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Môn thi: Tiếng Anh (dành cho thí sinh chuyên Anh)
ĐỀ CHÍNH THỨC Thời gian làm bài: 150 phút (không kể thời gian giao đề)
(Đề thi có 06 trang)
(Thí sinh làm bài ra tờ giấy thi)
Họ và tên thí sinh: ………………………………………. Số báo danh: …………………………


I. You are going to hear a travel agent talking with a client who is planning her summer holiday.
For each of the questions 1-5 choose the best answer A, B, or C, as in the example. (5.0 pts)
0. The woman wants to book a holiday for ____________.
A. I person B. 2 people v C. 3 people
1. She wants to go on holiday in ___________.
A. two weeks time Β. June C. July
2. The woman doesn't decide to go on safari because _____________.
A. the weather would be too hot
B. it would be too expensive
C. her husband wouldn't enjoy it
3. When they are on holiday, all members of the woman's family enjoy _______________
A. having meals in restaurants B. staying in big cities C. visiting museums
4. Who went to Spain last year?
A. the woman B. the woman's husband C. the woman's daughter
5. The travel agent says that __________
A. Italy is cheap
B. the food in Italy is good
C. the Italian countryside is beautiful

II. Listen to the English teacher talking about listening skill. Mark the statements below as true (T)
or false (F). (5.0 pts)
1. The interviewer finds speaking the most difficult.
2. Gabriella thinks, in some situations such as in exams, people can find speaking easier than listening.
3. According to the interviewer, asking for someone to say the same thing again is one way to solve the
4. Gabriella recommends pretending to understand if a conversation is too difficult.
5. Gabriella's idea involves asking a lot of questions.

III. Susan is telephoning a travel agency. Before listening to the conversation read the enquiry form
carefully. Then listen and complete each gap with no more than three words. (10.0 pts)

Worldbridges Travel Agency Ltd. Enquiry form

• Enquiry regarding holiday in (1) __________

• Number of people: (2) __________
• Kind of accommodation needed: apartment
• Requirements:
- Price (£): (3) __________ a day
- Location: near the beach
• Customer's name: (4) ______________
• Enquiry made in: April
• How far from the beach is the accommodation offered? (5) ___________
I. Choose the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other
three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. (2.0 pts)
1. A. choreograph B. Christianity C. archaeology D. chivalry
2. A. inaudible B. draughty C. astronaut D. launch

II. Choose the letter A. B. C or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the
position of primary stress in each of the following questions. (3.0 pts)
3. A. comprise B. design C. outbreak D. before
4. A. fabulous B. cathedral C. practical D. hyperlink
5. A. memorialize B. conservative C. pedestrian D. astrophysics


1. Choose the best answer (A. B. C. or D) to each of the following questions. (10.0 pts)
1. The school authorities ______the child's unruly behavior on his parents' lack of discipline.
A. attribute B. accuse C. blame D. ascribe
2. He may be shy now, but he'll soon come out of his ____when he meets the right girl
A. shoe B. shell C. shed D. hole
3. Sales of the toy ______ sharply when the TV news reported that a child had swallowed part of the toy
and almost died.
A. dropped off B. dropped over C. took away D. turned out
4. I don't think it would be wise to try to make Max change his mind about divorcing Narnara. Well, in
his place I ________ her at all.
A. would never have married B. needn't have married
C. would never marry D. must never have married
5. The new Garden City is well worth _____________if you're in the area.
A. being seen B. a visit C. to visit D. the sight
6. Her outgoing character contrasts __________ with that of her sister.
A. sharply B. thoroughly C. fully D. coolly
7. My father _______ when he found out that I'd damaged the car.
A. hit the roof B. saw pink elephants
C. made my blood boil D. brought the house down
8. You can imagine how upset I was after the closure of the magazine. Since the first day on its staff I
_________ it was my best job ever.
A. have considered B. considered C. had considered D. was considered
9. I'm afraid we haven't got a spare bed. Can you _____________ with a mattress on the floor?
A. make do B. make by C. make over D. make up
10. I know him by ___________ but I have no idea what his name is.
A. sight B. myself C. heart D. chance
11. Would you please leave us details of your address ____ forwarding any of your mail to come?
A. as a consequence of B. for the purpose of C. for the sake of D. by means of
12. M.D. played much better than their opponents, they almost ________ the match.
A. dominated B. eliminated C. activated D. terminated
13. If you don't repay the money, we will, as a last ________, take you to court
A. measure B. attempt C. act D. resort
14. In the middle of the blue river ______________.
A. does a tiny violet flower emerge B. did a tiny violet flower emerge
C. emerged a tiny violet flower D. emerge a tiny violet flower
15. She said that she would be punctual for the opening speech, ____________ she were late?
A. but what if B. how about C. and what about D. so if
16. There has been a recommendation from the union leaders that the offer of 5% ____
A. is rejected B. has been rejected C. be rejected D. rejects
17. In all ______, he failed to understand the consequences of his actions.
A. odds B. probability C. certainty D. possibilities
18. We failed to lay eyes on a tiger during our expedition, ________ film one.
A. let alone B. not to mention C. apart from D. but for
19. Is it far to Stamford? Not at all. It's only a _________ from here.
A. stone's throw B. bird's eye view
C. short cut D. step in the right direction
20. The genus Equue became extinct in North America during the glacial period, and it was not
reintroduced until ________ by the Spaniniards.
A. was brought there B. brought there
C. bringing it there D. it brought there

II. Give the correct tense/form of the verb in each bracket. (5.0 pts)
- The huge damage (1. now report) _______ (2. cause) _______ by the recent violent earthquake.
- The uneaten breakfast was still on the table. She (3. must/call) _______ away in a hurry.
- The US postal service policy for check approval includes a requirement that two pieces of identification
(4. present) _____________
- Mary was sitting on the ground. She was out of breath. She (5. run) _____ all the way here for half an
- The car broke down. But for that we (6. be) ______ in time.
- The man (7. sit) ________ on the park bench said hello to the jogging woman in a friendly way.
- "Eric is really upset about losing his job." "Well, (8. fire) __________ once myself, I can understand."
- I (9. not do) _________ the test for the time being, I would be playing football with you.
- I'm sure you (10. forget) __________ me by the time I am back in five years.

III. Give the correct form of the word in each bracket. (5.0 pts)
People are often put off meditation by what they see as its many mystical associations. Yet meditation
is a (1. STRAIGHT) ____________ technique which merely involves sitting and resting the mind. In
addition to its (2. SIMPLE) ________, meditation offers powerful help in the battle against stress.
Hundreds of studies have shown that meditation, when (3. TAKE) _________ in a principled way, can
reduce hypertension which is related to stress in the body. Research has (4. PROOF) ______ that certain
types of meditation can substantially decrease key stress symptoms such as anxiety and (5. IRRITABLE)
_________. In fact, those who practice meditation with any regularity see their doctors less and spend, on
average, seventy percent fewer days in hospital. They are said to have more stamina, a happier (6.
DISPOSE) _______ and even enjoy better relationships.
When you learn to meditate, your teacher will give you a (7. PERSON) ____ ‘mantra' or word which
you use every time you practice the technique and which is (8. SUPPOSE) ________ chosen according
to your needs. (9. INITIATE) ___________ classes are taught individually but subsequent classes
usually consist of a group of students and take place over a period of about four days. The aim is to learn
how to slip into a deeper state of (10. CONSCIOUS) ________ for twenty minutes a day. The rewards
speak for themselves.
IV. Each of the following sentences has one word/phrase that is not correct. Identìy and correct it
(5.0 pts)
1. The vacuum tube did an important contribution to the early growth of radio and television.
2. He hopes to pursue an advance degree that may aid him in getting a job with excellent promotion
3. Since rats are destroyable and may carry diseases, many cities try to exterminate them.
4. Made up of more than 150 member countries, the organization known as the United Nations were
established after World War II to preserve international peace and security.
5. Lack of animal protein in the human diet is a serious cause of the malnutrition.


1. Read the text below and choose the word that best fits each of the blanks in the following passage.
(5.0 pts)
Crocodiles see well, their eyes are equipped with three eyelids, each having a different function. Their
eyeballs slide back out of hann's way during an attack. Should they lose one of their eight centimeter-long
teeth, a replacement is always ready. A crocodile may go through several thousand teeth during a lifetime
of over seventy years. Crocodiles cannot chew, as their teeth are (1) ______ only to penetrate and hold.
These animals can attack at any (2) ____ of the year, but they are more active in the warmer months and
when in (3) _______ of mates. Underwater, crocodiles (4) _____ their victims at the water's (5) ______
by sensing any movement in the water. Once they have a hold on their victim, they drag it deep into the
water to (6) ________ They then crush and swallow it. Many battles occur (7)________ mates. About six
weeks after mating, the female makes a nest, often on a river bank, and (8)_______ about fifty eggs. She
then seals the nest for protection and also as a way of (9) _______ the temperature. After ten to twelve
weeks the baby crocodiles come out of the eggs: only about one percent of these (10) _______ it to
adulthood, as thousands die in flooding or are eaten by fish or bigger crocodiles. In an attempt to ensure a
source of healthy animals, crocodile farms have been set up, and a vast industry now exists in crocodile
skin and meat.
1. A. composed B. constituted C. designed D. styled
2. A. time B. phase C. month D. interval
3. A. discovery B. hunt C. exploration D. search
4. A. prefer B. accept C. propose D. choose
5. A. border B. rim C. edge D. shore
6. A. sink B. drown C. capsize D. soak
7. A. against B. over C. between D. for
8. A. lays B. sets C. drops D. puts
9. A. dominating B. ruling C. imposing D. controlling
10. A. reach B. make C. get D. arrive

II. Read the text below and fill each blank with ONE suitable word. (10.0 pts)
Always a sure source of affection, my grandparents (1) ______ hugely important figures in my life. They
would shower my sisters and me with sweets, indulgences and stories, (2) _______ tales about my parents
as naughty children. When the last of (3) ____ died, we all wondered who would hold the family together.
People have relied on grandparents in Britain since the Industrial Revolution, (4)______ whole
families moved into cities from the country to get work in the new factories, taking grandmother along to
look after the children. (5)_________ the fact that more grandmothers are working now, grandparents are
still the backbone of childcare in Britain. They provide 44% of full-time care for pre-school children,
which (6) _______ you wonder how the country would manage without them.
The traditional image of a grandparent is a smiling old person surrounded by a cohort of happy
children, but this doesn't match the facts. (7) ______ we have now is the so-called ‘beanpole family,
thinly stretched over several generations, with fewer family members in each and with growing (8)
________ of single-parent families. Grandparents are getting younger - more than 50% of grandparents
have already had their first grandchild by the age 54.
For many of them, grandparenthood means juggling a job, involvement with grandchildren and,
sometimes, the care of their own parents. It is up to us to balance the demands we make on them if we
don't want to wear them (9) ________. Grandparents are (10) ______ a valuable part of the family that we
just cannot do without them.

III. Read the following passage and choose the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to
each of the following questions. (10.0 pts)
About 200 million years ago, as the Triassic Period came to a close, many species of animals
disappeared from the face of the Earth Scientists previously believed that the series of extinctions
happened over a period of 15 to 20 million years. Recent discoveries in Nova Scotia suggest, however,
that the extinctions may have happened over a much shorter period of time, perhaps less than 850,000
Evidence for a rapid extinction of species at the end of the Triassic Period is found in the McCoy
Brook Formation along the Bay of Fundy in Nova Scotia. Fossils found in this formation indicate a
rapid disappearance of species rather than a slow and gradual change over time. One explanation for
a relatively sudden extinction at the end of the Triassic may be that a large meteorite struck the earth
at the time and is responsible for a 70- kilometer hole nearby. If geologists and other researchers can
find evidence, such as shocked quartz in the rock formations, that a meteorite did strike the earth, it
would give more credence to the theory of rapid Triassic extinctions. It is possible, however, that even
if a rapid extinction happened in and around Nova Scotia, it did not necessarily occur in the rest of the

1. What is the main topic of this passage?

A. the disappearance of animal species at the end of the Triassic Period
B. evidence of a relatively sudden extinction of species
C. the possibility of an extinction happening simultaneously throughout the world
D. a meteorite hole in the Bay of Fundy in Nova Scotia
2. The author uses the phrase "the face of the Earth" in paragraph 1 in order to ______.
A. emphasize the disappearance B. focus on one part of the Earth
C. focus on one period of time D. point out the reference to land, not water
3. All of the following were mentioned in the passage EXCEPT __________
A. the extinction of late Triassic animals
B. the duration of time for the extinction
C. a large meteorite hitting the Earth 10 million years ago
D. the use of types of rock in scientific research
4. Where in the passage does the author give evidence for the argument?
A. Lines 1-2 B. Lines 6-10 C. Lines 11-12 D. Lines 13-14
5. According to the passage, what would give evidence that a meteorite struck the earth?
A. a gradual change in species over time B. a change in the quartz
C. deposits in the veins of rocks D. a change in the waters of the Bay of Fundy
6. Which of the following could best replace the word "struck" as used in the passage?
A. affected B. discovered C. devastated D. hit
7. Which of the following is most probably the meaning of “shocked quartz" in the passage?
A. narrow chasms B. tiny lines C. hardened ores D. cracked minerals
8. The word "it" in paragraph 2 refers to _________
A. evidence B. an extinction C. the Earth D. a meteorite
9. The word "credence” in the passage could be best replaced by ________
A. demonstration B. elevation C. suitability D. credibility
10. Which of the following best describes the author's tone?
A. aggressive B. explanatory C. apologetic D. cynical


1. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one. (5.0 pts)
1. You could be arrested for not giving a breath sample to the police.
=> Refusal _________________________________________________
2. Absolute secrecy was crucial to the success of the mission.
=> Without _________________________________________________
3. It is very kind of you to give me a lift.
=> I appreciate _________________________________________________
4. It's sad, but the crime rate is unlikely to go down this year.
=> Sad as _________________________________________________
5. "Please don't run so fast!" Suzy begged her friend.
=> Suzy pleaded _________________________________________________

II. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the
word given. Do not change the word given. (5.0 pts)
1. His irresponsible attitude is endangering his career as a doctor. (jeopardy)
=> _____________________________________________
2. Only final-year students are allowed to use the main college car park. (restricted)
=> _____________________________________________
3. He could not explain why he was always late for work. (account)
=> _____________________________________________
4. She doesn't see or hear from her childhood friends any more. (lost)
=> _____________________________________________
5. A government official leaked the story to the world press. (wind)
=> _____________________________________________

III. Essay Writing: (15.0 pts)

"The responsibility of bringing up children should be shared equally between mother and father."
To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Write an essay of about 250 words to express your opinion, using specific details and examples to support
your answer.

Môn thi: Tiếng Anh (dành cho thí sinh chuyên Anh)
ĐỀ CHÍNH THỨC Thời gian làm bài: 150 phút (không kể thời gian giao đề)
(Đề thi có 06 trang)
(Thí sinh làm bài ra tờ giấy thi)
Họ và tên thí sinh: ………………………………………. Số báo danh: …………………………


I. You are going to hear a travel agent talking with a client who is planning her summer holiday.
For each of the questions 1-5 choose the best answer A, B, or C, as in the example. (5.0 pts)
0. The woman wants to book a holiday for ____________.
A. I person B. 2 people v C. 3 people
1. She wants to go on holiday in ___________.
A. two weeks time Β. June C. July
2. The woman doesn't decide to go on safari because _____________.
A. the weather would be too hot
B. it would be too expensive
C. her husband wouldn't enjoy it
3. When they are on holiday, all members of the woman's family enjoy _______________
A. having meals in restaurants B. staying in big cities C. visiting museums
4. Who went to Spain last year?
A. the woman B. the woman's husband C. the woman's daughter
5. The travel agent says that __________
A. Italy is cheap
B. the food in Italy is good
C. the Italian countryside is beautiful
II. Listen to the English teacher talking about listening skill. Mark the statements below as true (T)
or false (F). (5.0 pts)
1. The interviewer finds speaking the most difficult. False
2. Gabriella thinks, in some situations such as in exams, people can find speaking easier than listening.
3. According to the interviewer, asking for someone to say the same thing again is one way to solve the
problem. False
4. Gabriella recommends pretending to understand if a conversation is too difficult. False
5. Gabriella's idea involves asking a lot of questions. True
III. Susan is telephoning a travel agency. Before listening to the conversation read the enquiry form
carefully. Then listen and complete each gap with no more than three words. (10.0 pts)
Worldbridges Travel Agency Ltd. Enquiry form
• Enquiry regarding holiday in (1) ___Greece_______
• Number of people: (2) ____three______
• Kind of accommodation needed: apartment
• Requirements:
- Price (£): (3) ___100_______ a day
- Location: near the beach
• Customer's name: (4) ___Susan Perkins___________
• Enquiry made in: April
• How far from the beach is the accommodation offered? (5) ___5 minutes walk__

I. Choose the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other
three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. (2.0 pts)
1. A. choreograph /k/ B. Christianity /k/ C. archaeology /k/ D. chivalry /ʃ/
2. A. inaudible /ɔː/ B. draughty /ɑː/ C. astronaut /ɑː/ D. launch /ɑː/

II. Choose the letter A. B. C or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the
position of primary stress in each of the following questions. (3.0 pts)
3. A. com’prise B. de’sign C. ‘outbreak D. be’fore
4. A. ‘fabulous B. ca’thedral C. ‘practical D. ‘hyperlink
5. A. me’morialize B. con’servative C. pe’destrian D. ,astro’physics


1. Choose the best answer (A. B. C. or D) to each of the following questions. (10.0 pts)
1. The school authorities ______the child's unruly behavior on his parents' lack of discipline.
A. attribute B. accuse C. blame D. ascribe
 blame sth on sbd: khiển trách, đổ lỗi
 attribute sth to sth: cho là do, quy cho
 accuse sbd of sth: buộc tội; kết tội
 ascribe sth to sbd: đổ tại, đổ cho
2. He may be shy now, but he'll soon come out of his ____when he meets the right girl
A. shoe B. shell C. shed D. hole
 come out of one's shell: ra khỏi vỏ cái vỏ của mình, chan hòa với mọi người
3. Sales of the toy ______ sharply when the TV news reported that a child had swallowed part of the toy
and almost died.
A. dropped off B. dropped over C. took away D. turned out
 drop off: giảm, trở nên ít hơn hoặc kém
 drop over: tạt vào thăm, nhân tiện ghé thăm
 take away: mang đi, lấy đi, đem đi, cất đi
 turn out: hoá ra, thành ra
4. I don't think it would be wise to try to make Max change his mind about divorcing Narnara. Well, in
his place I ________ her at all.
A. would never have married B. needn't have married
C. would never marry D. must never have married
 Câu điều kiện loại 3 diễn tả một điều kiện không có thật ở quá khứ:
If + S + had + PII, S + would have + PII
5. The new Garden City is well worth _____________if you're in the area.
A. being seen B. a visit C. to visit D. the sight
 well worth: cực kì xứng đáng
to be well worth a visit: xứng đáng đi thăm
6. Her outgoing character contrasts __________ with that of her sister.
A. sharply B. thoroughly C. fully D. coolly
 thoroughly: hoàn toàn khi xét về nhiều chi tiết
7. My father _______ when he found out that I'd damaged the car.
A. hit the roof B. saw pink elephants
C. made my blood boil D. brought the house down
 hit the roof: trở nên cực kì tức giận
 see pink elephants: ảo giác đặc biệt phát sinh do uống nhiều rượu hoặc sử dụng chất ma tuý
 make sbd’s blood boil: làm cho ai đó trở nên cực kì tức giận, sôi máu

 bring the house down: làm cho cả rạp vỗ tay nhiệt liệt
8. You can imagine how upset I was after the closure of the magazine. Since the first day on its staff I
_________ it was my best job ever.
A. have considered B. considered C. had considered D. was considered
 Thì quá khứ hoàn thành: diễn tả hành động diễn ra trước một hành động khác trong quá khứ. Hành
động xảy ra trước chia ở thì quá khứ hoàn thành (have considered), hành động xảy ra sau chia ở
thì quá khứ đơn (how upset I was)
9. I'm afraid we haven't got a spare bed. Can you _____________ with a mattress on the floor?
A. make do B. make by C. make over D. make up
 make do: xoay sở để sống mà không có những thứ bạn muốn có hoặc với những thứ có chất lượng
kém hơn bạn muốn
10. I know him by ___________ but I have no idea what his name is.
A. sight B. myself C. heart D. chance
 know by sight: biết mặt nhưng không quen
11. Would you please leave us details of your address ____ forwarding any of your mail to come?
A. as a consequence of B. for the purpose of C. for the sake of D. by means of
 as a consequence/in consequence: as a result of (lưu ý as a consequence không có of)
 for the purpose(s) of sth: nhằm mục đích (nhằm mục đích chuyển tiếp các email sắp tới của bạn)
 for the sake of: vì lợi ích của
 by means of: bằng cách
12. M.D. played much better than their opponents, they almost ________ the match.
A. dominated B. eliminated C. activated D. terminated
 dominate: thống trị
 eliminate: loại bỏ
 activate: kích hoạt
 terminate: chấm dứt
13. If you don't repay the money, we will, as a last ________, take you to court
A. measure B. attempt C.act D. resort
 as a last resort: giải pháp cuối cùng
14. In the middle of the blue river ______________.
A. does a tiny violet flower emerge B. did a tiny violet flower emerge
C. emerged a tiny violet flower D. emerge a tiny violet flower
 Đảo ngữ với giới từ chỉ nơi chốn đưa lên đầu câu để nhấn mạnh: Prep. + V + S
15. She said that she would be punctual for the opening speech, ____________ she were late?
A. but what if B. how about C. and what about D. so if
 but what if + clause: vậy nếu như
 how about + Ving
 and what about + Ving
 so, if + clause: vậy, nếu …
16. There has been a recommendation from the union leaders that the offer of 5% ____
A. is rejected B. has been rejected C. be rejected D. rejects
 Subjunctive: It + be + (a/an) + recommendation/suggestion that + S + (should) Vinfi
17. In all ______, he failed to understand the consequences of his actions.
A. odds B. probability C. certainty D. possibilities
 by all odds: không thể nghi ngờ gì nữa, chắc chắn là
 in all probability: rất có thể

18. We failed to lay eyes on a tiger during our expedition, ________ film one.
A. let alone B. not to mention C. apart from D. but for
 let alone: chứ đừng nói đến
 not to mention + N: chưa kể đến cái gì đó còn hơn cái trước
 apart from + N: ngoại trừ
 but for + N: nếu không có
19. Is it far to Stamford? Not at all. It's only a _________ from here.
A. stone's throw B. bird's eye view
C. short cut D. step in the right direction
 a stone's throw: quãng đường ngắn
 a bird's eye view: góc nhìn tổng quan từ trên cao, giúp bạn nhìn được một không gian rộng lớn
 short cut: đường tắt
 a step in the right direction: một bước đi đúng hướng, làm tăng khả năng thành công
20. The genus Equue became extinct in North America during the glacial period, and it was not
reintroduced until ________ by the Spaniniards.
A. was brought there B. brought there
C. bringing it there D. it brought there
 Rút gọn mệnh đề với dạng bị động -> bỏ tobe, giữ PII

II. Give the correct tense/form of the verb in each bracket. (5.0 pts)
- The huge damage (1. now report) ___is now being reported____ (2. cause) __to have been caused_
by the recent violent earthquake.
 Bị động thì hiện tại tiếp diễn
 Câu gián tiếp với các động từ think, believe, report, etc. (report ở hiện tại, cause ở quá khứ -> lệch
thì -> dùng have + PII) + Bị động
- The uneaten breakfast was still on the table. She (3. must/call) ____must have been called___ away in
a hurry.
 Perfective: must have + PII: chỉ một sự suy luận hợp lý trong quá khứ + Bị động
- The US postal service policy for check approval includes a requirement that two pieces of identification
(4. present) ____be presented_________
 Subjunctive: It is a recommendation/requirement/suggestion that + S + (should) + Vinfi
 Bị động: Vinfi -> be + PII
- Mary was sitting on the ground. She was out of breath. She (5. run) __had been running___ all the
way here for half an hour.
 Thì quá khứ hoàn thành tiếp diễn dùng để diễn tả hành động quá khứ đã xảy ra và kéo dài liên tục
cho đến khi hành động quá khứ thứ 2 xảy ra, nhấn mạnh vào sự liên tiếp của hành động
- The car broke down. But for that we (6. be) ___would have been___ in time.
 Câu điều kiện loại 3 với But for. But for + N = If + S + had + PII
- The man (7. sit) __sitting______ on the park bench said hello to the jogging woman in a friendly way.
 Rút gọn mệnh đề quan hệ với động từ chủ động: Ving
- "Eric is really upset about losing his job." "Well, (8. fire) ___having been fired_______ once myself, I
can understand."
 Đây là hành động đã xảy ra, thuộc về quá khứ nên ta phải dùng phân từ hoàn thành: having + PII
 Đây là hành động bị động (bị sa thải) -> kết hợp với Bị động: having + been + PII
- __Were__I (9. not do) ___not to do_ the test for the time being, I would be playing football with you.
 Đảo ngữ câu điều kiện loại 2: Were S + to V, S + would/could/might + V

- I'm sure you (10. forget) ___will have forgotten_______ me by the time I am back in five years.
 Thì tương lai hoàn thành diễn tả một hành động sẽ hoàn thành vào một thời điểm cho trước ở
tương lai, thường đi với by the time

III. Give the correct form of the word in each bracket. (5.0 pts)
People are often put off meditation by what they see as its many mystical associations. Yet meditation
is a (1. STRAIGHT) ___straightforward_________ technique which merely involves sitting and resting
the mind. In addition to its (2. SIMPLE) ____simplicity____, meditation offers powerful help in the
battle against stress. Hundreds of studies have shown that meditation, when (3. TAKE)
__undertaken_______ in a principled way, can reduce hypertension which is related to stress in the
body. Research has (4. PROOF) ___proved___ that certain types of meditation can substantially
decrease key stress symptoms such as anxiety and (5. IRRITABLE) ___irritability______. In fact, those
who practice meditation with any regularity see their doctors less and spend, on average, seventy percent
fewer days in hospital. They are said to have more stamina, a happier (6. DISPOSE)___disposition____
and even enjoy better relationships.
When you learn to meditate, your teacher will give you a (7. PERSON) __personal__ ‘mantra' or
word which you use every time you practice the technique and which is (8. SUPPOSE)
_____supposedly___ chosen according to your needs. (9. INITIATE) ______Initial_____ classes are
taught individually but subsequent classes usually consist of a group of students and take place over a
period of about four days. The aim is to learn how to slip into a deeper state of (10. CONSCIOUS)
___consciousness_____ for twenty minutes a day. The rewards speak for themselves.

(1) straightforward (a): dễ hiểu, dễ làm, không phức tạp

(2) simplicity (N): sự đơn giản
(3) undertaken (PII - rút gọn mệnh đề với động từ bị động): được nhận, đảm nhận, đảm trách
(4) proved (PII): chứng minh -> thì hiện tại hoàn thành diễn tả hành động đã xảy ra trong quá khứ vào
một thời gian không xác định hoặc thời gian đó không quan trọng và có mối liên hệ tới hiện tại.
(5) irritability (N): tính dễ cáu, tính cáu kỉnh, tính dễ bị kích thích
(6) disposition (N): tính tình, tâm tính, tính khí
(7) personal (a): cá nhân
(8) supposedly (adv): cho là; giả sử là
(9) initial (a): ban đầu, lúc đầu
(10) consciousness (N): ý thức

IV. Each of the following sentences has one word/phrase that is not correct. Identìy and correct it
(5.0 pts)
1. The vacuum tube did an important contribution to the early growth of radio and television. -> make
 make a contribution to: đóng góp cho
2. He hopes to pursue an advance degree that may aid him in getting a job with excellent promotion
prospects. -> advanced
 advance (a): đi trước người khác, làm hoặc cung cấp trước
 advanced (a): tiên tiến, nâng cao
3. Since rats are destroyable and may carry diseases, many cities try to exterminate them. -> destructive
 destroyable (a): có thể bị phá hoại, có thể bị phá huỷ
 destructive (a): phá hoại, phá huỷ, tàn phá, huỷ diệt
4. Made up of more than 150 member countries, the organization known as the United Nations were
established after World War II to preserve international peace and security. -> was
 S là “the organization” -> số ít -> tobe là was
5. Lack of animal protein in the human diet is a serious cause of the malnutrition. -> malnutrition
 Không sử dụng "the" với tên các bệnh và tình trạng bệnh nói chung.


1. Read the text below and choose the word that best fits each of the blanks in the following passage.
(5.0 pts)
Crocodiles see well, their eyes are equipped with three eyelids, each having a different function. Their
eyeballs slide back out of hann's way during an attack. Should they lose one of their eight centimeter-long
teeth, a replacement is always ready. A crocodile may go through several thousand teeth during a lifetime
of over seventy years. Crocodiles cannot chew, as their teeth are (1) ______ only to penetrate and hold.
These animals can attack at any (2) ____ of the year, but they are more active in the warmer months and
when in (3) _______ of mates. Underwater, crocodiles (4) _____ their victims at the water's (5) ______
by sensing any movement in the water. Once they have a hold on their victim, they drag it deep into the
water to (6) ________ They then crush and swallow it. Many battles occur (7)________ mates. About six
weeks after mating, the female makes a nest, often on a river bank, and (8)_______ about fifty eggs. She
then seals the nest for protection and also as a way of (9) _______ the temperature. After ten to twelve
weeks the baby crocodiles come out of the eggs: only about one percent of these (10) _______ it to
adulthood, as thousands die in flooding or are eaten by fish or bigger crocodiles. In an attempt to ensure a
source of healthy animals, crocodile farms have been set up, and a vast industry now exists in crocodile
skin and meat.
1. A. composed B. constituted C. designed D. styled
compose: (nói về các thành phần) tạo nên một tổng thể
constitute: tạo ra, thành lập, làm ra cái gì đó
be designed to: nhằm, để, với ý định
style: tạo mẫu, tạo dáng
2. A. time B. phase C. month D. interval
at any time of the year: vào bất kỳ thời gian nào trong năm
3. A. discovery B. hunt C. exploration D. search
in search of sth: cố gắng tìm kiếm cái gì đấy
4. A. prefer B. accept C. propose D. choose
prefer: thích hơn
accept: chấp nhận
propose: đề xuất
choose: lựa chọn
5. A. border B. rim C. edge D. shore
water edge: mép nước (edge: bờ, gờ, cạnh (hố sâu...); rìa, lề (rừng, cuốn sách...))
6. A. sink B. drown C. capsize D. soak
sink: chìm, lặn
drown: dìm chết, làm chết đuối
capsize: lật úp; úp sấp (thuyền)
soak: ngâm
7. A. against B. over C. between D. for
over: về vấn đề
8. A. lays B. sets C. drops D. puts
lay eggs: đẻ trứng
9. A. dominating B. ruling C. imposing D. controlling
dominate: thống trị
rule: thống trị, chỉ huy
impose: áp đặt
control: điều khiển
10. A. reach B. make C. get D. arrive
make it to: thành công làm/vượt qua/hoàn thành/tồn tại đến cái gì

II. Read the text below and fill each blank with ONE suitable word. (10.0 pts)
Always a sure source of affection, my grandparents (1) ___were___ hugely important figures in my life.
They would shower my sisters and me with sweets, indulgences and stories, (2) __telling_____ tales about
my parents as naughty children. When the last of (3) _them___ died, we all wondered who would hold the
family together.
People have relied on grandparents in Britain since the Industrial Revolution, (4)__when____ whole
families moved into cities from the country to get work in the new factories, taking grandmother along to
look after the children. (5)___Despite______ the fact that more grandmothers are working now,
grandparents are still the backbone of childcare in Britain. They provide 44% of full-time care for pre-
school children, which (6) __makes_____ you wonder how the country would manage without them.
The traditional image of a grandparent is a smiling old person surrounded by a cohort of happy
children, but this doesn't match the facts. (7) ___What___ we have now is the so-called ‘beanpole family,
thinly stretched over several generations, with fewer family members in each and with growing (8)
_____numbers___ of single-parent families. Grandparents are getting younger - more than 50% of
grandparents have already had their first grandchild by the age 54.
For many of them, grandparenthood means juggling a job, involvement with grandchildren and,
sometimes, the care of their own parents. It is up to us to balance the demands we make on them if we
don't want to wear them (9) ___out_____. Grandparents are (10) __such____ a valuable part of the
family that we just cannot do without them.

(1) S là my grandparents -> số nhiều -> to be là were (Ở câu 3 có when the last of them died -> sử dụng
thì quá khứ)
(2) tell tales: kể chuyện
(3) the last of them: người cuối cùng trong số họ
(4) thời gian, when + S + V: khi mà
(5) Despite the fact that: Mặc dù thực tế là
(6) make sbd do sth: khiến cho ai làm gì
(7) what (pronoun): cái mà, những thứ mà
(8) numbers = a number of a particular description
(9) wear someone out: làm cho ai đó cực kì mệt mỏi
(10) Cấu trúc such: S + V + such + (a/an) + adj + N + that + S + V

III. Read the following passage and choose the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to
each of the following questions. (10.0 pts)
About 200 million years ago, as the Triassic Period came to a close, many species of animals
disappeared from the face of the Earth. Scientists previously believed that the series of extinctions
happened over a period of 15 to 20 million years. Recent discoveries in Nova Scotia suggest, however,
that the extinctions may have happened over a much shorter period of time, perhaps less than 850,000
Evidence for a rapid extinction of species at the end of the Triassic Period is found in the McCoy
Brook Formation along the Bay of Fundy in Nova Scotia. Fossils found in this formation indicate a rapid
disappearance of species rather than a slow and gradual change over time. One explanation for a
relatively sudden extinction at the end of the Triassic may be that a large meteorite struck the earth at the
time and is responsible for a 70- kilometer hole nearby. If geologists and other researchers can find
evidence, such as shocked quartz in the rock formations, that a meteorite did strike the earth, it would

give more credence to the theory of rapid Triassic extinctions. It is possible, however, that even if a rapid
extinction happened in and around Nova Scotia, it did not necessarily occur in the rest of the world.

1. What is the main topic of this passage?

A. the disappearance of animal species at the end of the Triassic Period
B. evidence of a relatively sudden extinction of species
C. the possibility of an extinction happening simultaneously throughout the world
D. a meteorite hole in the Bay of Fundy in Nova Scotia
Đoạn 1: Các nhà khoa học tin rằng tuyệt chủng khi kỉ Trias kết thúc xảy ra 15-20 triệu năm trước nhưng
có bằng chứng nó có thể xảy ra ngắn hơn lúc 850.000 năm trước
Đoạn 2: Bằng chứng cho sự tuyệt chủng nhanh chóng của các loài vào cuối Kỷ Trias.
2. The author uses the phrase "the face of the Earth" in paragraph 1 in order to ______.
A. emphasize the disappearance B. focus on one part of the Earth
C. focus on one period of time D. point out the reference to land, not water
About 200 million years ago, as the Triassic Period came to a close, many species of animals disappeared
from the face of the Earth: Khoảng 200 triệu năm trước, khi Kỷ Trias kết thúc, nhiều loài động vật đã
biến mất khỏi bề mặt Trái Đất -> bổ sung thông tin cho “disappeared”
3. All of the following were mentioned in the passage EXCEPT __________
A. the extinction of late Triassic animals
B. the duration of time for the extinction
C. a large meteorite hitting the Earth 10 million years ago
D. the use of types of rock in scientific research
A: About 200 million years ago, as the Triassic Period came to a close, many species of animals
disappeared from the face of the Earth.
B: Scientists previously believed that the series of extinctions happened over a period of 15 to 20 million
years. Recent discoveries in Nova Scotia suggest, however, that the extinctions may have happened over a
much shorter period of time, perhaps less than 850,000 years.
D: If geologists and other researchers can find evidence, such as shocked quartz in the rock formations,
that a meteorite did strike the earth, it would give more credence to the theory of rapid Triassic
4. Where in the passage does the author give evidence for the argument?
A. Lines 1-2 B. Lines 6-10 C. Lines 11-12 D. Lines 13-14
Evidence for a rapid extinction of species at the end of the Triassic Period is found in the McCoy
Brook Formation along the Bay of Fundy in Nova Scotia.
5. According to the passage, what would give evidence that a meteorite struck the earth?
A. a gradual change in species over time B. a change in the quartz
C. deposits in the veins of rocks D. a change in the waters of the Bay of Fundy
If geologists and other researchers can find evidence, such as shocked quartz in the rock formations,
that a meteorite did strike the earth, it would give more credence to the theory of rapid Triassic
6. Which of the following could best replace the word "struck" as used in the passage?
A. affected B. discovered C. devastated D. hit
strike: đánh, đập vào = hit
7. Which of the following is most probably the meaning of “shocked quartz" in the passage?
A. narrow chasms B. tiny lines C. hardened ores D. cracked minerals
such as shocked quartz in the rock formations: như là “shocked quartz” trong sự tạo thành đá
chú ý đến từ “shocked” để chọn đáp án “cracked”

8. The word "it" in paragraph 2 refers to _________
A. evidence B. an extinction C. the Earth D. a meteorite
If geologists and other researchers can find evidence, such as shocked quartz in the rock formations, that
a meteorite did strike the earth, it would give more credence to the theory of rapid Triassic extinctions.
9. The word "credence” in the passage could be best replaced by ________
A. demonstration B. elevation C. suitability D. credibility
give credence to: tin vào
10. Which of the following best describes the author's tone?
A. aggressive B. explanatory C. apologetic D. cynical
aggressive: tức giận
explanatory: giải thích
apologetic: xin lỗi
cynical: hoài nghi


1. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one. (5.0 pts)
1. You could be arrested for not giving a breath sample to the police.
=> Refusal __to give a breath sample to the police could lead to your arrest/being arrested____
refusal to V: sự từ chối làm gì
lead to sth: dẫn đến
2. Absolute secrecy was crucial to the success of the mission.
=> Without _____absolute secrecy, the mission wouldn't have succeeded______
Câu điều kiện loại 3 với without: Without + N, S + would have + PII
3. It is very kind of you to give me a lift.
=> I appreciate ____your giving me a lift__________
appreciate + tính từ sở hữu + Ving: cảm kích hành động gì của ai
4. It's sad, but the crime rate is unlikely to go down this year.
=> Sad as ___ it is, the crime rate is unlikely to go down this year________
Mệnh đề trạng ngữ: adj/adv + as/though + S + V: mặc dù
5. "Please don't run so fast!" Suzy begged her friend.
=> Suzy pleaded _____with her friend not to run so fast__________
plead with sbd not to do sth: nài nỉ ai không làm gì

II. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the
word given. Do not change the word given. (5.0 pts)
1. His irresponsible attitude is endangering his career as a doctor. (jeopardy)
=> ____His irresponsible attitude is putting his career as a doctor in jeopardy____
in jeopardy: lâm vào cảnh nguy hiểm bị phá huỷ
2. Only final-year students are allowed to use the main college car park. (restricted)
=> ____The main college car park is restricted to final-year students_
be restricted to: bị giới hạn
3. He could not explain why he was always late for work. (account)
=> ___He couldn't account for the reason why he was always late to work.___
account for sth: giải thích nguyên nhân gây ra điều gì
4. She doesn't see or hear from her childhood friends any more. (lost)
=> ____She has lost touch with her childhood friends.___
lose touch with: mất liên lạc với >< keep in touch with

5. A government official leaked the story to the world press. (wind)
=> ____The world press got wind of the story from a government official______
get wind of something: nghe phong phanh

III. Essay Writing: (15.0 pts)

"The responsibility of bringing up children should be shared equally between mother and father."
To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Write an essay of about 250 words to express your opinion, using specific details and examples to support
your answer.

10 | P a g e

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