention

duration, and school context. External variables, such as individual student characteristics and

support systems, may also influence outcomes. The study does not account for potential biases

in data collection and analysis methods, which could impact the validity and reliability of the

results. Technological constraints or discrepancies in access to video-based resources among

students may affect the implementation and effectiveness of the intervention.

Significance of the study

The study will benefit the following:

Grade 8 Students. The findings of this study will directly impact Grade 8 students by

potentially improving their performance and competency in physical education activities.

Through the implementation of effective video-based strategies, students can develop essential

skills and knowledge that contribute to their overall physical literacy and well-being.

Physical Education (PE) Teachers., PE teachers stand to benefit from this study by

gaining insights into innovative instructional methods that can enhance their teaching practices.

Understanding the effectiveness of video-based performance strategies can empower teachers

to adapt their pedagogical approaches, leading to more engaging and effective physical

education lessons.

School Principal., The school principal plays a pivotal role in shaping the educational

environment and policies within the institution. The findings of this study can inform decision-

making processes related to curriculum development, resource allocation, and professional

development opportunities for teachers. By prioritizing effective strategies such as video-based

instruction, principals can foster a culture of innovation and continuous improvement within the

Schools Division of South Cotabato., The Schools Division of South Cotabato

oversees educational initiatives and policies within the region. This study can provide valuable

insights into the efficacy of video-based performance strategies in enhancing student outcomes

in physical education. The division can use this information to guide future curriculum revisions,

professional development programs, and resource allocation efforts aimed at improving physical

education across schools within the division.

Department of Education., As the governing body responsible for education policies

and standards nationwide, the Department of Education can benefit from the findings of this

study to inform broader initiatives and guidelines related to physical education. By recognizing

the potential of video-based strategies to enhance student performance and competency, the

department can advocate for their integration into mainstream educational practices, thereby

fostering positive outcomes for students across the country.

Future Researchers., This study contributes to the existing body of knowledge in the

field of physical education and instructional technology. Future researchers can build upon the

findings and methodologies of this study to further explore the effectiveness of video-based

strategies in different educational contexts or to investigate other innovative approaches to

improving student outcomes in physical education. By disseminating their findings and engaging

in scholarly discourse, future researchers can continue to advance the field and drive positive

change in educational practice.

Definition of terms

The following terms are operationally defined according to how it was used in the study.

Performance-based competency- refers to the ability of Grade 8 students to effectively

demonstrate their knowledge, skills, and understanding of physical

education concepts and activities in practical settings. It encompasses

various aspects, including psychomotor skills, cognitive understanding,

and affective engagement, which collectively contribute to students'

proficiency and mastery in physical education.

Video-based physical education performance strategy -refers to instructional approaches

that utilize video content as a primary tool for teaching and enhancing

students' performance in physical education activities. This may include

the use of recorded demonstrations, instructional videos, and feedback

sessions to facilitate skill development, technique refinement, and overall

competency improvement among Grade 8 students.

Chapter 2

Review of Related Studies and Literature

This chapter presents the review of related studies and literature to synthesize and

critically analyze relevant literature, shedding light on the potential benefits, challenges, and

emerging trends in utilizing video-based strategies to enhance student learning and

performance in PE.

Physical Education (PE) plays a crucial role in promoting students' physical health,

cognitive development, and overall well-being. With advancements in technology, video-based

strategies have emerged as promising tools to enhance performance-based competencies

among students. This review aims to explore the effectiveness of video-based interventions in

PE, highlighting their impact on learning outcomes, engagement, and academic performance.

Additionally, it examines challenges faced in implementing video-based strategies and

discusses interventions to address these challenges

Effectiveness of Video-Based Strategies in PE

Several studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of video-based strategies in

improving learning outcomes and performance-based competencies in PE. Merino-Campos et

al. (2022) found that interactive video-aided instructional materials positively influence students'

acceptance of video games as educational tools, leading to improved academic performance.

Similarly, Interactive Video-aided Instructional Materials and Learning Competencies in Physical

Education (2023) highlighted significant improvements in Grade 10 students' PE scores after

using interactive video lessons, indicating the effectiveness of video materials in enhancing

students' skills.

Moreover, video technology, including video-based peer feedback interactions, has been

shown to enhance engagement, motor skills, cognitive abilities, and emotional involvement in

PE classes (Culajara, 2022). Students who viewed educational videos performed better on

tests, indicating the value of videos as learning tools (Culajara, 2022). These findings

collectively suggest that incorporating video-based strategies can enhance students'

performance-based competencies in PE.

Challenges and Interventions

Despite the benefits, implementing video-based strategies in PE faces several

challenges. These include issues such as lack of feedback, personalized instructions, effective

visual cues, and barriers like overthinking about grades, minimal engagement due to lack of

equipment, distractions at home, and unstable internet connections (Simón-Chico et al., 2023;

Culajara, 2022). Negative attitudes, lack of interest, and inadequate facilities further compound

challenges in the teaching and learning process of PE (Gibo et al., 2023)

To address these challenges, interventions such as incorporating real methods into

teaching, providing diverse instructions and resources, and enhancing teachers' competencies

through professional development are crucial (Simón-Chico et al., 2023). Additionally,

adjustments in higher education curricula to align with basic education reforms are necessary to

enhance the effectiveness of PE and overall education delivery in the Philippines.

Impact on Academic Performance and Interest

Video-based instruction not only enhances performance-based competencies but also

positively impacts academic performance and student interest. Studies have shown that video-

based tools improve students' interest, critical thinking skills, and academic performance in
subjects like mathematics and PE (Andrade, 2023; Culajara, 2022). Virtual training through

videos has also affected teachers' sense of efficacy, emphasizing benefits like convenience and

personal technological development (Entegro, 2022).

Furthermore, YouTube videos have been utilized to enhance academic performance in

various subjects, including computer troubleshooting and repair techniques and mathematics

(Insorio & Macandog, 2022). These interventions have shown significant improvements in

students' understanding and enjoyment of the subjects, highlighting the potential of video-based

strategies in supplementing learning, particularly in the context of modular distance learning in

the Philippines.

Video-based strategies in PE offer promising opportunities to enhance performance-

based competencies, academic performance, and student interest. Despite challenges,

interventions such as professional development for teachers and adjustments in curricula can

mitigate barriers to implementation. Continued research and innovation in video-based

approaches are essential to further harness the potential of technology in promoting holistic

development in PE and education overall

It can be noted that while the existing literature demonstrates the positive impact of

video-based strategies on various aspects of physical education in the Philippines, there

remains a notable gap in research regarding the effectiveness of video-based performance

strategies specifically on task-based activities. Addressing this gap through further investigation

and empirical studies is essential to fully understand and harness the potential of video-based

approaches in enhancing task-based performance competencies in physical education across

the Philippines.
Chapter 3

Research Methodology

The chapter presents the research method used, research locale, respondents of the

study, research instrument used, data gathering procedure, ethical consideration and the

statistical treatment of the study.

Research Method

Quasi-Experimental Single-Group Pretest-Posttest Design will be employed in the study

where a single group of respondents is assessed twice: once before an intervention (pretest)

and once after the intervention (posttest). This design lacks a control group and does not

involve random assignment of participants. Instead, it relies on comparing the same group's

performance or outcomes before and after the intervention to assess the intervention's

effectiveness. According to (Marsden & Torgerson, 2012), this design involves studying a single

group of participants by first measuring them before they receive an intervention and then

measuring them again after the intervention using criterion referenced tool to see how much

they have changed. It tries to understand the effect of the intervention without using a control

group for comparison

Research Locale

This study is conducted at New Tupi Integrated School under the Schools Division of

South Cotabato in the Philippines, particularly in the Municipality of Lake Sebu . The school is

particularly relevant for Grade 8 students, who are at a critical stage of their academic journey

and are preparing to refine their physical abilities and understand healthy lifestyle practices. The

research aims to investigate the effectiveness of video-based performance strategies in

enhancing the performance and competency of Grade 8 students in physical education

activities. The school's facilities, resources, and supportive community provide an ideal setting

for implementing and evaluating innovative instructional methodologies. The study aims to

generate valuable insights that can inform educational practices within the school and

potentially across similar educational institutions in the region and beyond. The school's rich

diversity and commitment to excellence make it an ideal setting for exploring novel approaches

to enhancing physical education outcomes for Grade 8 students.

Respondents of the study

The respondents of the study are the Grade 8 students particularly in the physical

education class. This study focuses on the effectiveness of video-based performance strategies

in enhancing Grade 8 students' performance and competency in physical education activities at

New Tupi Integrated School. The students will actively engage with the video-based

instructional interventions, providing feedback and demonstrating their proficiency. Their

perspectives, experiences, and performance outcomes will be used to evaluate the

intervention's impact and inform future instructional practices. The study emphasizes the

importance of Grade 8 students as stakeholders in their own educational development. By

involving them in the research process, including pretest and posttest assessments, surveys,

and focus group discussions, the study aims to empower students as partners in their learning

journey. The insights gleaned from this study will contribute to advancing knowledge in physical

education and enhance the quality of education and learning experiences for students in New

Tupi Integrated School and similar educational settings.

Sampling size and Sampling technique

This study will use complete enumeration sampling to select 30 Grade 8 students from

New Tupi Integrated School. This method ensures equal participation and minimizes random
selection or sampling error. The entire section of 30 students will be included without random

selection or sampling, ensuring a comprehensive representation of Grade 8 students'

performance and impressions of the video-based performance strategy. This approach

maximizes the reliability and validity of the study's findings within the selected section, ensuring

that every student has an equal opportunity to participate.

Research Instrument

This study will use the pretest and posttest assessments to measure Grade 8 students'

performance in physical education activities before and after an intervention. The pretest

assessment aims to establish a baseline of students' performance and measure any changes or

improvements following the implementation of the video-based performance strategy. Teacher-

generated rubrics obtained from the learning guide on PE on Regional and National Dances will

be used to evaluate students' performance based on predetermined criteria or standards.

Moreover, the posttest assessment measures any changes or improvements in

performance, allowing for a direct comparison of performance before and after the intervention.

A tool for gauging students' impressions is also used to capture students' perceptions, attitudes,

and opinions regarding the video-based performance strategy. The tool may take the form of

surveys, questionnaires, or interviews to elicit feedback on various aspects of the video-based

strategy, such as its clarity, relevance, effectiveness in supporting learning, and overall impact

on their experience in physical education.

Likewise, the students will be asked to complete the survey or questionnaire after the

intervention period, reflecting on their experiences with the video-based performance strategy.

The data collected from the tool will complement the quantitative pretest and posttest results,

providing a more comprehensive understanding of the intervention's impact from students'

Students’ perception on the level of efficiency on the use of Video Based Performance
Strategy in Grade 8 PE class at New Tupi Integrated School will be interpreted as follows
( Pimentel 2019).
Numerical Range of Verbal Interpretation
Rating Mean Description
4 3.28-4.00 Strongly Agree The student’s understanding of
utilizing Video Based
Performance Strategy the is Very
3 2.52-3.27 Agree The student’s understanding of
utilizing Video Based
Performance Strategy is High
2 1.76-2.51 Disagree The student’s understanding of
utilizing Video Based
Performance Strategy is Low
1 1.0-1.75 Strongly Disagree The student’s understanding of
utilizing Video Based
Performance Strategy is Very

By employing pretest and posttest assessments and a tool for gauging students'

impressions, the research instrument allows for a thorough evaluation of the effectiveness and

acceptability of the video-based performance strategy in enhancing Grade 8 students'

performance and competency in physical education activities.

Data gathering procedure

This study aims to gather quantitative and qualitative data on Grade 8 students'

performance in physical education activities and their impressions of a video-based

performance strategy. The process involves administering a pretest performance-based

assessment to all students, evaluating their performance based on predetermined criteria. The

video-based performance strategy is then implemented over a specified duration, ensuring

consistency and fidelity across all classes. Posttest performance-based assessments are

administered to all students, using the same assessments or rubrics as the pretest. A tool for
gauging students' impressions is administered, which collects quantitative data on students'

perceptions, attitudes, and opinions regarding the video-based strategy.

Data compilation and analysis are conducted, including analyzing quantitative data using

statistical methods to determine changes in performance from pretest to posttest. Quantative

data from students' impressions is analyzed to identify using appropriate statistical tool

regarding the effectiveness and acceptability of the video-based performance strategy.

Data interpretation and reporting are done, considering the implications for the

effectiveness of the video-based performance strategy. A comprehensive report is prepared,

summarizing the study's findings, including pretest and posttest results, analysis of students'

impressions, and conclusions regarding the intervention's impact on Grade 8 students'

performance and competency in physical education activities. Ethical principles are ensured

throughout the data gathering procedure, including informed consent, confidentiality, and

respect for respondent’s rights and privacy.

Ethical Consideration:

The study on the effectiveness of video-based performance strategies for Grade 8

students in physical education should adhere to several ethical considerations. These include

obtaining informed consent from all participants, ensuring confidentiality, respecting privacy,

ensuring voluntary participation, prioritizing well-being and safety, respecting participants'

autonomy, dignity, and rights, and obtaining ethical approval from the relevant institutional

review board or ethics committee.

Informed consent is crucial, as it provides clear information about the study's purpose,

procedures, risks, benefits, confidentiality measures, and participants' rights. Participants should

have the autonomy to withdraw from the study at any time without repercussions. Confidentiality
is maintained by anonymizing or de-identifying personal information, and data collection should

be conducted in a private and non-intrusive manner.

Voluntary participation is essential, and participants should be given opportunities to ask

questions and seek clarification before consenting. The benefits derived from the study should

outweigh any potential harms, and participants' autonomy, dignity, and rights should be


Ethical review and approval are necessary to ensure the integrity, validity, and ethical

conduct of the study while safeguarding the rights, well-being, and dignity of Grade 8 students

participating in the research.

Statistical treatment

The study will employ the t-tests and mean analysis, the study will compare the mean

performance scores of Grade 8 students before and after the implementation of video-based

strategies. The paired samples t-test will be used to determine if there is a significant difference

in the mean performance scores before and after the implementation.

The student impression analysis will be conducted to determine students' perceptions of

the use of video-based performance strategies. The results will be analyzeddescriptive statistics

will be calculated to summarize students' impressions. The study's findings can inform future

instructional practices and interventions in PE education. The findings will help in understanding

the impact of video-based performance strategies on PE activities and provide valuable insights

for future instructional practices.

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