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Journal of Constructional Steel Research 217 (2024) 108655

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An experimental investigation for corrosion resistance of stainless clad

steel plate
Juhui Zhang a, Jiacheng He a, Bin Peng a, Hongwei Li a, Baixian Li a, Bo Yan b, Jia-Hui Zhang a, *
Department of Civil Engineering, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai 200093, China
Baosteel Central Research Institute, Baoshan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd, Shanghai 201900, China


Keywords: This paper explores the corrosion resistance of stainless steel clad carbon steel plate (SCSP) in simulated marine
Bi-metal environments. The hot-rolled steel plate, composed of stainless steel (304) exteriors and a carbon steel (Q235)
Corrosion resistance core, underwent a salt spray test for 24 to 1344 h. The study focused on three sections: the transverse section, the
Galvanic corrosion
core layer of carbon steel, and the outer layer of stainless steel. Using mass loss method, electrochemical
Marine environment
Stainless clad steel plate
methods, and microscopic and compositional analysis, it was found that stainless steel showed significantly
better corrosion resistance than carbon steel. The carbon steel's corrosion rate was initially high but stabilized
over time due to α-FeOOH in the rust layer. The transverse section exhibited a similar but slightly higher
corrosion rate. XRD analysis identified α-FeOOH in the rust layer, while SEM, EDS, and 3D scanning indicated
significant galvanic corrosion at the stainless and carbon steel interface, causing deep pits. Overall, the corrosion
rate of the transverse section over longer exposure is influenced by both the rust layer's resistance and the
galvanic corrosion at the bi-metallic section.

1. Introduction plate with a bimetallic composite construction. The unique ‘sandwich’

structure consists of a core layer of carbon steel, flanked on both sides by
Recent developments in marine engineering have significantly stainless steel layers. The stainless steel outer layers protect the carbon
increased the reliance on steel, especially in the construction of bridges, steel core from corrosive environments, while the carbon steel core
oil rigs, pipelines, and offshore platforms. These structures, when contributes to the material's overall mechanical robustness and cost-
exposed to marine environments for prolonged periods, inevitably un­ effectiveness.
dergo corrosion. This degradation process not only reduces the thickness Stainless Clad Steel Plate (SCSP), similar to other bimetallic mate­
of steel structures, leading to the formation of micro-cracks, but also rials, inevitably sees its mechanical properties, processability, and
increases the risk of brittle fractures, unstable failures, and decreased corrosion resistance influenced by the two different metallic materials
load-bearing capacities, potentially leading to catastrophic damages involved. Ban et al. [15] discovered through elevated temperature ten­
[1–5]. Carbon steel, commonly used in maritime applications such as sile tests that the high-temperature mechanical properties of SCSP differ
shipbuilding and bridge construction due to its cost-effectiveness [6–8], from those of both stainless steel and carbon steel, with these differences
is notably deficient in corrosion resistance, a crucial requirement for being reflected in the proportion of the thicknesses of the two materials.
ocean engineering. Ban et al. [16,17] conducted cyclic load tests on SCSP and their welded
In contrast, stainless steel, enriched with elements like nickel (Ni) joints, finding that the mechanical response of SCSP (304 + Q235B)
and chromium (Cr), exhibits superior corrosion resistance [9,10]. under cyclic loads significantly differs from their response under
However, its application in marine engineering is limited by high pro­ monotonic loads. Furthermore, the welded joints exhibit significant
duction costs and relatively lower strength. Addressing this gap, the isotropic and kinematic hardening effects when compared to SCSPs.
Stainless Clad Steel Plate (SCSP) has emerged as a promising solution in Experimental studies by Shen et al. [18] revealed that the corrosion
marine engineering, ship steel structures, and petrochemical engineer­ resistance of SCSP (304 + Q235) is significantly superior to that of Q235
ing structures [11–14]. This material is a stainless steel clad carbon steel carbon steel. Hua et al. [19] found that corrosion could lead to a

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (J.-H. Zhang).
Received 21 January 2024; Received in revised form 12 March 2024; Accepted 30 March 2024
Available online 8 April 2024
0143-974X/© 2024 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
J. Zhang et al. Journal of Constructional Steel Research 217 (2024) 108655

Outer layer stainless steel (10%)
Core layer carbon steel (80%)
Outer layer stainless steel (10%)

(b) (c) (d)


Mass loss specimens

40 40 40

(e) (f) (g)

Macroscopic and electrochemical



20 10 10

Encapsalated in resin
Transverse section Carbon steel Stainless steel
Group A Group B Group C Exposed to salt spray

Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of structural layering and salt spray test specimens for SCSP.

Table 1
Chemical composition of stainless clad steel plate (304 + Q235).
Outer layer C% Si% Mn% P% S% Cr% Ni% N%

304 0.03 0.75 2.00 0.045 0.030 18 8.00 0.1

Core layer C% Si% Mn% P% S% Cr% Ti% Nb% N%
Q235 0.06 0.205 0.8 0.01 0.0032 0.02 0.018 0.0064 0.005

decrease in the mechanical properties of stainless clad steel rebars (304 2. Experimental program
+ HRB400), and this decrease is more rapid than that caused by uniform
corrosion. Importantly, it was discovered by [20] that bimetallic mate­ 2.1. Materials and specimen preparation
rials (304 L + copper) form multiple galvanic corrosion couples at the
joints, leading to material failure. The stainless clad steel plate (SCSP) in this study was fabricated from
Huang et al. [21] discovered that the hot-rolling process ensures 304 stainless steel and Q235 carbon steel through hot rolling. The
better bonding at the interface layer of SCSP (304 + Q235A), thereby structure is comprised of a core layer of carbon steel, 4 mm in nominal
enhancing its mechanical properties. Li et al. [22] found that the thickness, flanked by two stainless steel outer layers, each 0.50 mm in
interface layer in SCSP can be subdivided into three transition layers: nominal thickness, as depicted in Fig. 1(a). The chemical composition of
carburized stainless steel, a diffusion layer, and decarburized carbon the composite plate is provided in Table 1.
steel. Due to the diffusion of carbon, iron, nickel, and chromium ele­ In the context of engineering applications of Stainless Clad Steel
ments, the mechanical properties of the transition layers change Plate (SCSP) in marine environments, the specimens were classified into
smoothly, ensuring the stability of the material's mechanical properties three distinct groups, each representing a unique exposed surface.
in the thickness direction. Li et al. [23] studied the effect of carbon steel Specimens in Group A featured the transverse section of SCSP,
on the corrosion resistance of stainless composite plates (304 + carbon comprising two outer layers of stainless steel and a core layer of carbon
steel), showing that iron ions released by the carbon steel at the bonding steel. In contrast, Group B specimens exclusively exposed the carbon
interface cause extensive corrosion of the stainless steel along the steel core layer of the SCSP, while Group C specimens revealed the
interface layer. Therefore, for SCSP, a type of bimetallic material, the stainless steel outer layer. This categorization is illustrated in Fig. 1(b)-
interface layer in the thickness direction may be a research focus on (g). It is important to note that for each specimen, only one surface was
material mechanical properties and corrosion resistance. exposed to the environment, with the other surfaces being encapsulated
The study aimed to evaluate the corrosion resistance of SCSP using in epoxy resin to mitigate corrosion risks. Specifically for Group B, the
neutral salt spray tests. The investigation was structured into three stainless steel layers were meticulously removed from the top and bot­
specimen groups, each focusing on different components of the com­ tom surfaces of the clad steel plate using a flat grinding machine.
posite material. The corrosion morphology and elemental composition In the neutral salt spray tests, the exposed area for Group A was
of the rust layer were analyzed using Scanning Electron Microscopy established as 2 cm2. This transverse section comprised a 40 mm × 4 mm
(SEM) and Energy Dispersive Spectrometry (EDS). Additionally, an X- section of Q235 carbon steel and two 40 mm × 0.5 mm sections of 304
ray Diffractometer (XRD) was employed to examine the physical phase stainless steel, as shown in Fig. 1(b). For Groups B and C, the exposed
composition of the rust layer. Electrochemical measurements were areas were standardized at 10 cm2, each measuring 40 mm × 25 mm, as
conducted to characterize the rust layer's electrochemical properties depicted in Fig. 1(c) and (d), respectively. In the electrochemical anal­
over various periods. The outcomes of this study are crucial in under­ ysis, adhering to the requirement of a 1 cm2 exposed surface area, the
standing the corrosion mechanisms of stainless steel clad carbon steel dimensions for Groups A, B, and C were uniformly adjusted. Specifically,
plate and enhancing its application in marine engineering. for Group A, the dimensions of the transverse section were modified to
20 mm × 4 mm for the Q235 carbon steel and 20 mm × 0.5 mm for each
of the two 304 stainless steel layers. For Groups B and C, the dimensions
were altered to 10 mm × 10 mm, as illustrated in Fig. 1(e) to 1(g).
To ensure uniform surface roughness, the exposed surfaces of the

J. Zhang et al. Journal of Constructional Steel Research 217 (2024) 108655

Fig. 2. Diagram of salt spray test device and specimens.

Fig. 3. Comparison of three groups of samples before and after acid pickling in salt spray test.

specimens were initially polished using SiC paper with grit sizes ranging 2.2. Salt spray test
from 120 to 2000. Following this, epoxy resin was applied to all but the
designated exposed areas. To avoid resin contamination, masking paper The neutral salt spray tests were conducted following ISO 9227:2017
was used to cover these exposed areas during the resin application, guidelines [24], using a salt spray chamber LYW-075 N, as shown in
which was performed as uniformly as possible. After removing the Fig. 2(a). The chamber maintained a constant temperature of 35 ◦ C. Test
masking paper, the polished specimens were immersed in acetone for 10 specimens were supported at an approximate 20◦ angle, as illustrated in
min to eliminate surface oils. Subsequently, they were rinsed with Fig. 2(b). The salt spray comprised a 5 wt% NaCl solution with a near-
distilled water and underwent a 5-min ultrasonic cleaning in anhydrous neutral PH. The testing regimen involved an 8-h daily operation, fol­
ethanol. Aimed at ensuring complete dehydration, the dehydrated lowed by a 16-h non-operational period. During the operational phase,
specimens were then dried using cold air from a hairdryer, wrapped in the salt solution was continuously sprayed, while in the non-operational
filter paper, and placed in a drying oven set at 40 ◦ C for 24 h. The initial period, the salt spray settled in the chamber's humid, nearly sealed
mass (m0) of each specimen was accurately measured using an electronic environment. This process resulted in the accumulation of salt droplets
balance with a precision of 0.0001 g. With these steps, the pre-treatment on the specimens, promoting corrosion. The experiment spanned eight
process was completed, and the specimens were ready for experimental cycles, conducted at 0, 24, 72, 168, 336, 672, 1008, and 1344-h in­
use. tervals. To ensure accuracy and reproducibility, each cycle used two
parallel samples.

J. Zhang et al. Journal of Constructional Steel Research 217 (2024) 108655

Two corrosion cycles of 336 h and 672 h were selected to compare the
changes of three groups of specimens before and after pickling, as shown
in Fig. 3.
The corrosion rate of each specimen, denoted as ηm (in mm/a), was
evaluated based on the mass loss method. The calculation of ηm is
expressed as follows:


m0 − mt − 2
[mr0 (i) − mrt (i) ] − 1344
[me0 − met ]
ηm = 87600 i=1
Where m0 represents the initial mass of the pre-treated specimen in
grams (g), mt is the mass of the specimen after corrosion and chemical
cleaning in grams (g), t denotes the corrosion time in hours (h), ρ is the
density of the steel (7.85 g/cm3), and SA is the exposed area in square
centimeters (cm2).
The equivalent uniform corrosion depth, dc (μm), was also obtained
based on the mass loss and expressed as follows:


m0 − mt − 2
[mr0 (i) − mrt (i) ] − 1344
[me0 − met ]
dc = 104 ⋅ i=1
Fig. 4. Schematic diagram of electrochemical tests. To improve the accuracy in determining ηm and dc, two distinct sets
of experimental parameters were incorporated into Eqs. (1) and (2).
2.3. Post-exposure treatment and calculation for mass loss specimens Firstly, the potential loss of steel material during the chemical
cleaning process was addressed. For this, two non-corroded reference
After each corrosion cycle, the specimens were meticulously specimens, identical to those in each test group, were utilized. Their
extracted from the test chamber and immediately photographed. This masses before and following the acid pickling process are designated as
procedure aimed to systematically document the progression of corro­ mr0 and mrt, respectively. This approach facilitates an accurate assess­
sion products on the specimen surfaces. Following this, a thorough ment of material loss attributable to the acid pickling in steel specimens.
pickling process was employed to remove the accumulated rust. This Secondly, the moisture absorption by epoxy resin in the neutral salt
step was meticulously conducted in strict adherence to the guidelines spray test was evaluated. To this end, two additional reference speci­
outlined in ISO 8407:2021 [25]. Initially, the specimens underwent a mens were prepared: one coated with epoxy resin but not exposed to
gentle mechanical brushing in reagent water, effectively dislodging any corrosion, and the other subjected to corrosion for a period of 1344 h.
loosely adherent corrosion products. Subsequently, a chemical cleaning The masses of these specimens, before and after the salt spray test, are
phase was initiated. This involved immersing the specimens in a solution recorded as me0 and met, respectively. The assumption of linear moisture
meticulously prepared with a concentration of 50% hydrochloric acid absorption by the epoxy resin over time enables a quantitative analysis
(HCl) and 3.5 g/L hexamethylene tetramine. This chemical composition of this variable. These methodological enhancements are critical for
was selected for its efficacy in dissolving and removing corrosion ensuring a more precise and reliable determination of the corrosion rate
products without causing detrimental effects to the underlying material. and related parameters.

Fig. 5. Three groups of specimens for the neutral salt spray test.

J. Zhang et al. Journal of Constructional Steel Research 217 (2024) 108655

Fig. 6. Macroscopic morphology of three types of specimens under different corrosion cycles.

2.4. Morphological and compositional assessment with SEM, EDS, and and B, which were exposed to salt spray for 168 and 672 h, respectively.
XRD To augment this analysis, the rust layers underwent a thorough
compositional examination via Rigaku Ultima IV X-ray Diffraction
The microstructural and corrosion morphologies of the specimens (XRD). These XRD measurements employed a Cu Kα radiation source at
were meticulously evaluated using a FEI Quanta 450FEG Scanning a wavelength of 1.54 Å, with the apparatus operating under a voltage of
Electron Microscope (SEM). This SEM examination was strategically 40KV and a current of 40 mA. The XRD scans, conducted at a rate of 5◦ /
conducted to discern the microstructural changes in the specimens post- min, encompassed a scanning range from 10◦ to 90◦ (2θ), primarily
corrosion and following the removal of rust. The examined specimens focusing on the transverse section corrosion products of SCSP, for the
were systematically categorized into Groups A, B, and C, subjected to specified salt spray durations of 168, 336, 672, and 1344 h. Finally, the
salt spray durations of 24, 168, 672, and 1344 h, respectively. Subse­ intricate three-dimensional corrosion patterns of Groups A and B, spe­
quently, the elemental composition of the rust layers was precisely cifically after a salt spray duration of 1344 h, were vividly visualized
analyzed employing Energy-Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS) map­ using a GOM ATOS Triple Scan 3D scanner.
ping. This analysis pertained specifically to specimens from Groups A

J. Zhang et al. Journal of Constructional Steel Research 217 (2024) 108655

Fig. 7. SEM images of the transverse section (Group A) after salt spray testing.

2.5. Electrochemical experiments environment and to predict their relative corrosion resistance in specific
conditions. EIS measurements provide a means to evaluate the passiv­
Electrochemical evaluations of the corroded specimens were con­ ation behavior and corrosion resistance of metals by analyzing the
ducted utilizing a CHI604E electrochemical workstation. The measure­ impedance spectrum of electrodes, thereby facilitating the assessment of
ments incorporated a conventional three-electrode system, as illustrated their corrosion resistance.
in Fig. 4. Within this configuration, the corroded specimen served as the
working electrode. This was in conjunction with a saturated calomel 3. Results and discussion
electrode (SCE), employed as the reference electrode, and a platinum
electrode (Pt) acting as the auxiliary electrode. The specimen was 3.1. Corrosion resistance from salt spray and mass loss analysis
secured to a pure copper wire and encased in resin. To facilitate im­
mersion, a 5 wt% NaCl solution was prepared, allowing the specimen to This section evaluates the corrosion resistance of SCSP based on salt
expose a working surface area of 1 cm2. Electrochemical impedance spray tests, by assessing the mass loss of the specimens after different
spectroscopy (EIS) measurements were executed at the open circuit exposure times. As shown in Fig. 5, the exposure time to the salt spray
potential (OCP). These measurements involved an alternating current ranges from 24 h to 1344 h. The corrosion rates of the transverse section
(AC) modulation amplitude of 5 mV, spanning a frequency range from of the clad plate (Group A), the carbon steel core layer (Group B), and
100 kHz to 0.01 Hz. The electrode scanning rate was set at 1 mV/s, over the stainless steel outer layer (Group C) are presented separately
a test range of ±400 mV relative to OCP. Experimental conditions were through the corrosion rate in Fig. 5(a), along with the equivalent
consistently maintained at a temperature of 25 ◦ C ± 1 ◦ C. For the corrosion depth in Fig. 5(b).
analysis and fitting of the experimental data, ZSimpWin software was Corrosion Rate Results: Initially, Group B demonstrated the most
utilized. rapid corrosion, peaking at 1.82 mm/a within the first 24 h. This rate
To ensure the attainment of a steady state for both the specimen and notably diminished to 1.07 mm/a after 72 h. As the duration of the salt
the solution, the corroded specimen was immersed in a 5 wt% NaCl spray test extended, Group B's corrosion rate exhibited a gradual stabi­
solution for one hour before carrying out the electrochemical experi­ lization, followed by a minor decline. Conclusively, after 1344 h of
ments. This experimental electrochemical test focuses on open-circuit exposure, the rate settled at 0.89 mm/a. Group A (the transverse section)
potential and EIS measurements. The open-circuit potential serves as a mirrored Group B's pattern, undergoing initial fluctuations but eventu­
tool to compare the corrosion tendencies of different metals in the same ally stabilizing at approximately 1.0 mm/a. By the test's conclusion,

J. Zhang et al. Journal of Constructional Steel Research 217 (2024) 108655

Fig. 8. SEM images of the carbon steel (Group B) after salt spray testing.

Group A's corrosion rate was marginally higher at 1.01 mm/a compared metal corrosion without rust layer protection. The fitting results for the
to Group B. The stainless steel outer layer of SCSP maintained a three groups (Eqs. (4)–(6)) reveal n values greater than 1 for Groups A
consistently low corrosion rate throughout the test, never exceeding and C, and less than 1 for Group B. This implies that the rust layer on
0.05 mm/a and predominantly remaining at 0.04 mm/a. carbon steel exerts a protective effect in the test's middle and later
Corrosion Rate Analysis: The differing exposed surfaces of the stages, contrary to the transverse section and stainless steel.
three groups revealed a markedly lower corrosion rate in stainless steel
dc = β⋅tn (3)
compared to carbon steel and the composite plate's transverse section.
The corrosion rate of carbon steel displayed a tendency to stabilize and
dc = 0.0705t1.068 (for transverse section) (4)
decrease slowly over time. This trend suggests the formation of a pro­
tective rust layer on the carbon steel surface, which impedes the diffu­
dc = 0.1298t0.964 (for carbon steel) (5)
sion of chloride ions, thereby decelerating the corrosion process. The
transverse section, comprising 80% carbon steel and 20% stainless steel,
dc = 0.00199t1.188 (for stainless steel) (6)
exhibited a corrosion rate slightly exceeding that of carbon steel in the
test's latter stages. This observation implies the influence of galvanic
corrosion at the bimetallic bonding interface. 3.2. Macroscopic corrosion morphology
Equivalent Corrosion Depth and Data Fitting: Fig. 5(b) delineates
the evolution of equivalent uniform corrosion depth over time, corre­ The corrosion study depicted in Fig. 6 examines the surface macro­
lating with the observed corrosion resistance characteristics. Stainless scopic morphologies of the three specimen groups (A, B, and C), each
steel showcased superior corrosion resistance compared to carbon steel subjected to varying durations of a salt spray test.
and the clad plate's transverse section. The latter indicated a marginally The inner core carbon steel (Group B), initially manifested light-
higher equivalent corrosion depth than carbon steel. Corrosion kinetics yellow rust spots after 24 h of salt spray exposure, indicative of sur­
in marine environments are typically represented by a power function face roughening. This initial phase of corrosion was followed by a
(referenced in Eq. (3)). In this context, β is a constant, and n is a coef­ transition within 72 h, where these spots evolved into pitting, eventually
ficient indicative of the metal's corrosion protection efficiency. An n coalescing to form a reddish-brown rust layer. This transformation is
value less than 1 suggests a decreasing corrosion rate and protective role primarily attributed to the abundant oxygen supply, which facilitates a
of the rust layer. Conversely, n greater than 1 indicates accelerating higher valence state of iron, specifically γ-FeOOH. Notably, this rusting

J. Zhang et al. Journal of Constructional Steel Research 217 (2024) 108655

Fig. 9. SEM images of 3 samples without corrosion products after different corrosion times.

phase is detrimental to the stability of the rust layer. As the experiment 3.3. Micro-morphological and compositional analysis: SEM, EDS, XRD,
progressed to 168 h, there was a perceptible shift in the rust layer's color and 3D scanning
to deeper hues, accompanied by the emergence of black corrosion
products, indicative of the presence of Fe3O4. Concurrently, a significant 3.3.1. SEM analysis
increase in the rust layer's thickness was observed. The period between Upon exposure to salt spray conditions, Scanning Electron Micro­
336 and 1344 h was marked by an increasing prevalence of black scopy (SEM) was employed to analyze the micro-morphologies of three
corrosion products (Fe3O4) on the carbon steel surface, while the reddish distinct test groups, as depicted in Fig. 7 and Fig. 8. The observations are
components (γ-FeOOH) diminished. This trend indicates a gradual sta­ delineated as follows:
bilization of the corrosion rate and thickening and densification of the Fig. 7 presents the micro-morphology of corrosion products on a
rust layer on the carbon steel surface. transverse section (Group A) after exposure to salt spray for durations of
The transverse section of SCSP (Group A), exhibited macroscopic 24, 168, 672, and 1344 h. The images exhibit a characteristic corrosion
morphologies analogous to the carbon steel surface. In the early stages of pattern on the transverse section, comprising carbon steel on the left and
corrosion, light-yellow rust spots were evident, which progressively stainless steel on the right. Initially, at the 24-h mark, the carbon steel
evolved into a reddish-brown rust layer, subsequently transitioning to side revealed loose and porous corrosion products, while the stainless
black-brown corrosion products. It is noteworthy that the stainless steel steel side remained predominantly unaltered. Subsequently, these
surface remained distinctly observable when the salt spray exposure products coalesced into spherical masses by 168 h (Fig. 7(b)). By the
duration was below 168 h. However, post 336 h of exposure, the 672-h exposure, delamination became evident on the carbon steel side
corrosion products of the carbon steel in the core layer of the transverse (Fig. 7(c)), in contrast to the stainless steel side, which retained its
section intensified, thickened, and gradually extended to both sides, smoothness. At 1344 h, pronounced, elongated pits were observed along
enveloping the stainless steel surface. The macroscopic morphology of the interface with the stainless steel outer layer on the carbon steel side
the cross-sectional corrosion leads to the inference that most of the (Fig. 7(d)), indicative of potential galvanic corrosion exacerbation at the
corrosion in this area originated from carbon steel. bi-metal junction of the clad steel plate.
In contrast, the outer layer stainless steel (Group C), demonstrated Fig. 8 presents the SEM images of carbon steel (Group B) across
exceptional corrosion resistance. Throughout the extensive 1344-h salt identical exposure periods as the transverse section specimens in Fig. 7.
spray test, the observable changes on the surface layer of the stainless Notably, the formation of spherical corrosion products induced surface
steel were negligible. tension, leading to the emergence of transverse and longitudinal cracks
on the carbon steel surface. This cracking facilitated oxygen infiltration

J. Zhang et al. Journal of Constructional Steel Research 217 (2024) 108655

Fig. 10. EDS diagram of the transverse section (Group A) and the carbon steel (Group B) corrosion products.

through the rust layer, augmenting the reactivity of metal ions. By 1344 the Q235 carbon steel side in the transverse section, with later-stage rust
h, the accumulated corrosion products on the carbon steel surface pits appearing nearly circular – a stark contrast to the elongated rust pits
constituted a denser layer, thereby impeding oxygen and corrosive agent along the junction in the cross-section. Fig. 9(g)-(i) display the corrosion
penetration. These SEM findings corroborate the observed gradual sta­ morphology of stainless steel (Group C). Post-1344 h of salt spray
bilization and deceleration of the corrosion rate of carbon steel, as corrosion, the 304 stainless steel exhibited only minor signs of corrosion,
inferred from mass loss measurements in Section 3.1. underscoring its superior corrosion resistance throughout the
To further scrutinize the micro-damage induced by salt spray experiment.
corrosion on the clad plate's surface, the samples from the three groups
were de-rusted before SEM examination. Fig. 9 exhibits the SEM images 3.3.2. EDS analysis
of these groups after salt spray exposure for 24, 168, and 1344 h. Fig. 9 The Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) analysis showed notable
(a)-(c) highlight the corrosion behavior of the transverse section across morphological transformations in the corrosion products on both the
different corrosion cycles, revealing pronounced disparities in corrosion transverse section of SCSP and carbon steel over time. Subsequently,
damage between carbon steel and stainless steel at the junction. The 304 Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS) investigations were undertaken.
stainless steel, depicted on the right side of the image, incurred minimal Fig. 10 illustrates the EDS imagery depicting the corrosion products in
corrosion damage, with superficial corrosion marks attributable to carbon steel (Group B) after exposure periods of 168 and 672 h. Sites
scratches. Conversely, the carbon steel on the left side demonstrated chosen for EDS analysis on these corrosion products were labeled as
exacerbated corrosion, manifesting as elongated pits aligned with the bi- Points 1# and 2#. The analysis post 168 h of exposure revealed a
metal junction – a consequence of its role as the anode in galvanic chloride concentration of 0.69 wt% within the rust layer. This concen­
corrosion. Fig. 9(d)-(f) illustrate the corrosion morphology of the carbon tration escalated to 8.41 wt% after a prolonged exposure of 672 h. In
steel (Group B), which exhibited more uniform corrosion compared to saline or marine environments, chloride ions are pivotal accelerants of

J. Zhang et al. Journal of Constructional Steel Research 217 (2024) 108655

3.3.4. 3D scanning
Fig. 12 displays the images of the transverse section (Group A) and
carbon steel (Group B) specimens following 1344 h of exposure to salt
spray and subsequent de-rusting. The left side of the figure illustrates the
macroscopic morphology and 3D scans of these specimens. In contrast,
the right side features line scan images of notable corrosion sites
(denoted by red lines), emphasizing the corrosion patterns along the
cutting direction.
The macroscopic morphology reveals clear distinctions in the
corrosion behavior between the transverse section and carbon steel
specimens. These differences are predominantly observed at the inter­
face between stainless steel and carbon steel, where intensified corro­
sion occurs due to galvanic effects, leading to more profound pitting
(depth of 0.57 mm). Nonetheless, the superior corrosion resistance of
stainless steel effectively inhibits pit formation on its side, resulting in a
pit boundary that closely aligns with the stainless steel layer.
The corrosion patterns in the carbon steel layer exhibit both uniform
corrosion and pitting. The prior EDS analysis demonstrated a significant
increase in chloride ion concentration in the corrosion products of the
Fig. 11. XRD patterns of the rust layer on the transverse section after salt carbon steel specimen after extended salt spray exposure, a key factor in
spray tests. pitting formation. The line scans of the carbon steel plate substantiate
this observation, revealing that along the direction of the cut, the
corrosion. The observed escalation in chloride ion concentration sug­ corrosion in the carbon steel is characterized by a combination of uni­
gests the incursion of chloride compounds (e.g., sodium chloride present form corrosion and pitting, with the pits being deep and narrow (depth
in seawater) into the surface or internal structure of the carbon steel. of 0.48 mm).
Moreover, a heightened concentration of chloride ions can disrupt the
protective oxide film on the metal, markedly intensifying the propensity
for pitting corrosion. 3.4. Corrosion mechanism
Fig. 10 also delineates the EDS spectra of corrosion products located
on the cross-section (Group A) after equivalent exposure durations. A When exposed to a 5 wt% NaCl salt spray environment, carbon steel
disparity in the EDS findings between the carbon steel (Group B) and the initially forms a thin liquid membrane on its surface. In this saline
transverse section (Group A) is the detection of nickel (Ni) and chro­ context, iron (Fe) rapidly oxidizes to its ferrous state (Fe2+) [26]. This
mium (Cr) in the corrosion products of the latter. Additionally, with the oxidation is a crucial step in the corrosion process, leading to subsequent
increase in exposure time to salt spray from 168 to 672 h, a migration of reactions. As Fe2+ interacts with sufficient oxygen, it undergoes hy­
these elements from the stainless steel to the carbon steel side was drolytic transformation, resulting in the formation of Fe(OH)+ and Fe
observed. This phenomenon is indicative of pronounced galvanic (OH)2+ [27]. These hydrolytic products are precursors to the pitting
corrosion at the interface of the two metals. During galvanic corrosion, corrosion that is commonly observed on the steel surface, as illustrated
stainless steel can release elements such as Cr and Ni. In the presence of a in Fig. 13(a). The chemical reactions involved can be expressed as
sodium chloride solution, these elements may leach from the stainless follows:
steel and migrate toward the carbon steel in the course of the electro­ Fe→Fe2+ + 2e− (7)
chemical reaction. Owing to the cathodic protection conferred by
stainless steel, the anodic areas of carbon steel are likely to undergo Fe2+ + H2 O→Fe(OH)+ + H + (8)
more severe corrosion.
4Fe2+ + O2 + 6H2 O→4Fe(OH)+
2 + 4H
3.3.3. XRD analysis
X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis revealed the mineralogical compo­ The corrosion mechanism further involves the oxidation of Fe(OH)+
sition of rust on the transverse section (Group A) exposed to salt spray and Fe(OH)2+ within the liquid membrane, forming γ-FeOOH. This
testing for durations of 168, 334, 672, and 1344 h, as shown in Fig. 11. compound coats the carbon steel surface, playing a significant role in the
Initially, at 168 h, γ-FeOOH (2θ = 12◦ ) predominated in the rust subsequent transformation processes [28]. γ-FeOOH can transform into
composition, accompanied by α-FeOOH and Fe3O4 As exposure time Fe₃O₄, and further oxidation leads to the formation of γ-Fe₂O₃ [29]. As
increased, the iron hydroxide oxides near the rust layer progressively the rust formation enters a stable phase, part of γ-FeOOH transitions into
transformed into α-FeOOH. By 1344 h, α-FeOOH (2θ = 35.0◦ ) emerged an amorphous state, identified as FeOx(OH)₃-2×, before ultimately
as the predominant phase in the rust. Concurrently, a significant in­ transforming into α-FeOOH [29]. The progression and distribution of
crease was observed in the peak intensity of Fe3O4 at its characteristic these phases within the rust layer depend on the sequence of these
diffraction angle (2θ = 36.5◦ ). chemical reactions [30], as delineated in the development process of the
In contrast to γ-FeOOH, the formation of α-FeOOH and Fe3O4, typi­ rust layer in Fig. 13(b). The chemical reactions involved can be
cally associated with slower and more stable corrosion processes, results expressed as follows:
in a denser layer. This layer more effectively impedes the penetration of
2 →γ − FeOOH + H
oxygen and water, thereby reducing the corrosion rate. The phase
transition in the rust from γ-FeOOH to α-FeOOH, accompanied by the
4Fe(OH)+ + O2 + 2H2 O→4γ − FeOOH + 4H + (11)
presence of Fe3O4, signifies a stabilization in the corrosion process. From
this finding, it can be inferred that as the corrosion stabilizes with the 2γ − FeOOH + Fe2+ →Fe3 O4 + 2H + (12)
rust layer becoming thicker and denser, predominantly composed of
α-FeOOH, the corrosion resistance of the interface between carbon steel 4Fe3 O4 + O2 →6γ − Fe2 O3 (13)
and stainless steel (transverse section) is likely to enhance.

J. Zhang et al. Journal of Constructional Steel Research 217 (2024) 108655

Fig. 12. 3D scanning profile between Groups A and B under 1344 h corrosion.

Fig. 13. The rusting process of SCSP under continuous salt spray test.

release of hydrogen ions, resulting in the acidification of the surface

(14) electrolyte. Conversely, the cathodic process varies depending on the
oxygen diffusion characteristics within the rust layer. With ample
On the steel surface, the anodic process is marked by a significant

J. Zhang et al. Journal of Constructional Steel Research 217 (2024) 108655

Fig. 14. OCP and EIS of Groups A, B, and C in the uncorroded state under 5 wt% NaCl solution.

the presence of galvanic corrosion extends the stabilization phase of

Table 2
corrosion, potentially beyond the experimental duration of 1344 h. The
The fitting results of the EIS curves of the unrusted specimens under 5 wt% NaCl
continuous increase in α-FeOOH eventually mitigates the galvanic
solution at 25 ◦ C.
corrosion between the carbon steel and stainless steel in the cross-
Rs Qdl × 10− 4 ndl Rct χ2 × 10− 3
section, which could lead to a gradual reduction in the corrosion rate.
(Ω⋅cm2) (Ω− 1⋅sn⋅cm− 2) (Ω⋅cm2)

A 5.91 4.72 0.79 1142.0 2.00

B 4.34 11.91 0.71 926.7 1.71 3.5. Electrochemical analysis
C 26.69 1.55 0.51 35,520.0 3.24
In Fig. 14(a), the open circuit potential (OCP) versus time charac­
teristics for three specimen groups in their uncorroded states are pre­
oxygen, reduction of O₂ at the cathode counterbalances the dissolution sented. The electrochemical assessments utilized a sodium chloride
of iron, as indicated in Eq. (15). However, when oxygen diffusion is solution at a concentration of 5% by weight. Stabilization of OCP values
limited, the cathodic process is mainly characterized by hydrogen pre­ occurred at − 536 mV, − 592 mV, and − 388 mV for the transverse
cipitation reactions as described in Eq. (16). section, carbon steel, and stainless steel samples, respectively. These
O2 + 2H2 O + 4e− →4OH − (15) OCP readings suggest a higher OCP in the transverse section compared
to carbon steel, yet lower than that of stainless steel, implying the
2H + + 2e− →H2 (16) emergence of a galvanic couple on the transverse section. Here, stainless
steel functions as the cathode, while carbon steel serves as the anode.
In the context of the cross-section corrosion mechanism (Group A),
Enhanced polarization, attributed to bimetallic coupling, indicates the
initial stages of corrosion exhibit enhanced electrochemical reactivity preponderance of the carbon steel component in determining the OCP of
due to galvanic corrosion. This effect promotes anodic dissolution of the
cross-section samples, a phenomenon likely linked to the respective
Q235 carbon steel substrate, leading to an increased production of Fe2+ surface area exposure ratios of stainless steel (20%) and carbon steel
ions, as delineated in Eq. (7). Around 336 h into the corrosion process,
γ-FeOOH undergoes solvation precipitation and transforms into The Nyquist curves for the three groups, depicted in Fig. 14(b),
α-FeOOH. The rise in Fe2+ concentration facilitates the chemical re­ reveal a notably larger capacitive loop radius for Group C compared to
actions crucial for γ-FeOOH formation, impacting the corrosion dy­ Groups A and B. This larger loop is indicative of increased charge
namics significantly, as described in Eqs. (8)–(11).
transfer resistance, thereby suggesting heightened resistance to corro­
Combining weight loss measurements with EDS and XRD analysis, it sion reactions, and subsequently affirming the superior corrosion resis­
is inferred that the corrosion rate of the cross-section stabilizes when the
tance of stainless steel. Additionally, the low-frequency region |Z| values
protective effect of α-FeOOH balances the detrimental impact of in the Bode plot (Fig. 14(c)) further corroborate the markedly enhanced
galvanic corrosion, typically after 336 h of exposure. As α-FeOOH pro­
corrosion resistance of stainless steel specimens relative to both the
gressively accumulates on the surface of the corrosion products, the transverse section and carbon steel samples. The transverse section
overall corrosion resistance of the cross-section improves. Nevertheless,
impedance exceeds that of carbon steel, signifying the role of bimetallic

J. Zhang et al. Journal of Constructional Steel Research 217 (2024) 108655

Fig. 15. (a) The Nyquist curves and (b) Bode diagrams of Group An under different corrosion cycles.

Fig. 16. (a) The Nyquist curves and (b) Bode diagrams of Group B under different corrosion cycles.

displays these fitting results, further underscoring the superior corrosion

resistance of stainless steel and suggesting slightly enhanced corrosion
resistance in the transverse section compared to carbon steel.
Figs. 15 and 16 illustrate the EIS curves for transverse section (Group
A) and carbon steel (Group B) specimens across varying salt spray
exposure durations, ranging from 24 to 1344 h. Analysis of the Nyquist
plots in Figs. 15(a) and 16(a) reveals a general declining trend in the
Fig. 17. Equivalent circuit diagrams. Nyquist curves for both specimen types with prolonged exposure
coupling in bolstering material corrosion resistance. Within the phase Examining the Bode modulus plots in Figs. 15(b) and 16(b), the
diagram (Fig. 14(d)), all specimen groups exhibit a singular peak, modulus values for transverse section specimens in the experiment's
denoting single time constant characteristics within the assessed fre­ latter stages are observed to be slightly higher than those for carbon
quency spectrum. Consequently, the equivalent circuit model in Fig. 17 steel. This discrepancy could emanate from two primary factors: the
(a), consisting of solution resistance (Rs), constant phase element (CPE) predominant role of carbon steel and the secondary role of stainless steel
resistance (Qdl) between double-layer capacitance phases, and charge in the polarization process, and the accelerated corrosion rate of the
transfer resistance (Rct), was employed to fit the EIS curves. Table 2 transverse section due to galvanic corrosion, resulting in a thicker rust

J. Zhang et al. Journal of Constructional Steel Research 217 (2024) 108655

Table 3
The fitting results of the EIS curves of the rusted specimens under the salt spray test for various durations.
Group T(h) Rs Qf × 10− 4 nf Rf Qdl × 10− 4 ndl Rct χ2 × 10− 4

(Ω⋅cm2) (Ω− 1⋅sn⋅cm− 2) (Ω⋅cm2) (Ω− 1⋅sn⋅cm− 2) (Ω⋅cm2)

24 7.37 57.77 0.51 4.91 189.70 0.50 395.8 4.59

72 10.19 129.90 0.33 1.31 89.24 0.62 624.1 9.76
168 14.95 191.40 0.62 6.70 375.80 0.81 757.3 4.60
336 19.29 127.30 0.59 5.32 302.40 0.71 1318.0 4.80
672 5.74 84.94 0.39 58.00 189.40 0.73 2786.0 1.63
1344 5.08 71.38 0.53 4.37 173.00 0.46 3260.0 3.71
24 4.36 172.40 0.54 2.16 62.50 0.58 164.5 6.34
72 4.39 32.02 0.51 9.65 216.30 0.42 170.8 5.33
168 4.22 132.00 0.45 7.14 108.50 0.38 283.3 4.47
336 4.15 104.90 0.50 2.59 286.00 0.56 395.0 5.40
672 5.16 95.04 0.54 2.70 372.40 0.49 950.6 4.60
1344 6.19 251.70 0.35 8.63 22.97 0.77 1351.0 1.90

layer that enhances corrosion protection in later salt spray exposure compared to carbon steel. Localized corrosion at the bimetallic
stages. Thus, the transverse section of stainless steel clad carbon steel interface remains a concern, even with improved corrosion
plate demonstrates improved corrosion resistance in electrochemical resistance over time.
tests compared to the carbon steel. (4) Energy spectroscopy analysis revealed high Cl- and dissolved
The Bode phase plots in Figs. 15(b) and 16(b) exhibit two time oxygen content in the cracks of carbon steel, indicating that
constants, suggesting the impact of the rust layer formation on the pitting corrosion initiated from cracks on the rust layer. 3D pro­
corrosion resistance and capacitance processes [31]. An equivalent cir­ file scanning showed the maximum corrosion depth at the
cuit for the rusted SCSP, designed to simulate corrosion behavior in interface on the transverse section. From stainless steel to the
marine environments, is presented in Fig. 17(b). Here, Qf and Rf repre­ carbon steel substrate, the maximum corrosion depth was
sent the rust layer's capacitive characteristics and the ion migration observed near the carbon steel side of the interface, measuring
resistance within the rust layer, respectively. Table 3 provides the fitting approximately 0.57 mm.
outcomes, with all chi-square (χ2) values in the order of 10− 4, indicating
reliable fitting. The Rct values, reflective of interface reaction resistance Future Work: Suggests monitoring the corrosion resistance changes
changes, are utilized for comparing corrosion rates. These values, in the transverse section of the stainless clad steel plate over longer
detailed in Table 3, show an increase in corrosion time, denoting an periods and conducting experimental studies under various simulated
inhibition of the charge transfer process, which aligns with a reduction marine conditions to develop protective recommendations for specific
in corrosion rate [32]. The fitting parameters, particularly the Rct values scenarios, especially when the transverse section is exposed. Further­
derived from the equivalent circuit, suggest that despite galvanic more, the corrosion resistance and mechanical properties of SCSP
corrosion, the transverse section (two outer layers of stainless steel and a composed of carbon steels with different strength grades and stainless
core layer of carbon steel) exhibits marginally superior corrosion resis­ steels with varying corrosion resistance, as well as how to adjust the
tance than carbon steel over various salt spray exposure durations. cladding ratio of bi-metallic materials to achieve a balance between
corrosion resistance and strength, may also be key research directions.
4. Conclusions
CRediT authorship contribution statement
This study explored the corrosion resistance of stainless clad steel
plate (304 + Q235 + 304) under simulated marine conditions. Speci­ Juhui Zhang: Writing – review & editing, Validation, Supervision,
mens were categorized into three groups based on the exposed surfaces Funding acquisition. Jiacheng He: Investigation, Formal analysis,
in the salt spray test: the outer stainless steel layer, the core carbon steel Visualization, Writing – original draft. Bin Peng: Funding acquisition,
layer, and the transverse section, with exposure times ranging from 24 to Supervision. Hongwei Li: Investigation, Software. Baixian Li: Investi­
1344 h. Post salt spray testing, the corrosion resistance of the specimens gation, Software. Bo Yan: Conceptualization, Funding acquisition, Re­
was evaluated using mass loss and electrochemical method, com­ sources, Supervision. Jia-Hui Zhang: Conceptualization, Funding
plemented by microscopic morphology and composition analyses, acquisition, Investigation, Project administration, Writing – review &
including SEM, EDS, XRD, and 3D scanning. From these analyses, the editing.
corrosion mechanism of the stainless clad steel plate was deduced. The
key conclusions are as follows: Declaration of competing interest

(1) The outer layer of stainless steel exhibited outstanding corrosion The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
resistance in both salt spray tests and electrochemical analysis, interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
surpassing carbon steel. The corrosion resistance of the stainless the work reported in this paper.
clad steel plate under normal conditions is largely determined by
the outer stainless steel layer. Data availability
(2) The corrosion rate of core layer of carbon steel was initially rapid,
then gradually stabilized and decreased. The gradual increase in Data will be made available on request.
α-FeOOH is identified as the primary reason for the stabilization
of the carbon steel's corrosion resistance. Acknowledgments
(3) The corrosion rate of the transverse section was similar to that of
carbon steel, but showed signs of improvement over an extended This research, as reported in this paper, is funded by the National Key
period. Despite the improvement, the presence of galvanic Research and Development Program of China (Grant No.
corrosion at the bimetallic junction indicates a longer time SQ2021YFB3700191). Additionally, it is supported by the National
required for the corrosion rate to stabilize and decrease, Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant Nos. 51408359,

J. Zhang et al. Journal of Constructional Steel Research 217 (2024) 108655

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