IBM21 SM Session18

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Session 18


Strategic Management
A S S T. P R O F. O F P R A C T I C E ( S T R AT E G Y A R E A )

IBM-2021 (Term VI) O F F I C E H O U R S : T U E S D AY ( F O R S E C - A , 4 : 1 5 P M T O 5 : 1 5 P M )

T U E S D AY ( F O R S E C - B , 1 : 3 0 P M T O 2 : 3 0 P M )
W E D N E S D AY ( F O R S E C - A & B , 1 0 : 0 0 A M T O 1 1 : 0 0 A M )

Today’s Agenda
Strategy Implementation

GROUP EXERCISE-5 : Article discussion

Article [Ethical Breakdowns (]

Bazerman, Max H.; Tenbrunsel, Ann E., Ethical Breakdowns, Harvard Business Review. Apr2011,
Vol. 89 Issue 4, p58-65.


Group work exercise instructions

1. Each group needs to look for a solution/answer/POV based on the article
information/insights for randomly allocated single question.
2. The same question may be randomly allocated to more than one group. Each group
should work separately so at the end we may have different point of view for the same
question and there is a chance for counter arguments, earning an extra mark to group
who raise this. (remember it's not a question to be asked).
3. Each group will get 3 minutes to present their answer/arguments for the allocated
question. (You should be able to finish within time so at end by all groups views for their
respective question, I would be able to provide feedback for individual groups with their
4. To score better focus on (a)Time limit, (b) structure of answer, (c) to-the-point
arguments backed by article facts/information, (d) way of presentation (address the
class don’t just readout.)

Article: Ethical Breakdown

Group work assignment [10 min.]
1. What are the arguments provided for ill-conceived Goals? Explain.
2. What do you understand about motivated blindness? Explain with article examples.
3. What does the article explain about indirect blindness? Describe with a given example.
4. Highlight some examples of the slippery slope. How it becomes a barrier to ethical
5. What are the consequences of Overvaluing outcomes?


Article: Ethical Breakdown

Five Barriers to an Ethical Organization

Thank You!

Any Question?

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