Relationships - Sibling RivalryСоперничество

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I.1 Прочитайте и переведите текст (Слова и выражения к тексту см.ниже):
Sibling Rivalry (Соперничество)
Have you got a brother or a sister? I have a younger brother and I think it's wonderful!
I have a person who is very close to me and who will always help and support me in difficult
However, when children are young, there may occur jealousy, competition and fighting
between brothers and sisters. It is a concern of almost all parents having two or more kids.
The problem usually starts when the second child is born.
Conflicts between brothers and sisters may be caused by the following reasons:
Children want to show that they are separate from their siblings.Fearing that a brother or a
sister is better at anything, they try to find out their own talents, activities and interests.
Sometimes children think that mum or dad loves their sibling more, they feel that another
child gets more attention.
Children can'tshare a room, their parents, toys, etc.
There are three main skills that parents should teach their children in order they could get
along well together. They are
 communication,
 respect and
 negotiation.
COMMUNICATION. It means that children should learn to listen attentively to each
other. Use family meetings to talk about things that concern everyone. At such meetings
nobody should shout and everyone should have a chance to express his or her opinion.
RESPECT. Try to explain to your children that if they want people to treat them nicely,
they have to treat them nicely, too. People who treat each other with respect, get along together
much better than those who are rude, loud and selfish. Parents can also give examples of their
own life so that children could understand better the necessity of being respectful.
NEGOTIATION. Your child should keep in mind that whether he is younger or older,
taller or shorter than other children, it does not give him any more rights than the others in the
family have. It demands a lot of time and effort to teach the child the skill of negotiating, but
it's a must for every parent. You should be fair with your children and try to find a solution
which will satisfy each of them.
Parents should have a certain power in the family. However, this power can be reached
only through trusting. If your children don't trust you, it's impossible to achieve anything but
fear and contempt.
Finally, it's necessary to say that children shouldn't be compared to one another at all.
They are individuals and are waiting for the appropriate attitude.
Bringing up childrenis a huge responsibility, but don't be afraid of it. Your heart will
prompt you what to do.
To have a brother or a sister means to be never alone. From time to time children
get sick of one another, but it is quite natural. The main thing is they'll have a close person
throughout their life.
I.2 Выпишите до конца с транскрипцией выделенные жирным шрифтом слова и выражения.

Sibling [ˈsɪblɪŋ] родной брат или сестра, родственный

rivalry [ˈraɪvəlrɪ] соперничество, вражда, распри

jealousy [ˈʤeləsɪ] ревность

fighting [ˈfaɪtɪŋ] драки

fearing [ˈfɪərɪŋ] опасение, острах

respect [rɪsˈpekt] уважение

negotiation [nɪgəʊʃɪˈeɪʃn] обсуждение, переговоры

to listen … to each other [lɪsn] … [iːˈʧʌðə] слушать ... друг-друга

to shout [ʃaʊt] кричать

to express an opinion [ɪksˈpresænəˈpɪnjən] выразитьсвоемнение

to treat them nicely [tuː triːt] … [ˈnaɪslɪ] хорошо с нимиобращаться

rude [ruːd] грубый

loud [laʊd] громкий

selfish [ˈselfɪʃ] эгоистичный

the skill of negotiating … [nɪˈgəʊʃɪeɪtɪŋ] Умение вестип ереговоры

it's a must for… [ɑ mʌst] Это просто необходимо для…

fair [feə] справедливый

to try to find a solution … [səˈluːʃn] попытатьсянайтирешение

to satisfy [ˈsætɪsfaɪ] удовлетворять

a certain power
can be reached
through trusting Через доверие
to achieve anything
contempt [kənˈtempt] презрение

to wait for
the appropriate attitude
bringing up children Воспитание детей
a huge responsibility [hjuːʤ] [rɪspɒnsə огромнаяответственность
your heart will prompt
to be never alone
get sick of one another
a close person
throughout their life

Human relations are based on mutual understanding between people on perfection of your
inner world. Love helps to see and listen to a person’s soul, forces to reflect on indifference and
meanness. Everything begins from love. Each person faces nobleness and meanness, pleasure
and grief in his life. But we don`t stop to love and treat each other humanely.
It is always very difficult to reflect on love and human relations. You need whatever experience
which may come with the lapse of time. People think of it differently. But without love life is very
difficult. That’s why it is necessary to love and treat each other humanely. This is the way we can
save our world; make our life easier and happier.
Human relations are very difficult, but despite all difficulties, the person always searches for
someone who could join him in grief and pleasure, to help in trouble.
Человеческие отношения основаны на взаимопонимании между людьми, на совершенствовании
вашего внутреннего мира. Любовь помогает увидеть и услышать душу человека, заставляет
задуматься о равнодушии и подлости. Все начинается с любви. Каждый человек сталкивается в
своей жизни с благородством и подлостью, радостью и горем. Но мы не перестаем любить и
гуманно относиться друг к другу.
Всегда очень трудно размышлять о любви и человеческих отношениях. Вам нужен любой опыт,
который может прийти с течением времени. Люди думают об этом по-разному. Но без любви
жизнь очень трудна. Вот почему необходимо любить друг друга и относиться к нему по-
человечески. Это способ, которым мы можем спасти наш мир; сделать вашу жизнь проще и
Человеческие отношения очень сложны, но, несмотря на все трудности, человек всегда
ищет кого-то, кто мог бы присоединиться к нему в горе и радости, помочь в беде.
АУДИО: Different families
Повседневная жизнь семьи. Типичный образ жизни семьи (британской, русской).
Источники дохода. Распределение бюджета.Чтение и перевод текстов по теме.
АУДИО: Spending money.
Whatismoney? How much money do we need? Where can we get money? All these questions do not have
only one correct answer. For example, you can define money as a currency or something you can pay
with for something you have just bought. What are your answers to these questions? ,
How responsible are you with your money? Распределение домашних обязанностей на каждого
члена семьи.
What does being responsible with money take? What does this responsibility include? What would you
do if you spent all your money on some small but very expensive and absolutely unnecessary thing?
Неопределенные местоимения и производныеотних. Виды неопределенных местоимений some,
any, no, every. Производные от них. Случаи их употребления в зависимости от типа предложения.

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