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Education of Child Refugees:

Japan is a nation that believes that education is fundamental to a
child's development and growth, this stays the same concerning child
refugees as well. Children who flee from other countries to Japan
aren't obstructed from their education. The Japanese government
actively demonstrates this by enrolling every child refugee into a
public school without the drawback of financial burden. Additionally,
for children whose native tongue isn't Japanese. The Japanese
educational system assigns support staff to effectively communicate
with the child. This action ensures quality education for all and
constructive communication. The Japanese government also supports
non-profit organizations and volunteer groups that participate in
teaching foreign child refugees the Japanese language with the help
of guidebooks.
Japan aims to educate every child refugee, igniting hope for a brighter

Healthcare of Child Refugees:

In Japan, every child’s health matters. Especially for those who are
seeking refuge in our nation. Japan provides all refugee children with
medical supplies to aid their injuries (if they have any). Japan provides
free healthcare for those who apply for their Alien Registration, which
is a system that records the information of foreigners in Japan. Those
enrolled in this system, are provided with regular screenings, infectious
disease control, and check-ups with qualified doctors. Moreover, Japan
feels that child refugees’ healthcare isn't an issue that is limited just to
their country, but it is an issue that is present all around the world.
Japan actively tries to enhance the healthcare of child refugees around
the world with their generous hefty donations to branches of the
United Nations. Like when Japan donated 2 million dollars to UNICEF’s
emergency response team which provided 150,000 children, men, and
women with clean water, better hygiene and sanitation, and improved
healthcare. Prioritizing every child's health is a shared responsibility,
together let us build a healthier world

Housing Child Refugees:

Inadequate housing is a notable issue that is present when talking
about child refugees. It may impact mental health, affect physical well-
being, and contribute to involvement in criminal activities. Japan has
adopted numerous ways to combat the housing crisis for these
children. For instance, refugee children who come to Japan without
housing aren't abandoned and left for the streets. Instead, Japan
actively seeks citizens possessing both financial stability and mental
preparedness, who are willing to extend their homes to these children.
If a child cannot find a suitable guardian, Japan provides temporary
refuge by placing them in guidance centers, while the government
continues the search for capable caretakers. Within these guidance
centers, children have the opportunity to engage in learning, play, and
social interactions. Overall ensuring that the time they spend inside
the center is not only educational but also filled with enriching
experiences. These measures ensure that insufficient housing is not a
problem that the children who seek refuge in Japan have to face.

Maintaining Psychological Wellbeing of

Child Refugees:
In 2011, Israel Bronstein conducted a test on the psychological well-
being of refugee children and how having a drastic change in
environment has an effect on them mentally. He ran a test on 3000
refugee children living in a variety of areas in the world, such as
Canada, Sweden, and The UK. The results of these tests concluded that
refugee children who experience forceful migration are prone to Post
Traumatic Stress Disorder and Depression. Japan has had a bit of a
rocky history with maintaining, as well as enhancing good mental
health of its child refugee citizens. Japan understands how mentally
draining it must feel to be ripped away from your home and sent to a
country that you know nothing of, but Japan wants to make every
child here feel safe and protected. In efforts to promote good mental
health, Japan gives disturbed and mentally distraught children therapy
sessions to ease their pain and try to find peace. In the future, Japan
would like to further promote mental health by implementing more
comprehensive programs that not only address the immediate needs
of distressed children but also create a nurturing environment for their
long-term well-being, this promise can be fulfilled with the
collaborative support of mental health professionals, support groups,
and educators of mental health. Japan aspires to build a society where
every child, regardless of their past challenges, can find peace, healing,
and the support needed to embark on a brighter future.

Child Refugees Human Trafficking:

Human Trafficking and child exploitation are unfortunately problems
that Japan face today. Japan already faces about 600 cases of child
exploitation and trafficking, and some child refugee children are
unfortunately included in that. Studies prove that the reason why child
refugees are exploited and used in Human Trafficking is because they
dont have anyone to look out for them. Most refugee families that
come to Japan are unbeknownst to Human Trafficking rings, so they
dont expect it. This dismaying reality deeply concerns Japan,
motivating us to strive for a nation free from human trafficking. To
achieve this, Japan is committed to reinforcing laws and regulations
that prioritize the protection of these children. We intend to enhance
child victim identification by providing training to law enforcement
officers and implementing protocols, such as the Protocol to Prevent,
Suppress, and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and
Children. Additionally, Japan has pledged support to international laws
favoring exploited children, including the Convention on the Rights of
the Child (CRC) and the Optional Protocol on the Sale of Children, Child
Prostitution, and Child Pornography. Moreover, Japan is actively
working on establishing a national system dedicated to the care of
exploited children. Our goal is to raise awareness among the general
public about child trafficking and exploitation, encouraging more
cases to be reported to Japan's national reporting hotline. Japan is
committed to securing a future where every child is safe, valued, and
main links used for human trafficking
Child Marriage ; Child Refugees:

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