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Republic of the Philippines

Department of the Interior and Local Government

San Pablo, Calabanga, Camarines Sur



FOR : The Chief, Investigation Section

FROM : The Officer-On-Case

SUBJECT : Investigation Report on: Robbery Case

DATE : February 20, 2024


1. Memo from that Office dated 11 February 2024 re-investigation

report on the above subject.
2. Inherent duty of the Investigator of the case


3. To determine the cause of the case or incident

4. To identify the perpetrator and file appropriate charges


5. On or about 11:00 AM on February 11, 2024, a robbery occurred at

LCC Gadgets Store in San Francisco, Calabanga, Camarines Sur.
The authorities arrested one Pablo Cezar Moñuz. The suspect,
disguised as an employee, raised suspicion among onlookers as he
wandered around various gadget displays. Pretending to be a staff
member, he engaged in a conversation with a sales lady in an
attempt to deceive her. During their interaction, the suspect
threatened the sales lady, demanding she hand over expensive
cellphones or face harm. According to information provided by an
individual close to the incident, the suspect simulated carrying a
weapon by positioning his hand behind his clothes while issuing the
threat. Subsequently, the suspect swiftly exited the store, opting for
the employees' exit instead of the main door to avoid a security
guard stationed there. However, his escape was foiled as another
guard conducted a routine body search at the employees' exit. The
suspect was apprehended, and the stolen items, along with an
identification card, were seized from his possession.
6. According to Angelo L. Versosa, store head (personal
circumstances), the suspect was a former employee at the same
store and had an issue before about some missing items in the
store, therefore he was terminated from his work. (Please see
attached SS of Mr Versosa hereto attached as ANNEX 1).

7. Interview conducted to Maira A. Abraham a cashier (personal

circumstances), disclosed that the suspect and the sales lady of the
gadgets store were ex-lover. According to her, he heard a
commotion between the two in the store. She heard that the sales
lady have debt to the suspect.

8. Sworn statement of Loudie Mae O. Quipayo (personal

circumstance) asserted that while he was on duty at gadgets store,
the suspect approached her and asked about the debt to the
suspect. The witness said that she has no debt to him but the
suspect insisted. After the commotion, the suspect threatened the
witness that he will intends to harm her if she didn’t gave the latest
android phone. (SS of QUIPAYO is hereto attached as ANNEX 2).

9. Gathering of evidence were conducted after the incident was

reported. Based on the CCTV footage, and to the sworn statement
of the witnesses, the suspect will be liable for the crime of Robbery.


10. Gathering of evidence were conducted after the incident was

reported. Based on the CCTV footage, and to the sworn statement
of the witnesses, and for the decision of the court, the suspect is
liable for the crime of Robbery with force and intimidation.


11. The undersigned investigator concluded that the due to his

unemployed status, and his affection, he committed the crime of


12. A case of violation of Article 294 of the Revised Penal Code or

Robbery with force and Intimidation has been filed to the court
against Pablo Cezar Moñuz.

Karen N Gutierrez
Police Senior Master Sergeant

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