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Chapter One Materials Engineering Assist. Lect.

Nagham Altimime
Extraction of Ferrous Metals Materials Extraction Methods 1st Year / 2nd. Semester


3.1 Introduction
Cast iron is the name given to those ferrous metals containing more than1.7 % carbon. It is similar in
composition to crude pig iron as produced by the blast furnace. Its structure is crystalline and relatively
brittle and weak in tension. A typical analysis of product iron is shown in Table 1.

Table 1 - Typical Analysis Range of Cast Iron Composition

Approximate Percentage
Iron (Fe) 93 to 94 %
Carbon (C) 2.5 to 3.7 %
Silicon (Si) 1.0 to 3.0 %
Manganese (Mn) 0.5 to 1.0 %
Phosphorus (Pb) 0.1 to 0.9 %
Sulphur (S) 0.07 to 0.10 %

3.2 Cupola Furnace

The cupola is a most widely used foundry furnace for melting ferrous metals and alloys. Sometimes, it is
also used for melting non-ferrous metals and alloys. Cupola furnace is the cheapest means for converting
pig iron or scrap metal into gray cast iron. The fuel used is a good quality low sulphur coke. Anthracite
coal or carbon briquettes may also be used.

The cupola is a shaft type furnace whose height is three to five times its diameter; it is most widely used
furnace for producing molten gray cast iron. A sketch of a cupola furnace is shown in Fig. 3.1. The shell
is constructed of a steel plate of about 10 mm thick riveted or welded together and that is internally lined
with refractory fireclay bricks. The shell diameter varies from 1 to 2 meters with a height of about three
to five times the diameter
Chapter One Materials Engineering Assist. Lect. Nagham Altimime
Extraction of Ferrous Metals Materials Extraction Methods 1st Year / 2nd. Semester

Fig 3.1 cupola furnace

3.2.1 Operation of Cupola Furnace

The operation of cupola furnace consists of following steps:

1) Preparation of Cupola
2) Firing of Cupola
3) Charging the Cupola:
the charge is fed into the cupola through the charging door. Many factors, such as the charge
composition, affect the final structure of the gray cast iron obtained. The charge is composed of 25% pig
iron, 50% gray cast iron scrap, 10% steel scrap, 12% coke as fuel, and 3% limestone as flux.
These constituents form alternate layers of coke, limestone and metal. Besides limestone,
fluorspar and soda ash are also used as flux material – The function of flux is to remove the
impurities in the iron and protect the iron from oxidation.
4) Soaking of Iron:
After charging the furnace fully, it is allowed to remain as such for about 1—1.5 hr. During this
stage charge slowly gets heated up because the air blast is kept shut this time and due to this the
iron gets soaked.
Chapter One Materials Engineering Assist. Lect. Nagham Altimime
Extraction of Ferrous Metals Materials Extraction Methods 1st Year / 2nd. Semester

5) Starting the Air Blast

The air blast is opened at the end of the soaking period. The top opening is kept closed till the
metal melts and sufficient metal is collected. As melting proceeds, the contents of the charge
move gradually downwards. The rate of charging must be equal to the rate of melting so that the
furnace is kept full throughout the heat.
6) Closing the Cupola
When no more melting is required, the feeding of charge and air blast is stopped. The prop is
removed, so that the bottom plate swings to open. The slag deposited is removed. The cupola can
run continuously as are blast furnace, but in practice it may works when required. The melting
period does not exceed 4 hours in most of the foundries. But, it can be operated continuously for
10 hours or more.

3.2.2 Zones of Cupola Furnace:

The cupola furnace is divided in a number of zones where a number of chemical reactions take
place. The following are the six important zones:

1) Well or Crucible Zone: It is the zone between top of the sand bed and bottom of the tuyeres.
Molten metal collected in this zone.
2) Combination Zone: It is the zone between the top of the tuyeres and a theoretical level above it.
It is also known as oxidizing zone.
Here, the combustion actually done, consuming all the oxygen from the air blast and generates
huge amount of heat. The temperature range for this zone is about 1500°C to 1850°C. The heat
produced in this zone is sufficient to meet the requirements of other zones of cupola.
3) Reducing Zone: It is the zone between the top of the combustion zone and the top level of the
coke bed. It is also known as protective zone.
The Co2 flowing upward through this zone reacts with hot coke and Co, is reduced to Co. Due to
this reaction, the temperature gets reduced to about 1200°C. This zone protects the charge
against oxidation as it has reducing atmosphere in it.
4) Melting Zone: It is the zone between the first layer of metal charge and above the reducing
zone. It is between 300 to 900 mm above the bed charge. The solid metal charge changes to
molten state picks up sufficient carbon in this zone. The temperature attainable in this zone is in
the range of 1600°C to 1700°C.
5) Preheating Zone: It is the zone from above the melting zone to the bottom level of the charging
door. Charging materials are fed in this zone. The charge is preheated to about 1093°C before
they settle downwards to enter the melting zone. It is also known as charging zone.
6) Stack Zone:It is the empty portion of this furnace, which extends from above the charging zone
to the top of the furnace. It carries the hot gases generated within the furnace to the atmosphere.
Chapter One Materials Engineering Assist. Lect. Nagham Altimime
Extraction of Ferrous Metals Materials Extraction Methods 1st Year / 2nd. Semester

3.2.4 Capacity of Cupola Furnace:

The capacity of cupola is defined in terms of tones of liquid metal obtained per hour of heat. It depends
upon the dimensions of cupola, the efficiency of combustion, combustion rate, constituents of charging,

The output of cupola can be increased by oxygen enrichment of air blast and by better heat utilization
of hot outgoing gases to preheat the furnace to about 180 to 270°C.

3.2.5 Advantages of Cupola Furnace:

 It is simple in construction and operation.
 Low cast of construction, operation and maintenance.
 It has a continuous and fast rate of production.
 It does not require very skilled operators.
 It requires small floor area as compared to other furnaces.
 Composition of melt can be controlled.

3.2.6 Limitations of Cupola Furnace:

 Temperature control is difficult to maintain.

 Carbon content increases in the iron product due to the heating of coke together with metal.
 Some metal elements are converted to their oxides, which are not suitable for casting.

3.3 Types of Cast-Iron:

1) Grey Cast-Iron: This is prepared from grey pig. Its color is grey with a coarse crystalline structure. It
is soft and it melts readily. It is somewhat weak in strength. It is extensively used for making castings.

2) White Cast-Iron: Its color is silvery white. It is hard and it melts with difficulty. It is not easily
worked on machine. It cannot be used for delicate casting.

3) Ductile Iron: Malleable cast-iron is being replaced by spheroidal graphite iron or ductile iron now-a-
days. Its manufacturing process is much easier than malleable cast-iron. Manganese treatment is given to
the cast-iron. Manganese increases the content of carbon in iron and opposes the formation of free
graphite in flaky form.

This type of iron is used for manufacturing of pipes for carrying water and sewage due to its high
strength, ductility and good resistance to corrosion.

4) Malleable Cast-Iron : The composition of this variety of cast-iron is so adjusted that it becomes
malleable. It is done by extracting a portion of carbon from cast- iron, which makes it less brittle than
Chapter One Materials Engineering Assist. Lect. Nagham Altimime
Extraction of Ferrous Metals Materials Extraction Methods 1st Year / 2nd. Semester

cast-iron. The process of manufacturing is known as malleable cast-iron process. In this process, the
individual castings are first cast and cooled as ordinary white cast-iron.

Then it is heated to about 1050°C and soaked for several hours or days followed by slow cooling.
During whole process the combined carbon is reduced and graphite is precipitated as temper carbon. It is
used for railway equipment, automobiles, pipe fittings, agricultural implements, door fastenings, hinges,

Malleable cast-iron can be machined easily. It gets deformed without rupture. Also, it has better
resistance to corrosion.

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