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Name: Glennedine

For each term below find a definition, use it in a sentence and find an appropriate image or
draw a picture which best represents the term to you.

Term Definition In a sentence

Food Security When all people, always, have In Australia, we have a high
physical, social and economic level of food security.
access to sufficient, safe and
nutritious food that meets their
dietary needs and food preferences
for an active and healthy life.

Food aid Conventionally, food aid includes Food aid is provided by The
grants and concessional loans that World Food Programme.
conform to official development

Food staples Food staples are the basic foods Bread and eggs are food staples
that are a dominant part of a that we always have in our
person's diet. These are foods that kitchen.
are regularly consumed and provide
essential nutrients for a healthy

Food production Food production refers to the Farmers work hard in food
process of growing, harvesting, and production to bring fresh fruits
processing food items for and veggies to the market.
consumption. It involves farming,
fishing, and manufacturing food

Food Equity Food equity is the concept of Food equity means making sure
ensuring that all individuals have everyone in the neighbourhood
access to nutritious and culturally has access to healthy food.
appropriate food regardless of their
socio-economic status or
geographical location.

Global Starvation Global starvation refers to the Watching the news about global
widespread and severe lack of food starvation made me want to do
leading to malnutrition and something to help.
starvation on a global scale.

Scarcity Scarcity refers to the limited The scarcity of fresh water in

availability of resources compared some countries is a major
to the demand for those resources. problem.
It applies to various goods and
services, including food.

Climate Change Climate change is when the weather It's getting hotter every year; I
patterns in the world start to change think climate change is real.
over a long time. This can be
because of things like pollution and
cutting down forests.

Environment The environment is everything Let's go for a hike and enjoy

around us, like the air, water, nature in the environment.
plants, and animals. It's important
to keep the environment healthy for
all living things.

Mission A mission is a goal or objective that A girl’s mission is to raise

someone or a group wants to money for the local animal
achieve. It's what they're working shelter.

Government The government is the group of The government announced

people who make decisions and new policies to improve
rules for a country or community. healthcare access.
They take care of things like roads,
schools, and laws.

Climate Climate Change is the usual The climate in Melbourne is

weather patterns in a specific area like having four seasons in a
over a long time. It includes things day.
like temperature, rainfall, and wind.
Location Location means where something The location of the beach is not
is. It can be described using on the map.
coordinates like latitude and
longitude or by saying what it's

Impact Impact is the effect that something Recycling has a positive impact
has on people, places, or things. It's on reducing waste.
how something changes or
influences them.

GFSI GFSI is a way to measure and rank Australia ranks above 50% of
how secure different countries are the countries in the GFSI.
when it comes to food. It looks at
things like how much food costs
and how safe it is to eat.

Resources Resources are things that we use to We need to use our resources
do or make other things. They can wisely to protect the
be natural, like water and trees, or environment.
human-made, like machines and

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