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Deccan Education Society's

Fergusson College (Autonomous), Pune

Department of Computer Science
M.Sc. (CA) - II ( Semester III)
CSA 5311 Computer Applications Practical - IV (Lab Based on Advanced Java)

Dear students,

Specifications for assignment 2, 6, 7 and 9 as follows:

Assignment 2
Q1 To be implemented as command line based menu driven for given operations on database.

Q2 To be implemented as a swing application based menu driven for given operations on database.

Q3 As per the operations given in the question.

Assignment 6

Q3 Instead of welcome.html, students have to show a servlet having a name as welcome. So, and welcome.class to be used.

Assignment 7

Q1 Implementation of JSP error handling mechanism is mandatory to handle division operation related

Demo program related to the JSP error handling mechanism is already explained in the class. Students
have to just include it as part of the assignment as explained.

Assignment 9

Only Q1 is to be implemented.

The all above specifications are already discussed with you during lecture timing.

Concurrent Evaluation (Out of 50) marks evaluation is as follows:-

1) Assignment completion to be evaluated for 50 marks which is to be converted into 10 marks.

2) Viva 20 marks

3) Internal examination 10 marks based on all assignments

4) Attendance 10 marks

The all above CE evaluation marks are already discussed with you in very first lecture
of Advanced Java.

Jeevan Shantaram Limaye

Subject Teacher Advanced Java

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