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Chapter 1: Getting the Energy your Body Needs

Technician’s notes 2.1.3 Analysing the skeleton

Be sure to check the latest CLEAPSS safety notes before proceeding.

This is a demonstration to take a look at bones, which entails observing a large bone to look at marrow; this is
followed by a class investigation of measuring bone lengths and making calculations.

The following resources are needed for the class demonstration of the skeleton and bones
body model
large beef bone, cut to show the marrow
glass rod

The bone is used to show the marrow. Some of the marrow is then picked out using the glass rod to
show its texture.

The following resources are needed for the class practical, per group
tape measures or metre rules
graph paper

model femur or piece of wood to represent

femur (optional)


Key Stage 3 Science Teacher Pack 2 © HarperCollinsPublishers Limited 2014

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