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There is no doubt that we helpfully use DNA testing in our lives.

DNA testing has

been considered a key means of achieving success across different parts of life,
including law, healthcare, and personal well-being. This allows us to continue in a
good direction in this world. It starts from our needs to our life requirements.
It is important to realize that DNA testing has advantages and disadvantages for
individuals. While it holds promise in healthcare and crime detection, it also
carries potential ethical and personal concerns.

Firstly, DNA testing benefits healthcare, helping insurance coverage that fits
individuals' genetics and ability to receive the diseases. To illustrate, the
government could offer low-budget insurance to the people who can adapt to the
environment and carry the viruses without any risks. Furthermore, special budget
insurance can be created for people with health risks from birth. However, In
exceptional care hospitals, DNA testing helps analyze and treat rare or uncommon
diseases by tracking unique genetic markers, leading to more exact treatment plans.
Furthermore, this would ensure wide coverage for potential health problems. For
example, If the hospital had to deal with someone with an uncommon situation, They
could follow his disease memory and analyze it. That will makeover all the people's
problems today into the past by avoiding the midical mistakes. However, some
adoptees search for their presence when they grow up. DNA testing is often
necessary for adult adoptees searching for biological parents. Jeffries, &
Mikulecky. (2014. pp. 281-282).

Secondly, DNA testing plays a role in identifying perpetrators of crimes,

especially in cases of unknown murders. With DNA evidence, unsolved cases can be
solved. For example, there are old crimes they find real after 40 years, and the
court takes a decision on that. However, some people believe that DNA testing is
less helpful to justice than we think. To illustrate, People claim that crimnals
are smarter than in the past. They can perfectly erais the evidenc. "Results of
genetic testing may provide information you already know, maybe unhelpful, or may
even be misleading, According to Shmerling, 2021." So, that could take the police
forwred or backward step to the justice.

Finally, some argue that DNA testing can be upsetting and only sometimes helpful.
The invasion of privacy and potential emotional misery caused by finding unexpected
genetic information can be hurting. Moreover, not all DNA testing results offer
actionable senses, showing upgraded stress without providing actual benefits. These
results might affect the people more than help them. Anyway, despite these
problems, when used responsibly, DNA testing is valuable in warning individuals of
potential health risks, enabling proactive actions to deal with these dangers.
Moreover, improvement in moral guidelines and privacy standars are aiming to
balance ethical considerations. To explain, that will make people wider in their
way of thinking with the dresses under some morality.

To sum up, DNA testing can provide benefits and drawbacks for humans. There are two
main advantages to DNA testing, but also one potential disadvantage. DNA testing
absolutely holds massive potential for the evaluation of healthcare and crime
detection. However, believing in and guiding its faults and ethical considerations
is crucial to harnessing its benefits effectively. I suggest the government to
limit the use of DNA testing to the necessary needs.

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