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Theoretical How to fix Faced Didn’t face

My research not Make sure to either over research for my

matching my production or keep everything to my
production resurch
Not enough responses Reach out to more people to get more
for my surveys responses
Story bords not Re-draw story baord
accurate to film
Missing work Keep a list of all work that is due and tick
it of as I go
Documents don’t work Upload as a PDF or type it out
Practical How to fix Faced Didn’t face
Actors didt show up Keep a list of back up actors and
frequently remind people of dates
Not enough cameras Ask to borrow collages cameras or rent
some from school
Bad whether at Check whether and plan for other
location locations
SD card full/SD card Keep a copy of all work
Forgetting outfits Keeping a track of outfits and conditions
worn in scens
When editing realise Re-do scenes to make sure you have the
you didn’t do a scene perfect take
as you wanted
Camera dies Have a place to plug in or spare batteries
Lighting to dark or to Get artificial light and plan for days
Background noise Edit it out or film in quitter locations
Audio gets ruined Use microphones and re listen to footage

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