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Writing Exercise 6: Article, Report and Review

Text type Article Report Review

Title Title Title
Plan 1-sided article 2-sided article Purpose: to reflect or Provide recommendation to the
evaluate object we review – see from 2
Write 3 points which can differing points of view
be improved
Introduction Lead to the issue Lead to the issue Include the answers of: Introduce the identity of the
what, where, when, who, object / program / event you are
why & how reviewing
Paragraph 2 1st point: justification of Advantages / for / benefits / Fact 1 – what happen? Brief description of the object /
counter argument Agree / positive / good / program / event (for books or
pros movie, do not write the story)
Paragraph 3 2nd point: justification or Disadvantages / against / Fact 2 – what happen? Your opinion here
counter-argument losses / disagree / negative /
bad / cons
Paragraph 4 T-+ No Fact 3 – what happen? Your opinion here
ake other people’s
opposing argument then do
the counter-act to support
paragraph 2 and 3
Closing Conclusion – Summary – Conclusion – summary and Briefly conclude the report: State whether you recommend
reconfirming your point of final opinion suggestion for the book, movie, etc to whom and
view improvement – take the why
points from Fact 1, 2, 3 but
use other words to say

Ms Lucky - Article, Report, Review page 1

Write your plan to write an article. Note the points below:
Some people enjoy living in apartments but others prefer to live in houses.

Plan: 1-sided or 2-sided? 1-sided

Title The Advantages of Vertical Living too long – make it simpler

High Rise Apartments with Abundant Advantages
Introduction  The security, cost, and comfort level are the main determinant for people choosing a home.
 Most people face a dilemma when choosing a place to live,
 People’s consideration in choosing a place to live

Paragraph 2 COST  The cost of an apartment is generally cheaper than a house. --- data?
 Residential costs and additional costs are more affordable than living in a house. – data? Argument?

Paragraph 3 Facilities  supporting facilities such as a sports centre or swimming pool.are closer or even in the same building. – effects?
 lower additional transportation costs due to being closer to the city.—data? Discuss about location

Paragraph 4  Homes provide more privacy and control over spaces and have more space for security elements such as alarm systems.
Counter argument Apartments, on the other hand, may have better security elements, such as gated gates and security guards.
 Houses may offer bigger spaces, but apartment flats are generally smaller therefore easier to maintain.
 Find 1 very good point of living in house then counter the opinion

Closing  Apartments are often more affordable than houses, with lower residential and additional costs.
 They may offer convenient amenities like sports centers and swimming pools, and proximity to the city reduces
transportation expenses.
 1 point summary of P2, 1 point summary of P3, + your own opinion
 Homes provide greater privacy and control, allowing for spacious security measures, while apartments may feature gated
entrances and security personnel. While houses offer more space, apartments are generally smaller and easier to

Ms Lucky - Article, Report, Review page 2

The Advantages of Vertical Living
Most people face a dilemma when choosing a place to live. The security, cost, and comfort level are the main considerations for
people choosing a home – let’s see why.

When we talk about the Very high living costs in densely populated urban areas like Jakarta, land scarcity drives up the cost of
land, making standalone houses more expensive.urge people to find solutions over it. Apartments can accommodate more
people in a smaller land footprint, which helps keep costs relatively lower. Seems to be an answer to it.

Apartments often come with shared amenities such as gyms and security services. Access to shared amenities fosters a
convenient lifestyle and community interaction.

Many people say one significant advantage of living in a house is the sense of privacy and space it provides like greater
separation from neighbours. However, regarding privacy, apartments are guaranteed effective security services, ensuring
residents' safety and privacy.

In large cities like Jakarta, smaller flats are more cost-effective. Additionally, apartment living can offer a sense of community,
with shared amenities and common areas where residents can connect with neighbours. I would like to say while houses may
offer more privacy, apartments provide a lifestyle that is more conducive to urban living.

160 Words

Ms Lucky - Article, Report, Review page 3

Write your plan to write a report. Note the points below:
Write what should be improved: living in apartments or in houses – choose one.

Plan: To reflect & evaluate – minimum 3 points

Title Living in High Buildings

Introduction  Apartments are suite of rooms forming one residence in a building
 Apartments are mostly found in the center of the city

Paragraph 2  Close-proximity of neighbours leading to noise issues

Paragraph 3  Limited parking spaces
Paragraph 4  Delayed response to maintenance requests
Closing  Install sound-proof panels to reduce noises
 Adding more parking lots to alleviate parking issues
 Establishing a more responsive maintenance team

Ms Lucky - Article, Report, Review page 4

Living In High Buildings
Apartments are suite of rooms forming one residence in a building. These buildings are mostly found in the centre of the city.
Choosing to live in an apartment brings forth a range of experiences.

The close-proximity of neighbours can lead to noise issues, as well as a lack of privacy when doing every day activities. When
I have visitors, it is not uncommon where they hear the noises of my neighbour shuffling boxes around. Installing sound-proof
panels around the place can help to reduce the noises.

Finding parking can be a hassle, especially in the building where I live in with limited parking spaces. I hope this problem can
be soon fixed where the landlords add more parking lots and expand the parking space.

People living in apartments may experience delays or issues with maintenance requests. I had issues with my toilet being
clogged and I had to wait a day. I hope in the future landlords can establish a more responsive maintenance unit.

In conclusion, I hope the landlords takes action by installing sound-proof panels to minimize noise disturbances, expanding
parking facilities, and enhancing the responsiveness of the maintenance team to resolve maintenance issues.

199 words

Ms Lucky - Article, Report, Review page 5

Write your plan to write a review. Note the points below:
Recommend what should people choose: living in apartments or in houses.

Plan: To offer recommendation to the object / program / event we review

Title Living High Vertically
Introduction  Apartment is a type of residential unit that is typically located within a larger building or complex

Paragraph 2  Studio apartment with one-bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, and living room in an open space
 Basic amenities provided
Paragraph 3  Building is near a market

Paragraph 4  Noisy neighbours

Closing  Good for tolerable and simple people like office workers
 Necessities are mostly provided

Ms Lucky - Article, Report, Review page 6

Living High Vertically
An apartment is a type of residence that is located within a large building. I am in my last year of high school, and I have been
living in this high building for 3 years now.

The place I reside in is a studio apartment with one bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, and living room in a single open space. The
room has already been provided with many amenities like a refrigerator and a study desk. The apartment itself is high-rise.

What I particularly like about the apartment is that it is near a night market. Whenever I want to eat dinner, instead having to
cook, I can just walk 5 minutes and buy food there.

However, the neighbours in my building complex are very noisy. It’s not rare to hear everything what your neighbours do. Most
nights where I try to sleep, I would always hear my neighbours singing and playing their annoying instruments.

I really recommend living in these places for people who are nonchalant and want to live simple lives like office workers or
students like me. Overall, it’s been comfortable. You don’t have to think hard about your necessities because it’s already mostly

198 Words

Ms Lucky - Article, Report, Review page 7

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