The History Internship Book 2046d03aa1a232 - Anna's Archive 26

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California State Parks

Contact: Mr. Alan Wilkinson

District Interpretive Specialist
California State Parks
600 A West Clark
Eureka, CA 95570
Phone: 707-445-6547
Description: Forst Humboldt State Historic Park is a small historic park in an urban setting.
Established in 1853 the park showcases a fort and logging exhibits.

Internship/Seasonal Positions: The Parks offer park aid positions that are seasonal and internships in
the summer.

Approximate Number of Interns/Seasonal Employees: |

Experiences Offered

Historic Research = X Conducting Tours

Developing Brochures X Event Promotion
Developing Exhibits X Administrative
Video Production Fund Raising
Children's Programs Other:

Majors in addition to History accepted for internships:

Salary: Approximate Amount:

Housing Assistance:

Semesters Available

Fall: X Spring: X Summer: X

Application Materials:
Cover Letter
Writing Sample


Fall: June | Spring: January 1 Summer: April |

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