Budget 300 Thousand

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With a budget of 300 thousand, there are several promotional strategies such as:

1. Social Media: Create engaging posts with food photos and mouth-watering descriptions on platforms like
Instagram or Facebook. Use relevant hashtags to increase reach.

2. Collaborate with Local Influencers: Look for influencers who have an audience that matches your food
target market. Offer them to review or promote food products in exchange for products or payment.

3. Discounts or Special Promote: Create special promotions such as discounts or buy one get one free to
attract new customers and increase sales.

4. Paid Advertising: Take advantage of paid advertising on platforms such as Instagram Ads or Facebook Ads to
increase the visibility of your food products to a wider audience.

5. Contest or Giveaway: Create a contest or giveaway on social media with the condition that participants
must share your post, tell friends, or follow your social media account. This can increase engagement and
reach of the brand being promoted.

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