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외국어(영어) 영역

2. 대화를 듣고, 여자의 심정으로 가장 적절한 것을 고르

시오. 정답 ②

W: Here you are, Mike!

M: Ms. Brown! How did you get in here? I thought
you were in the audience with the other students.
듣는 내용은 www.uway.com에서 다시 들을 수 있습니 W: After the final results came out, I couldn’t wait to
다. see you.
M: This is great, Ms. Brown, but I’ll be on the stage
1. 대화를 듣고, 여자가 사용할 그래프를 고르시오.
W: I’m so glad that you made it. I’ve never seen
정답 ⑤
such an impressive speech before.
M: Alice, did you finish the report? M: I couldn’t have done it without you.
W: Not yet. I haven’t decided which graph I’ll use. W: You’re the one who did it. It was you who made
M: Let me see. How about the line graph with dots? the effort.
W: I’m afraid it might not be good for my report this M: Do you really think so?
time. W: Of course, I do. I know you’ve been working
M: Then, how about one of the bar graphs? They’re a very hard for this contest.
lot easier to understand. M: Thanks. [Pause] Oh, they’re awarding the second
W: That’s what I’m thinking of. [Pause] Uh, which prize now. I’m next.
type do you think is better, horizontal or vertical? W: Go and enjoy the winner’s honor!
M: To me, horizontal bars are not comfortable to look
W: OK. I’ll take your advice.
M: I have one more suggestion. If the bars are
connected with lines, you can also see the trends.
W: Good point. I’ll use that graph this time.

외국어(영어) 영역 <<<
W: No, it’s not that.
M: What’s the problem, then?
W: Tom jumps around in his room at night. You
know, his room is just above mine.
M: Really? I’ll talk to his father tomorrow morning.
It’s too late to call now.
W: Dad, I have to study for my final exams tonight.
M: Well..., I’ll call his father now.
W: Thanks, Dad. [Pause] Ah, don’t forget to tell him
about the barking dog.
M: Don’t worry.

3. 다음을 듣고, 무엇에 관한 설명인지 고르시오. 정답 ⑤

M: This is one of the ways you can save lives with a

little time and courage. Today, many people are
suffering because there isn’t enough blood for
medical operations. Before you do this, you’ll
surely be asked about your medical history and
given a short physical examination. This procedure
is needed not only for you but also for the person
who will receive your gift. Blood will be drawn
from you. And then, you’ll get a certificate that
you can use, just in case you might need some
blood in the future.

5. 대화를 듣고, 남자가 여자에게 지불할 총 금액을 고르

시오. 정답 ④

M: Jane, why are you taking pictures of your

W: I’m going to sell it on a website and buy a new
laptop computer.
M: But this is still a nice one. How much are you
4. 대화를 듣고, 남자가 여자를 위해 할 일로 가장 적절 going to sell it for?
한 것을 고르시오. W: Hmm... I’m asking $400.
정답 ② M: $400? That’s not a bad price. [Pause] What about
W: Dad, I’m tired of the noise from upstairs. selling it to me for $350?
M: Does Tom still play the piano at night? His father W: Are you kidding? I bought this computer just a
told me he’d have him stop playing after seven in year ago, and it’s still in good condition.
the evening. M: Well... OK, I’ll pay the price you want.

>>> 2009 수능 해설
W: Thanks. Will you buy the printer, too? I’ll let you
have it for $100.
M: Jane, I’m running low on money. What are friends
for? I’ll pay you half that price for the printer.
W: OK, OK. You win. It’s a deal.

7. 대화를 듣고, 남자가 여자에게 부탁한 일을 고르시오.

정답 ②

[Phone rings.]
W: Hello, this is Sarah Taylor.
M: Hello, Professor Taylor. I’m John Carter, producer of
the Wisdom Quiz Show at City Broadcasting
Company. May I talk to you for a minute?
W: Sure.
M: Thanks. For the show, we’ve made quiz items about
Canadian geography, and we need your advice on
some of them.
W: Hmm... Do I have to visit your company?
M: I can send the items by e-mail. But it’ll be better if
6. 다음을 듣고, 여자가 하는 말의 목적으로 가장 적절한 you can come.
것을 고르시오. 정답 ④ W: Well, I think I can be there if it’s not next Monday.
W: When you move to a new town, one of the toughest M: How about next Wednesday at 3:00?
things to do is to get to know your new neighbors. W: That sounds good. By the way, will there be anyone
One good way to get through this situation is to else other than me?
invent a reason to talk to them. I like to call it the M: No. I think your advice will be enough.
‘cup-of-sugar’ technique. Just go up to your W: OK. Do you want me to be there when you’re taping
neighbor’s door and ask her if you can borrow a cup the show?
of sugar or some equally non-threatening ingredients. M: No, you don’t have to.
Whatever the reason, take the opportunity to start
chatting with your neighbor. Perhaps you could treat
her to a cake or pie you made with the sugar you’d
borrowed from her. This would give you a new
reason to make another visit.

외국어(영어) 영역 <<<
9. 대화를 듣고, 두 사람이 대화하고 있는 장소로 가장
적절한 곳을 고르시오. 정답 ①

W: Hi! You must be Mr. Smith, one of the new interns,

M: Yes. I’m very excited to work here. Wow! Look at
8. 대화를 듣고, 두 사람의 관계를 가장 잘 나타낸 것을 all the planes out there.
고르시오. 정답 ⑤ W: Calm down. Please try not to bother anybody while
M: How may I help you? they’re working.
W: I’m wondering if you can do anything with this. M: Don’t worry! I’ll be careful. [Pause] There’s more
M: Let’s see... Oh, it’s damaged. complicated equipment here than I imagined.
W: Well, while I was playing badminton in the gym W: As you’ve already learned, it’s operated by the
yesterday, I dropped it and stepped on it by mistake. computerized system. But people control the
M: I can replace the broken strings easily, but I can’t computers.
guarantee that I can fix the bent frame. M: I see. What are they doing? I mean those people
W: Could you try to fix it for me, please? I have to use looking at the radar screen.
this tomorrow for physical education class. W: They’re communicating with pilots and telling them
M: OK, I’ll do what I can. [Pause] Did you buy this which runways to use to take off or land.
here? M: All of them look very serious.
W: Yes. Here’s the receipt. My dad said he bought it W: Of course, they are. The safety of the planes out
here last week. there is in their hands.
M: In that case, you only have to pay 5,000 for the M: I understand. I’ll do my best to learn as much as
new strings. It’ll take about 30 minutes. possible.
W: OK. I’ll be back after stopping by the pharmacy.

>>> 2009 수능 해설
11. 다음 표를 보면서 대화를 듣고, 내용과 일치하지 않
는 것을 고르시오. 정답 ③

W: How are your students’ projects going? Are all of

them done?
M: Well, one group is done, and the other four groups
are still in progress.
W: Which one has completed the project?
10. 대화를 듣고, 여자가 할 일로 가장 적절한 것을 고르 M: Group E. They made a great presentation before their
시오. 정답 ③
classmates last week. I was very impressed by their
[Phone rings.]
W: I’m sure you were. How about Group A? You’ve
M: Yes, sweetie?
worried a lot about them.
W: Dad, my bike was hit by a car.
M: Yes, they’ve just finished gathering information. I
M: What? Are you OK? Did you get hurt?
hope they’ll start organizing it soon.
W: No, I’m all right. I was in a convenience store when
W: Don’t worry. They’ll make it, too. [Pause] Uh, didn’t
it happened.
you say that Group C started earlier than the others?
M: I’m really glad to hear that. [Pause] What about your
M: Yes, they finished writing their final report. They’ll
bike, then?
make their presentation next week.
W: The front part is broken.
W: How about the other two groups?
M: Oh, no. Is the driver there? Let me talk to him.
M: Group B and Group D also finished writing their final
W: He’s not here, but a lady saw him hit my bike and
then drive off.
W: It sounds like your students are doing a great job.
M: Did she say anything about the license plate?
W: Yes, she did. She wrote down the plate number. Now,
I’m going to the police station next to City Hall to
report what happened.
M: OK. I’ll be there, too. See you there.

외국어(영어) 영역 <<<
③ W: Didn’t you say you need to buy a birthday
M: Yes, I did. Let’s drop by a gift shop.
④ W: Do you really want to have this robot?
M: Mom, please. Most of my friends have one.

⑤ W: Where’s the nearest souvenir shop?
M: I’m not sure. Somewhere around here.

12. Summer History Field Trip에 관한 다음 내용을 듣

고, 일치하지 않는 것을 고르시오. 정답 ④

M: The National History Center is inviting students to the

2009 Summer History Field Trip. Participants will
visit historic sites in Wisconsin and discover how
early Native People lived in this area. Starting on
August 3rd, it’ll last 5 days. You can register for this
event on the website of the National History Center.
The registration fee is $150, which includes
accommodations and meals. Participants should bring
comfortable clothes and shoes, insect spray, and sun
block for the outdoor activities. Please hurry. The
deadline for registration is July 15th, 2009. ①

14. 대화를 듣고, 남자의 마지막 말에 대한 여자의 응답

으로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. 정답 ④

M: Mom, I’m home.

W: Joe, I got a call from the library. They said you
haven’t yet returned three books you borrowed last
month. Is that right?
M: Oops, I forgot. I’ll go and return them right away.
W: Wait! Do you know you have to pay late charges?
M: Yes, I do. I’m sorry, Mom, but could you give me
some money for the fines?

W: I think you should pay them with your own
M: Mom, I’m running out of money. It won’t happen
13. 다음 그림의 상황에 가장 적절한 대화를 고르시오.
W: This is the third time I’ve heard that from you.
정답 ①
M: I know, but I promise you this will be the last time.
① W: Are you OK? You should have been more
W: OK. I’ll give you the money for the fines this time.
But you have to clean the bathroom for the next
M: I’m so sorry, Mom. It slipped out of my
M: Mom, that’s too much.
② W: Look at that car. It’s too fast.
W: ________________________________
M: You’re right, Mom. He should slow down.

>>> 2009 수능 해설
16. 대화를 듣고, 남자의 마지막 말에 대한 여자의 응답
으로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. 정답 ④

M: Sharon, what are you doing with all those clothes?

15. 대화를 듣고, 여자의 마지막 말에 대한 남자의 응답 W: I’m getting rid of these clothes because I don’t wear
으로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. 정답 ③ them anymore.
W: Hey, Matthew. Why didn’t you have dinner tonight? M: What? But they still look good.
M: I didn’t have enough time. I’m busy getting ready for W: They’re too small for me now.
the presentation tomorrow. M: Why don’t you donate them to the Happy Store?
W: That’s not a good enough reason to skip dinner. By W: The Happy Store? What’s that?
the way, why are you drinking so much coffee? M: It’s a store dealing with donated items.
M: I really need to stay awake. W: What do they do with those items?
W: You’ll regret the lack of sleep tomorrow. Your eyes M: They mostly sell them at low prices.
are as red as a rabbit’s! W: Oh, it’s a kind of second-hand store. Right?
M: But I don’t have a choice. I still have one more thing M: Yes, but all the profits go to charity. One person’s
to do for the presentation. trash may be another’s treasure.
W: What’s that? W: ___________________________________
M: I need to photocopy the handouts.
W: I think I can help you with that. Go home and get
some sleep.
M: Mary, would you really do that for me?
W: Sure, I would. One hundred copies are enough, right?
M: ___________________________________

외국어(영어) 영역 <<<
18. 지칭 추론 정답 ①

17. 다음 상황 설명을 듣고, Mark가 Peter에게 할 말로

가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. 정답 ①

W: There’s going to be a big swimming competition at

Peter’s school, and Peter wants his mother to watch
him compete. So, he asks her to come to the
competition, but she tells him she’ll be too busy to
go that day. Peter tells his friend, Mark, how
disappointing this is to him. But on the day of the 19. 지칭 추론 정답 ④
competition, Mark happens to see Peter’s mother
among the cheering fans. Mark thinks that Peter will
be happy to know that his mother has come to watch
him swim. In this situation, what would Mark most
likely say to Peter?
Mark: _______________________________

20. 글을 쓴 목적 추론 정답 ②

>>> 2009 수능 해설
22. 어법상 틀린 것 고르기 정답 ④

21. 어법에 맞는 표현 고르기 정답 ② ④

23. 글의 흐름과 무관한 문장 고르기 정답 ②



외국어(영어) 영역 <<<

24. 문맥상 적절한 어구 추론 정답 ⑤

26. 문맥상 적절한 어구 추론 정답 ①

25. 문맥상 적절한 어구 추론 정답 ②

27. 문맥상 적절한 어구 추론 정답 ⑤

>>> 2009 수능 해설
29. 그림을 통한 문맥상 적절한 어휘 파악 정답 ⑤

28. 문맥상 적절한 낱말 고르기 정답 ②

외국어(영어) 영역 <<<
30. 등장인물의 심정 추론 정답 ① 32. 글의 주제 추론 정답 ①

31. 문맥상 적절한 연결어 추론 정답 ③

33. 글의 주제 추론 정답 ①

>>> 2009 수능 해설
① ③

36. 글의 내용과의 일치 여부 판단 정답 ④
34. 필자의 주장 파악 정답 ③

37. 글의 내용과의 일치 여부 판단 정답 ③

35. 도표의 내용 이해 정답 ③

외국어(영어) 영역 <<<
38. 글의 요지 추론 정답 ②

40. 주어진 문장에 이어질 글의 순서 배열 정답 ④

39. 글의 요지 추론 정답 ⑤

41. 글의 제목 추론 정답 ①

>>> 2009 수능 해설
44. 주어진 문장이 들어갈 위치 파악 정답 ④

42. 글의 제목 추론 정답 ⑤

45. 문단의 요약 및 적용 정답 ①

43. 글의 분위기 추론 정답 ③

외국어(영어) 영역 <<<
46. 문단의 순서 배열 정답 ④
[46 48] 전문 해석

47. 글의 내용과의 일치 여부 판단 정답 ⑤

48. 문맥상 가리키는 대상 추론 정답 ③

>>> 2009 수능 해설
[49 50] 전문 해석

49. 어구 의미 추론 정답 ②

50. 빈칸에 적절한 어구 추론 정답 ⑤

공 감 공 감

외국어(영어) 영역 <<<

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