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Picture This 5

Writing Prompt 436

Prompt: (Tifa (FF7 Muscular Orc Woman TF)

A boring night at the 7th Heaven Bar typically led to poorly thought out decisions like

this. Despite Cloud’s various warnings, Tifa ignored him in favor of clasping the black market

materia between her fingers. Flourishing her black hair to shoot Cloud a playful grin, she held

aloft the sphere and activated its ability.

A loud ripping noise went through the bar to coincide with the green colored muscles

packing onto Tifa’s body to tear her clothing apart. Growing taller and wider with each passing

second, she let out guttural grunts with each new rip formed in her outfit. Stomping around on

her bulky limbs, she gritted her teeth to show off her tusks as her biceps bulged with extra mass.

Her shirt was completely undone thanks to a combination of her hefty bosom, broadened

shoulders, and a set of abs you could sharpen a blade on. Flexing her tones buttocks to remove

what remained of her shorts, she made her way over to Cloud.

Narrowly avoiding dragging the two horns attached to her head against het ceiling, she

approached Cloud with a glint in her eyes. Showing off her muscles and toothy grin, she towered

over him as she gestured towards her bedroom. “You. Me. Fuck. Now,” she proclaimed, feeling

little fight back from Cloud as she lifted him up with one arm and carried him up the stairs to

show him what a muscle headed orc girl could do.

Writing Prompt 437

Prompt: (Female Hippo TF)

With the app loaded up and the piles of legal work out of the way, the scientists asked

Henrietta to step up to them. She had signed up for the experiment under the guise of testing out

a new photo app. Although it violated the important rule of informing the subject of the nature of

a test, the scientists considered it a necessary evil. Holding up the phone, the head scientist

informed Henrietta to stand still and then pressed the button.

Henrietta slim features became lost beneath the layers of fluffy blubber that encased her

body. Not stopping at just making her weight sky rocket, the app further morphed her body by

getting rid of her hands and feet in favor of hooves to force her down on all fours. Stumbling

around left her belly to jiggle around her undercarriage. The glasses on her face nearly fell off

only to be caught by her mouth as it widened out into a massive maw with enormous teeth to

match. As Henrietta’s form began to stabilize, the scientists took note of the added pudge

focused around her rear that lifted up her fleshy stub of a tail.

Henrietta’s transformation had very little of her old form, save for her head of black hair,

and the remnants of her shirt stretched around her ton of mass. While the other scientists

recorded everything from her weight to her vitals, she just stared at them with a curious gaze.

She asked them when they were going to start the test. The head scientists that the test was

already over, taking a mental note of the efficiency of the app’s ability to suppress a subject’s

awareness. Instructed by the tester to go wait in the lobby for the results, Henrietta stomped her

way down the hall to help herself to the trough of lettuce someone had left for her. Maybe with a

full stomach, the ravenous hippo could figure why she was at the lab for in the first place.
Writing Prompt 438

Prompt: (Female Hyper Butt, Breast, Hair, and Cock Growth)

Having been told about Chastity’s condition beforehand could do little prepare Tiffany

for their meeting. Chastity’s arrival was heralded by the surprised gasps of pedestrians as they

beheld her enormous curves as they jostled about with each step. As striking as her appearance

was, Chastity only seemed to care about brushing back her enormous mane of blonde hair to

shoot her friend a smile. Though Tiffany attempted to return the expression, she wondered if it

was even possible for her to be seen past the enormous, five foot cock jutting out from Chastity’s


As the two met in the middle of the park, Tiffany decided to broach the topic of

Chastity’s condition. The blonde stated the obvious that she had been one of the unlucky few to

be infected with the hyper virus. Despite the circumstance, she was upfront with telling Tiffany

that it didn’t worry her too much. Though she did mention her dick’s knack for releasing its seed

at inopportune times.

Right on cue, a swift breeze going through the air made Chastity’s manhood shudder.

Already knowing what was coming didn’t leave Tiffany any time to get out of the way. A

splurge of pink-tinted cum spurted out of the tip of Chastity’s cock and completely drenched her

friend. Though it was disgusting, Chastity tried to sate her friend’s fears with the explanation that

only a very small percentage of the population was susceptible to the disease.

The moment of relief on Tiffany’s face was completely undone as her skirt was lifted up

the by formation of her own, monstrous cock. So busy staring at her growing member, she barely

paid attention to her breasts and butt bursting out of her clothing as they hurried to match her
new genitalia’s proportions. Left as a mirror image of Chastity, Tiffany pushed back the thick

purple hair draped over her head to shoot a reassuring smile towards the worried Chastity.

Taking a moment to take in her new body, Tiffany reassured her friend it was fine. At least now

she wouldn’t have to suffer alone.

Writing Prompt 439

Prompt: (Imp Midna (Zelda) Fat Dragoness TF)

Motivated by the slight chance that the temple would hold the ability to return her to her

true form, the impish Midna floated far ahead of Link. Though he tried to shout at her to hold up,

there was little he could do to stop her from reaching out towards the strange orb in the center of

the room. Holding up the sphere between diminutive fingers, she bared her fangs with a glint in

her yellow eyes as she let the power flow through her body.

Things started out fine, drastically increasing Midna’s height to make her tower over

Link by several feet. However, she began to realize something was off as a bulbous gut bulged

out of her midsection. Wobbling about her belly as her bosom expanded with similar bulk, she

shot a worried look at Link. Turning away from his awestruck expression, Midna looked over

her shoulder to gaze upon her expanding derriere. Watching her rump continue to swell under the

effects of the orb, it was only once she saw the reptilian tail sliding down her plump butt cheeks

did she figure out what was happening to her.

Looking away just as a pair of leathery wings sprouted from her back, Midna looked past

her chubby thighs to gaze upon the clawed talons that were now her feet. Grasping at her pudgy

flesh with her newly acquired claws, she winced at the strange feeling of the softness being

cradled by the numerous scales that coated her body. Flickering her pointed ears and looking past

her maw of sharp teeth, she began to run towards Link. Tripping over her own tail, she landed on

the floor with an impact that shook the very foundations of the temple. Lifting up her thick neck

to gaze upon the look of worry on Link’s face, she didn’t know what was worse: being stuck as
an overweight dragoness or having to suffer through the admonishments that would follow when

they managed to squeeze her enormous body out of the temple.

Writing Prompt 440

Prompt: (Female Pear Expansion)


The pair of pears looked on par with their price tag. They were odd to say the least, their

green skin occasionally pulsing with some strange force. Despite the odd appearance, Madelyn

and Rahmiya both realized there was little they could d since they lost their receipt somewhere a

the grocery. Adjusting her wide rimmed glasses, Madelyn wondered if the tainted fruit would do

anything other than make them sick. Pushing back her curtain of dark brown hair, Rahmiya

replied by grasping one of the pairs and taking a bite. Judging by the pleased expression on

Rahmiya’s face, Madelyn copied the motion with her red hair and took a nibble of the fruit.

Enamored with the flavor, Madelyn managed to gobble the whole thing down before she

noticed what was happening to her girlfriend. Madelyn’s jaw dropped as she watched

Rahymiya’s skin turn into a blinding shade of green. Her worry grew alongside Rahymiya’s

backside as it swelled up. Not to be outdone, the rest of Rahymiya’s body packed on green tinted

pounds to complete her visage into a bell-shaped blob of fat.

Madelyn barely had time to notice the juice leaking through the remains of Rahmiya’s

shirt before her own body began to grow. Matching her girlfriend in both size and skin color,

Madelyn wobbled about on her widening rear for lack of a better way to stop her condition.

Feeling herself plump up with the same juice, she watched as the liquid began to trickle out of

her shirt and caress the folds of her belly before sinking between the valley of her thick thighs.

When the pair of women’s body finally stopped growing, they were left barely able to

move with their blobby legs tightly pinned down by their massive backsides. Managing to shake

about their wealth of ass fat, the two of them managed to shuffle up to one another. While their
puffed up cheeks prevented them from speaking anything other than muffled grunts, they both

had a similar idea in mind.

Pressing their pear-like bodies up against one another, they felt their juice begin to trickle

out of their nipples. The process was painfully slow, but it wasn’t like they had any other option.

At the very least, they found strange pleasure in getting to feel up one another’s bloated forms.

Once they reached a movable size, they would be rewarded with an interesting night in bed

alongside all of the pear juice they could drink.

Writing Prompt 441

Prompt: (Anthro Cat Woman to Anthro Whale Shark Woman TF) LINK REMOVED BY


“Heh, what an idiot,” Prytani the cat woman said, scratching at her tan fur as she watched

the video of a human getting bit by a wereshark. “You have to be pretty stupid to let yourself get

attacked by one of those things.”

Prytani’s self-indulgence took a pause to acknowledge the massive splash coming from

below the pier. Looking her shoulder, her tail stood on end as she watched a massive whale shark

leap out of the water. Its mouth latched onto the cat girl’s plump posterior, using it as leverage to

hoist her into the air. While the bite wasn’t painful with the shark’s flattened teeth, Prytani only

had to see the way the fur around her legs was beginning to turn black to realize the universe had

come back to literally bite her in the ass.

Released from the beast’s grasp, Prytani landed on the dock with a loud thump. The

impact had been softened by layers of extra fat being added to her backside to go along with her

fur being replaced with black and white scales. Her lanky tail straitened out and developed a fin

that swung wildly against her massive butt as she continued to grow upwards and outwards.

Going far beyond ten feet in height and 1000 pounds in weight, Prytani’s screams for help

became louder as her mouth widened out to match the very shark that had bit her.

When the dust settled, Prytani was left standing on a rickety dock that at any moment

would send her whale shark body down into the depths below. Worried about accruing both

mental and monetary damage from the dock owners, she began to carefully stomp her way

towards solid land. Trying to ignore the tourists pulling out their phones to record her

predicament, Prytani made a futile attempt to cover her massive head with her hands.
Writing Prompt 442

Prompt: (Futa Bayonetta)

Strolling out of the bathroom, Bayonetta put on her glasses to get a good look at the view

provided to her by her luxurious hotel room. Flicking the water out of her short hair, she took in

the sight of the white sands and blue waves with a satisfied sigh. While she was looking forward

to lounging on the beach, there was another form of relaxation she wanted to take care of first.

Removing her robe with a flourish, she sat down on a chair to behold the thing between

her legs. Judging by the cock’s eight inch length and equally girthy thickness, Bayonetta

assumed that the spell had been of high quality. Making a mental note to thank Jeanne for the

recommendation, she wrapped her fingers around her shaft and started to masturbate.

While she had done her fair share of handjobs, never had she ever experienced it

firsthand. The slow pace of her fingers helped her ease into the new feeling of pleasure, each

stroke and jostle of her testicles sending shivers through her body. Upping the speed of her

motions, she let out soft moans as she got closer and closer to her release.

Bayonett’s climax brought forth a drizzle of semen to slide down her manhood and onto

the floor. Leaning back in her chair, she let the leftover euphoria take hold of her. Paying a

passing glance to the stain on the carpet, she shrugged it off as just another expense for her

vacation. She would gladly pay the staff for the damages, along with any other stains she

accumulated during her stay at the resort with her new toy.
Writing Prompt 443

Prompt: (Stretchy/Elastic Female TF)

Madelyn didn’t know quite what to make of the letter left behind by her girlfriend.

Holding it up to the light, she pushed back her red hair and adjusted her glasses as she read over

the message once more. Above a series of strange words was an explanation saying the letter

contained a spell intended to help Madelyn relax and unwind while she was left alone for the

weekend. More than a little curious, Madelyn cleared her throat and rattled off the incantation.

The last words that left Madelyn’s mouth sent a tingling sensation through her body.

Craning her neck down to try and get an idea of what was going on, she surprised herself as her

head continued to stretch down until her scalp grazed against the floor. Twisting her head

around, she saw the rest of her body stretch out like her neck as it seemed to lose any sense of

firm shape. Collapsing upon her jelly-like limbs, Madelyn became engulfed by her shirt and


Struggling to make sense of her rubber-like body, she tried to free herself from her fabric

embrace. With a little effort, she managed to slither herself out of the clothes and onto the center

of the living room. A few more minutes spent winding her body around like taffy, Madelyn’s

initial panic was gradually overwhelmed with wonder with each twist and turn of her stretchy


Unable to stop a grin from forming on her face as she realized her body’s increased

sensitivity, she knew what she had to try. Stretching out her arm, she let her fingers elongate to

rub against her womanhood and anus. A mere flick was enough to force a moan from her mouth
and make her limber limbs flail about. Waiting a moment for her body to recover from a small

taste of what was to come, Madelyn settled in for a weekend of strange, stretchy pleasure.
Writing Prompt 444

Prompt: (Lucy and Erza (Fairy Tail) Inflatable TF)

The atmosphere at the Fairy Tail guild took on a more eerie turn as soon as the stranger

walked in. Despite his unsettling appearance of his dark hood and the monochrome eye painted

across his forehead, he came bearing a friendly smile. Upon his request to join the guilds, two of

the strongest wizards of the organization stepped forward. Erza flung back her red hair as she

accepted the stranger’s request, but only after he showed off his abilities. Upon hearing the

blonde haired Lucy repeat the demand for a demonstration, the stranger merely nodded his head

and held his hands aloft.

A pair of energy bolts flew from the man’s fingertips and struck Erza and Lucy. The two

women’s lithe bodies began to swell up as their feet were lifted off of the ground. Exceeding the

sizes of beer kegs, the most the bloated beauties could manage to do with flail their limbs about

as they bounced up against the ceiling. Tossing and turning, they noticed the set of spouts that

had emerged from their swollen tummies that gave them look like overinflated character


The stranger began to apologize profusely upon seeing the panicked expression on the

women’s faces. Promising to put them in a better form, he held his hands up against to cast

another spell. Unfortunately for Erza and Lucy, one slight miscalculation sent the wrong spell

hurtling towards them.

As the helium in their bodies was replaced with regular oxygen, their bodies took on a

more rubber-like consistency. Reaching the ground, their feet were forced together, and their

arms were fused to their torsos. The angry shouts they threw at the stranger were silenced as their
mouths were forced into the shape of wide, toothy smiles not unlike the stranger’s own. Left to

blankly stare at the stranger, the pair of inflatable toys that were Erza and Lucy were quite

grateful to see their fellow guild members surround him. Pulling at his collar, the stranger

promised to change them back…when he could remember how to reverse the effects.
Writing Prompt 445

Prompt: (Catgirl Belly Expansion)

Leaning dangerously close over the handrails, Lida’s cat girl nature kept her eyes glued

to the sight of the cream puffs being filled below. Her pointed ears perked up in-case someone

discovered her intrusion into the factory, leaving her tail to excitedly sway back and forth at the

thought of getting to try the pure cream. Mouth watering at the sight of the delicious pastries, her

attention became divided between continuing to watch the machines below and trying to figure

out how to best snatch up a sample. Her blissful ignorance proved to be her downfall as the bar

holding her up finally gave way and sent her plummeting onto the conveyor belt.

Knocking away cream puffs in the process, Lida rubbed at her forehead. Shaking her

ears, she attempted to crawl off of the belt only to accosted by a set of mechanical hands. Though

she tried to struggle, what little fight her lithe body could put up was futile against the machine’s

might. Trying to call for help, her mouth was plugged up by the nozzle that had entranced her

mere moments before. Ears picking up the sound of liquid rushing towards her, she braced

herself to get exactly what she wanted.

The cream came pouring down her throat like a raging waterfall. Though the taste was

exquisite, she didn’t have much time to enjoy it as it poured down her throat with each chug

from the nozzle. Forced to swallow one more mouthful after another, she could feel her tiny

body beginning to stretch in an attempt to hold all of the excess cream.

Lida let out a muffled yelp as she felt the mechanical arms pull down her pants to allow a

second nozzle to press up against her anus. A moan was drowned out by a mouthful of cream as

the nozzle was pushed inside of her body to fill her from the other side. The combination of the
two cream fillers expedited her belly as it swelled to contain the sweetness. Feeling herself go

past her limits of being full, she let her limbs go weak as she enjoyed the strange pleasure of her

holes being filled and her gut continuing to stretch. It was only once her belly reached a size

comparable to a woman pregnant with triplets did the arms seem fit to release her from their


Lida landed to the tune of a small burp parting her lips. Rolling over onto her side, her

fingers massaged her swollen orb in an attempt to ease her indigestion. Her efforts brought forth

a surge of leftover cream to linger on her tongue and dissuade any further movement. Left to lay

on the conveyor belt to bask in the aftermath of her firsthand experience with the cream filler,

her only option was to wait until someone discovered her. When the time came, she hoped they

would allow her to keep at least some of her free sample.

Writing Prompt 446

Prompt: (Mt. Lady (My Hero Academia) Kaiju TF)

Flung through the air, Mt. Lady’s fall was cushioned by a nearby skyscraper. Sitting

herself up, she stared towards Gigantomachia as he continued his rampage towards her. Even her

lofty height had mean nothing to the gigantic terror. If she was going to stand any chance of

beathing him, she knew what she had to do.

Sifting around in her pockets, she managed to fish out a barrel that had thankfully

survived the scuffle. Though the container was small in comparison to her 67 foot body, she

could still make out the words “Experimental” written across in bright red letters. When it had

been given to her, it was supposed to be a last resort. With both her life and lives of countless

civilians at stake, she threw caution to the wind and tossed the barrel into her mouth.

Swallowing the experimental liquid washed away her weariness as her body filled with

an electric like pulse of energy. Picking herself up off the ground, the adrenaline pulsing through

her veins helped her to ignore the bright blue scales spreading across her skin. Using her newly

acquired claws to help pick herself up, she shuddered with anticipation as her already massive

body went through a growth spurt.

Surpassing 100 feet, her body added on a bulging gut to better show off her scaly flab. At

200 feet, a tail lined with spikes slunk between her massive ass cheeks to sweep away the debris

of her fall. 300 feet forced the top of her suit to stretch to accommodate her engorged, scaley

breasts as well as the vicious looking spikes that jutted from her back. Reaching past 400 feet,

the energy began to waver, but not before forcing her costume’s fake horns to burst apart to

make way for a set of real ones that curved out of her skull. Stopping at a size over 500 feet in
height, Mt. Lady grinned with her maw of sharp teeth and began stomping over towards a

terrified Gigantomachia for round 2.

Writing Prompt 447

Prompt: (Female Fat Cow Girl TF)


Pushing back her purple hair, Bonnie swiveled her bespectacled eyes back and forth in

search of her next target. Having a history of strange diets, she had put herself on a mission to

achieve her all dairy diet. Though she had been successful in maintaining her meals, she felt like

there was something missing from her routine. She found her answer as she walked out of the

grocery aisle and saw a sales clerk with a wide smile that advertised a new, milk based

nutritional drink. Not one to turn down a free sample, Bonnie graciously accepted the bottle and

guzzled it down in matter of seconds.

Wiping her face clean of stray drops of milk, she turned to the clerk to ask for more, only

for a deep moo to burst forth from her lips. Continuing to try and speak brought out more bovine

noises. The strange calls were demoted to a secondary concern as Bonnie’s belly surged forward

to tear apart her clothing. As the rest of her body fattened up with equally heavy flab, her skin

took on a tone of black and white splotches.

Easily surpassing 800 pounds, she continued to morph to further undo her rigorous

dieting. A lanky tail ending in a poof of purple hair emerged from her backside to swing against

her wide derriere. The stomp of her hooved feet sent ripples all the way through her chunky

thighs to flicker the flattened ears on her head. Amidst swaying about her nubby horns and

jostling around her heavy bosom, her attention was directed to a massive lump emerging from

beneath her gut. Holding up her stomach, she let out a deafening moo as she beheld her pink,

swollen udder, and its set of four teats.

Turning her attention away from the milk leaking from her udder and breasts, Bonnie let

out a series of moos at the clerk in an attempt to understand what was going on. The sales clerk

nervously stammered out a quick explanation about a small percentage of the population having

adverse reactions to the milk. Before Bonnie could inquire further, the man ran off down the

aisle with the promise of going to grab a manager. Left to stand in the aisle with a growing

crowd of people coming to see her new body, the cow girl let out a sigh and helped herself to a

droplet of her milk. At the very least, she had to admit it tasted pretty good.
Writing Prompt 448

Prompt: (BBW Squashing)

The heavy stomps coming down the office corridor let everyone know that the new

employee’s fate had been sealed. Peeking out of their cubicles, the workers couldn’t help staring

as Jennifer waddled about her hefty form. Despite the ill-fitting jacket around her plump torso,

the short skirt showing off plenty of her fat ass, and the torn leggings revealing her pudgy thighs,

not a single soul dared to ridicule the head of the department. The office’s silence under the

deafening sound of Jennifer’s steps spelled the end for the new girl, Winona.

Taking the scrawny woman between her pudgy fingers, Jennifer proceeded to force her

face down into the seat of a desk chair. Beginning to life her head up, Winona was forced back

as Jennifer brought the entirety of her weight upon her. Wobbling about on her butt cheeks to

ensure the new girl was properly smothered, Jennifer flung back her ponytail and rolled over to

her desk to get started on the day’s work.

It was only once the lunch bell rang did Jennifer release Winona from her grasp. As the

overweight office worker lifted herself up, she turned back to grimace at her seat cushion.

Admonishing Winona for her constant squirming, Jennifer let out a huff before she began

waddling over to the cafeteria.

As soon as Jennifer was out of sight, another office worker came rushing to Winona’s

side. She attempted to help with the poor girl’s appearance, but she had learned a long time ago

that it was a futile effort. Trying to comfort Winona by telling her that she would get used to

Jennifer’s ways, the office worker bid her goodbye and went with the others off to lunch.

Lingering in the office, Winona finally allowed herself to breath. Despite being freed

from Jennifer’s posterior, her chest still rose and fell at an expedient pace from the leftover
adrenaline. Fixing up her hair and trying to console herself, she put back on her modest

demeanor before proceeding forward. Her charade had only a momentary break as she stepped

into the cafeteria to see Jennifer loading up a massive plate of food. Hiding her grin behind her

hand, Winona couldn’t wait to get back to work with her new favorite boss.
Writing Prompt 449

Prompt: (Female Fairy Fart Inflation)

Passing by glowing flowers and a herd of grazing unicorns, Tailee the pint-sized fairy

made her way to the center of the enchanted forest. The foot high woman stared in awe at the

lady sitting in the rock before her, with wings similar to her own, but standing at a height

comparable to the humans she had heard of from legend. Daring to approach Quena, Empress of

the fairies, Tailee made a deep bow of respect. Upon being acknowledged by her ruler, Tailee

asked if there was anything she could do for her.

Quena opened her mouth to speak only to be interrupted from an unruly groan from her

stomach. Before Tailee could ask what the sound was, Quena quickly wrapped her up in a

collection of vines. Inquiring if the miniscule woman would be willing to help her purify her

body, Quena was pleased to see Tailee accept without a second thought. Grateful for her

subject’s loyalty, Quena turned herself around to have her butt face the fairy. Another snap of the

empress’s fingers extended a vine from her anus to shove itself into Tailee’s mouth.

Thanking Tailee for her help, Quena proceeded to let out a loud BRRAAAAAAPPPP

that sent a cloud of flatulence down the fairy’s throat. Forced to swallow up the noxious fumes,

Tailee’s first instincts were to try and struggle free. However, as several more farts made their

way down her throat, Tailee began to feel her body go numb. She became inundated with

Quena’s flatulence, her tongue growing used to each burst of gas and her nose becoming

acclimated to the rancid odor. No longer struggling, the fairy simply floated there and accepted

everything her ruler gave to her.

Letting out the last of her gas with a prolonged PPPHRRRRRRRRTTTTTT, Quena

finally saw fit to release Taillee from her bonds. Hovering over the tiny woman, Quena couldn’t’

help stifle a chuckle as she noticed that Tailee had developed a small potbelly from their

encounter. Poking her finger into Tailee’s tummy forced the tiny woman to belch out some of the

noxious gas Quena had so kindly gifted her. Meeting her ruler with a content smile, Tailee

shivered from her leftover euphoria as Quena gently patted her on the head to congratulate her on

a job well done.

Writing Prompt 450

Prompt: (SSBBW Sumo Ryuko (Kill La Kill))

It had all started as a means to help Mako and her family get a head in life. Ryuko had led

the charge in starting up a fight club at Honnoji Academy, only to be rejected for lack of proper

structure. Wracking their brains for a way to work around Satsuki’s rules, Ryuko and Mako

found a solution by rebranding their group as a sumo wrestling club. When they were approved

and given the necessary funding and supplies, they never could have guessed just how far they

would need to go.

A full year after the club’s creation, Ryuko found herself approaching the center ring for

the inter-school play offs. She moved at a glacial pace, expected considering her flabby body had

exceeded over 1000 pounds long ago. Making her way over to the ring, she paid little mind to the

way the audience gawked at her set of engorged, bare breasts as they sagged against their

bulging stomach. For lack of a proper uniform, the only form of clothing on her body was

Senketsu, his body modified into a loincloth to cover up her undercarriage and wrap around her

elephantine butt cheeks. Reaching the center of the arena, she lifted up her blubbery leg and

slammed it onto the ground. The impact sent ripples through her fat and nearly threated to undo

her top knot haircut.

Over the roar of the crowd, Ryuko could hear Mako screaming with all of her might to

cheer her on. Swiveling her thickened neck to the side to find her friend, she spread a smirk

across her chubby cheeks. Mako had taken up an entire section of the venue, a necessary

accommodation for her massive blobby body. Despite the thousands of pounds of flesh weighing

her down, Mako showed little hesitation in jiggling it about in support of Ryuko.
Turning away from the sight of Mako’s multiple chins shaking with each cheer, Ryuko

faced down her opponent. As soon as the bell rung, she ran towards the unfortunate soul. The

match would be over in a matter of seconds, but it would be more than enough to show off the

true power of the Honnoji Academy Sumo Club.

Writing Prompt 451

Prompt: (Muscular Pregnant Dog Woman)

Talk amongst the bar went dead silent as the door was slammed open. Standing in the

doorway appeared to be a man with the head of a grey furred Great Dane. The mean look in his

eyes above his drooping jowls went along with his set of bulging biceps and intimidating bulk. A

heavily stained wife beater was stretched across his upper torso, his sweat further drenching the

garment. The presence of a bulging gut covered in bristles of black fur did little to take away

from the dog man’s aura of viciousness. Upon hearing some bar patrons wincing at whiff of his

bushy arm pit hair, the dog man let out a growl and glared at them.

Moments before things got ugly, the dog man was pushed back by a much smaller one

resembling a Keeshond. Standing at half the height, the fluffy, white dog’s friendly smile did

wonders of easing the bar’s atmosphere. Taking the bigger dog man’s hand, the smaller one

dragged him over to the bar.

“Sorry if we’ve caused a ruckus,” the small dog said. “My wife gets a little ornery when

we travel. Especially since she’s carrying a litter of pups.”

“You…don’t say,” the bartender replied, he and the other customers trying to hide their

amazement. “Is there anything I can help you with?”

“Yeah, can we use your restroom? We still have a ways to go and my wife has to milk

her breasts.

The dog woman’s former ferocity took a hit as a blush across her face. “You don’t have

to say it out loud,” she said.

“Sorry, honey,” the dog man replied, unflinchingly rubbing his face against her sweaty

body. “Let’s get you cleaned up and back on the road. Don’t want to be late for the baby


“True,” the dog woman replied, following her husband’s lead past the stunned patrons

towards the restroom.

Writing Prompt 452

Prompt: (Hex Maniac (Pokémon) Weight Gain)


It all began so innocently. In the hopes of training her Gastly to be among the best of her

ghost Pokémon, Jenna the Hex Maniac had tasked it with collecting snacks leftover from a

nearby festival. Eager to please, Gastly far exceeded her expectations as it brought forth a

massive horde of snacks. Pleased with her Pokémon’s results, Jenna paid little mind to the

crumbs collecting on her black dress and her swelling potbelly as she ate every last bite.

Jenna continued her Gastly’s unorthodox training method several times over, each time

tasking it with bringing her more and more snacks. Though her efforts allowed her Pokémon to

evolve into a Haunter to better carry food, it had come at the cost of making her weight

skyrocket. Not that she seemed to mind, content to binge away on every haul of food despite her

expanding waistline and the breakneck speed at which she outgrew her outfits.

By the time Jenna’s Gastly had fully evolved into a Gengar she had gone far past the

point of no return. She spent her days lounging in her house, repeatedly sending out her Gengar

to gather up more snacks. Taking up the entirety of the couch with her double-wide rear, she

happily chowed down on every morsel of food that she could wrap her pudgy fingers around.

Any bits of food that fell out of her chubby cheeks tumbled down her thick chin to nestle

themselves between the cleavage of her enormous breasts.

Returning from its latest trip, Jenna’s Gengar couldn’t help grimacing at the way her

sizable belly pulled at her XXXXL dress. Eyes glancing over its Snorlax-sized trainer, Gengar

looked past her unkempt, black hair to see a content smile on her face. Upon being asked if

something was wrong by Jenna, the Gengar just shook its head. Accepting a head pat from her
meaty hands as thanks for its work, it phased through the wall to go out into town in search of

more food to keep its trainer fat and happy.

Writing Prompt 453

Prompt: (Male to Female Shorstack TF)


“Right this way, Mr. Lorenzo,” the stage hand said, quickly shoving the male model

backstage and handing him a purple cocktail dress. “Get changed as fast as you can. We’re about

to start any moment.”

Before Lorenzo could have a chance to speak up, the stage hand was already sprinting

across the stage to get things in order. Looking at the garment in his hands, Lorenzo wasn’t even

sure it was big enough for him. Shrugging it off as just another excuse to show off his rugged

muscles to the public, he stripped down and began to put on the dress.

As he shimmied himself into the fabric, he found it strangely roomy. That fact remained

true even as his pectorals changed into a set of D-cup breasts that were shown off nicely by the

dress’s cleavage. Lorenzo’s examination of his newly acquired bosom was halted by his body

shrinking down until he was just under four feet in height. As his body was squished down, his

tits were further expanded to match with his much curvier rear. Swinging about his strands of

silky, long hair, what few questions he had about what had happened to his body vanished upon

hearing his name be called to the stage.

Putting on a wide smile, Loreza sauntered out onto the stage to hear the roar of the

crowd. The shortstack of a woman showed off her body and purple dress with each pose, making

sure everyone could appreciate her beautifully compact form. Taking her spot under the

spotlight, Loreza got ready to use this modeling event to truly skyrocket her career.
Writing Prompt 454

Prompt: (Darkness (Konosuba) Weight Gain and Burping)

Low on cash and options, Kazuma and the others had accepted an odd offer from a

paranoid prince concerning a haul of gifts. Afraid that one of his many suitors was seeking to

poison him, he asked the group if anyone would be willing to test the chocolate for tampering.

While the others wisely stepped back, Darkness confidently strode forward and pressed her hand

against her chest to volunteer for the task.

Led into the prince’s chambers, Darkness’s eyes gleamed at the enormous mountain of

chocolate boxes that awaited her. Pushing back her ponytail of blonde hair, she set to work

shoving one confectionary into her mouth after another. The rest of Kazuma’s group stood by

along with the prince, watching as the holy warrior did her duty with utmost diligence. The

prince shed a tear in respect for Darkness’s bravery, unable to see that the others were well aware

of the true purpose of their companion’s job.

Scarfing down chocolate at break neck speed, the thought of dying heroically to an

assassin’s poison kept Darkness distracted from the weight getting packed onto her body. It was

only once her expanding belly popped off her armor was she forced to acknowledge her added

fat. Rather than stop, she upped her efforts to swallow up as many sweets as she could as she

fondled the fabric straining to contain her expanding bosom. Rolling around her widened rear

through the empty wrappers, her sausage-like fingers worked double duty sifting through to grab

any pieces of chocolate she may have missed.

As the 800 pound, pudgy paladin ate through the last few boxes, her wild eating became

dispersed with the sounds of various burps. Face turning redder with each BWOOORRRRRPPP
and UUUUURRRRPPPP that spouted from her chubby cheeks, she willingly pounded against

her exposed, blubbery mid-section to produce more belches. Looking over the disgraced

Darkness make a complete pig of herself, the prince began to sob. Steeling himself, he stood up

to salute her for ingesting whatever piece of cursed chocolate had made her like this. Waiting for

Darkness to let out the last of her gas bubbles, Kazuma’s group began to ponder how they would

return her to normal, let alone get her out the door.
Writing Prompt 455

Prompt: (Samus (Metroid) Ridley TF, Pregnancy, and Egg Laying)

The mission took an immediate turn for the worse as Samus lost her varia suit mere

moments after infiltrating the Space Pirate base. Left with just her zero suit and blaster for

defense, she pressed on deeper into the facility. Though she was more than prepared to fight to

the death, the moment she stepped into the innermost chamber there was little she could do to

avoid Ridley’s tail as is scratched her arm. Reeling back from the impact, she momentarily

glanced away from the monstrous creature to see a strange, blue goo clinging to her wound.

Upon closer examination, Samus watched as the mystery liquid dissolved into her skin.

Moments later, the blue coloring came back in full force in the form of blue scales that spread

across the entirety of her body. To go along with her new complexion, she developed a set of

fearsome claws, leathery wings, and a reptilian tail that ended in a vicious spike. What remained

of her suit was further torn apart as her body drastically increased in height and mass to mimic

that of Ridley. With her head stretching into a wide maw of jagged teeth, Samus confirmed that

she had become a mirror image of her arch enemy. Unfortunately for her, the changes were far

from over.

Her pair of breasts that had somehow survived her changes went through a growth spurt

to match her massive size. The engorging of her teats wasn’t just for show, as evidenced by the

spouts of milk that leaked from her nipples. Just as her boobs grew too heavy, her belly surged

forward in size to catch both them and the trails of milk. Grasping a claw against her swollen gut,

she shivered as she felt a collection of lumps inside. Judging by Ridley’s unsettling grin, she

could tell what came next.

Samus let out a loud roar as she felt her body shiver. Getting into a squatting position, her

body became filled with a mix of pleasure and pain she was forced to lay an oblong egg. The

first of her unborn children was followed by one after another, each release coming with a

euphoric moan from the reptilian bounty hunter’s mouth.

Watching his greatest foe reduced to nothing more than a breeder, Ridley took a few

steps closer to get a better look. His transfixed gaze left him completely unaware as Samus

swung her tail right at his face. Knocking him unconscious with a single blow, she tried to get

comfortable as another clutch of egg were squeezed out. Once she was finished, she would have

to make sure to thank Ridley for the strange pleasure and a brood of children to call her own.
Writing Prompt 456

Prompt: (Female Gassy Blueberry Expansion)


Pacing back and forth through his house, Jonathan wondering where his wife, Melinda

was. After 15 years of marriage, he had learned to trust her and her need to do her best at the

company. A busy work day would explain her absence, but he found it hard to believe that she

wouldn’t even answer her phone. Just as the worrying thoughts started to overflow in his mind,

he heard something roll into the garage. Thinking it was Melinda parking the car, he fixed up his

hair and opened the door to greet her.

Jonathan’s grooming was immediately undone by a blast of warm air hitting him in the

face. Powering through the strong odor of blueberries, he opened his eyes to see an enormous,

blue sphere sitting before him. Stretched around the car-sized orb were Melinda’s suit pieces,

each one holding on to dear life. Walking over to the other side of the object, he was left

dumbfounded upon seeing Melinda’s puffed up face above her pair of bloated, blue breasts.

“Melinda? Is that you?”

“Yes, it’s BWOOOOOORRRRPPP me,” she belched, her breath carrying the same

pleasant odor as her previous fart. “I was given a UURRPP sample from the RD department for a

nutritional drink.” Scrunching up her face, she released a prolonged PHHHRRRRRTTTTT from

her swollen rear to further embed the stench of blueberries into the garage and slosh the juice

inside of her body. “Needless to say, I think it needs some tweaking.”

“Perhaps we need to look at it another way,” Jonathan commented, his business brain

taking over to make up for his initial shock. “What if we market it as an organic air freshener?”
“That just might BWOOOOOORRRPP work,” Melinda replied with a smile. “Come here


Holding out his arms, Jonathan embraced what he could of his blueberry wife. Squeezing

her taut body released a deluge of gas from both of her ends. Powering through a blueberry

scented belch, Jonathan pressed his lips up against Melinda for a kiss to celebrate their upcoming

business venture.
Writing Prompt 457

Prompt: (BBW Widowmaker (Overwatch))


The sunny skies and blue waves should have made for the perfect vacation for Tracer

after a long series of missions. However, she couldn’t stop thinking of the results of their final

job. Sure they had saved Widowmaker from her brainwashing, but it came with a few side

effects that were less than savory.

Following the sound of heavy footsteps, Tracer turned around to see Widowmaker

waddling her way down the beach. A skimpy bikini left nothing to obscure her pudgy purple

skin. Between her plump fingers were a pair of ice cream cones that her chubby cheeks were

quite eager to chow down on. A collection of droplets slid down her chins to dip between her

deep valley of cleavage before sinking into the depth of her belly button. Tugging the wedgie out

of her ass crack with her free hand, the former assassin finished off the rest of her ice cream

before flipping away her ponytail of violet hair.

Unable to hold back her guilt, Tracer opened her mouth to ask Widowmaker if she was

feeling alright. The moment eluded her the second Winston pulled out a tub of ice cream from

the cooler. Moving far faster than a woman her size should be able to, Widowmaker barreled

right past Tracer to snatch up the sweet treat. Plopping her massive body onto the beach towel,

she got to work scarfing down the ice cream as fast as she could shovel it into her mouth.

Staring at Widowmaker’s worsening sweets addiction, Tracer didn’t acknowledge

Winston until he placed his furry hand on her shoulder. Assuring her that this was a better

outcome that a cold-hearted assassin, he gave her a wad of cash to go procure another helping of

ice cream to keep the latest member of their crew fat and happy.
Writing Prompt 458

Prompt: (Unicorn Satyr Sexy Times) (Reuploaded with the artist’s


To say Chester was nervous was an understatement. No matter how many times his

girlfriend, Opal said it was okay, his freckled, muscular body couldn’t stop shivering. He had

said how many times he struggled in bed, but she assured him it was okay. After all, she was far

from a normal girl.

Opal’s shimmery eyes combined with the horn on her forehead to give her the enchanting

aura akin to unicorn satyrs like herself. While most of her torso resembled that of a typical

human, one look at the white fur along her lower half and her hooved feet revealed her true

nature. Getting down on her knees, she swished about her tail as she tugged down Chester’s

boxers. Her lustful gaze turned to one of shock; her flattened ears standing on end as she beheld

her boyfriend’s girthy member.

Midway between Chester’s apology for his size, Opal threw caution to the wind and

swallowed up his members. The man’s worries became lost in a sea of pleasure as the satyr

woman sucked and dragged along his shaft with otherworldly expertise. Throughout the entire

process, she kept his eyes locked with his, finding her own form of enjoyment in the way he

twitched and squirmed from his touch. Hearing him let out a cacophonous moan, she swallowed

up what she could of his member. Holding onto his thighs, she proceeded to drink up every drop

of his seed as he released into her mouth.

As Opal finished licking him clean, Chester could already feel his member starting to

regain his rigidity. Though he asked if she wanted a turn next or just to cuddle for a bit, her

response was a sly smile. Leaping forward to bring him to the ground, she climbed across his
chest as she hovered her hips over his groin. Parting the lips of her thick labia with her fingers,

she got him ready to test out her true limits.

Writing Prompt 459

Prompt: (Raven and Terra (Teen Titans) WG)

It only took a month to achieve it, but Raven and Terra had finally discovered their

greatest challenge. They had been through countless harrowing adventures. Everything from

alien invaders, demonic apocalypses, and even a mass cloning outbreak they were still trying to

figure out. However, that all paled in comparison to the challenge of dealing with Starfire’s

obsession with baking sweets.

Sitting in the lounge of Titan’s Tower, Raven and Terra watched from the couch as

Starfire flew towards them with an expectant smile on her face. Held between her palms was a

silver platter of strange and unusual treats. She claimed that they came from a hybrid of

Tamaranian cooking mixed with Earth recipes. Whatever was in the shady snacks, it resulted in

food that was simultaneously delicious and low on nutrition.

Unable to say no to Starfire’s eager grin, Terra and Raven dug into the meal. Each bite

further strained their outfits around their chunky bodies. Terra’s black crop top held back her

engorged breasts at the cost of leaving her blubbery belly free to hang between her legs. Raven’s

leotard managed to contain her flab rolls, but not even her cape could do much to hide her thick

thighs and even thicker ass cheeks. Despite knowing what it would do to them, the pair of young

women scarfed down the snacks as fast as their pudgy fingers could grab them.

Finishing off their snack by licking the platter clean, the pair of obese women were asked

if they would want more. Obeying the call of their ravenous appetites and Starfire’s gleeful

expression, Terra and Raven scrunched up their chins as they nodded. As the Tamaranian flew

off back to the kitchen, the others were left to relax on the couch. As they took their time getting
comfortable, carefully moving around to avoid their fat from ripping apart their clothes again,

they pondered the best way to bring up their weight problem with Starfire. After catching a whiff

of something delicious being baked at that moment, they both agreed to talk more after just one

more helping of Starfire’s sweets.

Writing Prompt 460

Prompt: (Pregnant Robo-Fortune (Skullgirls))

Brain Drain clutched the casing around his head in an attempt to recover from his

dreadful hangover. Rising up from his desk and knocking over his collection of bottles in the

process, all he could think about was getting some aspirin and going to bed. That was until he

turned around to see his most unusual creation looking even stranger than usual.

Robo-Fortune stood at attention, the robotic cat girl’s yellow eyes flickering as she

looked over her creator. Brain Drain felt that something was off as he stared at her pointed ears

and metal hide. The answer became quite obvious as her once slim chassis had somehow gained

a swollen, metal orb the size of a beach ball sticking out of her mid-section.

“BEEP BOOP MEOW is something the matter, creator?” Robo-Fortune asked.

“What is that?” Brain Drain replied, staggering back as he saw her belly jostle around.

“That is my latest addition. Is it intended as a crucial component of my pregnancy.”


“Yes. You initiated the experiment last night after consuming large amounts of alcohol.”

“How is that even possible? You’re not even organic.”

Robo-Fortune thought for a moment. “Data not found. However, my sensors detect that

in approximately one month I will produce triplets.”


“93.7% certain.”

Wincing at the pain that shot through his head, Brain Drain shuffled past his robot. “Ugh,

I’ll deal with this when I’m sober.”

“Creator, please wait. We must prepare for our future children. What wallpaper should

we select for the nursery?”

“I don’t care!” Brain Drain shouted, slamming the door to his room for a well-deserved


“BEEP BOOP MEOW, acknowledged. Cheeseburger wallpapers confirmed.”

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