Active Clay

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MAPL/30 WI 04


PURPOSE :Determination of % Active clay

SCOPE : Prepared sand, Returned sand ,dust collector fines

R&A : Quality control & Lab personnel’s


PROCEDURE: Preparation of Methylene Blue solution

1. Weigh 3.739gms of Methylene Blue powder.

2. Mix the powder with 500ml distilled water in 1000ml volumetric flask.
3. Stir with the magnetic stirrer for 30 mins.
4. Make up the volume of water with additional distilled water to 1000ml.
5. Allow to stand the solution for 12hrs before use.

Methylene Blue Value:

1. Dry 5gms Bentonite at 110(+/-) 50C for approximately 1 hr.

2. Cool in Decicator up to the room temperature.
3. Take 0.5gms of bentonite & 4.5gms of clay free silica sand in 250ml conical flask.
4. Add 50ml distilled water & 10ml(480ml distilled water & 20gm tetra sodium pyrophosphate )
solution of tetra sodium pryrophosphate.
5. Boil the solution gently n hot plate for 10mins and then cool.
6. Add 1.5ml of 0.5N Sulphuric Acid & Shake well for approximately 5 mins.
7. Titrate the above mix with methylene blue standard solution to end point.
8. After titration with MB solution insert a cglass rod in titrated solution and add on whatman
filter paper No.4
9. Observe the drop on paper there should be greenish blue or sun burst .
10. If not , continue titration till greenish blue hollow or sunburst is observed.
11. Add one or more drop of MB solution so that sky blue ring becomes darker.
12. Note sown the burrette reading (BR)
M.B. Value of bentionite = Burette reading X 2 ml/gm
Reference Factor (R.F.) Weight of bentonite /burette reading
Now calculate the % active clay in prepared or return sand & Dust collector fines.
1. Weigh 5gm of dried sand sample .
2. Add 50ml of distilled water in 250ml conical flask .
3. Add 10ml saturated (480ml distilled water & 20gm tetra sodium pyrophosphate ) solution of
tetra sodium pyrophosphate.
4. Boil the solution gently on hot plate for 10min and then cool.
5. Add 1.5 ml of 0.5 normal of sulphuric acid and titrate with M.B. solution .
6. Get the end point as per above procedure 8-11
7. Note down the burette reading .

CALCULATION: Percentage of active clay= (Burette reading X reference factor of bentonite ) X 100

Weight of sand sample

={ (B.R. X R.F. ) /5gms} X 100

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