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Rane, Nitin and Choudhary, Saurabh and Rane, Jayesh (2023) Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Internet of Things (IoT) - based sensors for
monitoring and controlling in architecture, engineering, and construction: applications, challenges, and opportunities.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Internet of Things (IoT) - based sensors for monitoring
and controlling in architecture, engineering, and construction: applications, challenges,
and opportunities
Nitin Liladhar Rane 2 Saurabh P. Choudhary 3 Jayesh Rane
University of Mumbai, Mumbai, India


The fusion of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT) has brought about a paradigm
shift in the realm of architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC), introducing intelligent sensing
technologies that significantly enhance monitoring and control. This study delves into the varied
applications, hurdles, and prospects emerging from the collaborative deployment of AI and IoT-based
sensors within the AEC domain. AI-equipped smart sensors enable real-time monitoring of structural
health, energy consumption, and environmental conditions in both buildings and infrastructure. These
technologies empower predictive maintenance, ensuring the durability of structures while minimizing
downtime. Additionally, AI-driven analytics optimize resource allocation, improve safety protocols, and
streamline construction processes, thereby enhancing overall project efficiency. Through ongoing analysis
of data collected by sensors integrated into HVAC systems, elevators, and lighting, maintenance teams can
pre-emptively tackle potential malfunctions. Furthermore, the synergy between AI and IoT enables the
development of intelligent buildings with adaptive features. Sensors that examine occupancy patterns,
lighting preferences, and temperature fluctuations play a pivotal role in crafting energy-efficient and
occupant-centric building designs. The security and privacy concerns associated with sensor-generated data
give rise to critical issues that necessitate robust cybersecurity measures. Interoperability challenges among
diverse sensor networks and AI platforms also present obstacles to seamless integration. Furthermore, the
adoption of these technologies demands substantial investments in infrastructure and workforce training,
requiring a strategic approach for widespread acceptance. The paper explores how the predictive
capabilities of AI-driven sensors contribute to risk mitigation and cost reduction across the entire project
lifecycle. Moreover, the ability to collect and analyze vast amounts of data empowers stakeholders to make
well-informed decisions, fostering innovation and sustainability in the AEC industry. By addressing pivotal
issues and underscoring potential benefits, it provides invaluable insights for industry professionals,
researchers, and policymakers eager to harness the transformative potential of intelligent technologies in
architecture, engineering, and construction.

Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Internet Of Things, Sensors, Monitoring, Construction industry, Smart
city, Automation, Construction sites.


In recent times, the merging of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT) has instigated
revolutionary changes across diverse industries, reshaping the technological and innovative landscape [1-4]. A
domain where this convergence holds great potential is the realm of architecture, engineering, and construction
(AEC). The infusion of AI and IoT-based sensors in the AEC sector signals a new era, providing unparalleled
capabilities for monitoring, controlling, and optimizing processes [5-9]. This research paper delves into the
multifaceted applications, inherent challenges, and the vast array of opportunities stemming from the symbiotic
relationship between AI, IoT, and the AEC industry. The AEC industry, traditionally characterized by intricate
workflows, complex projects, and numerous stakeholders, is undergoing a transformative shift propelled by
technological advancements. AI and IoT, individually potent, have emerged as pivotal forces capable of
addressing longstanding challenges in this sector [10-14]. AI, with its capacity to analyze extensive datasets, make
informed decisions, and simulate complex scenarios, complements the dynamic and real-time data acquisition
capabilities of IoT. This synergy empowers stakeholders in architecture, engineering, and construction to boost
efficiency, cut costs, and mitigate risks. The escalating demand for sustainable, smart, and resilient infrastructure
has accelerated the adoption of AI and IoT-based solutions. The amalgamation of these technologies enables the
creation of intelligent systems that surpass conventional automation, fostering an environment where structures

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not only respond to their surroundings but also learn and adapt over time. From smart buildings to infrastructure
monitoring, the applications are diverse and promise to redefine how AEC projects are conceptualized, executed,
and maintained. Figure 1 shows the co-occurrence analysis of the keywords in literature.

Figure 1 Co-occurrence analysis of the keywords in literature

In the architectural domain, the integration of AI and IoT-based sensors opens up avenues for creating smart and
responsive structures [15-21]. Smart buildings, equipped with sensors monitoring environmental conditions,
occupancy patterns, and energy consumption, can dynamically adjust settings to optimize energy efficiency and
occupant comfort [22-26]. AI algorithms analyze historical data to predict and preemptively address maintenance
needs, ensuring the longevity of structures and reducing operational costs [27-32]. Moreover, AI-driven design
tools are revolutionizing the architectural process itself. Generative design, fueled by machine learning algorithms,
assists architects in exploring a myriad of design possibilities based on specified criteria, streamlining the
conceptualization phase and fostering creativity. Real-time collaboration facilitated by IoT-connected devices
further enhances the design process, allowing architects to seamlessly coordinate with engineers and construction

In the engineering sector, the incorporation of AI and IoT-based sensors revolutionizes project management,
structural analysis, and predictive maintenance [33-36]. AI algorithms can analyze historical project data to predict
potential risks, optimize resource allocation, and streamline scheduling [37-39]. Real-time monitoring through
IoT sensors provides engineers with invaluable insights into the structural health of buildings and infrastructure,
allowing for proactive maintenance and reducing the likelihood of unexpected failures. The integration of AI in
structural analysis enhances the accuracy and efficiency of simulations, enabling engineers to design structures
that are not only robust but also optimized for performance. Additionally, AI-powered robotics and automation
play a pivotal role in construction processes, augmenting human capabilities and addressing labor shortages [40-
43]. In the construction phase, the integration of AI and IoT technologies brings about a paradigm shift in project
execution. AI-driven project management tools enable real-time monitoring of construction sites, tracking
progress, and identifying potential bottlenecks. IoT sensors embedded in construction equipment and materials
provide data on usage patterns, enabling predictive maintenance and optimizing resource utilization [44-49].
Furthermore, the implementation of AI in construction safety systems enhances risk management by identifying

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potential hazards and alerting workers in real-time. Drones equipped with AI-powered cameras can survey
construction sites, providing stakeholders with a comprehensive view of the project and facilitating decision-
making [50-54]. The transformative applications, coupled with the inevitable challenges and promising
opportunities, make this convergence a focal point of research and innovation. Figure 2 shows the co-authorship

Figure 2 Co-authorship analysis


This study takes a holistic approach, utilizing a combination of literature review and bibliometric analysis to
explore the applications, challenges, and prospects of incorporating Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Internet of
Things (IoT)-enabled sensors in architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC). The review encompasses
diverse academic sources such as journals, conference proceedings, books, and other scholarly outlets. The search
strategy incorporates keywords like "Artificial Intelligence," "Internet of Things," "sensors," "architecture,"
"engineering," and "construction." The inclusion criteria prioritize studies published in the last decade to maintain
relevance and contemporaneity. A quantitative evaluation through bibliometric analysis is deployed to assess
trends, patterns, and the scholarly impact evident in the identified literature. Employing bibliometric software,
relevant data such as publication trends, authorship patterns, citation networks, and keyword co-occurrences are
scrutinized. Primary data collection involves the identification and extraction of pertinent articles from academic
databases, including but not limited to IEEE Xplore, PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science. Selection criteria
include studies specifically addressing the integration of AI and IoT in sensors for monitoring and control
applications in AEC. Exclusion criteria entail studies not directly aligned with the research focus or lacking
sufficient empirical or theoretical substance. Figure 3 shows the AI and IoT - based sensors integration for
monitoring and controlling in AEC.

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Figure 3 AI and IoT - based sensors integration for monitoring and controlling in AEC

Types of artificial intelligence and IoT based sensors

In the ever-evolving realm of architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC), the convergence of Artificial
Intelligence (AI) and Internet of Things (IoT) technologies has inaugurated a new era of ingenuity [1,13]. These
technologies play a pivotal role in overseeing and managing various facets of projects, augmenting efficiency,
safety, and sustainability. At the heart of this evolution are AI-based sensors and IoT-based sensors, pivotal in
acquiring, analyzing, and utilizing data [3,7,8]. Table 1 shows the Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Internet Of
Things (IoT) - based sensors for monitoring and controlling in architecture, engineering, and construction.

I. AI-Based Sensors in AEC:

A. Computer Vision Sensors:

Within the AEC domain, computer vision, a core aspect of AI, empowers machines to comprehend visual
information. Computer vision sensors in AEC are employed for tasks such as monitoring construction sites,
enforcing safety measures, and tracking progress [55-57]. Drones equipped with cameras provide a
comprehensive aerial perspective, facilitating real-time analysis and decision-making. AI like algorithms can
identify potential safety hazards, monitor worker activities, and assess project progress by scrutinizing images and
videos [6,58-63].

B. LiDAR Sensors:

Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) sensors, utilizing laser light for distance measurement, create precise 3D
models of surroundings. Integrated into construction machinery and vehicles in AEC, LiDAR sensors enhance
navigation and mapping [64-69]. They contribute to generating detailed topographical maps, monitoring terrain
changes, and optimizing construction workflows [70-74]. LiDAR technology enhances accuracy in site planning,
minimizing errors in grading and excavation.

C. Predictive Maintenance Sensors:

AI-driven predictive maintenance sensors are instrumental in preventing equipment failures and reducing
downtime. These sensors continuously monitor machinery and infrastructure health, predicting potential issues
before they manifest. Through data analysis and machine learning algorithms, these sensors identify patterns
indicative of impending failures, allowing timely maintenance interventions. This proactive approach extends
equipment lifespan and diminishes overall project costs.

D. Smart Building Sensors:

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AI-based sensors are seamlessly integrated into smart buildings, optimizing energy consumption, bolstering
security, and improving occupant comfort [23,25]. These sensors gather data on temperature, lighting, occupancy,
and other environmental factors. AI algorithms can analyse this data to dynamically adjust HVAC systems,
lighting, and other building components, creating energy-efficient and sustainable environments [16,23,75-79].
Smart building sensors align with the overarching objective of constructing intelligent and responsive

Following equations represent fundamental concepts and algorithms frequently used in artificial intelligence;

Backpropagation Update Rule for Weights (Gradient Descent):

𝑊𝑖𝑗 = 𝑊𝑖𝑗 − 𝛼

𝑊𝑖𝑗 Weight between neuron i and neuron j
𝛼 Learning rate
Partial derivative of the error with respect to the weight.

Support Vector Machine (SVM) Decision Function:

𝑓 (𝑥 ) = sign(𝑤 ⋅ 𝑥 + 𝑏)

𝑓(𝑥 ) Decision function output
𝑤 Weight vector
𝑥 Input vector
𝑏 Bias term

Linear Regression Equation:

𝑦 = 𝑚𝑥 + 𝑏


𝑦 Dependent variable
X Independent variable
𝑚 Slope of the regression line
𝑏 Y-intercept of the regression line.

Neural Network Activation Function (e.g., Sigmoid):

𝜎 (𝑧 ) =
1 + 𝑒 −𝑧
𝜎(𝑧) Sigmoid function output
z Weighted sum of inputs

Bayes' Theorem:

𝑃(𝐴|𝐵) =
𝑃 (𝐵 )

𝑃(𝐴|𝐵) Probability of event A given event B

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𝑃(𝐵|𝐴) Probability of event B given event A
𝑃(𝐴) and 𝑃(𝐵) Marginal probabilities of events A and B

Reinforcement Learning - Q-Learning Update Rule:

𝑄(𝑠, 𝑎) = (1 − 𝛼 )𝑄(𝑠, 𝑎) + 𝛼(𝑅 + 𝛾 𝑚𝑎𝑥𝑎′ 𝑄 (𝑠 ′ , 𝑎′))

𝑄(𝑠, 𝑎) Value of state-action pair (𝑠, 𝑎)
𝑎 Learning rate
𝑅 Immediate reward
𝛾 Discount factor
𝑚𝑎𝑥𝑎′ 𝑄 (𝑠 ′ , 𝑎′ ) Maximum value of the next state-action pair

K-Means Clustering Objective Function:

𝑘 𝑛
𝐽 = ∑ ∑ ||𝑥𝑗 − 𝜇𝑖 ||
𝑖=1 𝑗=1

𝐽 Objective function (sum of squared distances)
𝑘 Number of clusters
𝜇𝑖 Centroid of cluster i
𝑥𝑗 Data point 𝑗

ReLU (Rectified Linear Unit) Activation Function:

𝑓 (𝑥 ) = 𝑚𝑎 𝑥(0, 𝑥 )

𝑓(𝑥 ) Output of the ReLU activation function
𝑥 Input to the activation function

Softmax Function (Multiclass Classification):

𝑒 𝑧𝑖
softmax(𝑧)𝑖 = 𝑧𝑗
𝑗=1 𝑒


softmax(𝑧)𝑖 Probability of class i in a multiclass classification

𝑒 𝑧 Exponential of the input for class i
∑𝐾𝑗=1 𝑒 Sum of exponentials over all classes

PCA (Principal Component Analysis) Objective Function:

1 2
𝐽 = ∑ ||𝑥 (𝑖) − 𝑥̅ (𝑖) ||

𝐽 Objective function (mean squared reconstruction error)
𝑚 Number of data points
𝑥 (𝑖) Original data point

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𝑥̅ (𝑖) Reconstructed data point

Gaussian Distribution Probability Density Function:

1 (𝑥 − 𝜇 ) 2
𝑓 (𝑥|𝜇, 𝜎 2 ) = 𝑒𝑥 𝑝 (− )
√2𝜋𝜎 2 2𝜎 2

𝑓(𝑥|𝜇, 𝜎 2 ) Probability density function of the Gaussian distribution
𝜇 Mean of the distribution
𝜎 2 Variance of the distribution.

Logistic Regression Equation:

𝑃 (𝑌 = 1 ) =
1+ 𝑒 −(𝑚𝑥+𝑏)
𝑃(𝑌 = 1) Probability of the dependent variable being 1
𝑒 Euler's number (base of the natural logarithm)
𝑚 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑏 Parameters to be learned from the training data.

II. IoT-Based Sensors in AEC:

A. Environmental Monitoring Sensors:

Instrumental in monitoring and controlling environmental conditions on construction sites, IoT-based sensors
measure parameters such as air quality, noise levels, and temperature [80-84]. This real-time data empowers
project managers to make proactive decisions, ensuring worker well-being, compliance with environmental
regulations, and optimization of construction processes.

B. Structural Health Monitoring Sensors:

Critical for ensuring the safety and integrity of buildings and infrastructure, IoT-based sensors monitor parameters
such as vibrations, deformations, and load-bearing capacities [85-89]. Real-time data from these sensors facilitate
early detection of structural anomalies, enabling preventive maintenance and reducing the risk of catastrophic
failures [90-94]. This application is particularly significant in the maintenance of bridges, tunnels, and high-rise

C. Asset Tracking Sensors:

In large construction projects, efficient asset management is vital. IoT-based sensors track the location and usage
of construction equipment, materials, and tools in real time. Such tracking enhances inventory management,
prevents theft, and optimizes resource allocation, contributing to cost savings and improved project timelines

D. Wearable Sensors for Worker Safety:

IoT-based wearable sensors are integral to ensuring the safety of construction workers [100-104]. Embedded in
helmets, vests, or other wearables, these sensors monitor vital signs, movement patterns, and environmental
conditions [105-111]. In emergencies or unsafe conditions, these sensors can trigger alarms and notifications.
Data collected from wearable sensors can also be analyzed to identify patterns and trends related to worker health
and safety, contributing to long-term risk mitigation strategies.

III. Integration and Synergy:

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The true transformative potential in AEC lies in the seamless integration of AI and IoT-based sensors. The synergy
between these technologies enhances data collection, analysis, and decision-making capabilities, leading to more
informed and efficient construction processes.

A. Data Fusion and Analytics:

Integrating AI and IoT sensors facilitates data fusion, combining information from diverse sources to provide a
holistic view of the construction ecosystem [112-115]. Advanced analytics, powered by AI algorithms, process
this fused data to extract meaningful insights [116-118]. For example, combining environmental monitoring data
with construction progress data can reveal correlations between weather conditions and project timelines, enabling
proactive risk management.

Table 1 Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Internet Of Things (IoT) - based sensors for monitoring and controlling
in architecture, engineering, and construction

Sr Category Applications Challenges Integration Methods

1 Structural Health - Real-time monitoring of - Addressing data - Utilizing wireless sensor
Monitoring buildings and bridges security and privacy networks
- Early detection of concerns - Employing cloud-based
structural issues - Ensuring sensor platforms for data storage
- Predictive maintenance calibration and accuracy and analysis
- Scaling sensor - Implementing AI
networks algorithms for anomaly
2 Energy - Optimizing energy - Overcoming - Implementing IoT
Management consumption in buildings- interoperability protocols such as MQTT
Monitoring HVAC challenges among IoT and CoAP
systems devices - Leveraging Building
- Identifying energy - Streamlining data Management Systems
inefficiencies integration and analysis (BMS)
- Managing costs - Applying Machine
associated with sensor Learning for energy
deployment prediction
3 Construction Site - Tracking equipment and - Addressing harsh - Utilizing RFID and GPS
Monitoring personnel environmental technologies for asset
- Ensuring safety conditions tracking
compliance - Establishing - Implementing edge
- Progress tracking and connectivity in remote computing for real-time
scheduling optimization locations monitoring
- Seamless integration - Utilizing cloud-based
with existing collaboration platforms
construction processes
4 Environmental - Air quality monitoring- - Ensuring sensor - Deploying low-power
Monitoring Noise and vibration reliability and effective IoT sensors for
monitoring maintenance continuous monitoring
- Water quality - Maintaining data - Integrating with
monitoring accuracy and calibration Geographic Information
- Meeting regulatory Systems (GIS)
compliance standards - Applying AI for data
interpretation and
anomaly detection

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5 Smart Building - Automated lighting and - Tackling - Implementing Building
Systems HVAC control interoperability Automation Systems
- Occupancy sensing challenges among smart (BAS)
- Security and access devices - Utilizing standardized
control - Addressing privacy communication protocols
concerns related to like BACnet
occupant data - Applying AI algorithms
- Retrofitting existing for adaptive control
6 Safety - Emergency response - Ensuring real-time - Utilizing wearable IoT
Monitoring systems responsiveness in safety devices for personnel
- Fall detection for systems - Implementing video
workers - Enhancing accuracy of analytics for real-time
- Monitoring hazardous incident detection monitoring
materials - Integrating seamlessly - Integrating with
with existing safety emergency response
protocols systems

B. Real-time Decision Support Systems:

The real-time nature of data collected by AI and IoT-based sensors enables the implementation of decision support
systems [81,82]. Project managers can access up-to-the-minute information on construction site conditions,
equipment status, and worker activities. Such real-time visibility facilitates quick decision-making, minimizes
delays, and improves overall project efficiency [84,119-123].

C. Adaptive Automation:

AI algorithms, informed by data from IoT sensors, enable adaptive automation in construction processes [124-
129]. For instance, based on environmental conditions and structural health data, machinery can autonomously
adjust operations to optimize efficiency and safety. This adaptive automation enhances productivity and
contributes to resource conservation and sustainability.


The Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) sector is undergoing a revolutionary transformation
through the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Internet of Things (IoT) technologies [13,14]. This shift
is driven by the pivotal role played by AI-based sensors and IoT devices in enhancing efficiency, safety, and
sustainability throughout the entire lifecycle of projects. From design and construction to operation and
maintenance, these technologies offer innovative solutions that redefine traditional approaches in AEC.

Design Phase:

In the design phase, AI and IoT contribute significantly by providing architects and designers with powerful tools
for data-driven decision-making. AI algorithms analyze extensive datasets, incorporating historical design
information, environmental factors, and user preferences to generate design recommendations. Concurrently, IoT-
based sensors collect real-time data on environmental conditions, occupancy patterns, and energy usage,
empowering designers to create more responsive and sustainable structures.

2.1 Generative Design:

Generative design, powered by AI, is revolutionizing the architectural approach by iteratively generating
numerous design options based on parameters such as material constraints, cost limitations, and performance
criteria. This accelerates the design process and produces innovative solutions that may not have been envisioned
through traditional methods.

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2.2 Environmental Sensing:

IoT sensors, integral to environmental sensing, capture real-time data on temperature, humidity, air quality, and
other factors. This information enables architects to design buildings that dynamically respond to their
surroundings, optimizing comfort and energy efficiency. For instance, smart facades can adjust transparency based
on sunlight intensity, reducing the need for artificial lighting and air conditioning.

Construction Phase:

In the construction phase, AI-based sensors and IoT devices play a crucial role in enhancing project management,
safety, and quality control. These technologies streamline workflows, minimize errors, and improve
communication among project stakeholders.

3.1 Project Management:

AI algorithms analyze historical project data to predict potential risks, optimize resource allocation, and create
realistic project schedules [34,40]. Concurrently, IoT sensors on construction equipment and materials provide
real-time tracking and monitoring, enabling project managers to make data-driven decisions that enhance
efficiency and reduce delays.

3.2 Safety Monitoring:

Safety in construction is paramount, and AI and IoT technologies contribute to creating safer work environments
[130-134]. Wearable devices equipped with sensors monitor workers' vital signs, detect fatigue, and provide real-
time alerts in case of potential hazards [135-138]. Technology like drones with AI-powered image recognition
can survey construction sites for safety compliance and identify potential risks [139-143].

3.3 Quality Control:

AI-based computer vision systems enhance quality control by inspecting construction components for defects or
deviations from design specifications. Drones equipped with cameras and AI perform aerial inspections,
identifying issues such as structural defects, incomplete work, or safety violations. This automated approach
improves accuracy and expedites the identification and resolution of construction issues.

Operation and Maintenance Phase:

Post-completion, AI-based sensors and IoT devices continue to play a vital role in the operation and maintenance
of buildings and infrastructure. These technologies optimize energy usage, monitor equipment health, and enhance
occupant comfort.

4.1 Energy Management:

AI algorithms analyze data from IoT sensors to optimize energy consumption in buildings. Smart HVAC systems,
lighting controls, and energy storage solutions dynamically adjust based on occupancy patterns, weather
conditions, and energy pricing, reducing operational costs and contributing to sustainability goals.

4.2 Predictive Maintenance:

IoT sensors on building systems and equipment collect data on performance metrics. AI algorithms analyze this
data to predict when maintenance is needed, allowing for proactive repairs and minimizing downtime. This
predictive maintenance approach extends the lifespan of equipment and reduces operational disruptions.

4.3 Occupant Comfort:

AI and IoT contribute to enhancing occupant comfort by personalizing the indoor environment. Sensors monitor
factors such as temperature, lighting, and air quality, adjusting settings to meet individual preferences. This creates
a more comfortable and productive environment while optimizing energy usage.

Integration strategies of BIM, AI, and IoT Sensors

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The convergence of Building Information Modeling (BIM), Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Internet of Things
(IoT) sensors has the potential to transform the construction and operation of buildings significantly [144-149].

Establishment of Standardized Data Formats:

Ensuring seamless integration involves the establishment of standardized data formats that facilitate information
exchange between BIM, AI, and IoT systems. Adherence to industry standards like Industry Foundation Classes
(IFC) for BIM and the use of standard communication protocols for IoT devices (such as MQTT or CoAP) ensures
compatibility and interoperability.

Implementation of Open APIs (Application Programming Interfaces):

Open APIs play a crucial role in enabling different software applications to communicate and share data
effectively [150-155]. By incorporating open APIs, BIM like platforms can seamlessly interact with AI algorithms
and IoT sensors [153], fostering the development of tailored solutions and applications to meet specific project
needs [151,156-160].

Embracing Cloud Computing:

The utilization of cloud computing provides a scalable and flexible infrastructure to support the integration of
BIM, AI, and IoT [161-164]. Cloud-based platforms facilitate the storage, processing, and analysis of large
datasets generated by IoT sensors, catering to the computational requirements of AI algorithms that demand
significant processing power [165-169].

Integration of Edge Computing:

In addition to cloud computing, the integration of edge computing allows for data processing closer to the source,
enhancing real-time processing capabilities and reducing latency. This approach is particularly valuable for
applications with immediate response requirements, such as safety monitoring and security.

Challenges in implementing AI and IoT-based sensors in AEC

While the integration of AI and IoT-based sensors presents numerous opportunities, it also poses challenges that
must be addressed for widespread adoption and success [170-178].

A. Data Security and Privacy:

The voluminous data generated by sensors poses challenges related to security and privacy. Safeguarding sensitive
information from unauthorized access and ensuring compliance with data protection regulations are paramount.
Robust encryption, authentication protocols, and transparent data governance frameworks are essential to address
these concerns.

B. Interoperability:

AEC projects involve numerous stakeholders, each using different tools and platforms. Achieving interoperability
among diverse AI and IoT systems is crucial to ensure seamless communication and data exchange. Industry-wide
standards and collaboration are essential to overcome interoperability challenges.

C. Skill Gaps:

The successful implementation of AI and IoT technologies requires a workforce with the necessary skills. Training
programs and educational initiatives are needed to bridge the skill gaps and empower professionals in the AEC
industry to harness the full potential of these technologies.

D. Scalability:

As construction projects vary widely in scale and complexity, ensuring that AI and IoT-based solutions are
scalable is crucial. Solutions should be adaptable to both large-scale infrastructure projects and smaller-scale
construction endeavors.

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The convergence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT) marks the dawn of a new era,
offering transformative possibilities across architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC). In architecture, AI-
powered design tools enable generative design, empowering architects to explore myriad design permutations
based on predefined parameters. This not only enhances creativity but also optimizes designs for factors like
energy efficiency and structural integrity. In engineering, IoT sensors embedded in structures provide real-time
performance data, facilitating predictive maintenance and ensuring the durability of buildings and infrastructure.
Additionally, in construction, AI-driven project management tools streamline scheduling, resource allocation, and
risk assessment, optimizing the entire construction process. IoT-based sensors play a pivotal role in transforming
conventional structures into smart, connected entities. These sensors collect and transmit data on parameters such
as temperature, humidity, structural strain, and occupancy, offering a comprehensive understanding of a building's
operational dynamics. This data-driven approach allows for adaptive building systems, responding dynamically
to user needs, ultimately enhancing comfort and resource efficiency. Despite the promising advancements, the
integration of AI and IoT in AEC presents challenges. Security concerns, data privacy issues, and the potential
for cyber-attacks are significant hurdles.

Sustainable design and construction can benefit immensely from AI algorithms optimizing energy consumption
and material usage. The monitoring of environmental conditions by sensors allows for the development of eco-
friendly buildings that adapt to their surroundings and minimize ecological footprints. Furthermore, the use of AI
in construction scheduling and project management not only enhances efficiency but also contributes to cost
savings. Predictive analytics can foresee potential delays, enabling proactive decision-making to keep projects on
track, reducing financial risks, and enhancing overall project success rates. Collaboration and knowledge-sharing
within the industry play a vital role in capitalizing on these opportunities. Educational programs, training
initiatives, and industry forums can facilitate the adoption of AI and IoT technologies by equipping professionals
with the necessary skills and knowledge. The AEC industry stands at the forefront of a technological revolution,
and those who embrace and adapt to these innovations will undoubtedly lead the way in shaping the future of


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Funding: No funding was received.
Conflicts of interest/Competing interests: No conflict of interest.
Availability of data and material: Not applicable.
Code availability: Not applicable.
Acknowledgements: Not Applicable.

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