Adult CPR Scenario

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ADULT CPR SCENARIO #1 Purpose: Management of Cardiac Arrest in an Adult Setup: One Person Rescuer

CPR Scenario #1

You are in the backyard working when you hear your neighbours screaming. You run to the back of the
house, and you notice her 16-year-old son lying on the patio which is blue. Mom is too distraught to help

ADULT CPR SCENARIO #2 Purpose: Management of Cardiac Arrest in an Adult Setup: One Person Rescuer
CPR Scenario #2

You are at soccer practice when you see a 17-year-old boy slump to the ground and is unresponsive. A
bystander is there but does not know CPR. Rescuer Actions

ADULT CPR SCENARIO #3 Purpose: Management of Cardiac Arrest in an Adult Setup: One-Person Rescuer
CPR Scenario #3

You are at an Amusement Park with your significant other. You witness a woman who suddenly appears
to have a seizure, immediately turns blue and is unresponsive. A bystander who does not know CPR is
present. Rescuer Actions

ADULT CPR SCENARIO #4 Purpose: Management of Cardiac Arrest in an Adult Setup: One Person Rescuer
CPR Scenario #4

You are the lunchroom of your work facility. You see a 50-year-old man trip and fall becoming
unresponsive. You have one person who just started employment present.

Scenario 1

You are at a birthday party for your four-year-old niece. The happy chaos comes to a
sudden halt when someone screams that a child is choking on a piece of latex balloon.
You run into the room, just as the young child collapses onto the floor.

Actions taken, in chronological order:

1. Check the area to make sure it’s safe, dry, and free of chemicals
2. Check the child for responsiveness by shaking and asking if they are ok. If not
responsive proceed with CPR
3. Point to someone and tell them to activate EMS and locate a defibrillator but then
return because you may need their help
4. Check the carotid artery to see if she has a pulse
5. Start administering chest compressions; either 30 compressions yourself or 15
yourself and 15 with someone else helping
6. Open her airway by either using the tilted head, chin-lift, or jaw-thrust maneuver
7. Give 2 rescue breaths.
8. Repeat the cycle of compressions and rescue breaths until an EMS arrives, a
defibrillator becomes available, or the child is revived
9. If she starts breathing normally, put her in the recovery position to keep the
airways open

Scenario 2

You are jogging through the park one morning and hear someone scream for help. You
run over to the woman and see a middle-aged man lying on the ground beside her. The
woman says her husband started to have trouble breathing while they were walking, so
they sat down. Seconds later, she said, he collapsed to the ground.

Actions taken, in chronological order:

1. Check the area and make sure it’s safe, dry, and chemical-free.
2. Check the man to see if he is responsive, by tapping on his chest and asking him if
he is ok. If he does not respond continue CPR.
3. Tell the woman to activate the EMS system, and call 911, while you start CPR
4. Position the man face up on the sidewalk and kneel down to begin CPR.
5. Check the carotid artery to see if he has a pulse
6. Start doing 30 compressions.
7. Have the other lady open the airway by using the head-tilt, chin-lift, or jaw-thrust
8. After she is done opening the airway have her give 2 rescue breaths
9. Repeat the cycle of 30 compressions and 2 rescue breaths until a defibrillator
becomes available, EMS shows up, or the patient is revived
10. If he starts breathing normally, help move him into the recovery position

Scenario 3

You are loading the dishwasher while your 10-month-old brother plays in the other room.
You realize that you have not heard any squeals or giggles for a few minutes and go to
check on your brother. Only he is not there. Then you see the backdoor is open. You run
outside and see your brother’s red shirt in the fish pond. You run over and pull him from
the water.

Actions taken, in chronological order:

1. Call 997
2. Check the infant for responsiveness by tapping his feet, if there is no response begin
3. Check the infant’s brachial artery for a pulse
4. Give 30 chest compressions carefully with 2 fingers
5. Open the infant’s airway by positioning its head up
6. Give 2 rescue breaths
7. Repeat the cycle of 30 compressions and 2 rescue breaths until EMS arrives, the
defibrillator is available, and the infant is revived
8. if the infant starts breathing normally, place in the recovery position making sure
airways stay open

Scenario 4

You are watching the high school football team practice. It is a very hot day and the coach
is giving the players extra water breaks. You notice one player on the bench has his head
between his knees like he is about to faint. Then he falls to the ground. Another player
immediately crouches over him, calls his name a few times, and then yells that the young
man has stopped breathing.

Actions taken, in chronological order:

1. Place the boy face up on the ground and kneel down to begin CPR
2. Check the patient for responsiveness by shaking him and asking if he is ok, if there
is no response begin CPR right away
3. Tell one player in particular to activate the EMS system and find a defibrillator
then come back to help give CPR
4. Check his carotid artery for a pulse but be sure not to take longer than 10 seconds
5. Begin 30 chest compressions
6. Other person needs to open the airway by using the head-tilt, chin-lift, or jaw-
thrust maneuver
7. Once the airway is open, give 2 rescue breaths lasting 1 second each and hard
enough to make patients chest rise
8. Repeat cycle of 30 chest compressions and 2 rescue breaths and switch roles every
couple cycles to avoid fatigue
9. Repeat cycle till EMS arrives, defibrillator becomes available, or patient is revived
10. Defibrillator can shock the heart’s rhythm and then you would continue CPR
11. If patient starts breathing normal, help position them in the recovery position


Scenario 1

You are at a birthday party for your four-year old niece. The happy chaos comes to a
sudden halt when someone screams that a child is choking on a piece of latex balloon.
You run into the room, just as the young child collapses onto the floor.
Actions taken, in chronological order:

The first step to be taken would be to make sure the scene is safe. Once it is all clear you
would approach the child and check for a pulse and breathing. If there is no pulse you should
direct someone to call 911 and find an AED, and CPR should be administered giving 30
compressions and two rescue breaths. Once an AED is available someone should attach it
while you continue to give CPR. Use the AED as directed and give a shock if the AED advises
it. Continue CPR until the child regains consciousness or EMS arrive.

Scenario 2

You are jogging through the park one morning and hear someone scream for help. You
run over to the woman and see a middle-aged man lying on the ground beside her. The
woman says her husband started to have trouble breathing while they were walking, so
they sat down. Seconds later, she said, he collapsed to the ground.

Actions taken, in chronological order:

You should direct the woman to call 911 and look for an AED then start giving CPR in 30:2
intervals. When an AED is available it should be attached and used appropriately. CPR
should be given until consciousness is regained or EMS arrive.

Scenario 3

You are loading the dishwasher while your 10-month old brother plays in the other room.
You realize that you have not heard any squeals or giggles for a few minutes and go to
check on your brother. Only he is not there. Then you see the backdoor is open. You run
outside and see your brother’s red shirt in the fish pond. You run over and pull him from
the water.

Actions taken, in chronological order:

After pulling your brother out of the water you should check for responsiveness; breathing and
a pulse. If there is no pulse, CPR should be administered giving 30:2 compressions:breaths.
After 5 cycles of CPR, if consciousness is not regained, you should call 911 then continue
administering CPR. Continue until consciousness is regained or EMS arrive.

Scenario 4

You are watching the high school football team practice. It is a very hot day and the coach
is giving the players extra water breaks. You notice one player on the bench has his head
between his knees like he is about to faint. Then he falls to the ground. Another player
immediately crouches over him, calls his name a few times, and then yells that the young
man has stopped breathing.
Actions taken, in chronological order:

You should approach the boy and check for responsiveness. If there is no pulse you should
inform someone to call 911 and get an AED. Then CPR should be administered in 30:2
intervals. CPR should be continually given until the boy regains consciousness or EMS arrive.

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