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Chapter 1: Getting the Energy your Body Needs

Worksheet 2.1.3 Analysing the skeleton

1 The roles of the skeleton >
Match up each role of the skeleton with its evidence.

a) Supports the body i) Bones meet at joints; without these the

skeleton would be rigid.

b) Protects the organs ii) Blood cells are made in bone marrow,
and marrow is found in the middle of some

c) Allows movements iii) Animals without a skeleton cannot hold

themselves up.

d) Produces blood cells iv) Some bones are shaped to fit around
an organ, such as the skull and ribcage.

2 The importance of bone marrow >>

There are three types of cells in the blood. Red blood cells carry oxygen around the body, where it is
used to release energy. White cells are important in fighting infection. Platelets are needed for blood
to clot.

a) Explain the effect of not having enough red blood cells.

b) Explain the effect of not having enough white blood cells.
c) Explain the effect of not having enough platelets.

3 Word stems >>>

Some animals have an exoskeleton. This is a skeleton on the outside of the body, rather than on the
inside, as in humans. Examples of animals with an exoskeleton include insects, such as grasshoppers
and cockroaches. Crustaceans, such as crabs, also have an exoskeleton.
Other animals, such as humans, have an endoskeleton. An endoskeleton is inside the body.

a) Suggest what ‘exo’ at the start of a word means.

b) Suggest what ‘endo’ at the start of a word means.
c) Find some other words that start with ‘exo’. Is there a link between these words?
d) Find some other words that start with ‘endo’. Is there a link between these words?

Key Stage 3 Science Teacher Pack 2 © HarperCollinsPublishers Limited 2014

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